

时间:2024-05-04 16:24:38 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  Hong Da School is beautiful and big. There’re many students and teachers in it. Our school has a big playground. We usually have P.E. class on it. Our classroom is on the fourth floor. It’s bright and clean. I sleep at school, eat at school and study at school. School is a big family. Teachers are my parents. I love my school!

学英语作文 篇2

  In my class i have both chinese and american friends. let me introduce you to some of them.

  Tim is tall and slim with a friendly smile on his lovely face. he is very helpful in my study. i learn a lot of american slang from him. my is also eager to learn chinese. at lunch time we echange lessons. i teach him chinese and he teaches me english. it is fun to hear him say,"干杯, more 干杯!" and he has many interesting ideas. sometimes he speaks first and thinks later. that is why he makes funny mistakes, but he is very popular with the classmates.

  Lorrie is a nice girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes. she is very kind and friendly. seeing me without my own transportation to school, she offers me her bike. now i can go to school by bike. she doesn't always talk in enghsh. but her epressive eyes and helpful actions speak louder than words.

  Zhang ying is my best chinese friend. she is pretty and always wears a nice smile. being quick-witted, she is the beststudent in our class and she ecels us in all subjects. however, she is sometimes naughty and once she drew a sketch of our teacher dr. b. b's head in the shape of an egg with a half circle of hair. which made us burst out laughing.

  Ienjoy the company of my classmates. they make my life rich and interesting.






学英语作文 篇3





  work and play are two important parts in people's life, but some times they are contradictory, whether we can balance them has much to do with our success.

  some people think that we should do more work, because everyone has a limited life, and we should make as many contributions as we can to society. besides, we can acquire more knowledge and gain more eperience by hard work, which will help us a lot later in our life.

  others believe that we should spare enough time for play. there is a saying that all work and no play makes john a dull boy. play makes people feel relaed and free them from the stress of work.

  in this sense, it is also beneficial to our health. so if we don't play, we can't work well. in my opinion, we should do more work when we are young be cause we are energetic, and we can spend more time playing and enjoying our life when we become aged. of course, we should never overdo things and never indulge ourselves with play.

学英语作文 篇4

  Dogs usually refers to the dogs, also known as dogs, a common canine mammals, is a close relative of the wolf. Often referred to as "human best friend" is also the highest rate of keeping pets. His life was about ten - more than three decades, in the absence of an accident, the average life span of small dogs to be longer.

学英语作文 篇5


  Reform of English Education


  2. 产生这一现象的原因

  3. 你认为应如何改革英语教育


  Reform of English Education

  As college English education is greatly emphasized with the rapid development of global commuiiicaticm,tbe defects that exist in the current educational system are open to more criticism- It is widely acknowledged that a thorough reform of college English education should be under way.

  People ask for English education reform mainly because of the Inadequacy of college English education under the current system. On the one hand, many coilege English teachers underestimate the role interest plays in English learning and keep preaching in class. On the other h^nd, under the current system, most Chinese students tend to separate vocabulary memorizing, grammar, Hsteniiig, speaking, reading, and writing ftom each other and therefore their English is also “broken” in this way. This has also greatly contributed to the “dumb English” of many Chinese students.

  In my view, to reform English education, colleges and universities should encourage students to speak English in class and hold more activities to promote students' oral English. Teachers should focus on attracting students with vivid teaching and arouse students* enthusiasm in learning English. With the collaboration, the reform of college BngHsh education will surely yield pleatifu] fitiits.

学英语作文 篇6

  to be or not to be punctual is a habit. We often fail to appreciate the influence of habit in our life. Habit is worklng for or against us every minute of the day. It has much to do with our future. So when we are young, we should try to be punctual every time and never be late, for the habit ismuch easier to acquire in youth than when we are older. Punctuality is an important constituent of good character.A person who is always on time for his appointments shows real consideration for others. A person who is always late shows selfishness and thoughtlessness, and he is not a person that most people want for a friend. A few minutes' delay may not be a serious matter, but it may have bad results. Getting up ten minutes later than usual may upset the plan of the day.Calling on a friend five minutes later than the appointed time may cause him some unexpected trouble. One delay after another makes a man unable to exert himself. It also proves himto be untrustworthy.

  Since punctuality is a good habit and a nice virtue, we should pay much attention to it and make much effort to cultivate this good habit so that we may have a strong sense of punctuality and do whatever we are supposed to do on time.

学英语作文 篇7




学英语作文 篇8

  One Sunday afternoon when I was learning to ride my bike, I fell down and hurt my arms badly.

  As soon as my parents heard this, they took me to the hospital at once. During my stay in bed, they took good care of me and cheered me up.

  Meanwhile, they helped me with my lessons. With their help, I caught up with my classmates.

  Now I'll try my best to study well to repay my parents.

学英语作文 篇9



  The most popular teacher in Neworiental, Ma Zihui, will attend the party. 2.以单个修饰语作为句子的开头。


  Young and ambitious,JieYu works hard to teach Englsih.

  Secretly, the girl entered the room.

  With a book in her hands, Fang Meng talked to a foreigner.

  Exhausted, the students reached the top of the mountain.



  In front of me stood a beautiful girl.

  To pass the exam, the students worked hard.

  Confused about the problem, he went to ask for his teacher.

  Your homework finished, you may go home.


  If I am free, I will attend your lecture.

  Whenever one goes, whatever one does, one needs money.


  With the growing popularity of in China, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed.

  With the growth of , many problems such as are beginng to surface

学英语作文 篇10

  We often say boys like to play and move and sport than the girls. But I have one good friend, she moves up and down, left and right all day like a boy. Teachers say that she is really a false boy in our class .She is short and thin, she has got short straight black hair, a high nose ,big eyes of spirit , she is my best friend.

  Girls always listens to the teacher quietly in the class, but what does she often do? She often sits on the chair with one leg under her bottom and often stand up .She often walks around the teacher when she is in high spirit. The teacher often says to her: "We all have class quietly and silently expect you, Why do you just feel uneasy? You are really too active”. But it is very strange, she is the top student in our class.

  Though she is a girl! She has the boy's hobbies: playing basketball, playing football , playing table tennis,etc. And she does them well. She and I played Shooting the Basketball game last year, I shot the ball three times in succession, I failed, I only stocked the hoop once, She shot three ball in succession, she all hit.

  Look, This is she, a girl out of the common, a girl like a boy, a girl called “A Tommy boy”, an active girl.










