

时间:2023-10-09 17:00:46 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  It‘s been a long time since I‘ve done something positive to the environment. Feeling guilty-ridden and determined to do something that I know would definitely please my parents and teachers,I decided to plant several trees on the hill in the rural area of the city on tree planting day with a few friends.

  Feeling breezy and light-hearted, we came to the foot of the hill and selected a place that looked suitable and settled down. We spent a few hours digging holes and placing the young seedlings. We took numerous pictures of the beautiful place. We also wrote our wishes and buried it deep down the roots of the trees. I felt tired quickly and though I didn‘t realise it, it was time to go. I gazed up at the sky and took in all the wonderful features of Mother Nature. I felt really glad that we made it for this trip and sweared that I would do my part on protecting the environment.

英语作文600字 篇2

  Everyone has his favorite teacher ,so do I. My favourite teacher is Miss Wei, our English teacher. We felt English very difficult when we began to study English. Miss Wei had a good idea to solve the problem. One day, Miss Wei came into the classroom with some fruits, such as apples,bananas,and oranges. She said: “Today we are going to learn the names of the fruits. You can eat the fruits if you can tell me their names in English . ”All the students listened carefully and studied hard . Someone even stood up to answer questions. Class was over ,and the fruits were all eaten. From then on ,I am more and more interested in English, and I want to say from my heart: “ Thank you, Miss Wei!”


英语作文600字 篇3




  记得那一次,我偷偷地在李老师的课上写作业,结果被李老师发现了。起初,李老师只是瞪了我一下,我却不以为意,继续在课桌底下做着作业。李老师为了不伤害我的自尊,并没有叫我起来骂我一顿,而是亲自走到我的面前敲了敲我的桌子,我见了,立马将作业收回课桌,红着脸拿起笔来记笔记。随后,李老师似乎还是不满意,又走回讲台上敲了敲黑板,说:look at the blackboard!我这才发现,现在并不是做笔记的时间。从这以后,我便被李老师列入了重点培养的学生名单。



英语作文600字 篇4

  The seats in our school reading-room are not enough for all the students. Many people get there very early to ‘seize‘ a seat every day. So do I. One day a ‘special‘ thing happened to me. And I learned a lesson that I shall never forget.

  It happened on a Wednesday morning last January, just before our final examation. I got to the reading-room very early to occupy a seat. I put a book on the desk and then went to have breakfast. But when I hurried back into the reading-room, I found someone was sitting on the seat which I had occupied in advance. I ran to him immediatly and shouted at him angrily, ‘Go away. It‘s my seat.‘ Everyone raised their eyes and stared at me unfriendly. My face turned red and I felt ashamed of myself. I took my book and fled helter-skelter before so many eyes.

  I dared not go to the reading-room for several days. I learned a lesson in the reading-room. Since then I have been keeping the lesson in mind: To be polite to everyone.

英语作文600字 篇5

  The word Christmas comes from the words Cristes maesse, or "Christ's Mass". Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus for members of the Christian religion. Most historians peg the first celebration of Christmas to Rome in 336 AD. Christmas is both a holiday and a Holy Day.

  In America it is the biggest event of the year (especially for kids), and for members of the Christian religions it is an important day on the religious calendar. The federal government, all state governments, all schools/colleges/universities and the vast majority of businesses in America give employees one or two days off at Christmas, making it an important holiday (other federal holidays are: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving).

英语作文600字 篇6


  小明做了一个梦。他梦见自己为北京奥运会做一名志愿者:他努力帮助来自世界各国的外国朋友在交谈中, 小明让外国朋友更多地了解北京。外国朋友感谢小明, 并认为小明的`英语非常好。小明很高兴, 他甜蜜地笑了

  请你根据设定的梦境并加以想象,写一段80词左右的短文。短文的开头已给出(不计入总词数)。 内容要求:






  Xiao Ming had a dream(梦)last night

  Xiao Ming had a dream last night. In the dream, he volunteered to serve(志愿列队) the Beijing Olympics.He tried his best to help the foreign friends from different countries. When he found a foreign friend worried in the street, he went up to him and asked him what was the matter. The foreigner told Xiao Ming he was Jack, and he forgot the way to the Sun Hotel. Then Xiao Ming stopped a taxi and took him to the Sun Hotel. Xiao Ming talked with Jack on the way and made Jack know more about Beijing. Jack thanked Xiao Ming very much and thought Xiao Mings English was very good. Xiao Ming was very happy.He smiled and smiled, then he woke up.

英语作文600字 篇7

  The Advantages of Having Parties

  First of all,having parties is good relaxation.After a day of hard work,we look forward to

  good relaxation.Having parties can meet our requirements by easing our minds and comforting

  our bodies because the pleasant music and pictures can keep us away from tension and fatigue.

  Besides,having parties is entertaining.There are so many kinds of entertainment,such as sports activities,performances,plays and movies,etc.Of course,it is impossible for us to be on every spot,even with the best means of transportation of our time.However,parties can bring them right in front of us and with them our life is full of joys.

  Above all,having parties is educational.Every one of us,more or less,benefits from having parties.Indeed,TV has a great influence on people's lives,work and study.










