

时间:2023-08-11 13:13:49 英语作文 我要投稿




中国英语作文 篇1

  When someone asksme: What is your Chinese dream? I will answer it without any hesitation: to bea good doctor. The reason why I want to be a doctor is that I want to savepeople’s lives as possible as I can. When I was young, I had a terrible caraccident. Thanks to the doctors, they brought me back to life. From then on, tobe a good doctor has always been an inspiration to me. I will study hard tomake sure that my dream will come true in the future.


  Chinese dream ismade up of every ordinary people’s dreams. We should do our best to make ourdream come true.


中国英语作文 篇2

  Chinese are very generous while educating children. Not caring about the money, parents of-ten send their children to the best schools or even abroad to study because they believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is.

  So parents will spend an unreasonable amount of money oneducation. Even poor couples will buy a computer for their children. However, the best early education is usually very cheap. Children's skills vary. Most parents fail to realize though,what children lack today is self-respect and self-confidence. The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple choice tests and study well instead of the most important skills of being confident, happy and clever. Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and other housework. Cooking will improve many skills children need later in life. Though demanding patience and time, it is an enjoyable experience. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking,so he works hard and gradually finishes his job successfully.His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of self-confidence. Some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set your child plays with will make him curious and arouse his interest.

  He may spend hours looking at them, trying to fix them. These activities are not merely teaching a child to read a book, but rather to think, to use his mind. And that is more important.

中国英语作文 篇3

  Chinese Traditional Virtue

  Chinese traditional virtue is the excellent moral heritage we inherited from the ancients. We learned many moral characters, such as, thrift, honesty, affection, filial piety, loyalty, humaneness and so on through many old stories and life practice. I summarized it into three aspects: humanity, courtesy and integrity.

  To begin with, Chinese culture advocates humanity. This thought does not only seek for human peace but also for the harmony between human and nature and other creatures. There are many examples that show humanity in the history. The emperors, who gain people’s great supports such as Tang Taizong, Kang Xi, complied with the philosophy that “Cultivate humanity, and then you could cultivate your family, administrate the country, and bring peace all over the world” (The Book of Rites). Additionally, there goes a famous saying, “honor the aged of other people as we honor our own, take care of the young of other people as we take care of our own” (the Analects). This important part of humanity makes great contributions to establishing a harmonious society. All in all, humanity makes us show respect to not only human life but also the environment and all kinds of life around us.

  In addition, China, a nation which has civilization of 5,000 years, puts courtesy at a very important position. From the old to the young, from the important events to the trivial things, it is common for people to use this rule to regulate their behavior. The traditional story of Kong Rong sharing pears is well-known by Chinese people. The behavior of KongRong to choose the smallest pear and leave the bigger ones to his brothers is a good explanation for the courtesy and comity. Courtesy makes us form many good habits in the daily life, for instance, saying hello to teachers, respecting parents, showing courtliness to our friends, giving up our seat on the bus to the people who needs it more. What’s more, courtesy play an important role in the Chinese diplomatic policy which do great help to the success of building steady relationship with other nations.

  Last but not least, Chinese ethics place a great emphasis on integrity. It is the basic

  principle when we get along with others. For this reason, I regard it as the most important rule we should obey to regulate our behavior. Integrity is needed in every field of our life. To be honest and sincere is the fundamental thing to be a human being. Just as the famous saying of Socrates “The dishonest life is not worth living”. Moreover, honesty and integrity is necessary when we are handling the relationship with friends and family members. Keeping secrets among family and friends often harm them deliberately or in deliberately. Still, in a business perspective, integrity is mainly with sincere reception, fair trade, abiding by the contract, pay the liabilities in time, and not cooking the books, etc. As a student, we show our integrity through pursuing the true academic knowledge, obeying the discipline of test, using the true and correct information to compete in all kinds of award selection.

  In summary, I am deeply convinced that all these great virtues had, have and still will have tremendous effect on the field of regulating people’s behaviors. The Chinese traditional virtues are not only the essence of ancient moral civilization, but also the cohesion of Chinese national family. Great efforts are essential for us to make in order to pursue and inherit all these invisible spiritual culture heritages.

