

时间:2024-01-13 10:35:09 英语作文 我要投稿




春节英语作文 篇1

  Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up。 First they extend greetings to their parents。 Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red paper。 People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for breakfast, as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new"。 Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China。 So people eat them and wish for money and treasure。

春节英语作文 篇2

  盼星星,盼月亮,盼了365天,我终于盼到了朝思暮想的春节。 我之所以那么爱春节,是因为有以下几点。 理由之一:可以睡懒觉。现在我们坐车的小朋友一大早就起床去上学,那可恶的闹钟一早就响了,还没有多睡几分钟,妈妈就把我狠狠的拉了起来,现在学校过春节放假了,我终于可以大睡一觉了,一直睡到中午,拉开窗帘一看,天气多好啊。心里真是太舒服了。 理由之二:可以吃到许多好东西。也许这些菜的味道不会低于5饭店。有红烧大排,肯德基等可口的饭菜。我或许还能收到亲戚家送得许许多多的巧克力、糖果和零食。现在你一定和我一样,已经在擦那欲垂三尺的口水了。 理由之三:可以放烟花爆竹。只要到9点之后,我们全家都要出去放烟花。每当我们出去的时候邻居家都已经开始放了。我和妹妹在屋子里看着千万户人家放的烟花说:“真漂亮啊!” 我盼春节,盼春节,春节啊,你快点来吧! 盼星星,盼月亮,盼了365天,我终于盼到了朝思暮想的春节。 我之所以那么爱春节,是因为有以下几点。 理由之一:可以睡懒觉。现在我们坐车的小朋友一大早就起床去上学,那可恶的.闹钟一早就响了,还没有多睡几分钟,妈妈就把我狠狠的拉了起来,现在学校过春节放假了,我终于可以大睡一觉了,一直睡到中午,拉开窗帘一看,天气多好啊。心里真是太舒服了。 理由之二:可以吃到许多好东西。也许这些菜的味道不会低于5饭店。有红烧大排,肯德基等可口的饭菜。我或许还能收到亲戚家送得许许多多的巧克力、糖果和零食。现在你一定和我一样,已经在擦那欲垂三尺的口水了。 理由之三:可以放烟花爆竹。只要到9点之后,我们全家都要出去放烟花。每当我们出去的时候邻居家都已经开始放了。我和妹妹在屋子里看着千万户人家放的烟花说:“真漂亮啊!” 我盼春节,盼春节,春节啊,你快点来吧!

  Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, looking forward to 365 days, I finally look forward to the yearning Spring Festival. I love Spring Festival so much because of the following points. One reason: you can sleep in. Now our kids get up early in the morning to go to school. The disgusting alarm clock rings early in the morning. Before they have a few more minutes to sleep, my mother pulled me up hard. Now it's Spring Festival holiday at school. I can finally have a big sleep. I sleep until noon and open the curtains. How nice the weather is. I feel so comfortable. Reason two: you can eat a lot of good things. Maybe these dishes will not taste less than 5 restaurants. There are braised pork chop, KFC and other delicious meals. I may also receive many chocolates, sweets and snacks from my relatives. Now you must be like me, already wiping the drool of three feet. Reason 3: fireworks and firecrackers can be set off. As long as after 9 o'clock, our family will go out to set off fireworks. Every time we went out, the neighbors started to let it go. My sister and I looked at the fireworks put out by thousands of families in our house and said, "it's beautiful!" I hope for the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival, come quickly! I hope for the 350 words of the Spring Festival composition, the stars, the moon, and the 365 days, and I finally hope for the spring festival that I miss all the time. I love Spring Festival so much because of the following points. One reason: you can sleep in. Now our kids get up early in the morning to go to school. The disgusting alarm clock rings early in the morning. Before they have a few more minutes to sleep, my mother pulled me up hard. Now it's Spring Festival holiday at school. I can finally have a big sleep. I sleep until noon and open the curtains. How nice the weather is. I feel so comfortable. Reason two: you can eat a lot of good things. Maybe these dishes will not taste less than 5 restaurants. There are braised pork chop, KFC and other delicious meals. I may also receive many chocolates, sweets and snacks from my relatives. Now you must be like me, already wiping the drool of three feet. Reason 3: fireworks and firecrackers can be set off. As long as after 9 o'clock, our family will go out to set off fireworks. Every time we went out, the neighbors started to let it go. My sister and I are looking at the fireworks from thousands of families in our house and say, "it's beautiful!" I'm looking forward to the Spring Festival, I'm looking forward to the Spring Festival, and I'm looking forward to the Spring Festival. Hurry up!

春节英语作文 篇3

  Strictly speaking, the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year. Of them, the most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days. The Chinese government now stipulates people have seven days off for the Chinese Lunar New Year.

  Many customs accompany the Spring Festival. Some are still followed today, but others have weakened.

  On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month, many families make laba porridge, a delicious kind of porridge made with glutinous rice, millet, seeds of Job's tears, jujube berries, lotus seeds, beans, longan and gingko.

  The 23rd day of the 12th lunar month is called Preliminary Eve. At this time, people offer sacrifice to the kitchen god. Now however, most families make delicious food to enjoy themselves.I love the Chinese New Year very much.And i very enjoy it.

春节英语作文 篇4

  Today is the first month of the month, and the new year. In a year, this flicker past, went to a year of Chunliu green, everywhere decorated, spring, every corner is full of flavor.

  Remember, it was fun to spend most of the year with a small partner. Many children gathered in the courtyard of firecrackers. At that time our children had no money, just asking for a little from the adults - cough, little poor - but we were happy. We use this money to buy several firecrackers and treat it as a treasure, and we don't have to give it up. "You put it first." "no, you are more, you put it first. Do not believe, I search, search out is mine. " "That's no good. Or we two mora, who lost the first place." After the two guesses, the loser took out one of them.

