

时间:2023-10-01 11:16:37 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1

  I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor.

  Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain.

  May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor.




英语作文400字 篇2

  Dear Man,

  I’m a tiger in the northeast of China. I’d like to have a talk with you. We lived in the forest happily for thousands of years, and then you came! And now we are in danger.

  You cut down lots of trees and our food is becoming less and less. Our living areas are getting smaller. Also you kill us for our bones to make medicine and use fur to make clothes. Our life is hard. So we hope you can make Tiger reserves larger and protect us and let tiger and man live peacefully together.


  A worried Tiger

英语作文400字 篇3

  Fall is my favourite season.Because fall is a golden season.People like the beautiful season and it’s also a harvest season.

  The sky in fall is high and bule, and the air is clean and clear with the clouds here and there. The sunshine is warm and beautiful.All the ground is covered with golden colour:The golden leaves,the golden crops and the golden farmland are everywhere.What beautiful fields!

  Fall is also a busy season.Farmers are busy getting in the crops.People can eat different kinds of fruits in fall.Also people can do sports and many other games in the open air.All the people look happy and healthy.

  Everyone loves this wonderful and lovely season because of its colour and good harvest.

英语作文400字 篇4

  Although winter means cold weather, I love it all the same. I think winter is a beautiful season, especially when it snows. Snowflakes fall down naughtily. They fall on branches of trees, on roofs of houses and on wheat fields. Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white. Everything is shining in the sun. Every time it snows, I will remember an old saying, "Winter has come, can spring be far away?'


英语作文400字 篇5


  记得上个学期、我们上英语课、因为英语老师要去听课、所以安排了作业给我们做、但是她又怕太吵、所以叫英语课代表管纪律、谁违反了纪律、谁就将这次的作业做30遍、我们都乖乖的做了起来、但是、英语老师刚刚走、我们班上那几个调皮的男生就吵了起来、课代表就记了他们的.名字、还让他们别吵、不然就把名单拿给老师看、可是那几个人那里会听啊........继续吵 、课代表就发火了、说:“如果你们静下来、我就把你们的名字都画掉”其中有一个男生说:“你以为你是谁啊、再说了、老师也只是说说而已、又不是真的。”说完就继续吵了起来、到快要下课的时候、老师就回来了、拿起名单看了看、就对我们说、:“班上一个人犯错、全班一起罚”老师刚说完、我们就在那里讨论了“怎么可以这样、又不是我们的错”“就是啊、我们可没有吵啊、为什么要罚我们、这不公平”听他们这么说、我也很生气、心里一直在想、老师怎么这么不诚实啊、不是说好只罚违反纪律的人吗??怎么又罚我们全班的人啊、这不公平........


英语作文400字 篇6

  The way of life that a group of people builds up over a long period of time becomes the people's culture. Culture includes the people's values and beliefs as well as their technical competency. Some aspects of culture are learned in a formal setting, such as a school, while other aspects are learned informally in the process of day-to-day living. A culture is always changing.

  Changes in s culture often come about by borrowing form another culture and by invention. To enrich the culture of our nation, we are constantly adapting new inventions and new ideas into our way of life

英语作文400字 篇7


  December 3 is Miss Pan's birthday. I want to wish her a happy birthday here. But I couldn't get on that day. I was so worried.


  Although it's a blessing for being late, I still want to say: "happy birthday, Mr. Pan. I wish you happy every day, healthy and happy!"


  My mother said that if we were naughty and didn't study hard, the teacher would grow old. I must study hard, don't let the teacher worry, let teacher pan be young and beautiful forever!


  Thank you, Miss Pan!

英语作文400字 篇8

  My name is Xu Fangyan. You can call me Betty. I'm a girl. I'm 13. I'm 154 centermeters tall.I'm in Xinqi Primary School.I'm in Class 1, Grade 6.My classmates are very nice to me.We often help each other,and learn from each other. I have many hobbies.Such as drawing,writing, singing .... I like playing badminton best.It's good for my health.

  There are 3 people in my family. They're my father,mother and me.We love each other.My phone number is 86889886. You can call me if you like .

英语作文400字 篇9

  Learning English is a hard but meaningful thing. I had access to English when I was seven years old. I was taught to study words first. It was difficult and I learned them every day. Then, I started to learn short conversations.

  After practicing, I can talk with my friends. Suddenly, I was pride of my English because I can use them to talk .No pains, no gains. My hardworking pays back. What’s more, I can write compositions by myself now. I love English and I will insist on learning English.










