

时间:2023-08-15 09:45:13 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  the 15th day of the 1st lunar month

  the 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the chinese lantern festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night xiao. the 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. so the day is also called yuan xiao festival in china.

  according to the chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out for people to

  appreciate. at this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball) and get all their families united in the joyful atmosphere.


  until the sui dynasty in the sixth century, emperor yangdi invited envoys from other countries to china to see the colorful lighted lanterns and enjoy the gala(节日的,庆祝的)performances.

  by the beginning of the tang dynasty in the seventh century, the lantern displays would last three days. the emperor also lifted the curfew(宵禁令), allowing the people to enjoy the festive lanterns day and night. it is not difficult to find chinese poems which describe this happy scene.

  in the song dynasty, the festival was celebrated for five days and the activities began to spread to many of the big cities in china. colorful glass and even jade were used to make lanterns, with figures from folk tales painted on the lanterns.

  however, the largest lantern festival celebration took place in the early part of the 15th century. the festivities continued for ten

  days. emperor chengzu had the downtown area set aside as a center for displaying the lanterns. even today, there is a place in beijing called dengshikou. in chinese, deng means lantern and shi is market. the area became a market where lanterns were sold during the day. in the evening, the local people would go there to see the beautiful lighted lanterns on display.

  today, the displaying of lanterns is still a big event on the 15th day of the first lunar month throughout china. people enjoy the brightly lit night. chengdu in southwest china's sichuan province, for example, holds a lantern fair each year in the cultural park.

英语作文 篇2

  Really happy today! The homework is almost finished. In addition to the language teacher to keep diary, and English teacher for reading task, the other is done, I'm so happy!

  This morning after dinner, I was watching TV. Looked for a moment, think of the concept of maths homework in not good copy, so I just turn off the TV, take out and mathematics mathematics books, started to copy the concept. Copy for a moment, I want to buy a table tennis, and took their two dollars. There I bought a ping pong ball and a bag of nuts came to my grandmother's house. Because my sister is here, and my aunt and doug just right also in, but I also didn't mind their own business. Just gave my sister ready pistachios, then call my grandmother took my bicycle. I was thinking of, but my sister taking a bike, so I had to push away. At home, because my grandma left my sister no, then I will play table tennis with my dad to amuse my sister. Play for a while, I began to write my homework. After a while, but my sister want me to go out, so I went out. Play with my sister for a while, my mother just call me to eat some dumplings, let mother to child. So I ate some dumplings, just copy the concept again. After a while, I finally finished copy, so I turned on the computer to play.

  Really happy today! Work is almost finished! I'm so happy!




英语作文 篇3

  Last weekend my parents and I went to the park for relax.We set out at 8:00 in the morning,and got there at 8:30.We saw a lot of people there.Some of them watched the monkeys,some played games,some had a rest under the trees.The trees were green,the flowers were colorful ,the birds were singing in the trees.We were really glad to see this.

  We felt terribly hungry and tired after a long walk.We went to a restaurant for a rest and lunch.We had a rich meal.

  What a good weekend!

英语作文 篇4

  If i have enough money,I will travel for seven days.The fitst day,I will go to beijing.Because beijing is the capital city of china.First,I will go to tian'anmen square.And then,I will go to the palace museum.Then,I will go to my grandparents'house .I miss them very much.From the third day to the sixth day,I will go to qingdao with my friends.I will go to swim in qingdao 初中物理.At the last day,I will go on a trip to my city.I want to know my city carefully,

  I think I will have fun.

英语作文 篇5

  There is happiness in the heart to discover the beauty of life. A person who loves life, no matter what circumstances, can feel the joy of life, even if it is about to die. Happiness is in your heart, as long as you get rid of the influence of fame and fortune, break the fear of adversity, free from moral constraints, with a bright and cheerful disposition optimistic state of mind to face life's hardships and happiness will accompany you. When you are satisfied with your life, you should cherish life, clear your head, and enjoy life when you are frustrated.

英语作文 篇6

  It Pays to Be Honest



  It Pays to Be Honest

  Nowadays people are troubled with mass of dishonest behaviors in society. Teachers get annoyed when they catch students cheating on exams; consumers get hurt when they unfortunately buy some fake products; children are misled when they see their parents tell lies so as to evade the responsibility they should take.

  Why do people cheat? The main reason probably lies in immediate interest they may obtain by cheating. For example, a company, which manufactures fake products, may seem to win for a moment because it can minimize its manufacture cost by doing so. This kind of businesses, however, will be driven out of the market in the long run. For the consumers after getting to know the poor quality of the products will not buy them anymore.

  The same is true of individuals. Dishonest people dare not take on the responsibility of life. They cheat in class, in office, at home and so on. But the truth can hardly be masked. The moment the truth comes out they will lose their credibility, which is easier to destroy than to rebuild. Consequently, these dishonest will suffer a long time because of their cheating behaviors. In conclusion, no one can afford to be dishonest in a civilized society.

  Honesty is the pillar of a society. People will benefit from being honest in the long run. That's why we say it pays to be honest.

