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  开学典礼英语作文 1

  This morning, our school held the opening ceremony. I got up at 7 oclock, put on my school uniform, put on my red scarf, and finished breakfast. I sat in my chair and waited for the teacher to broadcast live. The teacher finally started.

  When I saw the respected principal Hu and other teachers broadcasting live for us in the video, I was very moved! I will do what the teacher says: dont go out! Although the virus is terrible, but we have a strong motherland, we can defeat the virus!

  开学典礼英语作文 2

  The lesson started today. After the long and boring opening ceremony, we saw our chinese teacher. She let us each ask her a queation, but it has to be specific and not too private, during the process, she said she is 30 years old and has a 5-month old daughter. Teaching in this special period of time must be hard for her. She gave us an oral test and devided us into froups, I was chosen as the leader. That took up almost the whole lesson.

  We used the rest of the time doing tongue twisters.

  开学典礼英语作文 3

  My name is XXX. At 8:30 in the morning, I attended the special opening ceremony organized by the school. Because its the period of new crown virus, we cant return to school normally, so I saw the familiar campus and teachers with this "network opening ceremony"!

  Listen to the teachers popularize all kinds of knowledge of the new crown for us and teach us how to prevent. I also saw the beloved president Hu, and heard her request and encouragement to us! The virus cant stop us from learning, and we will certainly defeat it.

  Come on, students! Come on, motherland!

  开学典礼英语作文 4

  Today, we had a very meaningful opening ceremony in grade four. We visited three museums, namely: Daojian Museum, museum museum umbrella, fan. Among them, what I am most interested in is the fan museum.

  Fan has a long history and culture in china. Hangzhou, known as "paradise on earth", has been the cultural center of Chinas fan industry since the song dynasty. Chinese Fan Museum focuses on the history of fan, fan culture and fan craft, and displays the charm of fan with the high-tech means such as physical display, scene reappearance and multimedia. Listen to the tour guide, the fan is also called "palace fan", consists of a circular, reflecting the beautiful patterns.

  We came to the umbrella Museum, misty rain, Jiangnan, derived from a unique umbrella culture, umbrella aesthetic, poetry and umbrella of the symbolic meaning, along with the wheel of historical development, rolled out a unique cultural trajectory.

  Finally, we went to the Daojian Museum, the tour guide introduced the origin and evolution of scissors, history and life of the sword. I had no idea that a little knife could have such a big use.

  The opening ceremony, it is out of the ordinary, to open up a fresh outlook, we gained a lot of knowledge.

  开学典礼英语作文 5

  We have ushered in a new semester, which is also the last semester of primary school. The ceremony began. There were three leaders on the stage that we had never seen before? Are they the new headmaster?

  Look up at the flag-raising men on the flag-raising platform. Their clothes are out of tune with ours. They are in navy uniform and blue uniform. The ceremony continued, the national anthem played slowly, and everyone present stood in awe and saluted. I stared at the "marines" on the flag-raising platform. When the five-star red flag rose slowly in front of me, I felt indescribable. "Forward! Forward! Forward!"

  As soon as the national anthem was ready to sing, the red flag, which was also ready to reach the top of the flagpole, suddenly turned back a somersault. "Wow!" I heard the students nearby spit out in a quiet voice. After all, the national flag is being raised now. It would be a little embarrassing to shout so loudly. After tumbling over, she fell headlong to the ground. Fortunately, our little navy came forward and picked her up in time. I whispered. I thought to myself: After turning the somersault, the red flag reached half of the flagpole. Is it NG again? I cant help shaking all over. Bah! Bah! Bah! How can it happen again? Dont think nonsense!

  The ceremony is over. Its a short opening ceremony.

  开学典礼英语作文 6

  Seeing todays opening ceremony, I have seen the campus that I havent seen for a long time, and Im proud to be a student of such a serious and responsible school. When the national anthem sounded, my brother and I stood up to salute the national flag, my heart was filled with emotion. Before each time we raised the national flag, we were in school, looking up to the rising of the five-star red flag, but now we have to stay away from the virus in the mode of home class.

  This makes me realize how important it is to master more knowledge. I will work harder, study hard and be a useful person in the future. May all our efforts now have a bright future!

  开学典礼英语作文 7

  At three oclock this afternoon, our school held another semesters opening ceremony.

