

时间:2023-12-09 10:09:07 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  "Don Quixote" in the novel the hero formerly known as Jiao Alun Suojihada is a township-kun, he read the then popular novel knights of society into the fan, and he is trying to imitate knight go Ranger. From his well-known antiquities in, find a pair of run-down incomplete armor, Don Quixote Delamanqia own name, but also identified a servant Sancho, and a neighboring village milking girl, named Du Erxiniya, as the service of a loved one whom his life. Then ride a skinny horse, away from home. Don Quixote is also, according to his mind the idea of the eccentric act to windmill as a giant, the sheep as the enemy, the victims of slave labor as a knight, a giant head as a wine bag, regardless of indiscriminate, hack chaos kill, sudden, many ridiculous things, his actions not only with people useless, and he is suffering a beating. After his last home bedridden, dying only understand the situation. He intestate, the only heir niece, such as married Knight, on the abolition of their right to inheritance.

  At first glance, "Don Quixote", I think it's just a ridiculous vulgarity of making, ownership neurotic "brave spirit" of the performance of most vividly in the book, people increasingly despised him. But a careful look, and felt that the book implies a kind of truth. The nature of people's most basic goal is to own desperate to make it happen. In the realization of the process, who super-skinny like a root-like sorghum bachelor knight-errant, who Strange Alliance Pina gentleman, always reflecting his integrity, good nature, it is humanity's most noble spirit, because it is too simple, and only sudden, a number of jokes.

  Miguel de Cervantes wrote "Don Quixote", the for the hit satire fabrications, the circumstances are bizarre people in the Knights of the novel and its adverse impact. Had intended to write a few short stories, was written was written, his own life experiences and ideals have written into their ideological content becomes richer and more realistic characters, until the Spanish society to the people portrayed disasters brought into Spain at that time that we understand and study the social, political, economic, cultural and customs of an encyclopedia. Miguel de Cervantes in "Don Quixote" in one hand and commented on the problems and expose and criticize the social evils on the one hand praised getting rid of punishing evil and promoting good, helping the poor and weak economic virtues, extolling the gold century style social ideals and goals . All these are common human feelings, it can pass through time and space, for every age, every nation has a sense of reality. Separated by four centuries later, is still moving forward to every reader. "Don Quixote" and appeared in nearly 700 personal objects, describe a very broad picture of life, true and comprehensive reflection of the late 16th century to the early 17th century Spain, the feudal social reality and expose the decline of the Kingdom of Spain is moving toward a variety of conflict, condemning the aristocratic class, shameless, weal and woe of the people expressed their deep sympathy. I thought: It is for this reason that prompted this work by the world in 54 countries and regions, 100 authors selected to become the best classic literature classics

英语作文 篇2

  told to bolster domestic consumption

  china should move away from its heavy reliance on eports and boost domestic consumption to achieve balanced growth in the long run, a former us federal reserve chairman said on friday.

  a woman stands between stacks of grapefruit at a fruit market in shanghai. chinas economic growth is epected to slow to 10 percent, according to a joint study by the state information center and the shanghai securities news. [reuters]"the performance of the chinese economy in the past 5 to 10 years has been historically remarkable, even by earlier chinese standards," said paul volcker, former chairman of the board of governors of the us federal reserve system."to continue to grow nearly 10 per cent year after year is an enormous achievement," volcker said.the former us federal reserve chairman, who held the post from 1979 to 1987, said there needs to be some rebalancing in the chinese economy if it is to maintain healthy growth in the long term.

  "i do think the economy has reached a point where some rebalancing is probably necessary," volcker said in an interview on the sidelines of the 10th annual businessweek ceo forum, which ended in beijing on friday.in particular, the former federal reserve chairman said china should epand internal consumption to drive its growth."there should be more room for consumption and a little less for investment to get a more balanced growth over time," volcker said.su ning, deputy governor of the peoples bank of china, sounded the same alarm on thursday at the forum.

  according to su, the share of domestic consumption in the national economy has been on a downswing since the l980s.the proportion has slumped from 62 per cent in the 1980s to 52 per cent last year, a trend that su said may pose problems for economic development."and moving towards more internal consumption will also help solve the imbalance in the eternal side," volcker said.the central banks su also identified the balance of payments as one of the problems nagging chinas economy.chinas foreign trade surplus hit us$109.9 billion in the first nine months of this year eports jumped by 30.6 per cent year-on-year in september to us$91.64 billion.

  "it is in the interests of china itself and the world that it moves away from ecessive reliance on eports," said volcker, who once headed the uns independent inquiry committee into its oil-for-food programme.the former us federal reserve chairman suggested there should be more restraint on the monetary side.

  "there are many instruments to do that," he said, without going into detail.

英语作文 篇3

  Last week, when I passed a fashion shop, I was attracted by the beautiful dress, so I wanted to buy one all the time. Yesterday, I saved the enough money and walked into the shop. I picked a few dresses and then tried them on one by one. Finally, I chose a dress I wanted. I was so excited, when I went home, I couldn’t help putting on it, I looked at myself in the mirror carefully, suddenly, I found there was a tiny hole in the dress. I felt a little angry first, how could I spend the money to buy a flaw dress, the shop should give me the dress with good quality. I read the mark, it said I could change the dress with bad quality in 7 days. I went to the shop and encouraged myself to talk to the boss. The boss apologized and changed the new one for me. This is my first time to change clothes.