中国英语作文 篇4

  The period of 1986—1990 saw great changes in the diet of the Chinese. Grain, which used to be the main food of most people in China, is now playing a less important role. On the other hand, the meat and fish has increased rapidly. The changes in diet can be accounted for by a number of factors. First, people are much wealthier than before. With higher income,they can afford to buy good foods. Another factor is that people have realized the importance of a balanced diet to their health. Lack of certain amount of meat or milk,for example, will result in poor health. Finally, owing to the eeonomic reform, meat, chicken, fish and milk, which were scarce in the past, are produced in large quantities. For all these reasons, what was formerly called "the basket of vegetables" has. To sum up, insignificant as those changes may seem, they are the signs of the improved economic condition in China. We believe that as long as the effort continuous in reform and opening to the outside world, there will be greater changes in people's diet in the future.


中国英语作文 篇5

  (American Students in Countryside )

  eleven students from world college, west of the united states, kissed their newly-made chinese fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters “zaijian”(goodbye), tears in eyes, when leaving jiangwan township, in shanghai suburbs. these students, who are studying on a program of international relations, are believed to be the first hatch① of foreign students to live with chinese village families.

  the students stayed in the village for two months. at daytime, they were given chinese language and history courses in the village classroom and took part in agricultural practice in the fields. they spent the rest of their time with the peasants, carrying water from wells, making a fire for cooking, even feeding babies.mr. carlos liked to take little children for a ride in bicycle whereas mr. david often played cards with his young chinese friends. miss tracy, a pretty l9-year-old girl, concentrated her enthusiasm on giving english lessons to pupils at jiangwan primary school. mr. richard with his video camera② finished a tv documentary③ about chinese village life.“we like the life here. its so quiet, so plain, yet so interesting,”said miss sandra, one of the students.

  lunch time was the most enjoyable for both guest and host. they talked about everything that interested them. the villagers regarded these students as their own sons, daughters, brothers, or sisters.“this new form is also beneficial④ to ourselves,”said u hongming, deputy director ⑤ of jiangwan township. “we are looking forward to welcoming more foreign students to come here.”

  indeed, the students not only learned chinese, but also knew more deeply about china within the two months. “weve learned a lot which we couldnt just at chinese colleges,” said miss nona from canada. when asked about the purpose of going to china and staying with chinese villagers, tracy showed her several articles published in an american newspaper:“living, studying and learning to accept and work within another entirely different culture is an important aspect⑥ of every society. communication, understanding, and above all, love are imperative⑦ for world peace.”


  ①hatch [h$tm] n. (小鸡等)一窝;(喻)一群,一组(年轻人)

  ②video camera [vidi u k$m r ] n. 电视摄像机

  ③documentary[?d&kjument ri] n. 纪录影片

  ④beneficial [benifim l] a. 有利的';有益的

  ⑤deputy director[depjuti direkt ] 副乡(镇)长

  ⑥aspect[$spekt] n. (问题、事物的)方面

  ⑦ imperative [imper tiv] a. 绝对必要的

中国英语作文 篇6

  The elderly have accumulated a lifetime’s worth of experience. However, many young people often regard them as irrelevant, embarrassing, and out of touch. As far as I am concerned, the traditional Chinese virtue to respect the old people needs to be emphasized.


  Firstly, the elderly deserve the respect due to their effort in bringing up their children and their contribution to society. We should always bear in mind that what we have and enjoy now was created by the aged people in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes,” One generation plants trees under whose shade another generation rests.” Secondly, family is one of the best places for learning values, therefore, to set an example at home by taking good care of the elderly members, so that children learn to adopt this same practice. In this way, families will exemplify the right values, and young members will learn first-hand on how to respect the elderly.


  Perhaps the most important test of a society is the way individuals behave towards one another. If young people do not respect the elderly; the whole of society will be a mess without respect. Therefore, the elderly should be respected by all of us.


中国英语作文 篇7

  Different countries have different teaching aims and teaching ways. It’s well-known that Chinese education is exam-oriented education in the past. Obviously, exam-oriented education has some disadvantages, like the disconnection between theory and practice that renders students with high scores have low abilities. So, our country decide to change exam-oriented education to quality education.

  Quality education is focus on the development in an all-around way.

  Under this kind of education system, students will study easier and get improvement for all sides.











