

时间:2024-02-02 09:18:43 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  there was a little boy with a bad temper. his father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, to hammer a nail in the back fence.

  the first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. then it gradually dwindled down. he discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. finally the day came when the boy didnt lose his temper at all. he told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. the days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. the father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. he said, "you have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. the fence will never be the same. when you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one.

  you can put a knife in a man and draw it out. it wont matter how many times you say im sorry, the wound is still there. a verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. they make you smile and encourage you to succeed. they lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us.

英语作文 篇2

  My favorite season is winter.It lasts from December to February.It is the coidest season in the year.In winter,the days are very short.When it comes ,the leaves fall from the trees.When it snows,the ground is white with snow.We can wear warm clothes and go to make snowmen.It is a good season for skating .I like winter best.



  我最喜欢的季节是冬天。它从十二月持续到二月。它是一年中最冷的季节。在冬天优秀作文 ,白天变短了。当它来临时,叶子都从树上落下了。当下雪时,地面被雪覆盖为白色。我们可以穿暖和的衣服出去堆雪人。这是滑雪的'好季节。我最喜欢冬季。

英语作文 篇3

  Good manners are so important in today's society. A little effort towards being polite to everyone you meet can have great rewards.

  Everyone should be polite. Polite people show good manners. Moreover they are popular. On the other hand rude people are looked down upon. Rudeness shows poor education. Therefore why not be polite? A simple "Please" "Thank you" or "You're welcome" can make a big difference.

  If someone says dirty words all the time it shows that something is wrong with his mouth. You'd better persuade him to "watch" his mouth!




英语作文 篇4

  假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Jack来信,说他暑假期间要来中国交流学习。他学了两年中文,但是仍然担心用中文交流时会遇到困难。 请你用英语给Jack 写封回信,提几点建议,要点如下:









  参考词汇:自信的. confident 肢体语言 body language

  Dear Jack,

  How is everything going?l am very glad to learn that you are coming to

  China this summer.__________________



  Best wishes!


  Li Hua


  Dear Jack,

  How is everything going?I am very glad to learn that you are coming to China this summer.It's not necessary to worry about your Chinese.I'd like to share my ideas,which I think might help.

  First,be brave enough to speak Chinese when you communicate with others.It's of great importance to be confident about yourself.We Chinese are very friendly so you needn't be afraid of making any mistakes.Second.it"s better slowly and clearly.In this way you can make yourself understood more easily.What's more,sometimes you can use drawings or pictures,and as you know,body language is also widely used across cultures and very often it really works.

  Best wishes!


  Li Hua




  首先,当你与别人交流时要勇敢地讲汉语。对自己充满信心很重要。我们中国人很友好,因此你不必害怕犯错误。 其次,最好说慢一些和清晰一些。这样你就可以让自己更容易被别人理解。此外,有时你可以使用图画或图片,如你所知,肢体语言在跨文化中被广泛使用,并且它经常起作用。




英语作文 篇5

  Everybody admire doctors so much, for they save people’s lives and like the angels, while the special group who assists doctors in finishing their jobs should not be forgotten, they are the nurses and they are angels, too. The international Nurses Day is coming and they deserved enjoying their own day.


  My aunt is a nurse and she loves her job so much. She always needs to work at night, she told me that though it was a little tired but she felt proud of what she did. In 20xx, the horrible disaster of SARS attacked China, at this dangerous moment, my aunt never thought about quitting her job, she stayed at the hospital all the time. A lot of nurses like my aunt are so great, they are doing the ordinary work but they are not ordinary.


  These lovely group deserve to have a day of their own. The public shows respect to them and sends their best wishes to them. I adore the nurse like my aunt so much, they are the real heroes in my eyes.











