

时间:2023-11-18 15:55:03 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  Drawings can be useful tools; a simple picture may reveal a profound truth. Theillustration above, for example, is far from complicated, and yet carries deep implications;from the top of a mountain one can see clear and far.

  Such an image draws attention to the fact that people tend to be distracted by immediatebenefits, or deterred by present difficulties. If one was to stand higher and take a broader view,one could make wise, long?term decisions, as well as have a clearer sense of how to solve anygiven problem.

  The importance of keeping things in perspective is of practical significance to universitystudents especially. When students face difficult decisions such as choosing between majors orcareers, or deciding whether to continue with postgraduate education, they should considertheir future life in broad terms. If you allow yourself to become preoccupied by immediateinterests or discouraged by current obstacles, you might not make the wisest decisions.

  Nevertheless, it is important to realize that viewing our lives from a far is not equal toaiming for an unattainable goal. Inexperienced youth must be careful to realistically create andpursue their ambitions.

  It is best to look beyond temporary needs and problems and keep one's present andfuture life in perspective.

学英语作文 篇2

  My room is not big, and the weather is beginning to get cold. My mother quilt the bed of my room. My mother also cleaned it very well. In the evening, my mother taught me to write in my room.

  My room is full of photos of me and my mom and Dad, and my favorite mom sells the earth circle to me. Mom sometimes plays chess with me, and my favorite Barbie doll, storybook, fairy tale book, composition book...

学英语作文 篇3

Almost every child has seen the things about Disney, such as the Disneyland, the classic cartoon character-Mickey Mouse and the Disney films. Disney company creates a lot of interesting images, most of them have companied the kids to grow up, these lovely creatures are imaginary friends. They appear in the screen every day. Disney company is a dream factory.


学英语作文 篇4

  Recently, many beautiful, sender actresses have been posing for sexy pictures to earn money. It is an easy way to become famous.

  However, their beauty goes no deeper than their lovely skin.

  If we understand what real beauty is , we can enrich ourselves with books to gain knowledge, or participate in all sorts ofactivities to gain experience. In my opinion, a dazzling and confident smile comes from someone with inner beauty.

学英语作文 篇5

  Panda is the most lovely animal in the world. It is treated as the national treasure. Everybody loves panda. It has round body shape and black eyes. There are many countries renting the panda and they are proud of it. People from other countries come to the animal zoo to witness this lovely creature. At the same time, we should protect the environment, so as to protect panda.


学英语作文 篇6


  This year's Spring Festival is an unforgettable one in my student life. This Spring Festival, China attracts the world's attention in a special way. However, Wuhan is not alone. It is difficult for one side to mobilize all over the country. Looking at all parts of the country, I walk in the opposite direction, and I am full of tears when I go to the "epidemic area" for materials and leave my family at the risk of my life and go to the battlefield for medical personnel. Moreover, Chinese people are not alone. There is a "epidemic" at home, which links the hearts of Chinese people and overseas friends around the world. A news report shows that all the tickets on the plane flying to China from abroad are sold, but there is not a passenger on the plane. On each seat, there are aid materials sent back to China by overseas chizi. The sudden epidemic has witnessed the cohesion and purchasing power of the Chinese people in the world! In less than half a month, masks, alcohol and other items around the world have been "snapped up" by the Chinese people! Where there is a shortage of medical materials, there is a Chinese figure.


  The short-term "epidemic" can only scare the cowards. A war "epidemic" let the world see the backbone of the Chinese people. I am Chinese, I am proud. One spring festival, I feel the temperature of my home at home, a month's rest, also let me learn self-discipline.

学英语作文 篇7

  Yuki midorikawa is one of my favorite Japanese cartoonists. Most of her works are short stories, ingeniously designed,and animation is filled with a touch of sadness. So she has many fans.


  Through her works, my favorite one is Xiamuyourenzhang.


  The comic book mainly talks about that the hero Xiamuguizhi has a special ability to see the bogies. He is unsociable because his parents are dead. And he often lives in his relatives' home when he is a little boy and his friends at his age always tease him because he has a special ability. Although he experiences many unfortunate things, he is still very kind and without complaint at anyone. Eventually he is adopted by a couple who is very friendly and let him go to high school. One day, He is pursued by a bogie and hid in a shrine. He breaks a powerful bogie‘s seal whose name is Ban. And that involves her grandmother Xiamulingzi’s relics--a contract that sigh with the bogies. Since then, this powerful bogie turns itself into a cat in daily life to stay with Xiamu to protect him with the condition that Xiamu should give the contract to it after he die. But before that Xiamu decides to try his best to give the name in the contracts to the bogies and let them get free. Thus, a loving, touching, scary story is opened up.


  In addition, yuki midorikawa has another special work called Yinghuozhisen is also really moving ,sad and beautiful. I suggest that you all can watch it when you have free time.


学英语作文 篇8

  My father is a teacher, he grow fat, wearing a pair of glasses, a crew cut, height is not high.

  Dad like swimming, running, playing table tennis, reading, travel.

  My father is very strict with me, he often education I to be polite. Once a guest to an uncle's, my uncle gave me a big, round apple, I took apple from uncle in, was eating with relish, and on the way home, my father teach me said: "coming to do a polite child, someone give you something, to say thank you."

  Dad asked me to do an honest man. I once secretly watching TV in the room, dad told me to open the door, I quickly turned off the TV, dad said to me: "what are you doing?" I said: "I'm reading a book." He looked, he said: "you're lying? You got me? Do you say?" I have to admit it. Dad said to me: "do something wrong to admit to himself, don't lie, say is good." Dad taught me to keep in mind in my heart.

  My father is a demanding person, I like my father, is he education since I was young to do a polite and honest person.

学英语作文 篇9

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学英语作文 篇10

  It's the first day of school once again. Stepping into the gate of the school always reminds me of the responsibility I carry as a student. Being a student is not just about attending classes and showing up during examinations. I’m here to be empowered. To gain knowledge is all about empowerment. And wish that someday, I could use that knowledge to make a significant contribution to the society.










