

时间:2023-09-16 15:38:28 英语作文 我要投稿




我的妈妈英语作文 篇1

  I have a good mother, mother love me, I love my mother.

  My mother more than 30 years old, short, round face has a pair of bright big eyes, small mouth, a small nose, a smile... Ha ha, I want to let my mother has a pair of small dimples, but she didn't, but smile still look good.

  I have a good mother, because she is very concerned about my study. Since the first grade, my study became a mother's care. Come home from school every day, the mother of control is the first thing I remember homework carefully check, if there is leakage problem, she would let me fill in time; If there are any errors, she would explain for me and help me to correct them. My position is not correct to hold pen, mother sat by my side, see me stroke at a writing, if not correct, mother gave me immediately correct, until I correct.

  I have a good mother, because she is very concerned about the growth of the I. Holidays, mother took me to go swimming. The pool, I how also learn can't, mom worried, do demonstration for me. She breaststroke, freestyle, swim very fast. I really envy, against the mother shouted: "mom, teach me." Then I slowly learned how to swim, mother happy to touch my head and said: "good exercise to tall."

  This is my mother, a care for my mother. I want to study well, return my mother's love for me.






我的妈妈英语作文 篇2

  My mother is hunan radio, film and a good journalist, she has a passion for work, often work overtime late into the night. Mom can write good articles, to win many prizes, year after year are television advanced workers.

  Although the working mother is very busy, but she love and care for me is not reduce. Mom often said I was her good, she gave me a lot of nickname, sometimes called me "little girl" sesame seeds oil, rainbow "kid sister", sometimes called me "bulb", "child". When I was two years old, mother will give I opened QQ space, is called "kaka Kitty cat paradise", my mother help me to write a diary, write me every day of fun in space, and at different times in the space of photos, mother said that when he had grown up, give me this space, let myself writing articles, record the good life.

  Mom is very gentle, for my father and I are very concerned about, also very care for elders. My grandma body is not good, often sick, and the mother is very hard. Finished work, arrange my life, and ran to the hospital to take care of my grandmother, but my mother never complain call tired, always smile. Mother is like the warm sun, warm to me, for I keep out wind and rain, I have such a good mom proud.




我的妈妈英语作文 篇3

  There are one thousand kinds of love in this world, only the greatest maternal love. Have a feeling in the world, only the eternal, a mother's love, however, a mother's love such as the sea. A mother's love like a trickle, is silent but it can nourish my heart.

  My mother is very beautiful. She rolls have a blonde, thin eyebrows, big eyes and double-fold eyelid, high bridge of the nose has a cherry mouth.

  My mother is a very filial piety. She you come home from work every day to grandma's house first is ill in bed for grandpa and grandma health problems and often buy food for grandma and grandpa, wear and use, to grandma's house laundry cleaning, especially in my maternal grandmother that half a month in hospital, in addition to see grandpa go to the hospital to see my grandma, give me to do meal to eat at home, to go to the district hospital also ride a motorcycle to grandma sent food, a meal all don't eat, busy as a bee.

  My mother is a very compassionate and loving. She always a look which affected to the affected person a gift, money, see other people's pain and difficulties always quietly tears, when he saw the drama plot is moving will be tears, see beggars begging in the street, always consciously or unconsciously take out money in their hands or to throw in their bowl.

我的妈妈英语作文 篇4

  It was a sunny morning, we are quietly listening to the teacher. Suddenly, a downpour. Is it right? Dad and mother quarrel cloud cloud, rain are quietly slipped out. Oh, that 's too bad. I almost cried, I also did not take an umbrella!

  Soon after school, I and the students were umbrella, walked out of the school. I am very anxious, suddenly, I saw a mother figure, because mom is a near-sighted, she can't find me, where to look east look west also very anxious, I thought: "mom really hard, so big rain, but also to meet me." I picked up the pace, walked to the front of her mother, said to his mother: "Mom, I'm here!" Her mother turned, said to me: "the cold, don't catch a cold. We go home quickly!" I nodded. Then, my mother took me by the hand, and went to the home.

  Along the way, mom always afraid I was the rain dolls hit, therefore, always an umbrella to my side, but, she was drenched through with rain. More rain under the greater, mother let me go to a place where there is no water, and she went on very wet ground, sometimes, she stepped on a puddle, her pants are wet.

  After a while, we returned home, my mother gave me to wear a coat, I was touched.






我的妈妈英语作文 篇5

  My mother is not like someone else's mother is always whispering, very gentle. On the contrary, my mother is very tough.

  I remember one time, I was writing a mathematical paper, because carelessly done a few questions, my mother snapped loudly on me: "such a simple question are wrong, what the heart of it! Careless problems when to change! "I bowed my head, thought: hum! Obviously I was the effect, no carry, as to send such a big temper it

  Although my mother asked me strict, but also warmth of the side. Once, my mother drove me out, went to the crossroads, met a red light, I saw the zebra line flow. When I was into the gods, suddenly saw a grandmother struggling to live a zebra crossing. Can be seen, the grandmother is very anxious, but because of the inconvenience of legs and legs to go very slowly. At this time, my mother also saw this scene, did not hesitate to push the door, went to support the grandmother crossing the road. At this time, the green light, the back of the car kept by the speaker, but the mother is still from the calmly arm of the grandmother crossing the road. The back of the uncle seems to be anxious, out from the car, kick our car tires. Later, the uncle learned the matter after the past, dingy back to the car.