  The rostrum was full of respectable and lovely leaders. We sat upright in our own positions, looked straight ahead, cocked up our small ears, sat there like stone statues, and listened to the leaders speeches conscientiously. President Chen tells us a truth: learning is not only for getting into an ideal school, but also for realizing ones lofty ambitions in learning. This truth has benefited me a lot. Whenever I speak the most wonderful content, I will pick up my pen and record it at any time.

  President Chen also shared a little story with us: there was a scholar in the Qing Dynasty. One night, he was going to study in his study. Because there was a thief in the study, the thief heard that someone was coming. He immediately climbed onto the beam of the house. The scholar was going to recite a 300 word essay, but he could not recite it until midnight. The thief could not help but jumped down and recited the article without missing a word, He also scolded in passing: "what kind of books are you reading, such a stupid person!" After hearing the thiefs words, the scholar worked hard and became a very famous person.

  This school opening ceremony gave me a very educated lesson and learned a lot of great principles. I will study hard, enter an ideal university, and realize my great ambition!

  开学典礼英语作文 8

  Today, we held the opening ceremony. To be exact, it is the opening ceremony of the first grade. Today is really an unforgettable day for me!

  In this ceremony, what makes me most "unforgettable" is that the first grade walks through the gate of wisdom.

  Walking through the gate of wisdom is the first and most boring thing. At first, I was very excited to come here. Later, the first grade students began to walk the gate of wisdom. When the supporter started to say that class 1 (1) started to leave, my eyes were frozen there, waiting for the appearance of the little classmates. Finally, I thought it was over after a long time. However, this was the first class I left. At that time, I collapsed. I could not even imagine what it would be like for class 3 after a long time. The most annoying thing is why we didnt go to the gate of wisdom when we were in the first grade, and why I didnt complain about the red ink, and even let us wave. My heart!

  However, I waited for so long, but it was not in vain. Mr. Tian, the head teacher of our class, made a speech on behalf of all the teachers on the rostrum, and suddenly felt that the momentum of our class had risen a lot!

  Today, I think that when I was bored before, I was not bored at all. Today, it is the most boring to watch the first grade walk through the gate of wisdom.

  开学典礼英语作文 9

  The lesson started today. After the long and boring opening ceremony, we saw our chinese teacher. She let us each ask her a queation, but it has to be specific and not too private, during the process, she said she is 30 years old and has a 5-month old daughter.

  Teaching in this special period of time must be hard for her. She gave us an oral test and devided us into froups, I was chosen as the leader. That took up almost the whole lesson. We used the rest of the time doing tongue twisters.

  开学典礼英语作文 10

  Today, the weather is sunny and sunny. Our school held a grand opening ceremony.

  We found a place to sit down. Just as I hit the bench, the opening ceremony began. The sound of firecrackers crackled into the ears of every student. With the melodious national anthem, the bright five-star red flag rose slowly.

  After the speech of the headmaster, the director and a sixth grade sister, it was time to award awards to the students who were awarded excellent cadres, three good students and the star of progress. Everyone on the podium was very happy. They were smiling and standing upright. Some students were still looking down the podium, as if looking for a pair of envious eyes. After praising, it was time to criticize. Those robbing classmates were put on the stage, and almost thousands of eyes looked at them at the same time. They felt shameless and bowed their heads. What is the difference between the award-winning students and the criticized students?

  I must go to the glorious podium next semester.

  开学典礼英语作文 11

  Today is really happy, because we held the opening ceremony on the playground today.

  In the morning, all the teachers and students of our school sat on our new playground with stools to hold the opening ceremony for the first-year primary school students who had just arrived at Yinghua garden. The new playground had already been equipped with the gate of wisdom, and a large drum was placed on the artificial lawn.

  Let me say that the most interesting part of the opening ceremony is the opening ceremony for the first grade.

  In the opening ceremony, first of all, first of all, the younger brothers of grade one are given a red dot on the middle of their foreheads with vermilion sand, which is called vermilion sand to enlighten their wisdom. Then, a representative of each class is sent to beat the big drum and say his own ideal, which is called beating the drum to clarify his ambition.

