

时间:2024-05-13 13:03:34 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  Usually, I am free at the weekends, but sometimes I also have something to do.

  This weekend, I will be busy, because at Saturday, I am going to read a magazine in the morning.

  Afternoon, I will go to the zoo with my grandparents. On Sunday, I will go to the bookstore to buy some books for reading.

  Afternoon, I will go to the train school to learn Kongfu.

  At night, I will stay at home and have a good rest.

英语作文 篇2


  A life without a friend is a life without a sun. Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life.

  Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it.

  When you’re down, friends lift you up. When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you on.

  So cherish your friend, Do not save your loving speeches.for your friends till they are dead.Do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead


  /englishwriting/chuzhongyingyuzuowen/20xx-02-18/168654.htmlFriendship is indispensable to people's life. A man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression. Friendship is the mother of our psyche, who'll warm her kid when hurt occurs. We have much to share with our friends in life, perplexity, excitement, bitterness etc. Alas, it's magnificent to maintain a genuine friendship.

  友谊对人的生活是不可缺少的。 没有朋友的一个人是天使没有翼,生活在寂寞和消沉长的容忍将遭受。 友谊是我们的灵魂的母亲,将温暖她的孩子,当创伤发生时。 我们在生活、困惑、兴奋,冤苦等有分享与我们的朋友。 呀,它是壮观的维护一个纯友情。

  It takes many special qualities to make a friend. Understanding should come first. Only when we get a better understanding of each other can we gain an authentic and meaningful friendship. We may find our hobbies of common interests. This feeling of affinity gets us closer and closer.

  它采取许多特别质量交朋友。 理解应该首先来。 只有当我们得到时更好的理解对彼此能我们获取地道和意味深长的友谊。 我们也许发现共同利益我们的'爱好。 亲合力的这种感觉得到我们更加接近和更加紧密。

  It also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end. Never hesitate to show your heartfelt care and kindness to your friend when he/she is in trouble. Love is not selfish. Love is endowed by God that we should treasure all our life.

  它也采取不似乎知道末端的一特别爱。 当他或她是在麻烦时,不要犹豫显示您的衷心关心和仁慈对您的朋友。 爱不是自私的。 爱由God资助我们应该珍惜所有我们的生活

  Tolerance is the third essential part in friendship. We are absolutely different persons. This individual distinction may cause conflict between us in every aspect of our life. Don't immerse

  ourself in this infliction too long. Try to tolerant his/her in an introspective mood. Saints are not perfect, let alone those ordinary people like us. Afterwards, we should get a good communication. Never shy to confess.

  容忍是第三个主要部分在友谊。 我们是绝对不同的人。 这单独分别在我们的生活的每个方面也许导致冲突在我们之间。 太长期不要浸没ourself在这处罚。 尝试对宽容他/她一种内省的心情。 圣徒不是完善的,更不用说那些普通人象我们。 之后,我们应该得到好通信。 不要避开交代。

  Understanding, love and tolerance are the first three essences that comes to an authentic friendship. Other qualities are also concerned such as thoughtfulness, trust and patience. Remember, friendship is your psyche's guard, treasure it

  来到地道友谊的理解、爱和容忍是前三精华。 其他质量也有关例如有思想性、信任和耐心。 记住,友谊是您的灵魂的卫兵,珍惜它

  From: /englishwriting/chuzhongyingyuzuowen/20xx-02-18/168654_2.html

英语作文 篇3

  Mother’s Day

  Mother’s Day

  Mother’s Day is a holiday when children honor their mothers with cards, gifts and flowers. In many countries, such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and the US, people celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May while many other countries of the world celebrate their own Mother’s day at different times through out the year.

  One of the best ways to celebrate Mother’s Day is to give your mom the day off. Let her relax with the rest of the family doing all the housework. Usually, dad and the kids will let mom sleep late that morning as they go into the kitchen to prepare her favourite breakfast. Never forget to place a vase with a single flower on the table beside the food. The kids can pick up the flower from the garden or buy one from the shop. Arrange everything nicely before mom wakes up. Some families will carry the food and mom’s favourite sections from the newspaper to her bedroom so that mom can have breakfast in bed. Presents and cards from the kids can be handed to mom by themselves or just placed on the dining table.

  After breakfast, go anywhere mom likes to go. Shopping, swimming or going on a picnic in the garden. Make a special Mother’s Day dinner or take mom out for a great meal in a famous restaurant she loves most.

  Anyway ,let mom enjoy the whole day and feel your love, and then the Mother’s Day can be a good one. As Mother’s Day is around the corner, it’s time to take actions!

英语作文 篇4

  Entering the 21st century, people now enjoy more prosperity and social progress.

