

时间:2024-07-18 23:05:18 美云 英语作文 我要投稿
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  暑假安全的英语作文 1

  Today, the theme of our class meeting is "cherish life and prevent drowning". At the beginning of the class meeting, the teacher played us a promotional film to prevent drowning. What we saw was frightening. Those frightening scenes have been replayed in my mind. Those young lives were taken away by water. The bodies of drowning people, their grief stricken faces, and their heart rending cries. I cant forget it for a long time.

  Sometimes the danger often happens inadvertently, which leads to tragic events.

  We should know that we are young and have countless good times to explore the unknown. In the infinite wonderful world, you will see brilliant prospects.

  However, as the weather gets hotter, some of our classmates often take some chances to swim in the waters without safety facilities and without the guidance of their parents.

  Students, do you know that although the river can cool us down and satisfy our temporary pleasure, there are hidden murders everywhere in the seemingly gentle river. As the saying goes, "dont be afraid of ten thousand, just in case". In case you die, what should your parents do? Although you left quietly, can you think of your parents, who gave birth to you, raised you and educated you? I think at that time, only your parents were the most sad. As we all know, there are all kinds of drugs in the world, but what we dont have is regret medicine. If at that time, it wont help to regret again.

  暑假安全的英语作文 2

  Summer vacation is the holiday we are most looking forward to, because there are two months in the summer vacation. In these two months, we can play as much as we like. Because of the hot weather in the summer vacation, we can also play with water, climb trees and so on. There are many happy things. However, in happy times, summer vacation safety has also become a concern for many people. Therefore, I hope to suggest that every primary school student should pay attention to summer vacation safety:

  First of all, at the end of the school term and after school, summer safety education of the whole school should be held, so that students can receive safety education and risk awareness in school. They must be taught not to play by the river and not to swim secretly.

  Secondly, parents should take the initiative to shoulder the great responsibility of summer safety education and educate themselves from time to time Children, teach them safety knowledge and risk prevention knowledge, especially teach them not to play with water, fire and other dangerous games. Thirdly, the society should take the responsibility of safety education. Some danger warnings should be installed by the river and pond to warn people not to play or swim by the river.

  As long as we follow these summer vacation safety suggestions, we will have a happy summer vacation in these two months.

  暑假安全的英语作文 3

  Summer vacation is beautiful and meaningful. Lets do many meaningful things in this beautiful summer vacation.

  The scorching sun was shining, and people liked swimming very much, but drowning incidents occurred frequently. One day, several children were playing, playing, playing on the Bank of the river. Suddenly, a child accidentally fell into the water, and the child gradually sank in the water. When the child next to him saw it, he shouted "help"; When an adult saw him, he jumped into the water quickly, swam to the side of the child and pushed him to the bank. The current was very fast and would soon be submerged. My heart was very anxious, but I didnt dare to go into the water. Gradually, the clear river became turbid, and I couldnt see the figure of the young Yingyong. Three hours later, after the salvage of personnel, the body was finally fished out, He traded one life for another. He told us how precious life is. Another time, one night, my father and I were shopping. Suddenly, a taxi accidentally wiped the battery car. The taxi stopped quickly, and the battery car also stopped. The man of the battery car got out of the car and beat the taxi driver violently. It was so hateful that we were all indignant for the taxi driver. Finally, the police uncle detained the man of the battery car.

  Summer vacation is wonderful. We must pay attention to safety and guard against bad people like thieves.

  暑假安全的英语作文 4

  Today, teacher Shao talked about the knowledge of drowning prevention during the afternoon conversation, and I had a deep feeling after listening to it.

  Now that we are in grade four, it is time for us to be more sensible. Parents can rest assured of us, so many students go to play and swim by themselves... Just because of this, many primary and secondary school students in Hangzhou have been swimming in rivers, lakes, rivers, reservoirs and other places recently, resulting in drowning

  Before swimming, we should splash water on our bodies first, and then go swimming after adapting to the water temperature. In addition, we should first move all parts of our body to avoid cramping and drowning during swimming. If you feel unwell when swimming, tell your partners and go ashore to have a rest and watch them swim. If you have cramps in shallow water, ask your friends to come over and press the cramp to have a rest on the shore. Special attention:

  1. It is not suitable to swim when you are full, because you may have stomachache when swimming;

  2. Its not suitable to swim when you are hungry, because what if you lose your strength halfway through the swim?

  3. Dont swim when you just sweat after strenuous exercise, because when you sweat, your pores will expand. If you jump into the water at once, your pores will close. At that time, we will cramp and eventually drown.

