

时间:2023-12-26 16:22:10 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文300字 篇1


  早上八点,同学们都准时来到了流花校区的科技大楼广场,我见到所有的同学都穿得漂漂亮亮,而且都化了妆,好漂亮啊!大家排好队,老师就带我们上楼了。 到我们班表演了,我们班唱的是《冰雪奇缘》主题曲。我们排着整齐的队伍走上了舞台,同学们用响亮 的声音唱着动听歌曲。我们表演完以后,在台下家长们的掌声中慢慢地退下了舞台。


  回到家我听妈妈说才知道,这次表演最好的`是:九班和十班还有一班和二班。我想这次不是最好的没关系,正所谓“尺有所短,寸有所长”,每个人都有自己的别人的优点。我也为得奖同学感到骄傲!听说所有英语老师还一起表演了 法语歌曲,我一直觉得他们只会唱英语歌,今天见到老也暗自下决心一定要学好英语。期待下次的英语节我们班也能得 希望下次我们能亲眼看别人班的表演。 这次的英语节真的非常有意义!

英语作文300字 篇2

  The after-class activities in my school are colorful. Every day we play basketball, football, do rope skipping and so on. But I like the Month of Science and Technology and the Cultural Festival most. In those days, we have a chance: to show ourselves to all the students. We can invent something with some classmates. And we can act in a play or make a speech or take part in the competition of singing. I enjoy myseff in those activities.


英语作文300字 篇3

  Five years ago, I was a little girl and I studied in primary school. I had a bike, so I rode it to school every day. Today, I am a student in a middle school. I dislike sports, but sometimes I play basketball. I have a pet, it’s a dog. Its name is Duo duo. In five years, I will be a freshman in a university and I will have many friends. In addition, I will play the piano and will be an artist in the future.

英语作文300字 篇4



  An English Test

  Yesterday I failed in Englsih test. I dared not tell this to my mother. I did my homework in silent after I went back home. Seeing this, my mother said to me: "Don t worry if you failed. I believe you will get a high mark next time. "I was moved and gave the paper to my mother.

英语作文300字 篇5

  Every year, people celebrate Christmas Day.It is one of the most important festival in western countries. It's On December 25. On that day, family members usually get together. They decorate their rooms with Christmas trees with colourful lights and Christmas cards. They often get their favourite presents under the Christmas trees of in their stockings at the end of their beds. They often have a Christmas Party on Christmas Eve. Everyone is quite happy on that day.










