

时间:2023-12-03 07:52:24 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  It is impossible for us to make our country rich and strong without developing education. Why? Because education gives people knowledge and teaches them how to become good citizens so as to be able to serve their country. No wonder they say that education decides the progress, prosperity and civilization of a country.At present most countries in the world are enforcing compulsory education. It is necessary for all kinds of people, both rich and poor, to receive education. Taiwan is an exception as well not.

学英语作文 篇2

Everybodyhas his on family. hat is family ? I don’t think everyone reallyknos. There are six letters in the ord “ FAMILY ”. I think “ F ”means “father”, “A” means “and”, “ M ” means “mother” , “ I ” means“ I”, “ L”means “ love” and “ Y ” means “you”. So “ FAMILY ” is the short formof “ Father and mother , I love you.” Don’t you think so ? Father andmother love us , and e love father and mother . That’s a happy family.

学英语作文 篇3

  Dressing in masks and costumes is a popular Halloween activity. Costumes can be traditional and scary, such as a witch's pointy hat and black gown. Costumes may also have a modern flavor. Many children dress up as movie characters or a favorite superhero.

  But Halloween is not just for children. Many adults enjoy showing off their costumes at Halloween parties!liuxue.

学英语作文 篇4





  The Art of War is one of most famous works onmilitary theory of ancient China.It is also one of themost influential Chinese ancient books in theworld.It elaborates on strategic and philosophicthinking which have been applied widely to variousfields,such as military,politics,economy,etc.Its author,Sun Wu,summed up the experience ofwars in the Spring and Autumn period,showing a series of universal laws of military.At last,heput forward an integrated system of military theory.The book is divided into thirteenchapters,and each chapter has a topic.For example,the chapter titled The Strategic Attack tellsus how to attack enemies.Sun Wu advocated that we should achieve the biggest success at apossibly minimum cost,and even sometimes made it without war.He pointed out that there werefour ways to win a war:the best was political strategy,the second diplomacy,the thirdforce,and the worst attacking a city.




  本句是由三个短句构成的长句,包含两层意思,前两句是说孙武前期的经验总结,处理成“主句+伴随状语”: Itsauthor,Sun Wu,summed up the experience of wars in the Spring and Autumn period,showing aseries of universal laws of military,最后一句是说他最终的成就,单独译为一个句子: At last,he putforward an integrated system of military theory。


  (1) 一致问题主要表现为:主谓一致;代词与被指代对象的一致;句子各成分间的一致(修饰词与被修饰词)。如:

  【例17】 Most education system neglect exploration. (20xx.12)

  【解析】systems。本句中education system前的修饰词most后面常接复数名词,而且句子的谓语动词neglect使用的也是复数形式,因此,句子的.主语system应该使用复数形式systems。

  (2) 连接词的误用主要表现为:并列句或复合句中连接词的误用。如:

  【例21】 Today, school is what most people come into contact with a formal instruction and explanation of science for the first time, at least in a systematic way. (20xx.12)

  【解析】where。本句是个省略句,根据上下文可以得出:is 后面省略了place。place 指代school, 表示地点,引导表示地点的定语从句,其关系代词应该是where,而非what。

  (3) 时态、语态和语气错误主要表现为:时态错误;语态错误;虚拟语气错误。如:

  【例25】 Our culture餾 decline in reading begin well before the existence of the Patriot Act. (20xx.12新)

  【解析】began。时态错误。本句含义:我们文化在阅读方面的衰落在《爱国者法案》出台之前就开始出现了。很显然这是过去的事情,故应该使用过去式。 3. 语义错误语义错误主要是指针对整篇文章,通过分析含义及上下文的关系,在因果关系、时空关系、人物关系等方面的错误,或者单词含义的错误。

  【例28】 A hundred years ago people didn餿 need to be good readers in order to earn a living. But in the Information Age, no one can get by with knowing how to read well and understand increasing complex material. (20xx.6)

  【解析】without。语义矛盾。本句意思与上一句形成对比。前句提到“一百年前人们不需要有读写能力就能谋生”,本句中的时间则转到了当前的信息时代。众所周知,信息时代要求人们有文化,迅速掌握大量信息,跟上时代发展。所以需要把with改为without,和主语中no 构成双重否定句,表示一种强烈的肯定。

学英语作文 篇5

  1. 成功的四个步骤 four steps to a successful

  four steps to a successful

  the first time in life? then grasp your chance with your perfect performance on the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart.

  dress properly. while everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. if you are still in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. for businessman or grownups, casual clothes are recommended. never put up your working uniforms,no matter how well you like that armani suit. it is no work. a few accessories such as a pair of sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere.

  take a bath before dating. and if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless you're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong.

  watch your manner. you're no prince of the scotland nor cinderella in the legend. proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. and do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. and your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by st. loy!" after the nun in chaucer.

  be a little sensitive than merely innocent. do make sure you do not intrude his or her privacy on the first date. for there maybe something deeply concealed within the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with anyone but his intimacy.

  finally, wish you good luck. may you get your hearts combined and start a new journey in the miracle of life and love. stay tuned till a borderline is reached, and keep on through out the whole way.

