

时间:2024-02-12 08:40:16 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  people often say we have entered the electronic age. computers have become the center of life. no one can live and work without computers. in the future, everyone can work and study at home hefore a pc. there wont be piles of files. instead, a disc is ok enough.

  with the appearance of printers, the pen becomes less useful than before. and since the computer was created, paper is also gradually giving way to the screen, which can show lively moving things from different sides in the same picture. it is true that with the developmem of science, such products as computers and printers will be the major tools in our future life and work.

  but the traditional tools will also eist for a long time to supplement the function of the modern ones. at least, we still need pens to sign with and paper to sign on.

英语作文600字 篇2

  There is a new market near my house. My mother often goes there and buys what we need for our meals. But I had never been there before.


  Yesterday I went to the market with my mother. There were so many people that we could hardly make our way out of the crowds. There were all kinds of vegetables, fish and fruit everywhere. People were talking about the goods and the prices.


  The sellers shouts could be heard every now and then.I remembered that the day before I had asked Mother to buy some fresh fish.Most of the fish there was frozen, but we had not much trouble in finding some fresh fish at the other part of the market. My mother bought something else as well.


英语作文600字 篇3

  机遇是成功的因素之一。但是机遇并不经常光顾小学生作文 你也可以投稿,而且并不是所有机遇都必然导向成功。除此之外,机遇通常就在刻苦的工作中,只是许多人觉察不到而已。因此如果你想成就事业,就必须努力工作以做好迎接机遇的准备。否则,即便机遇来了你也会失去它。我认为,我们社会中的`每个人都有许多机遇,但只有那些做好充足准备的有才能的人才会利用机遇取得成功。

  Opportunity and Success

  Opportunity is one of the elements of success. But opportunities don’t come often. And not all the opportunities can certainly lead to success. Moreover, opportunities are usually disguised as hard work; therefore most people don’t recognize them. So if you want to achieve something, you must make efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to you. In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who have made enough preparations and are highly talented can make use of them to achieve their purpose.

英语作文600字 篇4

  Li Ming and Wang Ying are two students of Senior Three. They both work hard and but they have different learning methods.

  Li Ming often sleeps in class instead of listening to the teacher. As a result, he misses lots of points that the teacher makes and it usually takes him more time to finish his homework. So he has to stay up late and doesn’t get enough sleep.

  However, Wang Ying has quite a different way of learning. She listens attentively and tries to catch everything that the teacher says in class. Because of this, she spends less time doing her homework, which makes it possible for her to go to bed early.

  In my opinion, Wang Ying learns more effectively in class and has more free time to enjoy herself, so I prefer her learning method.

英语作文600字 篇5

  There are many violences and romances on television today, you can find them in almost every channel。 This phenomenon is caused by the TV stations want to get higher audience rating, therefore, they tend to use scenes which can exite the audience, violence and romance have this kind of characteristic, that can attract more people to watch their channel。 I think that the violences and romances on TV might have very bad affection at teenagers, they might act like the ones do on TV, this may increase crimes。 The drive of interest contributes to more and more firms and companies producing these kind of stuffs, and in a market economy, no one has the right to stop them, therefore, there are still so many these stuffs on TV。










