

时间:2023-12-17 15:52:15 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文300字 篇1


  In order to celebrate the 3.12 Treeplanting Day and protect environment, our school appeals for all the teachers and students to take part in the treeplanting activity.

  Please gather in group of class at the school gate tomorrow morning, then walk to the hill east of our school with the guidance of each headteacher.

  It's suggested to wear sports shoes and take iron spades and water breaker with you. Pay attention to safety during the planting.

英语作文300字 篇2

  She loves the circus. The circus has elephants. Elephants are so big. The circus has tigers. Tigers are so pretty. The circus has clowns. Clowns are funny. They drive funny cars. They wear funny costumes. They have funny faces. They make her laugh. The circus is in town this week. She tells her dad and her mom.


英语作文300字 篇3

  M ther’s da

  M ther is an accuntant, she is beautiful and clever. She lies reading bs. She’s bus ever da.

  In the rning, she gets up at half past five fr ding husewr. After breafast, she alwas taes e t schl. And then she ges t wr. She lves her b ver uch, s she wrs hard.

  At nn, she ces he fr wr. She usuall arrives he earl, because she cs a eal fr us. She watches TV and sleeps seties.

  In the afternn, she ges t wr, t. I see t see ther's hard wring.

  At night, she ften drins tea and reads bs. She ges t bed at ten ’clc.

  It’s ther’s da, bus and happ da!

英语作文300字 篇4

  good morning ladies and gentlemen, teachers and my fellow friends. the title of the speech that i‘m going to talk about is on money and health. now as you see, we have a society where people just concentrate on earning money to pay off their mortgage, credit cards, holiday epanses etc, most of them fail to notice the gradual decline in their health. to them money is much much more important than health. as it says, money is the root of all evil. i agree with it. therefore, it is now time for us to watch out for our health and treasure our body! thank you!

英语作文300字 篇5

  春天来了。鸟语花香。我想把春天种到家里。于是我和爸爸到集市上买了一些花苗,准备种到院子里。我们俩手拿小铁锨,热火朝天地干着。不一会儿就种完了初中作文 ,现在我就可以耐心地等着家里春天的到来了。

  Planting Flowers

  Spring is coming. Birds are singing and flowers are blooming. I wanted to plant spring in my home, so I, together with my dad, went to the market and bought some flower seedlings. We prepared to plant them in the yard. When we were back home, we went into action in no time. Some time later, we finished. I will patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now.