  However, at the same time, it is undeniable that a very serious problem is drawing more and more attention, that is, the aging population.

  Many factors contribute to this phenomenon.

  Firstly, modern medicine has made it possible for people to kill many deadly diseases and thus live longer.

  Secondly, with the improved living conditions, people lead a stable and trouble-free life.

  As a result, aging population is growing in China.

  Therefore, many unexpected impacts have been laid on the society, for instance, the consuming structure is badly influenced, and the welfare pension and healthcare of the aging population become a heavy burden for governments at different levels.

  In my opinion, we should try our best to guarantee the stable life of people,and governments should launch proper projects to protect the rights of senior citizens.

  Only by carrying out effective measures can the senior citizens peacefully enjoy their aging life.

英语作文 篇5

  Nearly all energy comes from the sun, either in a roundabout① way or straight from it, in the form of heat rays and light rays. The light from the moon, too, comes from the sun. The moon can be said to be like a large mirror which throws back the sun's light to the earth.

  Electrical energy comes from the sun in a roundabout way, e.g.②, it can come from the power of water falling down a mountainside③. The water fell there as rain, and we know that rain is made by the sun's heat evaporating the water on the earth's surface. This water vapour rises, condenses④ on cooling, and falls as rain.

  The light and heat energy from coal also comes from the sun in a roundabout way. Coal was made by the rocks pressing on trees and plants which died millions of years ago. Those trees and plants grew with the aid of sunlight, from which they made carbohydrates⑤, in this way changing the sun's energy into chemical energy. When we burn coal, some of this energy is set free.

  Energy which we use to drive car engines comes from petrol⑥,which also was made with the aid of the sun in a roundabout way. Plants, and animals which ate the plants, died millions of years ago, and the parts of them that were left were pressed under the rocks in the 301earth. These parts left from dead animals and plants made petroleum⑦,from which petrol and oil are now obtained.

  Thus we can say that the is the place where nearly all energy comes from, and that without the sun's heat and light, there could be no life on earth.

英语作文 篇6

  在日常生活中,因特网起着越来越重要的作用。请根据下表所给提示英文为某英文报纸写一篇题为On the Internet 的征文稿。

  On the Internet

  The internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. On the net, we can learn news both at home and abroad and all kinds of other information as well. We can also send messages by E-mail, make phone calls, go to net school, read various kinds of books and learn foreign languages by ourselves. Besides, we can enjoy music, watch sports or matches and play chess or cards. On the net, we can even do shopping, have a chat with others and make friends with them. In a word, the Internet has made our life more colorful.

英语作文 篇7

  Still a few hours, and the year of the double eleven, the legend of the big day.While the mobile phone can open the page, browse the space is completely two themes Shuabing a double eleven shopping carnival, also helping to bring out a new vocabulary - hand chop party.

  The other one is in a mature, shouted to the end of the single, but no one came about. Looking at the two theme turns scraper, I can only silently closed space.Because I know that you don't have enough money, I would not have to worry about myself to chop the hand, I am still a student, not suitable for the end of the single life, obediently read out again.

  I can do is to lie down, close your eyes, slowly memories, today I learned what knowledge, perhaps, only in this way, to afford the consumption of today's youth, can make me smile to greet the double eleven.

  Double every year there will be eleven, but I can only come to the college entrance examination, can never again, this is my double eleven, and most people are not the same as the eleven combat mode.

英语作文 篇8

  I can t stand the pressure and competition, explained one friend of mine when asked why he decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don t think his decision is wise in reality.

  It s true that my friend s case is not unique. In the last few years quite a number of men and women have chosen to do something less competitive at the cost of a comfortable, easy life a highly-paid job can obtain. They are afraid that the stresses and strains of work will rob them of joy and happiness and do them harm both physically and mentally. In fact, however, stress isn t the bad thing it is often supposed to be. Unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge, and to give purpose and significance to an otherwise meaningless, idle life. People under stress tend to express their full range of potential and to actualize their own personal worth the very aim of a human life.

  Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to develop our adaptive abilities to deal with it rather than to escape from it.




英语作文 篇9

  Traffic congestion has long been a problem of great concern and complaint in big cities. It has caused a lot of inconvenience to people's life and work. The first cause is the great increase in the number of private cars.

  Cars take up more space but they carry fewer people. Some private car drivers, ignoring traffic regulations, drive only for the sake of their own convenience, blocking the way of other public transportation vehicles. The second cause is the slow and inefficient construction and improvement of the roads and streets.

  With a large population and numbers of automobiles increasing, some roads still remain unimproved, which will surely lead to problems. Let all of us act now to solve it.








英语作文:My Doll英语作文02-24