  After listening, I learned some knowledge. Everyone should remember to prevent drowning accidents at any time!

  暑假安全的英语作文 5

  Water is inseparable from human life, but sometimes it devours the lives of countless children with its tiger like jaws... Speaking of this, I think of the teachers advice and parents instructions, and I cant help but say this: its important to prevent drowning!

  When summer comes, you can always see some children playing and playing in the water, but if you dont pay attention, it may cause drowning accidents. Every year, many children die from drowning, and the following events have caused our deliberation: the children who just learned to swim with their grandfather went down the river to take a bath without authorization, and one of them swam to the center of the river and drowned alive because of exhaustion; Two primary school students went to their grandmothers house for vacation in the summer and secretly went fishing in the river without telling their grandparents. As a result, they drowned in the river and never survived... This string of amazing data is enough to make people think deeply, and behind these deaths, more is the lack of knowledge of drowning prevention.

  Parents and teachers talk about drowning prevention knowledge day and month, but it is not as easy as they think. First of all, learning to swim is inevitable. It can save you at the critical moment. Whats more important is to know some drowning prevention knowledge, "nip in the bud". Although it is written, it can give you the clearest judgment in the most critical time.

  Lets study the knowledge of drowning prevention carefully! It can benefit you for a lifetime. At the same time, let us use a healthy childhood to lay the foundation for a better life.

  暑假安全的英语作文 6

  Summer vacation is coming, adults will take their children to travel, some parents will take their children to the seaside, but some children may have accidents if they dont pay attention to safety when swimming.

  Last summer vacation, when I went to Sanya, I happened to encounter the rising tide. A man stood in the middle of the sea. Suddenly, he had a cramp in his feet, was submerged by the big waves, and never came back. This case tells us that we must pay attention to safety when swimming.

  I think swimming on the beach is particularly dangerous. Even if there are lifeguards, you cant do it safe. After all, the sea is so wide. If the lifeguard doesnt see you, do you have to save yourself? If you dont know safety knowledge and your swimming skills are not good, are you dead?

  You should also pay attention to safety when swimming in the swimming pool. What if the pool is very deep and flooded? In case the lifeguard doesnt notice you, youre finished.

  In the future, we must learn to swim, master swimming safety knowledge, and learn safe self-help skills, so that you can have more lives than others. For example, some people say that filming can be repeated, but life cannot be rehearsed. This sentence tells us that if you dont make a good movie, you can start again, but you only have one life, and life cant be saved with money! So we should cherish life.

  In the future, we must pay attention to safety when swimming, and learn to master the skills of safe self-help, so that in case of danger, we can act according to circumstances and self-help. I also hope you pay more attention to safety, because life is above everything!

  暑假安全的英语作文 7

  It was the summer of a few years ago. The weather was very muggy. After lunch, I made an appointment with two friends to go swimming in the swimming pool. At noon, there was no one in the swimming pool. We had a great time swimming. But after a while, my legs suddenly cramped, and my stiff body sank. Panicked, I wanted to open my mouth and cry, but the surging water took the opportunity to block my nose and mouth. In the moment of showing my head again, I heard my frightened voice changing its tune. Help! One of the two little companions was stunned, and the other was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses and hurriedly climbed ashore to shout. Not to mention poor me, my hands kept fluttering in the water, pushing, kicking and planing, like an anoxic fish, trying to jump out of the water to breathe. But as soon as I showed my head and sank again, just when I thought I was going to die, a big hand pulled up my body. It turned out that the administrator of the swimming pool heard the call for help and rushed to save me in time. Back on the shore, I gasped and shivered all over. Just a few seconds away, I passed death.

  this incident taught me a profound lesson, and I still feel afraid when I think of it. Here, I remind you: primary school students must go swimming with their parents, and those who cannot swim must not go into the water; In particular, you cant go to places with deep water and water cooling, such as fish ponds, reservoirs and other places to swim. We should try to choose a regular swimming pool equipped with professional lifeguards, so that our lives can be more protected in case of emergencies. Anyway, everyone has only one life. Please cherish your life and beware of drowning!

  暑假安全的英语作文 8

  Water is the source of life. If there is no water on the earth, human beings will die. But water also brings harm to people, such as floods, tsunamis, etc., but at present, drowning is the most common event.

  In fact, many drowning incidents can be avoided, because some students are aggressive and drown due to lack of physical strength, some students swim in deep water and are in danger, and some students have poor swimming skills and go swimming without the consent of their parents.