  In my eyes, my mother is a strong woman, but that day I found that scene. That morning, I got up at five o'clock and found my mother being breakfast for me. I suddenly realized that so many years, every day after I get up, there are fragrant breakfast on the table, the original mother are so early to get up ah! My eyes were blurred by tears, but still clearly see my mother head new Add a few white hair. At that moment, I cried and ran over to hold my mother.

  I love my harsh and gentle mom!

我的妈妈英语作文 篇6

  i have a good mother.i think she is the best mother in the world.i love her very much and she loves very much,too.

  she is 34. but she looks young and pretty.she is a doctor.she is kind to her patients.i want to be a good doctor like my mother when i grow up.

  my mother works hard in the hospital.after work,she gets home and does much hosework.she is also good at cooking.

  every day she cooks for us.i think she is very tired,so i often help her with housework.

  i love my mother forever.

我的妈妈英语作文 篇7

  In the hearts of each of us, will feel our own mother, is the best mother in the world. I am naturally no exception. In my heart, my mother and all the mother, are very great.

  My mother is medium, 38 years old, short hair, there is a laughing face. But for me, my mother lost many tears.

  Once, I had a fever. Mom immediately sent me into the hospital. The doctor said, "Nothing, just a fever." The next day, I was all right. But mother did not sleep all day and night. She is still crying, crying red eyes.

  And once again, my mother was sick, my brother was going to school, and that day was Saturday, and I took care of my mother at home. Mother rice do not eat, water do not drink, I cook soup to drink her But I did not drink well at all, but my mother was still drinking. Mother said: "Because it is the first time you cook things." Mother finished, put a large pot of soup are finished, while drinking side tears. I am very grateful to my mother, because it is so hard to drink the soup, she was finished. At that time, watching my mother finished the soup, I cried.

  My mother is very good to me, but I often bring a lot of trouble to my mother, every time to do something wrong, my mother's eye on the red. Sometimes she will hit me call me, now I know, my mother is for me. Think of sometimes my mother's rude crash, my heart felt deep guilt, here, I want to say to my mother: "I'm sorry!

  This is my mother. I think my mom is the best mother in the world. No one can match my mom. After me, grow up must be a useful person, for the motherland out of a force, in order to live up to my mother's expectations.

我的妈妈英语作文 篇8


  My mother and I were sitting at the table, having breakfast. This is how the new day begins.


  My mother didn't care what I wanted to eat first, but when I was about to finish eating, she saw that I hadn't peeled the eggs to eat, so she began to "chant sutras". "Tang Yijia, we must eat eggs. They are nutritious. Eating them is good for our health..." He said a lot of sentences and words related to eggs.


  But I still didn't start to take the egg, but my mother couldn't stand it. She picked up an egg and began to peel it quickly. It's so fast. It seems that I finished peeling in a moment. My mother handed me the eggs and said, "hurry up, or it will be cold in a while. You will get sick if you eat it."


  A white, fat egg without any potholes was handed to my hand. It was still hot. I could only chew it off one bite and finish it quickly until I swallowed it. Because it won't smell that bad smell. Thinking that if you eat eggs every day, "ah" is really miserable! I can't help sighing deeply, but the good thing is that if I eat too much, I won't feel bad.


  This is my mother who is a little nagging but sometimes very lovely. She wants me to be a healthy and happy child, so she will let me eat nutritious food. There was another time when I didn't want to eat eggs. I was too late to finish my eggs. But on the way, I felt as bad as monkey king heard monk Tang chanting sutras, because I spent all the way under my mother's warning.


  This is my mother who is a little nagging but very lovely.

我的妈妈英语作文 篇9

  My mother is 35 years old. But I still can see how beautiful she is when she is young. She is not too tall but very thin. Her eyes are black. Her hair is blackand there is several white hair.

  She takes me to school every day. In the evening she help me with my homework. If I’m hungry she will cook my favourite meals. She’s always trying to encourage me to try something new. I think my mother is the best person in this world. She is always be there for me when I need her. I love her so much. She is my hero.



我的妈妈英语作文 篇10


  My mother cares about the basic necessities of life, now she is in my every thing, although as a child told repeatedly, but don't forget to help me prepare, whenever I meet what the emergency situation, she always take care of me.


  I remember one afternoon when I suddenly had a fever and it was burning very hard. Mother heard of this, and quickly put down the work, rushed over and sent me to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, my mother kept asking me, "how do you feel?" Is your body better?" There was an anxious look in her eyes, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. There was a warm surge in my mind, and I said, "I feel much better now."."


  The hospital arrived soon, and my mother placed me on the chair next to me and hurried to register. There were so many people waiting in front that the mother kept asking the person in front to let her know, and eventually she would get through the procedure. Then rushed to take me to the doctor's office. The doctor told me she. I hit Diaozhen, my mother standing beside me, from time to time to ask me how I feel, do not ache, not to drink water...... So, until the night, and hit a bottle, my body was restored.


  In this matter, mother's great and selfless love has been fully reflected, it makes me feel in the world the most warm family and love, and realized a warm affection. It makes me feel that the person I trust and trust most in the world is my mother.










