

时间:2024-01-04 09:33:02 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  As is depicted by the picture, a student is selecting courses. He is considering whether to choose the courses which are high scored, easily passed with less homework, or to choose those that contain new knowledge, focus on creating and are difficult to learn. From my perspective, I will choose the latter ones. The reasons are as follows.

  The college students are faced with fierce competition in nowadays. Those courses which are full of advanced knowledge can broaden our horizon and enrich our knowledge. More over, they pay more attention to creativity so that I can be equipped with novel viewpoints in the future when seeking a job, which can help me become more competitive among the peers. Last but not least, to learn those courses which are difficult can give me a sense of accomplishment.

  We young people are the hope of our country, and we must study hard to become the future star of our country!

英语作文 篇2

  公安部发布了《关于处罚醉酒驾驶的征求意见稿》,提出搭乘醉酒司机车的'乘客也应该受到惩罚。此事引起了社会的广泛关注与热议。请根据下表提供的信息,以“Should passengers be responsible for drunk drivers?”为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文。(开头已给出)





  Should passengers be responsible for drunk drivers?

  Nowadays whether passengers should be responsible for drunk drivers has become a hot issue in China. People’s opinions differ greatly as follows.

  Some people are in favor of punishing passengers as well as drunk drivers. They argue that knowing the driver is drunk means encouraging drunk driving. Besides, drunk driving is a great threat to the safety of both the driver and the passenger. That’s why passengers have the responsibility to prevent the drunk drivers from driving.

  Others are opposed to punishing passengers. It’s unfair for passengers to be fined because sometimes passengers cannot decide whether the driver is drunk or not.

  From my point of view, both drivers and passengers should be responsible for the road safety to avoid traffic accidents.

英语作文 篇3

  I am a 15-year-old student in junior Grade 3. Though I am occupied with my study, I would like to spend time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano, surfing the Internet.

  One of my favourite hobby is reading. Reading has been in my life for many years, since I began to learn characters. It can not only kill the time, but also, more important, help improve my comprehension ability. When reading, I can learn a lot. Reading Shakespear"s works, I know how Hamlet looks like. Reading Socrates, I can see how great ancient Greek philosophers are. Reading Lu Xu, I come back to the old time of China.

  Reading really affect my life.





英语作文 篇4

  "Long, long ago, there was an island in the distant sea,where lived a fairy who was said be able to make a child lovely and bright. One day, ..."

  As the story went on, MumPs voice grew fainter and fainter, when she gently looked down at me.Then a melodious song came into my ear as if music made by the angels flying in the faraway sky. Gradually, Mom's smile dimmed, and her glittering eyes were just like the brightest stars on the dark blue curtain of night...

  Countless nights had passed in this way during my infancy. In my naive heart, Mother's voice was deeper and softer than the nightingale. Even now I still remember quite clearly that cradlesong she used to sing before I fell asleep. Those old melodies still sound so good to me, as they melt the years away.To me, Mother's companionship was the most important thing in my childhood. Mother is an incurable romantic, passionately in love with life and with the mystery of the universe. She taught me to open up all the channels of my senses to touch and feel what lies all a round me, and discovered with me the beauty of nature, the joy,excitement and mystery of the new and the unknown. She is quite at home in literature because of her active and

  imaginative mind. Every new experience, every new discovery concerning the world could delight her.

  I went off to college, but Mum is still always in my memory. I could hear her voice every time I fell short in anything.From breast to cradle to reassuring hug, Mum has shared all the happiness and depression of mine. However, she never expressed herself. Upon my entry into university, when she and Father were going back home, she hurriedly turned back to run along, even without a look at me. I knew she dared not, for fear that tears should fall down in my

  presence. This separation would last nearly five months during which she could not see me. She was just trying to stop me from seeing her crying. I was

  refraining myself, too, because the long time living with her had made me an exact person like her. Later, Father told me she kept wiping her eyes on the bus to the railway station. I knew that, because I love you, Mum, and you

  already knew that too.

