

时间:2023-12-03 14:39:45 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  Most people are under the illusion that a college degree guarantees success. There is no such guarantee without hard work.


  While the inclination to procrastinate is common, one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays.


  The tendency to take things for granted is understandable, but the need for one to rationally evaluate the circumstances of any situation is absolutely essential.


  From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that, although the parents' desire to look after children by themselves is understandable, its disadvantages far outweigh the advantages.


  From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that, although extra studies indeed enjoy many obvious advantages, its disadvantages shouldn't be ignored and far outweigh its advantages. It is absurd to force children to take extra studies after school.


  While achieving success is easier said than done, persistence does in fact pay off. One of the most important traits of a successful person is self-confidence, another is desire, and still another is determination.


  Independence offers many advantages, the first and foremost of which is self-determination.


  There has been undesirable trend in recent years towards the worship of money . A recent survey showed that X percent of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority , compared to X percent only a few years ago . Why do people fail to realize that wealth does not necessarily bring happiness?


  Most people are of the opinion that wealth provides solutions to all problems. But in spite of the material benefits wealth provides , I believe one should abandon the pursuit of materialism and instead concentrate on the pursuit of happiness.


学英语作文 篇2

  北京大学于1898年成立,原名为京师大学堂(the Imperial University of Peking)。该大学的成立标志着中国近代史上高等教育的开始。在中国近代史上,它是进步思想的中心,对中国新文化运动、五四运动及其他重要事件的发生颇有影响。今天,国内不少高校排行榜将北京大学放入国内顶尖大学之列。该校重视教学和科学研究。为提高本科生教育和研究生教育质量、保持其领先研究机构的地位,学校已做出很大努力。此外,学校尤以其校园环境及优美的中国传统建筑而闻名。


  Originally known as the Imperial University ofPeking,Peking University was established in1898.The establishment of the University markedthe beginning of higher education in China‘s modernhistory.In modern history of China,it was a center forprogressive thought and was influential in the birth of China’s New Culture Movement,theMay Fourth Movement and many other significant events.Today,Peking University was placed bymany domestic university rankings amongst the top universities in China.The university laysemphasis on both teaching,and scientific research.It has made great efforts to improve theundergraduate and graduate education,and maintain its role as a leading research institution.In addition,the University is especially renowned for its campus environment and the beauty ofits traditional Chinese architecture.

  1.表示某事物的`成立,需用被动语态:“原名京师大学堂”即最初的名字,可译为and its original name was…;也可与前面句子共用主语Peking University,译为was originallyknown as…,但这两种处理方法都不如将其处理为过去分词短语originally known as…来得简洁地道。

  2.注意第二句中“中国近代史”的译法,“近代史”通常译为modern history.“现代史”则译为contemporaryhistory.“标志着……的开始”可以套用mark the beginning of…句型表达。注意,不要一看到“标志”就翻译为symbolize,该词一般指“某事物的象征意义”,用于此不合适。

  3.第三句中的“对……的发生颇有影响”的中心词是“有影响”(was influential),“对……的发生”表明产生影响的方面,用介词in.“发生”在此处强调的是状态,而不是动作,因此用in the birth of表达。

学英语作文 篇3

  For most of us today ,(1).From above ,we can find that the reasons why (2) are as follows.The primary reason ,i think, is (3).Second,(4).The third reason, actually ,is (5).The significance for (6) 。Therefore ,(7).




  most of us today (recognize that environmental pollution has been a greatly serious problem . lots of plants trees corps are destroyed by bad air .many fish die of poisonous water . thousandsof people die from eating poisoned fish or breathing in gas . therefore ,environmental pollution should be responsible for these diseases that are disabling ,or bringing death not only to human beings ,but also to wild life .)from above ,we can find that the reasons why (environment are polluted more and more seriously) are as follows.

  the primary reason ,I think , is (the reason of harmful substances into environment . for example ,to prevent insects ,farmers make use of great amounts of insecticides, so as to have bumper harvests . however ,they pollute air ,water and land ).second,(the gas coming from the car engines and factories also make environment polluted badly ).the third reason actually is (the result of a growing population in the world . everyday , so much litter and waste are poured out from houses ,also pollute the environment ).the significance for (controlling pollution ) noted that it‘s high time that more effective measures should be taken .therefore ,(new laws should be passed to limit the amount of pollutants from factories . moreover ,in the households ,there is an obvious need to reduce litter and waste . let‘s make our good efforts ,and the world will be a safer place to live for us ).

