我的老师英语作文 篇1
Today is my most happy day, I all day immersed in the happiness and joy, because of our beloved teacher in charge teacher ill after recovery, and returned to the platform to give us a lecture!
Hello, teacher! In your sick days and nights in the hospital, the students are chanting you momently, thinking of you, how do you ill? How can we tolerate the disease to entwine you? Hope you as soon as possible back to the podium, everybody's dream!
Hello, teacher! In your sick days in the hospital, you always forget your students, students more forget my respected teacher. When we visit to your home you, although there is no gift to send, but we sent out blessings from the heart. Remember that time you just had the surgery and I can't talk with us, you have to we want to use gestures to her, as long as see you that familiar gestures, the classmates all got the message, because the teacher and students all empathy! Teacher, you are hard gardener to cultivate we grow up, you are like our mother, we always feel happy and warm everywhere! Deep between teachers and students, human love, we are living on campus, everything is so beautiful!
我的老师英语作文 篇2
每一节课堂上,林娜老师都会给我们讲很多笑话,记得在一次课堂上,她讲了这样一个笑话:“e是5个元音字母中的美女,a、e、i、o、u这5个元音字母都非常想得到这个美女,可美女e嘴又太狠,会把他们连打带骂得赶走。5个元音字母突然想起自己会魔法,就先从21个辅音字母中选一个做挡箭牌,就可以隔空施法(如:a_e: ate,lake),把美女e定住,然后再向她表白——也就是发出本音。”只见林娜老师停顿了一下,接着,怪腔怪调地说:“我是a,漂亮的a, ate(a就发出本音,t发密码音,e被施法定住,在这个单词中,就不能发音)。”她那滑稽的声音还伴随着夸张的动作,让大家哈哈大笑,也牢牢地掌握了元辅e结构的发音知识。
我的老师英语作文 篇3
I have a good English teacher. Her name is Wu Fang. She is 34 years old. She has short curly hair and is of medium build, she is tall. And she has many habits!
She likes playing badminton and basketball. She is healthy.. She likes reading, singing, dancing… . She says she will be our best friend. Many students love her very much.
My English teacher is very strict(严厉) with us. Her English is really good, she gives us some advice about how to learn English well. She tells us to practice English every day. And listening to English music is also a good way to improve(改善)our English.
This is my English teacher. A popular English teacher!
我的老师英语作文 篇4
My English Teacher
In my life, Ms. Wang is the most important person to me. Her teaching skills are diverse. In class, she usually uses games and posters. She works hard for us. When other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working. When we are mischievous, she is good at giving systematic guidance.
We are really grateful for what she has done for us. We want to say ”thank you” to her.
我的老师英语作文 篇5
我的英语老师Jeremy kidman是一位十分幽默、风趣而又温和的老师。他个子高挑,面目清秀,走在大街上最引人注目的是他那一头又长又卷的狮子型头发,十分前卫,虽然有些瘦弱,但是却很精神。他有一副好嗓子,说起话来十分好听,特别是在读英语的时候,他的声音温和而富有磁性,所以我们都非常喜欢他。
Jeremy kidman是一位十分幽默、风趣的老师。他有一句经典的语言——头发的长短是不能决定一个人的性别的。这句话让我至今记忆犹新。记得那是在一堂英语课上,正当同学们感到枯燥乏味、坐立不安的时候,Jeremy kidman绷着脸,一本正经地对我们说:“头发的长短是不能决定一个人的性别的.!”大家一听,教室里顿时鸦雀无声,同学们都聚精会神地准备听Jeremy kidman的下文,Jeremy kidman看出了同学们的心思,故作神秘地对我们讲:“一天早上,我开车在来学校的路上,经过一个路口时,正要转弯,但是在转弯的那根车道上正好有一辆直行的汽车,为了不迟到,我只好冲双实线转弯,当时我听见那辆车上的司机说了一句话……”Jeremy kidman故意卖了个关子,让同学们猜一猜,大家便七嘴八舌地议论起来,有的说:“好大胆喔!不怕电子眼嗦!”,有的说:“前面有警察,小心罚款!”Jeremy kidman一边摇头一边说:“No!No!No!you are wrong!(不!不!不!你们都错了!)那位司兄是这样说的——“这位小妹儿好凶喔!”话音刚落,全班哄堂大笑,刚才枯燥乏味、坐立不安的心情全都烟消云散,飞到九霄云外去了……
这就是我的英语老师Jeremy kidman,他总是在我们学习感到枯燥乏味时,给我们讲一两个笑话,让我们的学习变得轻松起来,快乐起来,让我们对英语产生浓厚的兴趣。我为有这样一位英语老师而感到幸运,这个“幸运”不仅代表有好运的意思,更让我感到一种幸福,我想我对英语的爱好会因为这位老师而一直延续下去。
我的老师英语作文 篇6
Our art teather is not too young and not too old . He has black hair two big and black eyes ,a small nose and a big mouth . Look, he is wearing a blue and white jacket ,a blue hat ,brown pants and a pair of old shoes. He is very funny. He is a good art teather . We all like him .