  I like the drum beating and ambition most. When the first grade students said their ideals, they were all full of milk and milk. The tender voice often made us laugh. One of them, a little brother, not only spoke in milk and milk, but also read two words together: "my ideal is to be a soldier, wearing military uniform and holding a steel gun, and make contributions to the motherland!" This made our class all laugh with stomachache.

  When the ceremony was over, I gave my best wishes in my heart: "I hope the first grade students will study hard and make progress every day."

  开学典礼英语作文 12

  After the second class this morning, we were excited and lined up to the playground to participate in the annual opening ceremony.

  After we sat in the designated position on the north side of the flagpole, the school opening ceremony began with a loud sound of firecrackers. The first is the flag-raising ceremony. With the majestic and passionate national anthem, the bright five-star red flag is rising slowly, and many eyes are watching the five-star red flag flying upward. Then the landing principal said a lot about learning, which I kept in mind. President Lu finally said, "Please speak on behalf of the teacher, Mr. Cai." Looking at the teacher who is speaking, I am filled with pride. I think Mr. Cai is an excellent teacher.

  The following is the most exciting moment. The young and beautiful headmaster Liang began to read out the list of students who won the prize last term. The first grade... the second grade... finally read out to the third grade. I held my breath and listened with my ears.

  After listening for a long time, why havent I read my name? Am I not a good student? Just when I was wondering, the words "Yin Hanqing" burst into my ears. If it werent for the meeting, I really wanted to jump up, but there was still a gap compared with "learning model". We should work hard!

  The school opening ceremony is over. Looking forward to the new semester, I will not live up to the expectations of parents and teachers, and I will make my achievements to a higher level.

  开学典礼英语作文 13

  Today, all our teachers and students held the opening ceremony in the school hall.

  At the opening ceremony, President Wang made an important speech. He actively encouraged us to do a good job in learning, strive to create classes, and build Yujiang school into a first-class school in the county. After that, the teachers representative made a statement and some students made a brief speech. The most wonderful is the award ceremony. The school awarded the outstanding cadres, three good students, the top three students with academic achievements, the learning star and the health star one by one last semester. Some students not only received certificates of merit, but also received scholarships.

  After the opening ceremony, looking back on the speeches made by the school and the representatives of teachers and students just now, I set a new and larger goal for myself: in the new semester, I must make my own efforts to achieve excellent results and become the best in the whole class and even the whole school. At the same time, we should strive to be a fully developed primary school student.

  I think as long as I redouble my efforts towards the new goal, my wish will certainly be realized.

  开学典礼英语作文 14

  Today, the weather is fine and sunny. Our school held a grand opening ceremony in Phoenix Square.

  First of all, the host Teacher Wang solemnly announced the commencement of the school opening ceremony. Suddenly, the sound of firecrackers and music spread the festivity to every corner of the school. The second item is raising the national flag. With the solemn national anthem, the bright five-star red flag is rising slowly. The three teachers of our fourth grade Chinese group are the flagmen this time. Because last semester, our fourth grade Chinese won the first place in the city in the investigation examination organized by Xinmi education and Sports Bureau. Looking at their solemn and proud faces, our hearts are full of joy. Next semester we will continue to work hard and win the crown again!

  Then, after president Zhu made a speech, it was time for the award. "Excellent winter holiday operation winners" and "100 filial piety stars", all of them walked to the podium with a smile, and the applause from the audience burst out. I looked at them with envy and secretly determined that I would stand there at this moment next year!

  The grand opening ceremony came to an end in President Zhais speech! Looking forward to the new semester, I will certainly live up to the expectations of my teachers and parents. Lets work together!

  开学典礼英语作文 15

  After the two-month holiday, the students were all energetic and welcomed the new semester with full enthusiasm. On the morning of February 6, our school held the opening ceremony.

  The school song sounded in the campus, and the classes lined up orderly to enter the venue. Suddenly, there was a huge crowd on the playground, and the neat line could not be counted. The banner above the line was like a huge national flag, flying in the breeze.

  The teachers gave us four gifts: love of study, love of the motherland, love of the collective and love of labor. These four gifts guide us to good habits and cultivate our noble sentiments. The headmaster also introduced several new teachers to us, and we warmly welcomed them. There was a warm applause on the campus, which injected new blood into our second primary school and nourished our healthy growth.

