

时间:2024-03-09 09:35:17 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文300字 篇1

  Last Saturday I attended a lecture on space flight. I am glad that I have learned a lot about space. Now I know something about the structure of a space rocket and understand the importance of space flight to mankind. I become interested in space.

  Yesterday I borrowed several books on space from the school library.I want to be a space scientist in the future.


  1) attend a lecture on space flight聆听航天飞行讲座

  2) the structure of a space rocket航天火箭的结构

  3) the importance of space flight to mankind航天飞行对人类的重要性

英语作文300字 篇2

  Nowadays, there are so many junk food, such as the fried food, these food taste delicious, so they are easily to catch people’s attention. Especially for the children, they don’t have the limitation to eat the junk food and make their bodies weaker. So in order to stay fit, we should say no to the junk food.


英语作文300字 篇3

  West Lake is undoubtedly the most renowned feature of Hangzhou,noted for the scenic beauty that blends naturally with many famous historical and cultural sites.In this scenic area,Solitary Hill,the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei,the Six Harmonies Pagoda and the Ling Yin Temple are probably the most frequently visited attractions.The "Ten West Lake Prospects" have been specially selected to give the visitor outstanding views of the lake,mountains and monuments.

英语作文300字 篇4


  我的英语一直不好,每次最怕的就是背单词、背课文,可是偏偏英语老师要求每个人接龙背课文。这不,又要轮到我背英语课文了。当前面的同学正在背诵的时候,我的心里就像是揣着一只兔子一样,它不停地在乱蹦乱跳。我丝毫没有心思去听他背得对不对,只是翻着书看着自己应该背诵的部分,嘴里念叨着,但是脑袋却空空的',根本不知道自己在念些什么,大脑如同死机了一样,不存入任何信息。我紧张极了。“李晓明接着背诵。”老师叫着我的名字,我磨磨蹭蹭地站了起来,脑子里只记得第一句,不出意料,第一句背完之后就再也挤不出一个单词了。我的双手紧握着书本,手心里满是汗水。“This is......”同桌也着急了起来,他将头贴近桌面,小声地提醒着我,可是我只听得清一两个单词,此刻我恨不得自己能有双千里眼,可以看到前面同学的课本。“李晓明,先坐下,课后来我这背诵全文。”老师似乎看透了我完全没记住课文,虽然叫我坐下了,可是却给了我一个几乎不可能完成的任务。我如坐针毡地听完了一节课,脑袋嗡嗡响。


英语作文300字 篇5

  A Plan For Winter Holiday

  Winter holiday is coming(寒假将要来了)。I’m planning my trip to Harbin(我计划去哈尔滨旅行)。I want to visit Harbin because I love the ice and snow(我想参观哈尔滨因为我喜欢冰和雪)。I have far away from Harbin(我有很远的路程到哈尔滨),so I will take the plane to go there(所以我想乘飞机去那里)。I will go there with my parents(我将和我的父母去那里)。In winter it’s very cold in Harbin(在冬天哈尔滨非常冷)。I can see snow everywhere(我可以在每个地方看到雪)。I will go skating and play some games(我将滑冰和玩一些游戏)。I think I can have a good time in the white world(我认为我将在白色的.世界玩的开心)。

英语作文300字 篇6

  My mother always tried to let me make my own choice. She wants me to be independent. Sometimes I make mistakes, but my parents won't blame me. So even I chose the wrong road, but I learn the precious lesson. It helps me become stronger. Never to be afraid of making mistakes, because nobody can take the right road all the time.


英语作文300字 篇7

  Hello,everyone,Myname is Tom.I have a new english teacher.his name is Miss LI . She comes from BeiJing,She is thin and tall.She has long black hair and she is young and beautiful looks strict but kind.She often goes to work by bike. And sometimes she likes piaying Table tennis,listening to music,diving and dancing.Usualli she likes reading book.I like my English teacher very much.What about you?


英语作文300字 篇8

  my good friend is my a primary school classmates,she name is Chenglin she got to shanghai with her parents a few years ago I’m her best friend。

  she is a very kindhearted and beautiful,she also very well for me ,I very love she and miss she have black hair and write derma 。

  she have the same hobby as me,she like playing ping-pong so do I,I ofter go to library with him and look the same book together。

  Last Igive my best wishes for him I hope she are still happy......

英语作文300字 篇9

  We know different places has different things in the world. In our town has the best surpermarket,it has the cheapest things and the servy is the best.Many people always go to there,this helps surpermarket to gets better and better.And there is the best clothes and store——Wan jia fu,it has the most beautiful clothes and shoes,i think the boss are very good,and how about you?

英语作文300字 篇10

  M Spring Festival Plan.

  Befre Spring Festival, I&rsqu;a ging t g shpping and bu new clthes.

  At Spring Festival, I&rsqu; ging t get up at 6:00.Then,I&rsqu; ging t have breafast at 7:00. I a ging t g sa &ldqu;Happ Spring Festival!&rdqu; I a ging t have lunch at 12:00.

  In the afternn, I a ging t uncle&rsqu;s huse with parents fr 1:00 t 3:30.At 4:00 ,I a ging t granda&rsqu;s huse and sta there t have dinner .In the evening, I a ging t watch TV at he. I a ging t have a bath at 9:30.I a ging t g t bed at 10:30.

  I thin Spring Festival will be happ.






英语作文:My Doll英语作文02-24




