

时间:2024-02-15 09:48:50 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文300字 篇1

  everyone in our school likes sports. every morning, after we get up, we do morning exercises. and after the second class, we do exercises again. we only have pe classes twice a week, but we do sports at five every afternoo.

  we have school basketball, football and volleyball teams, and our teams often have matches with teams from other schools. besides ball games, some of us like running, jumping and swimming. once a year we have a sports meeting.

英语作文300字 篇2

  How time flies! Three years has passed. I will graduate from junior high school. I will enter a new school to study. What will my new headteacher be like?

  I imagine that she/he is not only young but also beautiful/handsome. She/He may be both patient with us and kind to us. She/He is also strict with us. I hope she/he is outgoing. She/He can understand us and make friends with us. If she/he likes doing sports, we can play together after class. She/He can get more knowledge from her/him.

  I am looking forward to seeing her/him!

英语作文300字 篇3


  铃!铃!铃!上课铃响了,一个看上去只有24岁的美女从教室门走向讲台,她戴着一幅眼镜,用她清翠的口声向我们做了个自我介绍,接着,就叫我们一个个的自我介绍,但是因为我们人多,又没 有到齐,所以这个想法没有实现,没办法她只能一个个的点名了。嗯!停了一下,那个名字不就是父母的'姓吗?一个小子应答上:“老师真聪明”。真的哦,她在上面偷笑呢。

  记得最好的一段就是她说了一句我班的班主任人蛮好的,话刚落我们班上的那个未成年就说是:“嗯 ,是的咯,老师要不要我帮你拉去,这么好的人你可别错过吖?”还有就是我们班里的那个帅哥 ,年龄是大了点,虽然人长得不怎么,但没法,他的名字是叫帅哥,隔壁的那个黑哥说老师他可是有BABY的人了。在上学哪来的BABY咯,老师应到,不信是嘛,等过年带给你看看,你可要给个大红包哟 。说着说着也不知道她讲到哪了,反正一节课都是蛮搞笑的。

英语作文300字 篇4

  I knew a kid when i went shopping with my mother in a mall. He was picking something in the rubbish cans near the mall. He was nearly of the same age with me.

  He told me that no one care about him when he was at home. His mother died and his father remarried so he has a stepmother who disliked him and often beat him.To him, home was just like a hell.So he began to play truant and then at last he left his home. He preferred living freely wth rubbish. What a poor kid he is!

英语作文300字 篇5

  Hello, my name is GaoJian. My date of birth is the 6th of December,1978. Male. I 'm 27 years old. I'm from QiangSu SiHong. I'm very healthy. I'm single.I m graduated from Nanjing University of English in 20xx. i 've been a tour guide for many years. I have qualifications for driving, typing, computer, and i can speak and write English. I like swimming , singing and dancing.










