

时间:2024-06-04 10:10:52 英语作文 我要投稿





  Normally I will be very happy and excited when I get the lucky money. And all of a sudden, the problem es that how to make full use of them. I think it is highly determined by how much it is. For example, if the number is around 500, it is wise to buy some books that I would like to read to boarden my horizons. When the number reaches 20xx, travelling could be a better choice, because what we acquires in an education trip is far more impressive than books and documentary. Let's imagine in a rich family the lucky money can be up to 100000. From my point of view, investment is of great necessity, which is able to resist the currency inflation.



  "Auntie, this dime is fake."




  "Because there is no watermark on Grandpa Mao's head."


  "You're such a funny kid."


  These words are what I said when I was eating soy sauce sticks.


  "Children, I have learned to fake money seriously these days.


  I found that 50 yuan and 100 yuan have the watermark of Grandpa Mao's head, 10 yuan and 20 yuan have the watermark of flowers.


  What's a dime watermark? I think it's grandpa Mao's watermark.


  Your friend, what watermark do you think a dime is?


  Normally I will be very happy and excited when I get the lucky money. And all of a sudden, the problem comes that how to make full use of them. I think it is highly determined by how much it is.

  For example, if the number is around 500, it is wise to buy some books that I would like to read to boarden my horizons. When the number reaches 20xx, travelling could be a better choice, because what we acquires in an education trip is far more impressive than books and documentary.

  Let's imagine in a rich family the lucky money can be up to 100000. From my point of view, investment is of great necessity, which is able to resist the currency inflation.


  Normally I will be very happy and excited when I get the lucky money. And all of a sudden, the problem comes that how to make full use of them. I think it is highly determined by how much it is. For example, if the number is around 500, it is wise to buy some books that I would like to read to boarden my horizons. When the number reaches 20xx, travelling could be a better choice, because what we acquires in an education trip is far more impressive than books and documentary. Let's imagine in a rich family the lucky money can be up to 100000. From my point of view, investment is of great necessity, which is able to resist the currency inflation.


  once upon a time there lived a beautiful young woman and a handsome young man. they were very poor, but as they were deeply in love, they wanted to get married. the young people’s parents shook their heads. ‘you can’t get married yet,’ they said. ‘wait till you get a good job with good prospects.’ so the young people waited until they found good jobs with good prospects and they were able to get married. they were still poor, of course. they didn’t have a house to live in or any furniture, but that didn’t matter. the young man had a good job with good prospects, so large organizations lent him the money he needed to buy a house, some furniture, all the latest electrical appliances and a car. the couple lived happily ever after paying off debts for the rest of their lives. and so ends another modern romantic fable.

  we live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive. our possessions, ‘mine’ and ‘yours’ are clearly labeled from early childhood. when we grow old enough to earn a living, it does not surprise us to discover that success is measured in terms of the money you earn. we spend the whole of our lives keeping up with our neighbors, the joneses. if we buy a new television set, johnes is bound to buy a bigger and better one. if we buy a new car, we can be sure that jones will go one better and get two new cars: one for his wife and one for himself. the most amusing thing about this game is that the joneses and all the neighhours who are struggling frantically to keep up with them are spending borrowed money kindly provided, at suitable rate of interest, of course, by friendly banks, insurance companies, etc.it is not only in affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea of making more money. consumer goods are desirable everywhere and modern industry deliberately sets out to create new markets. gone are the day when industrial goods were made to last forever. the wheels of industry must be kept turning. ‘built-in obsolescence’ provides the means: goods are made to be discarded. cars get tinnier and tinnier. you no sooner acquire this year’s model than you are thinking about its replacement.

  this materialistic outlook has seriously influenced education. fewer and fewer young people these days acquire knowledge only for its own sake. every course of studies must lead somewhere: i.e. to a bigger wage packet. the demand for skilled personnel far exceeds the supply and big companies compete with each other to recruit students before they have completed their studies. tempting salaries and ‘fringe benefits’ are offered to them. recruiting tactics of this kind have led to the ‘brain drain’, the process by which highly skilled people offer their services to the highest bidder. the wealthier nations deprive their poorer neighbours of their most able citizens. while mammon is worshipped as never before, the rich get richer and the poor, poorer.


  The new year's money, Han customs, moral evil spirits, bless. Money first intention is town evil evil. People thinkchildren are vulnerable to infringement of sneaky, so use the money to Yasheng evil, help children safe new year,wish a healthy year children in Geely new.

  New Year Spring Festival, the elders will be prepared lucky money put into the red envelopes to junior, according to legend, lucky money to suppress the evil spirit, because "old" and "was" homophonic, junior get lucky money can spend a year in peace.

  General in the new year countdown by the elders among the younger generation, said the new year.





  If I have a lot of money

  If I have a lot of money I will do something I want to do.

  If I have a lot of money,I will do what I want to do. First,I will try my best to help people who are in trouble. I am going to give lots of money to schools and charities. I think it is the most important thing for me to do in my life. Then,I will buy something for my parents. I love them and I hope they’ll live a happy life. Next,I willtravel around the world. I am sure I will have a great time. Dear friends, what will you do if you have a lot of money ?