英语作文 篇5

  During the 15 days from New Year’s Eve to Lantern Festival, Beijing was affected by smog for more than half the time, because of which people suffered a lot. On the road people drove slowly because they could not see clearly. People also suffered from many illnesses caused by smog.

  The smog in Beijing has been caused by many factors, in which the increase of cars in the city area plays an important role. The cars send off a lot of poisonous gases, which in turn adds to the already serious air pollution.

  In my opinion, the number of cars should be limited. We should call on the people to use more public transport. Only in this way can we expect to have more sunny days.

英语作文 篇6


  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

  1)describe the drawing briefly.

  2)explain its intended meaning, and

  3)give your comments.

  You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

  Success is always described by the old as something relevant to patience. In the picture, a man sits with a dozen of clocks around him. Beside him is the subtitle saying that "success means persisting five minutes more than others". We can infer from it that the man sets these many clocks just to remind himself that he should never give up.

  It is very true that success derives from persistence, for which there are several reasons. Firstly, no accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success asks for continuous industrious work and efforts. Secondly, when one is able to insist in stepping towards achievement, he must believe what he dedicates to. This belief is the source of persistence that paves the way to success. Thirdly, just as the saying goes,"Rome was not built in one day".

  To conclude, I would like to borrow another ancient saying that "he laughs best who laughs last". Laughing symbolizes the confidence for success, and confidence always yields patience and insistence. Hence, I firmly believe that if everybody applies what the picture conveys into actual practice, they will surely reap alot.

英语作文 篇7

  Dear Linda,

  I know it’s hard to start a new life in a strange city. However, just staying at home doing nothing but surf the Internet is not good for you. You’d better go out and join in some social activities. By doing this, you can get to know more people around. And it would be a good idea to help others if possible and show them you are open and friendly as well.

  With time going on, people will know you better and like to make friends with you.

  Best wishes!


  Li Hua

英语作文 篇8

  On the afternoon of November 18, we had the opening ceremony of the Fourth Dongzhou Middle School Sports Festival. Each class gave a wonderful performance.

  The next day, we had an exciting sports meeting. Many players were in it. All the others just watched them. Some were busy writing articles about it.

  The boys and girls 1500 metres races were the most exciting games. The relay races were exciting, too. Everyone cheered for the competitions.

  They did their best. When they scored for their own class, everyone was so excited that they jumped to their feet.

  The sports meeting didn't end until four in the afternoon. We were tired but we were so happy.

英语作文 篇9

  The Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies

  Each year, millions of Chinese college students sit for qualifying examinations for graduate studies, primarily in Master’s programs. Students prepare for those examinations either through years of arduous self-education or by spending large sums of money attending local training schools. The publishing of examinations-related study materials and the training programs offered, both online and offline, have combined to form a sizable industry.

  An alarming fact about this craze is that most students pursue graduate studies not out of their voluntary will. Faced with the harsh reality in the employment market, which is forever looking for graduates with higher degrees, many college graduates find going to graduate schools is a good way to avoid unemployment and to enhance one’s competitiveness in future job hunting.

  However, without that voluntary initiative, most students who do enter graduate schools are not motivated. For them, the only thing that ultimately counts is the degree or the diploma which they expect could give them an upper hand against other job hunters. As to the actual substance of their graduate studies, it’s not a big deal for them, as long as it leads to that degree or diploma. It is really pathetic to see that students undertake graduate studies with an ulterior motive—not for the sake of loving what they study, but for the sake of merely landing a job, which in many cases might be unrelated to what they have studied.

  The chill truth is that students soon find their anticipations are a mere dream. As so many undergraduates proceed onto graduate studies, the employment situation remains as severe as ever. Instead of bringing about apparent competitive edges, two or three years of additional academic training is simply a waste of time and energy. They need to reflect on this craze and would have been better off distinguishing themselves with outstanding knowledge and skills when they were undergraduates.










