

时间:2023-08-18 08:05:30 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  Nowadays, we can find kids keep studying all the time, they work harder than before. One of the reasons is that their parents want their kids have advantages over others, so they hire tutors to help the kids with their homework, after school, kids start make up the lesson. As the kids study all the day at school, it is not good to continue study at home, they should have time to have fun.


  As a student, they have much pressure, the parents put all their hopes on them, so the parents want their kids be a excellent student. So after school, students still have to study, they need to make up their homework with the help of the tutor. Parents would do everything to improve their kids’ study. So on the weekends, we see students no more go out for fun, they scarify their childhood on study. As a child, they should go out for fun and play with friends, homework is never being finished. Kids deserve to have rest, parents should not put too much pressure on their kids. Taking the lesson after school is good way to improve study, but kids need some rest, parents need to balance it.


  As Chinese education system, students must study hard for better future, but sometimes too much attention on study will bring negative positive. Taking lessons after school must be proper.


英语作文 篇2

  Next week is the Chinese New Year. My cousin is coming to visit my family. Next Monday my cousin and I are going shopping in the city mall. We are going to eat KFC for lunch. We are going to be very happy. Next Tuesdaand I are going to play chess and play computer games at home. Next Wednesday my cousin is going home. It’s going to be a happy week. I am excited!

英语作文 篇3

  We are already familiar with computers。 Computers work for us at home, and in factories。 But it is also true that many children today are using computers before they can write。

  Many people who do not know about computers think of them as machines that children play with。 They worry that children do not learn from experience but just from pressing a button and that is not good for them。 They think that children are growing up not knowing about the real world。

  But people who understand more about computers see that computers can be very good for children。 A computer can help them to learn about the real world more quickly, to learn what they want to learn and to think for themselves。 And for the future, don't we need people who can think clearly, who know how to get information quickly and use it well? What do you think?




英语作文 篇4

  Hello,everyone!Im Liei.Look! This is my family photo. This is my grandmother. She is 58. This is my father. He is a teacher. He is 36. and my mother is 36, too. Whos that boy? Oh, he is my brother. He is 13 and I am 12. y brother and I are students.

英语作文 篇5

  a week before earth day, posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth.

  our class came up with the idea to make better use of used materials. we brought to our classroom worn-out clothes, pieces of cardboard and empty plastic bottles and turned those into dolls, handbags, tissue boxes and small vases. that weekend, we went to a nearby neighborhood and gave them away to the people there. all were very happy with those unexpected gifts, especially little kids and elderly people. we did so well that we were invited to share our idea and experience with all the students of our school.

  we are very proud of ourselves and believe we can do more for a better world.

英语作文 篇6

  When we are small, the teacher told us that we should help others, offering help to someone who is in need of help is Chinese tradition. Today, we see people give their hands to the old and the weak, we are happy to see that, but some negative examples exist at the same time. It has been reported that a woman was jumping off a bridge, many people saw it, but they just took out their cellphones and took the picture, no one tried to stop the woman. It is so angry that people become so cold blooded, they just like the murders. We need to offer people help, but we must take care of our security, or we not only fail to rescue people, but also lose our lives. Saving people sometimes needs to use wisdom, if we can persuade them from killing themselves, we are successful in stopping the tragedy.

  当我们还小的时候,老师告诉我们应该要帮助他人,帮助那些需要帮助的人是中国的'传统。今天,我们看到人们给予老人和弱者帮助,我们很高兴看到这些,但是同 时一些不好的例子也存在着。据报道,有一个女人正想要跳下桥,很多人围观,但是他们只是拿出手机来拍照片,没有人想要阻止这个女人。人们变得这么冷血,多 么令人生气啊,他们就如凶手。我们需要给人提供帮助,但是我们也要注意自身的安全,不然不仅不能救人,还会丢掉自身的性命。救人有时候是需要智慧的,如果 我们能劝服别人不自杀,就成功地阻止了悲剧的发生。

英语作文 篇7

  After the college entrance exams,some companies that sell learning products are always trying to do anything they can to make full use of Number One Scholars in order to sell their products.


  In fact,it's not easy for students to become Number One Scholars. Most of them succeed not because of the products,but their proper way of learning and hard work. Every student has his own way of studying,so the Number One Scholars' experience may not be suitable for all the students. Most important of all,not all of these products are good enough to help us study.


  I do hope that Number One Scholars can think of the poor students instead of themselves only.












中考英语作文范文 童年的记忆-英语作文06-20