

时间:2023-12-16 08:12:03 英语作文 我要投稿




春节英语作文 篇1

  今天是大年三十,我和爸爸妈妈在家里过春节。妈妈买来许多蔬菜,有拜神的公 鸡,有香喷喷的年糕,还有各种各样的糖果和水果等。

  It's thirty of the year. My parents and I spent the Spring Festival at home. My mother bought a lot of vegetables, a worship rooster, have the flavor of the rice cake, there are a variety of candy and fruit.


  We have chicken, rice cake, candy, fruit on the table, and then take the three incense sticks, put incense lit, then clasped his hands toward the Buddha worship three times, you can put the incense to the Buddha in front of the mud.

  拜完了神,我喝了一碗黄糖水,就拿起两盒火柴炮到楼下去炸鸡。来到楼下,我眯起眼睛向四处扫视。终于,我发现在不远出的一棵大树下一只肥大的大公鸡正蹲在草地上“闭目养神”。我拿 出一颗火柴炮小心翼翼的`向公鸡走去。突然,大公鸡睁开了眼睛,我连忙站在原地不动。过了一会大公鸡又闭上了眼睛。我连忙拿出刮纸,对着火柴炮用力一刮,火柴炮就冒出了火焰,就在我扔出火柴 炮的那一刻,大公鸡醒了,当他发现火柴炮在它脚下的时候,火柴炮已经爆炸了。我高兴的笑了起来,此刻,大公鸡好像已经怒火冲天,“咯,咯,咯”的叫了起来。我连忙 跑回了家中。

  After the God, I drank a bowl of yellow sugar water and picked up two boxes of matches and shot up the fried chicken. When I came downstairs, I squinted around and looked around. Finally, I found a big cock on a big or not far from a tree was squatting on the grass "eyes closed". I took out a match gun and walked carefully to the cock. All of a sudden, the big cock opened his eyes, and I stood still in my place. After a while, the big cock closed his eyes again. I hurriedly took out the scraping paper and fired it against the match gun, and the match gun came out of the flames. Just at the moment when I threw out the match, the big cock woke up. When he found the match gun was at its feet, the match gun had exploded. I am happy to laugh at the moment, big cock seems to have "slightly, slightly, surge of great fury, and cried.". I hurried back to my house.


  Today is a wonderful and happy day!

春节英语作文 篇2

  It is the custom of Chinese new year to put firecrackers in China. There is a legend for setting off firecrackers.

  Legend has a monster, the name is "year", he often ran to the village to eat people, eat poultry, to bring great harm to people. One day, two little boys went up the mountain to go to the sheep. They met the "year", and "year" roared toward them. Two little boys quickly drove the sheep down the mountain, along the way they took sheep whiplash the crackling, as they descend a look back, huh? How can "year" have not come up? Oh He was afraid of throwing out sheep whip crackling. Back to the village after they just things said again to the villagers, the villagers to keep the "year", create a sound can be issued out of things, this is a firecracker. Since then, the "year" has never disturbed the villagers again. So, setting off firecrackers has become the custom of the new year.

  In addition to the firecrackers, the Spring Festival couplets, eating dumplings are the custom of the Spring Festival, of course, these customs have its origin, I have to learn slowly.

春节英语作文 篇3

  The Spring Festival, people said she was used a new day; Some people say that she is another step in social advancement; Some people say that she is the symbol of revenue in the door. But we know this group of naughty boys, it is quietly comes the sound of footsteps.

  Spring Festival days, no matter how naughty naughty children do, also not blame the adults, in this a few harmonious happy days, they also have no reason to destroy atmosphere! This is also one of the reason we love Spring Festival. So, we this group of naughty boy always gather together, to walk on the street, buy some "double-barrelled gun", "red spider" firecrackers and a few little things, such as a joke. Sometimes, we can leave a gap will nest in advance, will be lighted firecrackers threw it into the henhouse, before long, we can hear the screams of chicken. Or, we will secretly behind the timid girl, pretend to diffuse towards the timid girl inadvertently lost several firecrackers, and the timid girl crying while running scene really ridiculous.

春节英语作文 篇4

  The end of the term, the Spring Festival is coming, my in the mind very excited, I already planned out how the Spring Festival, now the Spring Festival day and night looking forward to coming oh, I must have a full and meaningful.

  First of all, have to take out couplet, the home of a few doors down to deck, let the home everywhere permeated with a festive atmosphere. Fireworks are essential, of course, I especially like the fireworks fly in the sky after, raining from falling. Dumpling is one of the food necessary for Spring Festival, mother handmade dumplings, fresh and tender, delicious, I simply have to and eat a meal, snack.

  Secondly have to relatives friend home happy New Year. Comes in at the door, I'm going to "uncle aunt long and short" to call them, then take mom and dad to buy a good gift to them, hee hee, their relatives dine and wine we will warmly, brought delicious dim sum and put candies, and my favorite hunan bud tea, that is made of sesame tamped, as long as with boiled water bubble, wow, the aroma, let a person lick one's chaps, appetite is big.

  Then was to eat the meal of the eve, mom's dinner can be said to be "special skill", the whole family sitting together, taste the big stuff, about smile and happy. Favorite is to look at the annual Spring Festival gala, which shows rich and colorful, have a funny comedy, beautiful songs, excellent performance, give a person to enjoy.

  Is when I am drunk New Year plan, mom called me to write homework, ah, I love you to come the Spring Festival.

  学期就要结束了, 春节也快到了,我心里特别兴奋,我早已计划好了这个春节该怎么过,现在日日夜夜盼望的春节终于要来了哦,我一定要过得充实而有意义。





春节英语作文 篇5

  In the first day of the New Year, my father and I went to visit our relatives.

  We knocked on the door of my aunt's house. The door opened, and my aunt smiled at her with a smile. "Auntie, sister, happy New Year! I congratulated my aunt on the New Year as soon as I came in. Greetings to each other New Year, the most important is to give me a 200 yuan red envelope!

  Goodbye to my aunt and sister, we set off on the train to our hometown. After sitting for two and a half hours, the train finally arrived at the public house. As soon as he entered the door, grandpa came up. "Grandpa, congratulations on getting rich, give me red envelopes!" Grandpa smiled from ear to ear, hurriedly gave me a red envelope, I this year but the income is considerable ah!

  After eating lunch at the public house, we came to our aunt's house, where my brother had been waiting downstairs, and was setting off firecrackers! Seeing my brother is the happiest thing for me, because he can always come up with a lot of funny ideas. He can't wait to drag me to his home to play a racing game, it's so exciting!

  It was soon dark. We have a large family sitting around the table, everyone has a happy smile on their faces, I really feel "life is sweeter than honey" taste!

  I can't help looking forward to next year's New Year!

春节英语作文 篇6

  Mike, how are you? I'm your good friend liu wei. Let me introduce you to our traditional Chinese Spring Festival!

  Before the Spring Festival, we will clean our home, because it can wash away bad things and good luck in the New Year. On New Year's eve, all the family members have dinner together, and the dinner is very big. After dinner, people watch Spring Festival shows on TV. People keep watch until midnight, and then they go and set off firecrackers. On the morning of the Spring Festival, people finish their meal early, then visit each other and say "happy New Year!" The children pay their respects to the old people, and the old ones give the children money. The children play together, and they play beautiful fireworks.

  On this day, people like to wear red new clothes that represent auspiciousness, people paste Spring Festival couplets, eat dumplings and so on. Everybody passes warmth and happiness, everybody is very happy!










