

时间:2023-11-03 18:05:34 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1






英语作文400字 篇2


  他很年轻,23岁。他的名字非常潇洒——邴超。长着一头棕色的长发。一双葡萄似会说话水灵灵的'大眼睛。一张樱桃嘴,一双灵巧的手。一身打扮非常漂亮,像动画片中我们我们喜欢的花仙子,可以用 美不胜收来形容。

  我还记得他给我们上的第一节课时的样子。“大家好!我叫邴超,以后大家叫我miss邴就可以了”她那清脆的声音让我更喜欢她了。还记得一次,他给我们上课就觉得跟玩差不多,不仅风趣幽默,还让 我们学得更快更好。他让我们学会本节课的知识。用金太阳动画式来教我们,还给我门看了他在美国时的照片并讲解给我们听,大家都听入迷了。就连我们班最不爱听讲的小凡这节课都听的入神了。

  Miss邴还利用自己休息的时间来给我补习英语。因此我从心里感激他。我以后上课一定要好好学习,老这么辛苦的给我补习,又时很忙都不能给我补又是在我补习时她都忙得不可开交还有他有时身体不 舒服还坚持给我补课,我千万不能把英语给落下了所以我要用好成绩来回报老师对我的关爱!我真想在这对您说声:“谢谢您!Miss邴!您辛苦了!我爱您miss邴!你对我付出了这么多,我到现在还没 有回报您,真是对不起了!还有我真想有一个这样的好姐姐。


英语作文400字 篇3

  My Sister’s Wedding

  Not long before, my sister called me, she said she would be married during Spring Festival, I was so happy for her. In the wedding, I took the video, I recorded down the beautiful moment. In my heart, my sister was just like the small girl, we played jokes on each other, I thought about our childhood time. How time flies, now she was married, she would be a mother soon. I felt so moved, watching her growing up, I was happy for her, too. She has stepped into the new chapter of her life. I wish her all the best, I believe she will be happy forever, I am so lucky to witness her great moment.

英语作文400字 篇4

  As the saying goes, "A year's plan starts with spring, an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening." so I make up my mine to make a plan for this whole year. First of all, I have to try my best to learn maths well. It means I have to pass all the maths exam, which is difficult for me. however, in order to take a good place in the senior high school entrance examination, I have to make my plan and achieve it. And then I have to keep the level of my Chinese where it is now. I hope I get go to an excellent high school in September. After the senior high school entrance examination, I will go out for a travel to open my mind and relax. I will try my best to do everything well.

英语作文400字 篇5

  the Song Hua river has been polluted last week.

  the goverment has stopped the tap water,so the people in harbin get some trouble about drinking the water.It is a difficult problem, because nobody can live well without the water.So the goverment try its best to find the way to slove the problem.

  At the same time, many cities give help to Harbin, hundreds of trucks transport the water to Harbin.Everybody need others help when they get trouble.

  Like people ,like city.

  Our country likes a big family, the city is the member of the family.

  Like the family, helping each other is responsilblity of every member.

英语作文400字 篇6

  It is cold and dry outside. The wind often blows strongly. The days are shorter and the nights are longer.

  Many animals go to sleep. They will sleep for a long time till the spring comes.

  People don’t like to go outside. They have to wear heavy coats, scarves and gloves. But children like to be outside. Because it often snows. There is snow around.

  There is ice on the ground. Children can throw snowballs, make the snowmen.

  Oh, look. What a surprise! Do you see? The river is frozen! Here come the boys, there come the girls, they are skating in the river happily.

  Oh! Winter comes. It is really an interesting season. It has so much fun!

英语作文400字 篇7

  Hello,this is my school,it is big and clean.There are many classrooms,two playground,a canteen,,two computer rooms and a small library in it.Look,that is our playground,there are many pupils on it.They are playing sports.We have classes in the classroom.We have lunch in the canteen.We often read in the library.We plays sports on the playground.We have computer class in the computer room.Our school is cool,we love it.

  I am Zhang Yuhan.I come from Chain.I study at No·1 primary school of zhuchen.I am in Class Three,Grade Four.There are sixty–four children in my class.My English teacher is Miss Yu,she is very nice.In my English lessons I like the songs best.

英语作文400字 篇8


  Today, Mr. Shu walked into the classroom with a smile and said: today, there will be a competition for making small fans. "The students jumped up happily, the competition started, the students did it flying, everyone was cheering for their friends. At the end of a grand competition, I looked at all fans, some like lollipops, some like flowers, some like smiling faces, all kinds of fans are very beautiful. After the match, I also owe a little bit of the ability to operate.

英语作文400字 篇9

  not very far from our house there is a small river that has many wild ducks. the ducks are very colorful during the spring mating season. male ducks have multiple colors of green.

  gray, red, and blue; the female ducks are brown all the year round. this section of the river is also part of a small island park where people picnic and play ball. wooden tables and chairs, metal boxes for cooking, and big trash cans are available.sometimes the ducks will leave the water and walk ashore looking for food among the picnic grounds. quite often my sister and i like to bring old bread there to feed the ducks.

  if is really a very peaceful place to relax and play, and study, too.