  简评 看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的`。为第一次约会所提出的建议也是仁者见仁、智者见智。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“dress properly....if you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.for businessman orgrowmups,casual clothes are recommended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。

  2. 我的宿舍生活my dormitory life

  my dormitory life

  compared with the forty year old shabby dormitory i am living in now, the one i lived in for three years in high school was heaven: three students shared one brand new suite with air conditioners and a bathroom.

  in three years time we changed it thoroughly:the color of the floor turned from bright pink into muddy gray, and the closet a hive of insects proliferating among piles of rotten fruit.and our masterpiece was the bathroom, a never drying swamp which served as the habitat of various kinds of mold, and even rodents, rats would occasionally take the trouble to pay us a visit, and.., all three of us felt like sobbing when we at last had to say good bye to our lovely filthy dormitory. maybe it is because that the dormitory had changed us as well as we'd changed it.

学英语作文 篇6

  Just as the saying goes: life is not all roses, all of use will need someone else’ s help to deal with problems that we may encounter in our life. Here comes the question: whom will you turn to for help? Some say they will ask their classmates or friends for help, because they are peers, thus they can understand each other easily.


  However, others have different choices when in trouble. They are inclined to tell their teachers and parents the difficulties they are faced with. In their opinion, teachers and parents, who are much older than them, can give them a hand with their rich experience.


  As for me, close friends are always the people who come to my mind firstly when I am intrigued by something that can not be solved by myself. If we can not figure out a solution by our joint effort, I will go to my teachers or parents for help. With their suggestions or instructions, I can finally find the best way to cope with my troubles.


学英语作文 篇7

  The Code of Happiness

  Last night, I read the news about a professor who wrote the paper 20 years ago. He did some research about asking people whether they were happy and he came up with the conclusion that happiness belonged to two kinds of people, they are the one who lived in peace and the other was who lived with great achievement. But 20 years later, he decided to revisit these people and he found that the conclusion about happiness he made before was wrong. Most people with great achievement felt not happy because they met setbacks. The professor came up with the new conclusion that the real happiness lies in the peaceful soul. This is the code of happiness.


学英语作文 篇8

  I’m a primary school student and my school is beautiful. It is not too big or too small. But it is old, because it has a long history. It has many flowers and trees. They very beautiful. Our school has seven classrooms, a teachers’ office and a playground. We study in the classroom, play games and do morning exercises in the playground. In my eyes, it is the most beautiful school. We are happy to study there.



学英语作文 篇9

  Today is New Year, I wish my wish, very not easy to get this joyful holiday to come. New Year's day, is our country folk ceremonious, the most lively a traditional holiday. I like the New Year, because you can get a red envelope, gather the family livelily, how happy things. Although our house is my mother and I and my sister, but I'm still happy.

  Early in the morning, I was waken up by the "or" firecrackers, began my new plan. I happily to find mom, grinning ground to say: "mom, I wish you a happy New Year, more and more beautiful!" Mother to listen to and then said, "that also wish you academic progress, happy every day!" And then solemnly give red packets to me.

  In the afternoon, we went to bought a lot of gun, what the tortoise cannons, parachutes, fireworks anyway. By six o 'clock, we according to the convention on the balcony of the rope to hang a big bunch of firecrackers, exciting moment arrived, sister gently walked over, picked up in the hands of sweet braved Mars, carefully lit firecrackers, ran quickly. The gunshot deafening, we had to put his hand over his ears, look at the bright sparks, is very colorful. Then we went to dinner.

  The food is delicious, have dumplings, braise in soy sauce meat, green vegetables soup, etc., an appetite is big, I forgot drooling, picked up the chopsticks one breath a soup, with a full stomach I watch TV.

  New Year's party was really wonderful ah, have a nice compendium of materia medica, and eye-catching "ring into egg", and "not bad money" zhao4 ben3 shan, is really an eye-opener to me.

  The New Year is really makes me unforgettable, like the first the unforgettable tonight!










