

时间:2023-11-16 16:05:33 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  My favorite holiday is New Year. It is a very important festival in Chinese culture. In fact, it's the highlight of the year. Everyone returns home for a family reunion.We have a big feast and chat about all the things that have happened in our lives. People also visit each other. We exchange gifts and good wishes for the next year.


  New Year is especially fun for kids. That's because we get presents and treats, including red envelopes filled with money. We also get to set off fireworks. But we never forget that this holiday is a time to give thanks. We feel grateful for our family and the things that we have. Finally, we think about the future and the great year ahead.


英语作文600字 篇2

  Today, I saw the inspiring news that the seeing eye dogs would be allowed to get on the train.

  People paid a lot of attention to this news, most people were embracing this policy, they thought that it was reasonable for the seeing eye dog to get on the train, it means giving the special care of the blind people.

  Few people worried about the dog would bite the passengers, or the passengers will squeeze the dog. I have seen many stories about the seeing eye dogs, they are so loyal and the stories move me.

  Now the public is pleased with the news, they are willing to give their ways to the blinded and their dogs.


英语作文600字 篇3

  David Beckham, his family is believed to be the coolest family in the world。 He has three handsome boys and a lovely girl。 To me, I am very interested in the big brother, he is not only look very handsome, but also very considerate to his sister。 Every time when the family goes out for the activities, the media will take the photos of them all the way。 Then the big brother is always holding his little sister, he will protect her out of the media’s annoyance。 I am so envious of the little girl, she has a sweet brother, who will protect her all the time。 I also want a big brother to protect me。


英语作文600字 篇4

  Three days ago we decided to visit the Great Wall。Today we met at the bus stop early in the morning。 When we were on the bus, we saw a lot of new buildings and new shops。Beijing was taller than before, I thought。It took us about two hours to get to the Great Wall。 When the Great Wall appeared in front of us, we couldn' , t help thinking how wonderful it is! I wondered how the people in the past built it without modem machines。 It is said you can see it from the space。I was proud of it。After coming home I made up my mind to study harder than before。 When I grow up, I will work hard to make our country more beautiful and stronger。

  译: 三天以前我们就决定去游览长城。今天一大早,我们相约在车站见面。我们坐在车上,看到了路边新建的高楼大厦和商店。我觉得北京长高了。花了两个小时左右,我们到达了长城。 当长城出现在我们面前时,我们不禁想到,它可太伟大了。我真不知道,过去的'人们在没有现代化机器的时候是怎么把长城建起来的。据说从太空中都能看见我们国家的长城呢。我为此感到自豪。回到家后我下了决心,长大后我要努力学习,把我们的祖国变得更美丽更强大。

英语作文600字 篇5

  Miss Hou is my high school English teacher. Her English name is Jenny. She looks so weak that a strong wind may blow her away. She is not too tall, about 150cm. She is experiened of English teaching. She teaches me for three years.In the other word, she is the only English teacher during my high school study. She is special. She will show an English song to us before her class. A few days later, she will ask us to follow the singing on the tape. I can still remember some songs she taught us.

  It is strang that she looks so weak, but no one in my class will against her word. I think maybe is because her own personality.Everyone respects her. She is serious in work, so that our whole class’s English is good. Happily, she is our friend after class. She always palys badminton with us. She is also ready to help us if we have any difficultiy. In my mind, a good teacher is more than a million books. And she will be my mentor forever. Jenny, my teacher, I love you.

英语作文600字 篇6


  On Sunday, we went to the grave. At the foot of the mountain, I saw rows of low trees. I can't help but wonder, "what kind of tree is this, mom?"

  妈妈说:“这是茶叶树,你要摘茶叶的`话就要摘它的头,是两片小叶中的芽。”我 就拿了袋子采起茶叶来了。我小心地摘下一片片茶叶,不一会儿我就摘了许多。

  Mother said: "this is the tea tree. If you want to pick tea, you need to pick its head. It's the bud in two small leaves." I took the bag and picked up the tea. I carefully picked a piece of tea, soon I picked a lot.


  When we got home, my mother and I took the pot and fried the tea. After that, we soaked it for Dad to drink, and said, "this is the tea that I picked by myself. Have a drink." Dad took a drink and said, "it's so fragrant!" I smiled happily.










