

时间:2023-12-07 07:06:39 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  The telephone is the older female cousin comes, said some crystal matters with me. Lays down the telephone, I groping went back lie down. Carries on greatly, active thinking activity. West thought I must go to the mountainous area plan, does not have the matter while the present to be possible to do, the matter considered complete is also good. Is not right, if these mountainous areas also frequently do not have the electricity, then I can work the time also was the daytime. How moreover does I dearest computer use? ? I but actually may not watch the television. Originally I am not like very much present the television program. Listens to the broadcast to be allowed to understand the life. I certainly must bring several hundred batteries only then to be good! ! Accessed the net also is perhaps difficult. Did not know the handset signal can receive affects. Also must go buys a book.

  Should be very long has not written on the paper. Some many characters do not need the computer to hit, now all not too could write. Did not know was not I old. Evening listens to the broadcast, reads under the candle. Did not leave for a month I to become highly nearsightedness. Mountainous area person this kind of generation generation like this lives, did not know how in their heart all is thinks. I suddenly suspected that, really arrived there me is not has the will to persist lives for a year in such life. Although studies abroad time the day very is also bitter, might after all has gone to a more developed place. The life is very convenient. I a little hesitated.

  Suspected oneself. That young man came. Takes begins the flashlight, he inspected, the lead wire did not have the question. The entire electric instrument does not have the electricity. The analysis was the electric instrument bad. Today had like this. And half, I went to bed sleep. Also is good, usually always has the electricity, each late always has cannot do the work, every day 12 can rest. Today happen to makes up one sense. Just before going to sleep front, I finally understood that, does not have the electricity, perhaps how long couldn't I live.




英语作文 篇2


  Figure it out for yourself, my lad. You have got all that the great have had: two arms, two legs, two hands, two eyes, and a brain to use if you'd be wise. With this equipment they all began, so start for the top and say" I can".

  Look them over the wise and the great. They take their food from a common plate. With similar knives and forks they use; with similar laces they tie their shoes. The world considers them brave and smart, but you know--- you have got all they had when they made their start.

  You can triumph and come to skill; you can be great if you only will. You are well equipped for the fight you choose you have arms and legs and brains to use. And people who have risen, great deeds to do started their lives with no more than you.

  You are the handicap you must face. You are the one who must choose your place. You must say where you want to go, and how much you will study the truth to know. God has equipped you for life, but he lets you decide what you want to be.

  The courage must come from the soul within; you must furnish the will to win. So figure it out for yourself, my lad; you were born with all the great have had; with your equipment they all began. Get hold of yourself and say" I can".






英语作文 篇3

  I love listening to music,whatever what kind of music it is.But there is actually one song that once made me moved to my soul.

  “I believe I can fly,I belive I can touch the sky.....",I sang that song everyday on my way to school and its tone had never been old.

  As a student,we are facing many challengings everyday,not only the problems on our study.What we have to do is not to complain how hard the life is,but to appreiciate it.I think if we can see tings from a more positive angle,everything will be easier for us.Life isn't about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.

  I like the song"I Believe I Can Fly".It teaches me how to handle our problems.If we belive,we can fly!

  "I belive I can fly,I belive I can touch the sky........"

英语作文 篇4

  There is no doubt that money is very important, we can’t live without money. Most things we need to keep living are bought by money. Everybody works hard to make the ends meet. Money can satisfy people with they want, it seems that money is everything, but I don’t think so.


  There is something that money can’t buy. The sense of happiness is one of them. Though with a lot of money, we can buy the big and luxury house, the sense of happiness is from the heart. If the person works very hard to buy the house and he has less time to stay at home, because he needs to pay the bill, then I don’t think he is happy.


  For the poor people, though they don’t have much money, I see they live with laughter all the time. When I lived in the country, my life was simple. The food I ate was vegetables and sometimes I had the meat. I did not care much about it. When I moved to the city, I felt lonely, though I earned more money, I missed the country life.