  Human life is precious. Only a few decades of life passed in the blink of an eye. We should cherish life and not waste time. I remember one day this year, I was bored at home, but many small and black flies flew around in front of me, so I picked up my hands and caught a fly with my arched hands. As long as I close my hand gently, the fly will die in my hand, but the fly still struggles desperately and tries to escape. I was moved by the flys behavior of loving and cherishing life, and I couldnt help but open my hand and let the fly go. Even flies know how to cherish life, not to mention our human beings? So we should love life and prevent drowning.

  How can we stop it? First of all, we must not swim in the waters without safety facilities and rescue personnel. If someone drowns, we should cry out for help loudly, not afraid to escape. If we dont call for help, the drowning person will lose the chance to rescue and die, nor do we see someone drowning and jump to save people, regardless of the situation. In this way, it is possible that both people will drown.

  Life is beautiful and short. Now, its really dangerous to swim in the wild. You cant see the deep whirlpool clearly. Once you drown and go to the yellow spring, its too late to regret. People only have one life. From now on, lets cherish and love life!

  暑假安全的英语作文 9

  The summer vacation is coming soon, which is the time we students are most looking forward to. However, with the arrival of the summer vacation, the safety of the summer vacation has also become a problem we are worried about. Because in the summer vacation, many problems we dont pay attention to will endanger our safety.

  1、 Dont play with fire. Especially around inflammables, such as lawns, woods, forests, zoos, mountains... You cant play with fire in these places, and you cant play at home.

  2、 Go swimming. You should be accompanied by adults. You cant go alone with your classmates, otherwise you will lose your life if you drown.

  3、 Dietary problems. At home, you cant eat food indiscriminately. There should be a sequence, the same, the same, and you cant gobble it up. You cant eat indiscriminately outside. When you buy something, it depends on the production date and shelf life in case it expires. You cant eat what others give. Wild fruits on the mountain cant be eaten indiscriminately. They may be poisonous. This must be remembered.

  These are the safety of summer vacation that we should pay attention to. As long as we do these, we will have a happy and unforgettable summer vacation.

  暑假安全的英语作文 10

  Firstly, swimming alone in the river is also very dangerous, especially for students. Accidents are unpredictable and no one will help or even know if they are alone.

  Furthermore, it is important for students to be careful while on their way to and from school. As the traffic becomes busy, students have to be alert while using the roads and follow the traffic instructions.

  Lastly, student can always tell their teacher or contact the local police whenever they are in problem. With that, they can get help as soon as possible and assure their safety.

  暑假安全的英语作文 11

  What is the most important thing in life? Its safety. Safety concerns our lives. We must not underestimate it.

  When summer comes, many people like to drink cold coke, but it is absolutely impossible to let "coke" live in the freezer of the refrigerator. There have been many cases that said: "a child put coke into the freezer and took it out. Because the coke was frozen and expanded, the pull ring sprayed out and cut his face.". Do not eat spoiled or overcooled food in summer to avoid food poisoning. Add clothes in time when it is cold, and reduce clothes when it is hot.

  We should pay more attention to safety when playing games. One thing happened in our school this year: we were rehearsing dance. The task assigned by the teacher to a classmate of my class was to roll forward. He accidentally ran into another classmate when turning somersaults. That classmate went after him at that time. He ran and ran, and tripped over something. He cried there all the time. He didnt know it was a fracture until he went to the hospital at night.

  The so-called "dont drink when driving, dont drive when drinking." But there are still some people who dont obey the traffic rules, resulting in great disaster. One person finished drinking and drove a van on the road, while the other person rode an electric car on the road. The van sped forward and knocked the man riding the electric car out a few meters away. The ambulance and the police car came. The ambulance took the man to the hospital for rescue. The police car tested the man driving the van and knew that he had drunk. So we must obey the traffic rules.

  No matter at any time, we must pay attention to safety, so that our families can reduce their worries and worries, and let safety accompany our healthy growth.

  暑假安全的英语作文 12

  It took two weeks this summer to discover that the swimming card was about to expire. In order not to waste, he called his cousin and asked him to swim with me, and he agreed immediately. Its afternoon at the swimming pool. We went to the locker room to change our clothes. Its getting late. At the waters edge, the cousin plopped into the water. I didnt fall behind, and I jumped down... The water was cool and comfortable.

  The cousin, like a duck, dived under the water and disappeared. Just come down and go scuba diving, really dont fear the water! I want to. I swam after the meeting to find him in the water. But I didnt see him for half a day. He must have gone to the deep end! I swam right into the deep water. Sure enough, he was treading water. When he saw me, he dived into the water. Want to hide? I immediately ran after him.

