

时间:2024-05-05 10:22:10 英语作文 我要投稿





  If college students live on campus a and B c. More and more students choose to live off campus. The reaction of parents and university management is understandable.

  They express different concerns about the threat of security and out of school lifestyle out of control. College students have their own reasons for choosing. Some students prefer to live on campus.

  The reasons are as follows: first, campus residents are closer to classes, libraries and other resources, so they have more Living in dormitories is a good opportunity to meet and develop relationships with all kinds of new people. Therefore, the last (but not the least) social ability of students living on campus is stronger. Living on campus is often cheaper and more convenient.

  Off campus housing is more expensive than off campus housing, while living on campus is more expensive You don't have to worry about the monthly rent and water and electricity charges. Some people choose to live off campus because they think they are more independent, have more privacy and more quiet time. Living off campus frees them from the dormitory rules and allows them to set up extra space for themselves, which also means that one can find one at the convenience of his home Study in a quiet place.

  For me, I am a loyal supporter of the former group, because I also live on campus. I have witnessed and enjoyed all the convenience and happiness brought to me by doing so. Living on campus undoubtedly adds an important element to the complete university life.


  如果大学生住在校园a和b c,越来越多的学生选择住在校外,家长和大学管理层的反应是可以理解的,他们对安全和校外生活方式失控的威胁表达了不同的担忧,大学生有自己的选择理由有些学生更喜欢住在校园里,原因如下:第一,校园居民离班级、图书馆和其他资源更近,因此他们更有可能在xx年内完成大学学业并完成学士学位,住在宿舍是一个很好的机会来认识各种各样的新人,并与他们发展关系,因此,住在校园里的学生最后一个(但不是最不重要的)社交能力更强,住在校园里往往更便宜、更方便,校外住房比校外住房更贵,而住在校园里,你不必担心关于月租金和水电费,有些人选择住在校外,因为他们认为住在校外他们更,有了更多的`隐私和更多的安静时间,住在校外让他们从那些宿舍规则中解脱出来,允许他们自己设置额外的空间,这也意味着一个人可以在自己家里的便利处找到一个安静的地方学习。对我来说,我是前一组的忠实支持者,因为我自己也住在校园里,我见证并享受了这样做给我带来的所有便利和快乐,生活在校园无疑为完整的大学生活增添了重要的元素。


  More and more students prefer to live off campus rather than on campus. Now there are two opposing views on the life outside school. One view is that renting a house outside school is better.

  Compared with the first one, I think that living outside the school has more disadvantages than advantages. I want to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renting out of school. First of all, if you live outside school, time management is easier, because students can make their own plans about when to get up, when to go to bed, and what to do Second, students can have a free lifestyle.

  They can cook at home, play games, watch movies and do whatever they want to do. This is impossible, or at least it is inconvenient to live on campus. Finally, renting a house can help students learn how to do Living alone can help them learn to control their own behavior.

  The disadvantages are also obvious. Students living outside school may be unsafe without the supervision and help of school staff. Secondly, students have no help.

  Some students may not be able to control themselves well. They may be addicted to computer games or even gambling, because no one will control them at last Equally important, renting out of school should be more expensive. In short, it's hard to say whether life outside school is good or bad.

  It is reasonable to say that it depends on the characteristics of the student. If he / she can control himself / herself well, it may be a good idea. Otherwise, living on campus may be an appropriate way of life,.