英语作文 篇4

  my fiat is made up of eight rooms: one hall, one bathroom, one kitchen, one dining room, one living room, two bedrooms and one toilet. the hall faces the front door. when you come into my flat, you will first see the hall. the bathroom is on the right, and the toilet is on the left.

  in front of you, there are two doors. the left one leads to one of the bedrooms, and the right one leads to the living room. when you come into the living room, you will see two doors again. the left one leads to another bedroom, and the right one to the kitchen. the kitchen goes straight to the dining room. besides,there is also a balcony next to the living room and one of the bedrooms.

英语作文 篇5

  Now it has been a common habit of modern people to keep pats in house . Many people have their pats like dogs , cats and so on ! But it has cause a hot discussion whether it is proper to keep pats .

  Some people think there are many advantages of keeping pets , for example , as you can see many elders can go for a walk with their pets and this is a good way to exercise and relieve their loneliness ! What’s more , some pets can even protect their owners !

  However , others say no to keeping pets ! In their minds , they are dirty and they don’t have smart minds like humans so they often make a mess ! Besides , pets like dogs always bark at nights when you are sleeping , even they will hurt you .

  Personally , I like pets and I have one cat and a dog in my home . They are good friends. I often play with them , but now I am far away with with them and I really miss my two friends!

英语作文 篇6

  It's just an ordinary road, nearly the same as every other one in the campus, if not narrower or shorter.

  Lined with tall parasol trees at both sides, the path is neat and quiet. On one end of it stands the Maths Building, which is already time worn, but still in good shape and eye catching because of its delicate design. The building dates back to 1960's,which adds to an atmosphere of art and culture. The house on the other end is much more modern. It has an European style,with smaller structures and brighter colors of walls, which gives you a feeling of vigor and youth.The two buildings, and the path, and the lawn surrounding the path, exist in harmony, and form a beautiful picture.

  But in fact, it's not the natural beauty of the road that at tracts me so much. It's the romantic story of it that catches my fancy. It is said that several years ago, a romantic film was shot here right on the road. It goes like this, a boy and a girl are walking sweetly on the road one night. The boy gives the girl a bottle of perfume as a present to show his love and care for her.And that's just the girl's favorite. The girl thanks the boy shyly and sweetly with bright colors on her face. So the boy is intoxicated and encourages his pretty girl to try the perfume right now. The girl gives him a sweet smile, looking into his eyes with deep affection."Dear, I know the most beautiful way to sprinkle the perfume", says the girl, "so close your eyes, and I will show you the magic." The boy follows, and closes his eyes,smiling in sweet expectation. The girl raises the perfume high in the airas high as she can make. Then she sprinkles gently several drops of the perfume. The boy smells the scent and opens his eyes.He sees his princess dancing so gracefully in a circle with the perfume high in her hands. She sprinkles the perfume as she dances.Tiny drops of perfume also dances in the cool night air. Scent of it spreads, and flows, surrounding and embracing the dancing girl, who looks so beautiful just as if she were a pretty and glorious angel dancing from the paradise above!The boy stares at his little beauty in excitement and doesn't know what to do. Then his hands are held gently by the girl. And he is led into the "Perfume Rain." What a perfect magic. Two lovers walk hand in hand, immersed in the air of perfume. And drops of the scent fall and lie on their hair, their shoulders, clothes, and hearts. Their love is purified and deep ened in the magic "perfume rain".Thus the road gets another name"perfume path", also a name of magic that always brings us imagination of love and romance.

  That's how the road gains its special beauty.And that's why I call it "a road of love". But not long ago, it played completely different role in the university life.Then it became "a road of memory", at least to me.

  That was the second day of the death of our famous head masterSu, Buqing.When I went running one morning to the XiangHui Hall, I was hit by a special scene. Hundreds of paper cranes are hanging on the trees along the sides of the road, white and yellow, all delicately hand made, fluttering in the wind. Among them there were also small notes with words that expressed our love and respect for the headmaster. I was deeply moved. In my eyes, the road had never been as beautiful as it was that very morning. And my affection for it has since deepened a lot.

  I love walking along the road, as it's really nice to have a road of love and memory in the campus.

英语作文 篇7

  remembered elementary school's time,teacher places an essay contest's opportunity in front of me,but i actually use the short three characters “i to give up” but comes to an end with this,i then scratch the body with this opportunity.my this blame i then so was perhaps timid,but i had not regretted,because of afterward,i discovered that participated schoolmate came back by the outstanding achievement,by now,i only then discovered that i did this gave up is to:she needs this opportunity compared to me,and can better complete this task compared to me!

  yes,each thing is the life only direction,only then the academic society gives up the life can understand completely the life,smiles looks at the life,has the boundless life boundary.let we own endeavor,lets beautiful give up becomes has the value!

英语作文 篇8

  Our class has made a survey——

  “Don‘t keep your worries.” About fifty percent of the students in our class are worried about their homework and studies(学业). And they feel stressed too much. About thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with them. They don’t often talk with their parents. The other twenty percent of them say they are weak in health. They complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or exercise.

  So I hope that our teachers will give us less homework. And I advise our parents to allow us to spend some time with our parents doing outdoor activities.I think our teachers should give us less homework to do. And our parents are supposed to talk with us often. In this way, we will be happier.

  I decided to be a middle teacher after college. There are many reasons contribute to this decision.

  Firstly, when I was a little/boy, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me and I hope I can make my dream come true.

  And, I like so much to be with middle school students. Most of the students at that age are full of youthful spirity and I am sure their passion would pass to me. I will retain all the zest of adolescence.

  The most important reason is that our country needs plenty of teachers. So far, teaching is considered a tough and low-income job in China. However, if we have not enough teachers, our future will lack of excellent scientist, managers, businessmen, soldiers and even goood workers and farmers. How can our country to be strong and wealthy? I wish my country to be a better one. I am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career.