  As soon as my hand was about to catch him, he suddenly began to push the water, and there was a lot of bubbles in the water, which obscured my view. He wanted to avoid me this way, but I didnt expect to catch him. He drew water again towards me. I blocked it and looked at him, and he swam five metres out of the way. I quickly ran after it... We started the swimming competition. I soon caught up with him.

  "You take it! "I said.

  "No. Can you flip over in the water?" He asked.

  Turn your head in the water? As soon as I did, I choked on water. After practice I finally can turn my head in the water! I was so happy that I picked him up...

  Soon, it was dark, and we climbed out of the pool and left home.

  暑假安全的英语作文 13

  The long-awaited summer vacation is finally here, the students like a fly out of the cage bird, free, no learning, heavy burden, no mother intermittent nagging, fly freely in their own space... I am the happy bird.

  This morning, my mother called me up at 7 o clock, and I said, "its been a holiday. Why are you getting up so early?" Mother said, "take you to the mountains today." I listened to the arrow and flew down to my mother. My mother said, "let me take you to the supermarket." I go to the supermarket with a shopping cart walk while see, I like, look at the watch this is like, so I have one in each hand, mother look at me with so many things then said: "not to travel, to buy so many things to do!" I listened and had to let go.

  Began to climb a mountain, I rush to rush forward, relentless sun baked the earth, and make me sweat kept flowing downwards, but I still dont give up, continue to forward. Suddenly a black hole appeared, and the black hole was cool enough to walk in like an air-conditioner. Black holes are dark and almost every rock is cold. A black hole would have to climb a hill. I was the first to climb the hill. Some of the people below say that the little girl is so bold and brave that Ive been as sweet as a jar of honey. Soon we came to "sight" because I will soon be able to smaller "sight", but in front of the traffic jam, took several minutes before, I like a warrior has just passed "the sight," didnt take a break and began to run, finally reached its pinnacle, looking from the hill, size of road vehicles are like ants, is really a little "be ling extremely, see the mountains small" feeling. The time passed quickly, and we went down from behind the mountain to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

  This is my happy summer vacation. It is a joyous summer vacation.

  暑假安全的英语作文 14

  This summer vacation is going to pass, thinking about how this summer is going. There are so many wonderful things! Let me grow a lot.

  What do I learn? To tell you the truth! I learned: saving. Try something Ive never done before, such as attending a military summer camp, helping your mother do one thing you can do, and so on.

  Lets start with the experience I learned to save!

  At the military camp, we had just entered the barracks, and there was a sad feeling in our hearts. There was no air conditioning in the room, no television, no water dispenser, just two beds and a fan. Then the instructor asked us to put our luggage under our own bed and prepare to eat. When we arrived at the restaurant, the instructor asked us each to take a set of tableware, line up to buy rice, four dishes and a soup, but not as good as it was. I cant help but shed tears, I remember how well I feel at home! I ate a few cant stutter, is preparing to throw away the food, from being discovered by the instructor, instructor severely criticized me, said: "do you know what you pour out is not only a meal, is there anything else?" I doubt, instructor said: "there is sweat, this is the farmer uncle worked so hard to come out of" I suddenly understood: behold dishes, each all pain the meaning of this sentence. I thought of not eating like this at home, how I shouldnt eat like that! Such a small thing, want to save, should cherish other peoples labor result.

  At this military camp, there are still a lot of things that make me feel good and keep me growing, which is a memorable summer camp.

  暑假安全的英语作文 15

  As the last day the bell rang, means as before and play with us, together with classmates in class and the hard education we, and friendly teacher goodbye, also means that we ended our year four grade life, to live in the summer vacation.

  Summer vacation, for some students, it is summer vacation homework quickly, and then finish the teacher assigned homework quickly too, the last leave time for yourself to the fullest play, in fact, summer vacation so long, we can learn some extra-curricular knowledge, but, dont be too boring summer vacation, and we also can give the body in the process of learning a vacation, relax, wash to study fatigue.

  There are so many interesting things that happen to me during the summer vacation. I will tell you about them. It is one thing: that morning, my brother and I go to the river, the river while it is cloudy, but there are many fish in the water in the river in the water to swim freely, at this moment, I suddenly saw a black small fish, a look at carefully, turned out to be a loach, I found that after hurriedly turned to tell brother said: "brother, this has a loach"! The brother said, "where?" I pointed out to the elder brother a look, but the cunning loach escaped, although let the loach escaped, but we are not have no harvest, the two of us were caught four grouper, thats we paid only then put these little guys.

  My summer vacation life is almost over, I also really a little loathe to give up, in this the rest of the short time I have tried to review the knowledge of the fourth grade, to meet the test of a new semester.









