

时间:2023-12-22 07:38:53 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  The weather in Guangzhou is very good. There are four seasons in Guangzhou. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

  It’s warm and wet in spring. And it’s very hot in summer. Autumn is from September to November. It’s very dry in autumn. You should drink more water. Winter is my favourite season. You just wear a jacket or a coat. Unlike many other countries. It’s not too cold in Guangzhou. Many people like travelling to Guangzhou in winter. I go skating and cycling every day. My grandpa and grandma usually stay in Guangzhou in winter. Because it’s warm.

  I like the weather in Guangzhou. What about you?

学英语作文 篇2

  When Valentine’s Day comes, the couples like to share their sweet moments and post the pictures on the Internet. The young couples will do all kinds of romantic things to surprise each other, while the old generation’s relationship impresses me most.


  In the romantic movie New York, I Love You, which was filmed by several short stories. There was a story about an old couple. They walked to the beach, while on the way, the woman complained about the man on many small issues, but the men barely argued. Finally, when they reached the destination, they suddenly hand in hand and appreciated the sunset. What a lovely story, it is so close to the real life, just like every couple’s final end.


  Most young people chase for romantic moment, which makes them excited. But the nature of life is made up of small issues. When two people considerate about each other and find a way to deal with conflicts, their marriage can be lasted long. Surprise is the flavor in daily life, it makes sense when it happens in special days.


学英语作文 篇3

  A Star Teacher

  Like most of my classmates, I regard our biochemistry teacherProfessor Wang Weida as a star teacher, for he has many of the qualities that students appreciate in an instructor.

  First, he organizes the class well. We particularly welcome the schedules of assignments that he gives us at the beginning of the term.Having an idea of an entire frame of the knowledge planned to learn in the semester, we are able to budget our time more efficiently.Moreover, Professor Wang promptly corrects and returns papers and tests, which enables students to learn from their mistakes and to produce better work in their next as signments.

  Second, he is patient. When introducing new and difficult points, he tries to explain it fully. What's more, he pays serious attention to all our questions. In his lecture, we never feel embarrassed to ask a weak or irrelevant question.

  Third, Professor Wang expresses himself clearly. He does not speak too fast, and his voice is loud so that it can be heard by everyone in the room.

  Finally, he is really an interesting guy. He grasps the attention of his class through his sense of humor. To emphasize important points in a lecture, he often tells witty stories about it and impresses us deeply in laughing.

  A thoughtful and dedicated man, Professor Wang is generally regarded as a successful university instructor.

学英语作文 篇4

  Rise and shine on Christmas morning! The children are always the first ones to wake up, some even do at four. Present wrappers everywhere! They look into their presents with a big smile on their face and oh dear….I hope no one’s disappointed. I feel sorry for anyone that got pink underwear. Children play while dinner is prepared by the adults. The Christmas dinner are usually eaten together by relatives. The tradition of Christmas pudding and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. The rest of the day is usually games and fun before the good days all come to an end.


学英语作文 篇5

  有一天下午,孙悟空在天上闲着没事干,就想到人间去溜达溜达。他只翻了个跟头,就看见自己站在一所小学旁边。 “叮铃铃”“叮铃铃”下课铃响了,正好这节是英语课。一个小男孩从教室里面跑出来,兴奋极了。用刚刚所学的英语跟孙悟空说:“good afternoon!”孙悟空心想:“这狗的阿夫特怒是什么呀?难道是新出来的骂人用语?” 孙悟空大怒,说:“哼!当年玉帝老儿都拿我没办法,你这小毛孩儿竟敢骂俺老孙!”“不,不……这是英语!”小男孩说。“啥?你说我不会英语?我现在就去学给你看!”孙悟空说。 孙悟空一下子来到了著名的英语馆。就对店里的.老板说:“老板,以后我就在你的英语馆里学英语了。”店里的老板说:“可是你还没交钱呢!” 孙悟空一下子拔了根猴毛,变了两个金元宝。

  就对老板说:“这够不够了?” 老板看了,心想:“哇!这么多钱啊!我要是收了这个徒弟,一定会发财的”。于是,孙悟空就在这所英语馆上学了。 第一天,孙悟空学会了“car”;第二天,孙悟空学会了“bus”……日积月累,孙悟空学会了不少的单词呢!

学英语作文 篇6

  When asked about do you like live with roommates,the overwhelming majority of most students answer that they quite willing to live in the dormitory.But fewer people hold that they can not bear the hostel environment and it seems that the number is increasing. There are mainly three reasons responsible for this phenomenon. In the first place,as most students never stay away from parents , so they was not accustomed to live in the dormitory and they will try to move out and to get more private place.What’s more,the living conditions are generally not so good ,there are no modern equipments,and students have to obey many regulations when living in the dormitory.

  At length,the roomates all are come from the different place,living habits are quite different. From my point of view,it would be better for college students to live in the dormitory .On the one hand,it is good for college students to communicate with each other,which is will help to develop social and professional skills.On the other hand,living in the outside is more expensive than in the dormitory.We can use the money saved from renting a house to do something meaningful.

学英语作文 篇7


  小花猫一向很自信。不是有位名人说过吗?“自信加本领等于一支战无不胜的军队”, 小花猫和他的主人一样,很爱读书,他记得很多人类的名言警句,尤其是把这一句当作了自己的座右铭,所以他想:“我一定会比别人学得更好!”


  过了几天,随着学过的单词越来越多,小花猫觉得学英语太枯燥了,而且那么多的单词在头脑中“打架”,让他烦透了,所以他不想继续学了。猫妈妈见了,很着急,她对小花猫讲:“学习要有恒心,像你这样怎么能学得好呢?你不是读过这样一句人类的警句‘锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂’吗?”小花猫听了很受教育。他想:“做什么事都要讲方法,有好方法,才能事半功倍,学英语也不例外,要讲方法,才能学得快。” 可是有什么好方法呢?小花猫一时还找不到,他很焦急。