  There is a way to study hard. There is no end to learning. In this new semester, I must study hard, work hard, and always go forward, and live up to the expectations of my mother and teacher. When I grow up, I will repay my motherland and create the future. Fly like wild geese.

  The final opening ceremony ended with the passionate and solemn national anthem.

  开学典礼英语作文 16

  Its time to attend the school opening ceremony again. In the morning, I came to the school excitedly, because today Im going to visit the fire brigade! I used to like firefighters best. In Dudu City, I often played as a firefighter!

  Our students gathered on the playground, listened to President Qians speech, and set off! After walking for 20 minutes, we finally reached our destination. First of all, three pairs of red, tall and large fire engines came into my eyes. At that time, I was thinking: what is in such a big car, what is its purpose? With these questions in mind, I listened carefully to the explanation of the firefighter uncle. It turned out that such a large car can hold 3 tons of water, and there are many fire-fighting tools! What impressed me most is a fire axe, which looks like a sickle. I guess it must have many special uses.

  Then, we went upstairs to visit uncle firefighters bedroom. Their beds are very hard, their quilts are very thin and small, and they are neatly folded. Im really worried. Isnt it cold? You know, they may go out at night! My quilt is soft and thick, so comfortable! Uncle firefighters life is so hard, and he has to take the responsibility of protecting us. Its great!

  When I walked out of the fire brigade, I also saw a slogan on the wall, "Peoples ability is limited, peoples efforts are unlimited". I also want to use this sentence to encourage myself. What a special opening ceremony!

  开学典礼英语作文 17

  In this cool autumn September. We have ushered in this beautiful opening season. Today, under the leadership of the class teacher, we come to the playground with a uniform pace to carry out the opening ceremony.

  The headmaster stood on the rostrum and spoke for the whole school. The headmasters kind words beat in my heart to the tough and powerful drums. Lets be full of strength. Then the student representatives came forward to speak. I envy them. I really hope that one day I can stand in front of the stage with confidence, and the award ceremony will be more exciting.

  After the opening ceremony, we also watched a very educational film called when happiness knocks at the door in our class. Let me understand that only persistent efforts can achieve success.

  The new semester begins with full expectation. In the new semester and the new weather, I will study hard. The white ruler club head goes further.

  开学典礼英语作文 18

  Today is the first day of our junior high school life. In the morning, we came to school early, just for our first ceremony in junior high school - the opening ceremony.

  We came to Yuetan stadium to participate in this activity. In the applause, we welcomed the leaders and teachers. Thus, the opening ceremony began. There were countless wonderful programs at the ceremony, but the most unforgettable one for me was the military training performance of the seniors and sisters.

  In the warm applause of the whole audience, the students began to perform. I only heard them running loudly and orderly, just like running alone. This made me think of us. Our training conditions were better than theirs, but the regularity was not as good as theirs. I think we should cherish the existing conditions and study hard instead of cheating.

  开学典礼英语作文 19

  Today our school had an opening ceremony in the school auditorium. All the teachers and students as well as some famous gentriesand government officials attended. Our headmaster made a speech. He hoped that everybody in our school would work harder and made even more progress in the new semester.

  School master spoke highly of some outstanding teachers and students and hoped that all teachers and students can learn from them. "Three-good-deed" students were rewarded with prizes. Headmaster also announced that some honor students received Zheng Zhucheng scholarship because they did very well in their studies as well as in lives, although they came from poor families. A famous gentry then made a speech. He shared his learning experience with students and how he achieved success in his career. I was so moved by his stories.

  This is a new mester, I decide to work harder and performan better than before.

  开学典礼英语作文 20

  Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Zhejiang University!

  As a freshman, you are going to have a completely new life. So here is something you should keep in mind.

  First, arrange your time properly. You’d better make a timetable so that you will know what to do and how to do it and take advantage of every minute. It will make your work more efficient. Living in the university, sometimes you will face some problems that you can’t deal with all alone. Then help from others will make things easy for you. So get along well with all the people around you. Always be open-minded and warm-hearted. Don’t speak ill of others at will. You should always bear in mind that we are in a big family. At last, take an active part in societies. Societies at school are your second teachers. It will not only provide you more chances to make friends and challenge yourself, but make your school life rich and colorful as well.

  Enjoy your university life!