英语作文 篇7

  1. We should get into the habit of keeping good hours. 我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。

  2. The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired. 我们的交通状况令人不满意。

  3. Smoking has a great influence on our health. 抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。

  4. Reading does good to our mind. 读书对心灵有益。

  5. Overwork does harm to health. 工作过度对健康有害。

  6. Pollution poses a great threat to our existence. 污染对我们的`生存造成巨大威胁。

  7. We should do our best to achieve our goal in life. 我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标。

  8. Weather a large family is a good thing or not is a very popular topic, which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farmers as well. 家庭人口多好还是家庭人口少好是一个非常通俗的主题,不仅是城里人,而且农民都经常讨论这个问题。

  9. As is known to all, fake and inferior commodities harm the interests ofconsumers. 众所周知,假冒伪劣商品损害了消费者的利益。

英语作文 篇8

  I have a good mother.Her name is Yu Bihua.

  She has short and black hair.Her eyes are big,round and black.Her mouth is small,and she likes talking so much.She is not so tall.She often wears a brown coat,black trousers and black shoes.She is 37years old,but she looks young.

  My mother works in a hospital and she is a nurse.She is very busy.Every morning,she gets up early.Then she goes to work on foot.Her work begins at 7:30.She has lunch at 12:30.After lunch,she has a short rest and then goes to work again.At 6:00 p.m. She comes back home.In the evening ,she often watches TV,then goes to bed.

  My mother is an ordinary,hard-working woman,but I'm proud of her.

英语作文 篇9

  Turning the picture of history, we can see clearly that the great men and scholars of ancient and modern times, experts and scholars, one of the secrets of their success is diligence.

  Isn't it? Our country famous biologist dizhou tong, in middle school, he failed in the exam, the teacher let him repeat grades, the classmates laugh at him, he is not pessimistic disappointment, vigorous study from now on, finally achieved excellent results. When studying abroad, he studied hard, and fought for the light of China, becoming a world famous biologist. There is also zhang haidi, who has not even been to school, who has been a persistent and diligent student, who has overcome the hardships that healthy people can overcome, and has conquered several foreign languages.

  Throughout the ages, many of the world's great men and women have made every invention, every success, and every success is to be left behind. Their success is based on their own diligence.

  The key to success lies in hard work. It is good training and hard work. Only hard work can succeed. Legend has it that there was a speaker named demosthenes in ancient Greece, whose voice was confused and unpronounceable, and was often overwhelmed by his eloquent opponents. But he failed to gas, the heart will not grey, to overcome this weakness, rivals, eloquence and mouth stones in the face of the sea reading every day, no matter spring, summer, autumn and winter, adhere to the fifty years like one day, even the mountain climbing, running and walking and speaking, finally became one of the most famous Greek orator. Is it not a case that hard work can overcome all difficulties and overcome everything and succeed? Isn't it just telling people everything to be diligent?

  Lu xun was so profound because he used the time of other people's coffee to absorb mental nourishment.

  Li shizhen's compendium of materia medica, thanks to his 27 years of wading, "visit the quartet", "the search of the hundred generations" results.

  Golgi said, "genius is a matter of industry." Carlisle also said, "genius is an endless effort to work hard". The experience of these celebrities tells us that only hard work can succeed.

  Newton, a physicist; The masters of chemistry Nobel, mendeleev; The discoverer of the radioactive element Marie Curie... There is an important factor in their great achievement, which is that they are all diligent in their studies, and are not in a position to ask, and practice boldly, for those who challenge their failures. And in the end, they won, and they succeeded. Countless facts have proved the truth that success comes from hard work. It is not the gift of nature, but the result of diligence.

  Let us all share this with all of us, to climb the peak of wisdom, to open the door of success with the key of knowledge! Let us always remember that success comes from hard work.

英语作文 篇10

  1. 好句 2. 时态错误 3. 逻辑错误 4. 拼写错误 5. 语态错误 6. 缺连词 7. 写作之星 8. 书写不好9. 句子不完整大小写错误单复数错误大声朗读、默写例文

  abbr --- error in abbreviation C --- error in conjunction cap --- should use capital letter CE --- Chinese English col --- error in collocation comp --- error in comparison D ---error in

  diction div --- error in word divisionfrag --- G ---

  ll --- faulty parallel structure log --- error in

  logic mm --- misplaced modifier no cap --- should not use capital letter 不应大写

  nsw --- no such word 此词

  num --- error in mumbersP --- error in punctuation plu --- should use plural form pron --- error in pronoun red --- error in redundancy rep --- error in repetition run-on --- run-on sentence 连词或分号、句号等)

  sin --- shoul use singular form sp --- error in spelling写错误

  sv --- subject-verb agreement 缩写错误 连词错误 应该大写

  中式英语搭配错误 比较错误措辞错误 断词错误平行错误逻辑错误 限定词错 没有数词错误 标点错误 应用复数

  代词错误 累赘错误

  重复错误 断句错误 (该用应用单数


  vt --- error in verbal tense 时态错误 vf--- error in verbal form 动词形式 vo --- error in

  voice语态错误 wc --- error in word choice选词错误 wo --- error in word order 词序错误 ╳ --- some error here某处有错


  ∧ --- should add a word( ) --- optional 可以不要

  ┓ --- another paragraph 段

  / --- should be d 删某词

  ~ --- error in sentence order ? --- meaning unclear ︱--- should be seperated — --- should be connected

  应加某词 另起一 应语序调换

  意义不明 应当分开 应当连接











中考英语作文范文 童年的记忆-英语作文06-20