  Money is not everything, the happiness is nothing with money.


英语作文 篇5

  This is my friend. His name is Tom. He has two big eyes and a small nose. He has a big mouth and two small ears. He likes eating beef, chicken, hamburger, pizza, pork and Chinese cabbage. He is good at playing football and he is good at ru

  This is my friend. His name is Tom. He has two big eyes and a small nose. He has a big mouth and two small ears. He likes eating beef, chicken, hamburger, pizza, pork and Chinese cabbage. He is good at playing football and he is good at running. Tom runs faster than me.

英语作文 篇6

  For decades growing numbers of women have been shifting from the cateegory of full-time house wives and mothers to ful-time or part-time paid employees.

  whatever their social station,women had many duties, but few rights.

  next to common law, teh most potent force in maintinging womens subordinate position was religion.

  During the war, the absense of men serving with the continental armies created a vacuum which women had to fill, to enable family and farm to survive and to keep the economy of the thirteen states functioning.

  Free education for girls advanced with grim slowness.

英语作文 篇7

  The first day of summer, we go to the Guangdong museum to look, then, we go to play ice ski, and eat a cake. Then, we go home to look at the DVD of Jon give me.

  Next day I go to drink morning tea. Then, I go to the flower shop; I buy a flower which its name is Star. Then we go home. My grandpa likes chicken very much, He buys chicken and hens. I go with my grandma to see the chicken and hen. We come to the balcony. The chicken is very big, and I give the chicken some food to eat. We get down from the balcony. I wash my hands and play LEGO. It is very funny. I make a car and a plane.

  Last month, I went to swim. I saw an old women, she swam even faster than me. We also cleaned the house and rode bicycle. But the most interesting thing is that we go to the Week Eight town to play. I am a fireman, a doctor, a bank worker. It has so many bad things too like my hand and leg is hurt.

  Though this summer has many bad things, but this summer is also very fun.

英语作文 篇8

  It is quite imporLant to be a good listener. Effective listening is more than simply avoiding the bad habit of interrupting others while they are speaking. It‘s being content to listen to the entire thought of someone rather than waiting impatiently for your chance to respond.

  Slowing down your responses and becoming a better listener aids you in becoming a more amiable person. As you wait for the person you are communicating with to finish, as you simply listen more intently to what is being said, you will feel more relaxed, and so will the people you are talking to. Not only will being a better listener make you a more patient person, but it will also improve your relationship with others because everyone loves to talk to someone who truly listens to what they are saying.

  It is quite easy for you to be a better listener. As long as you for get yourself and imagine yourself in the speaker‘s experience to understand the emotion behind the words, and then give your appropriate responses slowly, you will be an endeared listener.

英语作文 篇9

  假设你是李红,你的一位美国笔友Robert写E-mail问及你高考后暑假的安排,请根据以下要点,写一封100词左右的email回复他, 可以适当增加细节。

  1. 学开车

  2. 参加英语培训课程

  3. 去北京看奥运会

  4. 游览北京的`名胜




  3. 词数:100个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。

  Dear Robert,

  How time flies! __________________________________________________







  范文 (One possible version)

  Dear Robert:

  How time flies! The happy days we shared often shines in my memory. What about you? As you know, my college entrance exam is approaching, which also announces the end of this sort of pressing study life. However,I intend to have a meaningful summer vacation. First, I will learn to drive to get a driving license, which is a new activity for a high school graduate in China. I will have a good rest, enjoying my hobbies. Then I will take some English courses to improve my English communication ability, With the 20xx Olympics beginning, I will be a participant of it, watching the basketball match between China and the US. I have been dreaming of Kobe’s performance long. After that, I will pay a visit to some tourist attractions to widen my horizon.

  That is the plan for my vacation. I am looking forward to being told about your arrangements of vacation. Give me your quick reply soon, OK?

  Best wishes!