  Now in retrospect, it was interesting and longing for it - carefree, so good!

  When I grew up, when I was in the age of 14th Five-Year, the interesting events of the new year were to visit friends and relatives. Many people are together, but they are busy. Today, we go to my grandmother's house. At noon, uncle let me eat, this can make me puzzled -- all at sea. I never eat, but do not know what rules, only heard say good words. In this only chip, I promised.

  When I started eating, I was a little nervous and tried to flinch, but at last I plucked up my courage and began to pour up the wine, and said, "New Year's new year, I wish you all the best in the New Year!" In a word, everyone lifted the cup. My cup ran up. He said: "a toast for elder, cup should be placed in the following." Hey hey, look here and there can be long knowledge. In the back, I made a lot of jokes, and the whole room was happy and happy.

  Accompanied by bursts of laughter, in my heart silently bless the family good luck.

  A year has passed, and a year has come. I know, however, that no matter what the world is, there is no lack of affection and friendship around me. I will go higher and farther with all the steps.

春节英语作文 篇5

  Today is the 30th year of the year, which is the night of the New Year's eve. What I am most looking forward to is this evening's firecracker.

  I just finished eating dinner, he went straight to the doorstep, already have a ground of firecrackers outside the broken, I saw the fireworks in the sky like a strange flower, the firecrackers on the ground "chip, marble" on the ground can explode, some need to check it, some spewing sparks like a small tree, some voice was deafening, some red and green can spray flame, and spin like a top, another is called "happy fruit" firecrackers, as long as the gun, you can shoot a few little thing.

  By twelve o 'clock, saw only a pile of fireworks into the sky, 1 of "bang", in an instant the brightness of the silence of the night with brightness, the colorful fireworks that are full of the sky, on the road that strings of firecrackers "chip, marble" ringing off the hook, the world of my eyes suddenly filled with color, full of sound, everybody together for the coming New Year.

  Every year's New Year's eve can make me very unforgettable, but this year's not general, this unforgettable New Year's eve, will be engraved in my head forever.

春节英语作文 篇6

  We all know that the Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China, and I also have a wonderful memory of the Spring Festival.

  Remember that day on New Year's Eve last year, my friends and I made an appointment to go out to play at night. In the evening, I gobbled up the meal and went to the small partners early. Like me, they had finished their meal. It was completely dark, like pulling a large piece of cloth. Then the street decorated, so people are out on the road, firecrackers, fireworks, laughing.

  Several of us were playing with electric flowers together. Zhang Xinyue was a famous coward, not even the palm sized electric flowers. Zhu Tong bought a 3 yuan of fireworks, we all dare not put it, and finally she got up the courage and lit the two fire. Only three fireworks, one after another, flew to the sky like a dragon. Zhu Tong saw the fireworks safe and happy to dump the empty shell of the fireworks. I suddenly called a cry. Zhu Tong immediately returned to God and asked me what happened. I covered my head and said, "what's the matter, you're too excited to hit my head, and next time pay attention to the image." After listening to my words, they all laughed.

  At eight o'clock in the evening, I came home on time to see the party.

  This Spring Festival makes me very memorable.

春节英语作文 篇7

  Spring Festival is the most important festival in our country, and it is also the most ceremonious festival in a year. Every family will celebrate. Some ethnic groups will also engage in activities to celebrate the Spring Festival, such as dragon and lion dance, book singing, dry boat, walking on stilts and yangko dance.

  As soon as the year passes, the adults and children are busy with the opening of the New Year goods, sweeping the house, the ancestor worship is busy not also happy! Pasting Spring Festival couplets is an essential item. Or ask someone to do it for you, and write the harvest of the year and the hope of the coming year into this little Spring Festival couplets. Students, speaking of the Spring Festival couplets, there is a story! Spring couplet, originated from the peach character, it first appeared in the zhou dynasty, is hanging on both sides of the door of the rectangular peach door. It is said that peach has no ghost, exorcism. Because all the evil spirits in the world are afraid of "god tea" and "yu qi", so the folk have carved them into their appearance and put them in their own doorway to ward off evil spirits. Later, people were asked to carve the names of two gods on a peach board, believing that it would also be a good way to ward off evil. This kind of peach board is called "peach". In the five dynasties period, people began to write on the peach. Once, houzhu of later shu shu of the monarchy in the New Year's eve to bachelor's writing on the peach wood charms against evil board, because can't see the bachelor's written content, houzhu of later shu simply his writing "title every year about yuqing, changchun. This resulted in the first Chinese couplets.

  Often go home to see, go home to see, again far away travel son also want to return home to be reunited with family, eat the lunar New Year dinner that the parents carefully prepare. In the old days, people called it the New Year's eve and the years. This meal should be eaten slowly until late at night.

  Watching the Spring Festival gala show, surrounded by hot hot pot, listening to the sound of firecrackers outside the window, the family enjoyed the family. At this time, the children are most happy that the elders will give the lucky money. This is said to have been practiced in the wei and jin dynasties. The New Year money is also known as "the money of the year" and "the money" because of the harmony of the year, the money can be used to suppress the evil, so that the children are safe for the New Year.

  The Spring Festival is not without relatives and friends. Relatives and friends gathered together, eating rich wine, exchanging greetings and seeking common development. The event lasted until the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month.

  The Spring Festival is not only for people to eat and drink, but also to reflect the national spirit of our country. It is a kind of kinship, a pursuit of good life and harmony and peace between people.