学英语作文 篇4

  when i was in high school, I had to study all the time and hardly had spare time to do what i wanted to.Besides, I had to focus on my textbooks and doing exercise again and again. Therefore, I had little time to read magazines and novels and watch TV. what was worse, I couldn't play with my friends a lot, which I couldn't stand the most. In a word, all i did in high shool should be considered for the College Entrance Examination.

  However, my college life is totally different from the life in high school.I can arrange my time freely. I spend most of my time reading in the library, where I can open my eyes and broaden my mind.In my free time, I also join some clubs,where i can make a lot of friends of different majors. My teachers in college are so kind and knowledgeable that they not only teach us knowledge but also how to be a person and how to get on with others. In addition, there are more opportunities for me to improve myself.

  I believe college life is an important stage in my life. In college, i can learn how to learn by myself, how to get on with others, how to live independently.College provides me with a stage where i can show myself and be myself.

学英语作文 篇5

  爱好是我们生活中的一个重要部分。 我们在日常生活中有各种各样的`爱好。 在我家中每个人都有自己的爱好。

  Hobbies play an important part in our life. They provide a change from routine life and are usually relaxing, enjoyable, and interesting. They help one to maintain a mental and emotional balance.

  In our lives we enjoy many hobbies. Music is very popular. Many people play musical instruments for fun in their free hours. Sports provide other favorite

  hobbies. Cycling, running, tennis and ping-pong are all popular hobbies people value much.

  The members of my family all have different hobbies. I have always taken photography as an interesting hobby, but my sister finds stamp collecting relaxing and it takes her mind off her work. On weekends my father likes to get his mind off his work by reading good book. And my mother often plays the piano for her own enjoyment. We all have own hobbies.

学英语作文 篇6


  It is quite natural for ________to ponder over the question of whether to _______________.

  Many _________will choose not to______________,generally for three reasons.On the one hand,___________.On the other hand,______________.Most importantly,__________.Nevertheless, oher people adopt a completely different view,thinking that_____________.

  Moreover, they further argue that___________.

  From what we have discussed above,we can draw the conclusion that the question quite depends on personal choice.In my own eyes,________.


  When taking about whether _____________,we will be most surprised to fnd that the present situation is utterly complicated,For one thing ,__________.For another,_________.

  Three factors,in my point of view,account for this phenomenon.First and foremost,________.Secondly,____________.Last but not least,____________.

  As far as I am concerned,I firmly believe that____________,only when_____________.


  A national debate has sprung up on_____________.Many people welcome it with applause and enthusiasm,believing that___________.

  However, those who strongly oppose the _________are not among the minority.They hold that______________.Moreover,____________.In aword,______________.

  From my perspective,________should be____________.On the one hand,personally I would argue that_____________.On the other hand,____________.In conclusion,____________.

学英语作文 篇7

  The new term is coming and i will be wiser and wiser because i will learn more knowlege.I will do more meaningful things that i think.

  First,i will get back to my everyday activities, such as:Ping pong,football and basket ball .Sports are really interesting,aren't they?Second,i will read more books,just as the saying goes:the more , the better.It's true that I will know more about the world and understand why people say that the world is very big.Third,i will study maths,physics and English better.I will solve more difficult maths problems and be interested in them.I will think about more physics problems.English is important and I will spend more time on it.

  I' m really looking forward to the coming future.I will get ready to face the future!










