

时间:2024-03-12 10:59:38 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  There are fourseasons in a year and I like the spring most. Spring is the beginning of theyear. In spring, everything is new and fresh. The plants turn to grow andgreen. I rains sometimes and it makes the air fresh. Spring brings good hopefor people. We can make a good wish for the whole year and work hard on it. Ihave my wish, too and I will work hard on it.

学英语作文 篇2

  Today is our motherland’s birthday-National Day. On TV, I know China is great, Chinese people are brave and hard-working. And I know that fifty-five years ago, China was very poor. And Chinese people suffered a lot. Only the Communist Party can lead Chinese people to build New China. The Chinese people can become the hosts of the country. As a word says: Without the Communist Party there would be no new China.

学英语作文 篇3

  Nobody could live without the sun. The sun gives us light and heat, and light and heat give us life. Without the sun, we would be in darkness.

  Without light or heat, the earth would be very cold and there would be all snow and ice. Then all plants and animals would die.

  We don't see the sun at night, because our earth is always turning round the sun, and only one side of the earth sees the sun.

  When we see the sun on the side of the earth, it is day to us.

学英语作文 篇4



  第一天,我教爷爷Good morning(早上好),Good afterroon(下午好),good night(晚安),thanks(谢谢)等英语单词,开始,爷爷总是读不准音,特别是晚安,我一连教了三遍,爷爷都没有学会,气得我忍不住脱口骂了句:“您怎么这样笨啊。”爷爷也不好意思地垂下头,像孩子似的羞红了脸。后来,我急中生智,在每一个英语单词旁边,用中文注上怎么读音,比如good night旁写上戈纳特。果然,这个办法好,爷爷读得准确了。


  第三天,我又教了爷爷Spring Festival(春节)、Qingming(清明)、Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)、还有Happy birthday(生日快乐)等单词,爷爷竟然又全部学会了,我不得不从心里佩服爷爷,佩服爷爷那种好学的精神。


学英语作文 篇5

  Everyone has a happy family, but I don't.

  Our family has changed since my father came back from guangzhou. My brother and I didn't play every day. My brother went to a boarding school, but I...

  Originally, the achievement of my brother and I are not bad, but dad govern us all day, let us very bad feeling, from then on, my brother and I haven't learned well, grades plummeted. This made my father very angry and more strict and strict with me. Said to follow the father mother and us, but we can't do that, so we and father fell out completely, each time the father and we didn't manage him, we speak to our family changed, quarrel all day long.

  But then I changed my mind about dad. That day was very cold, I also don't have my clothes, at noon I saw dad, frozen purple purple lips, my tears burst out of all of a sudden, hands hugged daddy, our friendly relationship.

  This is my family, the noisy family.

学英语作文 篇6

  In this picture, we can see a teacher walking difficultly in the heavy rain. Then, a car is passing by. One of his students is in it. Seeing his teacher, the student says goodbye to his teacher.

  When I looking at the picture, a question comes into my mind: how to respect teachers? yes, the student doesn’t forget to say goodbye to his teacher, but the teacher is still walking in the heavy rain. To respect his teacher, he should ask his parents to stop the car, and pick up his teacher. we shouldn’t just only say, we should use our actions to show respect.

  As we know, a lot of teachers work very hard. But they only get low salaries. I think, the government must pay more attention to the teachers, and raise their salaries. Then, the teachers will not worry about their lives and teach their students better.

  As a student, we can try our best to do something for our teachers. For example, giving a cup of tea to the teacher, cleaning the blackboard, cleaning up the teacher’s office and so on.

  It’s time for us to show our respect teachers with actions.










