
中国 China

时间:2024-05-20 15:01:10 英语作文 我要投稿

中国 China

  China has a long history ,the first period is xia dynasty.Its full name is people republic of china. our country has famous things ,for example there are many famous universities especially beijing university and qinghua university the other hand ,our country has many famous people master of science and doctor of literature.such as hualuogeng luxun and so on .When spring festival is coming many people will visit their best friend .China has many famous media for example cctv. China has many famous places such as yellow river and The Great Wall .Beijing is capital of china and it is a interesting place.Because in 2008 the 29th olympic gameswill be held in beijing .to make it the best ever games the capital city will make several big change.

  The olympic motto is “”faster, higher ,stronger”” .The people of beijing and of the whole country will prepare to light the olympic torch to welcome athletes and sports fans from all over the world.



  中国有着悠久的历史,它的第一个朝代是夏朝。中国的全称是中国人民 共和国。我国有有名的事物,例如有许多著名大学,尤其是北京大学和清华大学;另一方面,我们的国家有很多科学硕士和文学博士名人.例如华罗庚鲁迅等等。当春节来临,很多人将访问他们的最好朋友。中国有很多著名的媒体,例如中国中央电视台。中国有很多著名的地方,如黄河和长城。北京是中国的首都,它是一个有趣的地方。因为在2008年第二十九奥林匹克运动会将在北京举行。为了让这个比赛成为最好的,首都将有一些大的变化。


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