

时间:2023-10-23 15:06:51 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  Father's Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood. Father's Day was first born in 1910 in the United States. It was proposed by a lady when she was celebrating Mother's Day. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June, but it is also celebrated widely on other days. The celebrations are often related to gifts giving and family dinners. On Father's Day, people choose specific flowers to respect for his father. In China, because of the national character, few people wear flowers to show his respect for his father and there is no large celebrations. But on the influence of the west, there are a growing number of people celebrate this holiday and tell their love to fathers.

英语作文600字 篇2

  That winter afternoon the teacher didn't dismiss the class until 5:30 p.m. After I cleaned the classroom and left school, the streetlights had been on. Thinking that a pile of homework was waiting for me, I hurried home as quickly as I could.

  Suddenly I came across an old lady with a stick in one hand and books in the other, who asked for the way to her friend's home. It was two blocks away in the opposite direction. However, I led her to her friend's home without hesitation. As it was a new residential quarter and the old lady was almost blind, it took us about 30 minutes to find it. After several mistakes, we knocked at the right door. The hostess was also an old lady.

  Both the ladies thanked me repeatedly, saying it was God who sent an angel to help the old lady who lost her way.On that moment, it occurred to me that they must be Christians, and the book was obviously Bible. At last, I said,“May God bless you both,”and ran home.

英语作文600字 篇3

  Have you ever wondered how motion pictures affect you? Research studies show that movies do affect you, for good or ill, in quite different ways. Motion pictures give you information and add it to your store of knowledge. The films you see influence your ideas of right and wrong more than you may realize. When you see pictures presenting certain kinds of people or certain ideas in either a favorable or an unfavorable light, you tend to develop a similar feeling toward them.

  Motion pictures may also affect your emotions. When you go to the movies, your emotions are stimulated. This is part of the motion picture magic. Film fashions in conduct, speech, and appearance do affect you. So let the things you learn be suited to your own way of living.

英语作文600字 篇4

  First should realize the importance of protecting endangered animals, to protect endangered animals and habitats, to promote the wildlife conservation and management of the laws and regulations.

  首要就应认识保护濒危动物的重要性,自觉保护濒危动物及其栖息环境,主动向亲友宣传野生动物保护管理的法律法规。 Second is to use the source of the endangered animals and do not eat, no, not keeping the source of the endangered animals or products, especially in the wild birds, turtles snakes and class.

  其次是拒绝利用野外来源的`濒危动物,做到不吃、不用、不养野外来源的濒危动物或其产品,尤其是野生鸟类、蛇类和龟鳖类。 Last to be destroyed resolutely expose animal resources of the offence, for many endangered animal protection department or unit or fat, with the support of the animal protection administration 最后要坚决揭发破坏濒危动物资源的不法行为,用心为濒危动物保护部门或单位献计献策或捐资捐款,支持濒危动物保护管理工作。

英语作文600字 篇5

  What instruments are played?

  When is the music played?

  Who writes the songs?

  What are the songs about?

  Music is an important part of the Chinese people’s life.

  Traditional Chinese music is played with traditional instruments such as the pipa, erhu, suona, guzheng, huqin, etc. The songs are mainly about love, life and news. Some songs tell us legends long long ago. And they are often handed down from generation to generation. In the past, the best chance to hear it was during a festival or at a wedding.

  Modern Chinese music, on the other hand, is played with drums, guitars and keyboard. Some songs also use traditional instruments as well. The young musicians and stars write new songs and people can enjoy them all the time over the radio, on TV or even in the street.

  One thing that hasn’t changed very much is that they both are about love and life. Whether they change or not, our love for music and life never changes.

英语作文600字 篇6

  The Killer to Life—Smoking

  smoking is bad for our health. it may cause cancers or other diseases. every year hundreds of people catch diseases because of smoking. some even die of it. few people like staying together with smokers.

  since smoking has so much harm, smokers should get rid of the bad habit. you can try to change it little by little. when you want to smoke, eat some nuts or sugars. you can also do some interesting things to divert your attention.

  please give up smoking for your health.

  its quite dangerous for us to smoke. smokers only wanted to try it at first. but they smoke more and more, and when they want to give it up, they cant. the habit is so strong that it is very hard to get rid of. some people have got cancers. some of them die of it. no one likes to stay together with smokers for a long time.their family suffer from smoking.

  please give up smoking for your and your familys health.










