

时间:2023-09-11 14:19:39 英语作文 我要投稿




春节英语作文 篇1

  Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the China people happy new year。 To the China people people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West。 the dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the GREgorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February。

  To the ordinary China people, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar happy new year’s Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar。 But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country。

春节英语作文 篇2

  Crackling, the new year, with the rumbling sound of firecrackers, every household to eat dinner.

  Chinese traditional festivals:Qingming Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Chongyang Festival. But the Spring Festival people attach more importance to the Spring Festival.

  There are also many customs in the new year:Spring Festival couplets, eating dumplings, eating dinner, setting off firecrackers.

  We like ordinary people prepared a number of special purchases for the Spring Festival father stuck couplets, grandma made a table of good food, the Chinese new year this year, our family reunion finally ate the dinner on New Year's Eve, imperceptibly to the Spring Festival, our family eating snacks, while years watching the Spring Festival evening, while also comment on how this show this year, the Spring Festival is the most special place to grab red links, many viewers across the country have to grab a red envelope, mom and dad are no exception, although did not grab, but still very hard to grab.

  Twelve points to the small, crackling firecrackers, fireworks detonation, rumbling sounded everywhere, good lively night, feeling everywhere scattered with a strong flavor.

春节英语作文 篇3

  年初三的晚上,我去居民楼下的空地上放烟火。我们准备先放”龙啸天“。它是像圆柱子一样的.烟花。我决定拿打火机做火引, 我把”龙啸天“握在手中,右手拿着打火机,可风太大,打火机的火焰大 部分呈蓝色,并且小得可怜。我一气之下,把引线这部分的外壳撕开,再用打火机一打,成功了!我举着”龙啸天“,像举着奥林匹克火炬一样开心,突然我觉得烟火直向前冲,大概要发射了吧?”龙 啸天“喷出一条彩带,周围有金色的点点火心,飞去一部分又下来……,飞到天空中时,化作了一颗颗”流星“,圆圆的头,长长的”头发“,我还真以为下了一场”流星雨“呢!

  On the evening of the third day of the year, I went to the empty floor of the residents to put fireworks on the floor. We are ready to put the Dragon "". It's a fireworks like a cylinder. I decided to take a lighter to make a fire, I put the "dragon" in his hands, his right hand holding a lighter, but the wind is too large, the lighter flame mostly blue, and little. In my breath, I tore out the shell of this part of the lead, and then hit it with a lighter, and I succeeded! I hold the "dragon", like holding the Olympic torch as happy, suddenly I feel the fireworks straight forward, will be launched?" Long ejecting a ribbon, a little golden heart flew around the fire, a part of it...... When it flew into the sky, it turned into a "meteor", a round head and long hair. I really thought I had a "meteor shower"!

  远处传来阵阵鞭炮声,让我想起了《元日》这首诗: 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。 前门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。

  Bursts of firecrackers distant, reminds me of "motohi" this poem: a suichu fireworks, energy-saving. Ten thousand pupil pupil of the front door, always change the new peach old character.


  As the saying goes, "the adult is looking forward to the field, and the doll looks forward to the year." "Although the year has not arrived, the atmosphere of the year has been everywhere.

  我接下去玩的是地陀螺,我还第一次玩这种烟花。点燃导火线,只见那地陀螺在飞速打转,火花在地陀螺周围形成了光环。不愧是陀螺,一边转还一边变着颜色,先是红色,渐渐变成了黄色,最后变成 绿色。整个变化让人觉得很自然,先是中间发生变化,接着散开来,最后直到边缘,过了几秒钟,中间又开始新一轮变化。

  I went on to play the top of the ground, and I played the fireworks for the first time. When the fuse was ignited, the gyro was swifting, and the sparks formed a ring around the earth's top. Worthy of the top, turning color at the same time, first red, gradually yellow, and finally green. The whole change is very natural. First, the middle changes, then spreads away. Finally, to the edge, after a few seconds, a new round of change begins in the middle.


  Fireworks in the sky constitute a beautiful picture, which means that the old year has gone along with the passage of time. The new year has also begun a new journey, a new beginning.

春节英语作文 篇4

  The Chinese character "fu" (meaning blessing or happiness) is a must. The character put on paper can be pasted normally or upside down, for in Chinese the "reversed fu" is homophonic with "fu comes", both being pronounced as "fudaole." What‘s more, two big red lanterns can be raised on both sides of the front door. Red paper-cuttings can be seen on window glass and brightly colored New Year paintings with auspicious meanings may be put on the wall. People attach great importance to Spring Festival Eve. At that time, all family members eat dinner together. The meal is more luxurious than usual. Dishes such as chicken, fish and bean curd cannot be excluded, for in Chinese, their pronunciations, respectively "ji", "yu" and "doufu," mean auspiciousness, abundance and richness. After the dinner, the whole family will sit together, chatting and watching TV. In recent years, the Spring Festival party broadcast on China Central Television Station (CCTV) is essential entertainment for the Chinese both at home and abroad. According to custom, each family will stay up to see the New Year in.

春节英语作文 篇5

  I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. To be frank with you, I am as happy as a king.

  The Chinese new year lasts as long as fifteen days. It gives us more pleasure than we have imagined. After that we have to(比用must来得好)resume our normal work.












