

时间:2023-08-29 07:12:37 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  Keeping healthy is a thing that people always care about all the time。Our school holds a lesson about it。Now let me tell you something about it。

  Keeping healthy means someone has a balanced diet,being active in activities with a good mood。That's the reason why people always attrach the importantce to keep healthy。In addition,you should do something to keep healthy so that you can avoid sick,such as running in the morning,playing basketball after school,playing football at the weekend and so on。It will help you grow healthily。

  Unless you keep healthy,you will ill。First,you should keep a balanced diet,you can choice to eat energy food。However,as part of a healthy diet,eat fruit and vegetables are also important。Second,you should do exercise to keep it fit every day。It can help you keep the weigh。Above all,keeping a good mood is as important as rhose。You should smile more often。

  That's all of keeping healthy。Hope you have a balanced diet。

英语作文 篇2

  一) 开篇

  1. Alng


  10. fr pint f vie


  13. After a thrugh cnsideratin, fr part, I a in favr f the latter vie.


  16. When cnsidering pinins f bth sides, I a inclined t ...


  17. If it is up t e t ae a chice between ... and ... I wuld rather chse ... ver...


  18. I wuld have t sa that, if I were faced with the decisin, I wuld fllw ....


  19. At the ris f sunding t direct , I prefer t...


  表达不确定的用词:Ma, see, be liel t, pssible, prbabl, perhaps, be said that, be said t...

  Finall, rever, last but nt least, furtherre.


  1.The advantage far utweigh the disadvantages.弊大于利;

  2. A and B has several pints in cn.

  3. A bears se reseblances t B.

  4. Hwever, the sae is nt applicable t B.

  5. Evidentl, it has bth negative and psitive effects.

  6. The sae is true f B.

  7. Wnderful as A is ,it has its drawbacs.


  1. It a give rise t a hst f prbles.

  2. The iediate result it prduces is ...

  3. It will exert a prfund influence upn...

  4. Its cnsequence can be s great that...


  1)It is true that ..., but ne vital pint is being left ut.

  2) There is a grain (少量,一点) f truth in these stateents, but the ignre a re iprtant fact.

  3) A clse exainatin wuld reveal hw ridiculus the stateent is.

  4) T uch stress placed n ... a lead t ...

  5) Such a stateent ainl rests n the assuptin that ...

  6) Cntrar t what is widel accepted, I aintain that ...


  1) A gd case in pint is ...

  2) As an illustratin, we a tae ...

  3) ...is ften cited as an exaple.

  4) It is best illustrated if given the fllwing exaple.

  5) As I reeber,/ I nw still reeber that.


  1) N ne can den the fact that ...

  2) There is sufficient evidence t shw that ...

  3) The idea is hardl supprted b facts.

  4) Unfrtunatel, nne f the available data shws ...

英语作文 篇3

  My Sister goes to Taipei First Municipal Girls' High School and is in her second year there. This is the best girl high school in the city, and My sister is a very good student. My sister likes Sports. And now she is a member of the school track team. The regular schoolwork and the sports keep my sister very busy and yet very happy. She hopes to be able to go to college when she graduates. She enjoys English which they have nine sessions of one hour's class every week' she hopes to major in English in the future. Usually she goes to school at six in the morning and in the afternoon she comes home at six, too. After dinner she usually studies until ten o'clock or so and then goes to bed. On Saturday afternoons she spends her time at the school track. I think I have a very good sister; she also likes to smile often.

英语作文 篇4

  react different with different situations. The light makes it active and people don’t feel sleepy, while darkness will tell people to take a break. Secondly, take care of the diet. It is advised not to take coffee before sleep, because it contains the elements that active the brain. Drinking also should be avoided, it does harm to our body and makes us feel not comfortable. If we take the regular life and keep the balanced diet, we can sleep well and live the healthy life.


英语作文 篇5

















中考英语作文范文 童年的记忆-英语作文06-20