

时间:2023-11-16 13:16:21 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1

  My Teacher's House

  My English teacher has a big house。

  It has a living room, a big dining room, two bedrooms, a study, two bathrooms and a big kitchen。

  In the living room, there is a big picture, four brown sofas, white fans and blue walls。 The TV set is big。 There is a big Chinese knot on the wall。 There are lanterns below the lights。 I like them。

  This is my English teacher's house。







英语作文400字 篇2


  1、Cars and factories give off poisonous gases, family burn coal and wood at home and forests are lost

  2、with the rapid economic development, more waste water is poured into the lake and more poisonous gases are sent into the air. what’s worse more trees are cut down. As a result, the Greenland turned into the desert.

  3、expand forest coverage / walk instead of using a car / waste water must be treated

  4、change our previous living habits of wasting things

  5、some people are greedily extorting things from nature as if nature is an inexhaustible treasure

  6、tons of untreated human and industrial sewage was deposited into the river

英语作文400字 篇3

  May Day is coming.In order to have a happy holiday,we students all have a plan for it and they differ from one to another.

  Some students think their studies are very heavy,so they should take good use of the holidays to review the lessons.Some believe that they should have a good rest ,for they are very tired from the studies.Others say the are going on a trip to another city during the May Day.There are also some students who would like to stay at home.

  In my opinion,we should have a good rest during the holidays so that we can have more energy for our studies when we return school.

英语作文400字 篇4

  I used to feel pressured to do well in exams. I was so afraid of falling behind that I kept thinking about studying every minute of the day. The pressure made me out of breath. To my disappointment, the more worried I was about my studies, the less efficient I became.

  Later, I realized I just took pressure too seriously. So I tried taking things easy by taking part in various activities out of class, enjoying music and even daydreaming about fun things. To my delight, this worked! Gradually, I became less anxious about exams and began to take pleasure in my studies.

  Pressure cannot be avoided. What counts is how to deal with it properly, and above all, how to turn it into pleasure or challenge.

英语作文400字 篇5

  As we all nw, the Great Praid is ne f the st faus sbls f ancient culture. It has a histr f abut 5,000 ears. It lies in Egpt, near the Nile River. And it cvers an area f abut 13 acres. The praid was ade f blcs f stne. There used t be treasures and the bdies f the ings and queens in it. It t ancient Egptians ver 20 ears t finish setting up such a great building. The Great Praid has been a subect fr an scientists t research n since it was discvered. Each ear, a large nuber f turists travel t Egpt t see the wrld wnder with their wn ees.

英语作文400字 篇6



  写完了作业,手酸疼酸疼的,看来英语不下功夫学不好呀!但我有又坚定了目标,暑假 一定要学好英语。

英语作文400字 篇7

  i was walking along the street when a stranger stopped me and asked me the way to a new restaurant. i answered and told him the route and direction carefully. as soon as i finished, the stranger thanked me and started off. to my surprise, he went in wrong direction. then i stopped him at once and told him what wrong he had made.

  unepectedly, he smiled and told me the truth that he didnt really want to ask the way, but, instead, he was just trying to know whether everyone knew eactly where the new restaurant was, for he was the new owner of the restaurant. then i knew who he was and what he wanted to do.

英语作文400字 篇8

  Once upn a tie, the s hadn’t clurful clurs, it The raib

  Ada u need t guess riddle first. If u guess right, u can tae an clur u want. But if u guess wrng, u ust up fr the highest untain. ” “ O. ”Ada replied.

  The riddle is: In the rning, it uses 4 legs t wal; in the nn, it uses 2 legs t wal; in the evening, it uses 3 legs t wal. ( guess an anial )

  “ Oh, that’s eas, it’s us huan. ” Ada answered. “ Gee! u’re ver clever! Tae the clur u want. ”

  But Ada was a naught b. He t a lt f blue, and tae a little ther clurs, then brught the t the gd. The gd put the clurs int the s. That’s wh the s isn’t alwas blue.

英语作文400字 篇9


  1. 向她表示歉意; 2. 解释你的原因;

  3. 提出把约会时间推后三天; 4. 写上一句你认为有必要写的话

  Yours, Li Ming

  Dear Li Qing:

  I am writing to say I’m sorry that I will not be able to go for the appointment at 4:00 p.m. on Monday next week.

  This morning I got an urgent phone call from my boss in Guangzhou, and he asked me to flight there at once to join him in an important business negotiation. The Negotiation has something to do with the future of our company. I will have to stay there for about a week. I hope to postpone the appointment for three days till Thursday next week. Phone me and let me know if it is OK to you. My apologies again. Looking forward to seeing you.