  If I have a lot of money, I will do something I want to do.

  When you are rich, will you buy a lot of things? But if I have a lot of money, I will organize a gardening(园艺) club and a stamp collecting club! Why? Because gardening and collecting stamps are my hobbies.

  Gardening is an enjoyable hobby. Many people like flowers, some people can grow all kinds of flowers in their garden. They have fun working in their gardens. Then they can enjoy the fresh flowers ,vegetables and fruit that they have grown(已经种植的). They will join the club to learn how to grow flowers better. At the same time,Many people like to collect things. Collecting stamps is very fun. You can learn a lot about different countries of the world. In my stamp collecting club, you can see or get lots of beautiful stamps.

  If I have a lot of money, I must organize clubs! My clubs will help people plant well in the garden and collect more nice stamps. It will make me very happy. I will be proud of it when I help people.


  Many people believe that a large income equal success.I believe,however,success is more than how much money you make.Measures of success also include fame,respect,and knowledge.

  许多人认为有大量的收入等于成功。 然而,我相信,成功不仅仅是指你有多少钱。 成功还包括名誉、尊重和知识。

  Becoming famous is one way to show one is success.So many scientists and researchers have made great contribution to our nation and they don’t possess too much wealth.But they are awarded with fame and great honors and thus become nationwide well-known.No one could say they are not successful.I also believe that being respected by coworkers indicates success.Without that respect,money mean little.We just call people with big money and no respect “they are rich” and nothing more,while for those surrounded by respect,we’d like to say “This guy is really marvelous.He made it in his life.”

  成名是显示成功的一种方式。许多科学家和研究人员为我们的国家作出了重大的贡献,虽然他们没有太多的财富,但是他们获得名望和伟大的荣誉,成为全国闻名的人物。 没有人能说他们不是成功的。 我也相信要尊敬同事意味成功。 没有尊重,金钱是小。 我们就叫人有资金仅仅说“他们是富人”而已,而对于那些被尊重包围的人说, “这家伙真的是了不起的`,他的生活是成功的。”

  In conclusion,we don’t memorize people simply because they were rich.Overall,we remember people who were influential in politics,or contributed to science or art or religion.If history is the ultimate judge of success,then money surely isn’t everything.

  总之,我们不要仅仅因为别人有钱才记住他。 总的来说,我们记住人在政治上有影响力的人,或者记住那些对科学或艺术或宗教有贡献的人。如果历史是成功的最终的裁判,那么钱当然不是万能的。



  The Spring Festival this year, I also have a small number of year - old money. With such a sum of money, I want to make a dream round me: buy a skateboard. Mother disagreed, and I had to give her money to her to keep her, and I did not agree, so I tried to hide some of the money.


  I took the gift money, locked the door of his room, looked around in the room, choose a few places, finally found a very safe place - bed. Although this place I choose well, but I want to plump drill under the bed, a little difficult, but in order not to let mother easily find my gift money, buy my skateboard, I was drilled into the bed, hidden gift money. After a few days, I don't worry too much about the money, taking the flashlight, drilling under the bed, looking at the money; looking right and right, I think it's not safe. So, I put the gift money to fill it out a little, feel relieved will come swaggeringly out of the room, since that didn't think my father went up to a seamless heavenly robe, asked: "I just took the flashlight to find what?" I answered: "no Huanghuangzhangzhang to what......" "Nothing?" Look at my dad suspiciously, walked into my room, lying on the floor, looking under the bed, I quickly jumped up, only after a while, dad laughed and placed in the bed of the gift money out. I was not willing, and put the money into a napkin in the box, this time dad did not find, I heaved a breath, temporarily relieved.


  After all, it's not a way to do it. What if the napkin is used up? Hi! Yes, if the napkins are used up, I'll put the old money behind the frame and stick to the day when the skateboard is bought.


  Most of people think we can do anything if we have money If you have no money, you will be looked down upon Sometimes some people do some bad things in order to make money

  We should make money and spend it in a reasonable way We will have a rich life when we have much money I don't think so They always live a frightened life

  We must make money and spend it in a reasonable way





  The spring festival is the loveliest in China,which is comes in February.Everyone loves it so much that prepare lots of things of the spring festival before it comes.In the spring festival holiday,people do many things,such as eat the dinner on the New Year‘s,set off fireworks, stroll the famous fair likes “Baiyunguan” fair.二月份时候的春节在中国是最可爱的节日。每个人都非常喜欢它,所以在春节到来之前就准备了很东西。在春节期间,人们会做许多事情,比如,在新年吃晚餐,放烟火,拜访著名的庙宇,就像“白云观“。On the first day of lunar,the young generation congratulates the old generation with “Happy New Year! ”阳历的第一天,年轻的一代人会向老一代人祝贺“新年快乐”

  Then the old generation will give the young some lucky money which wrapped with red paper or red envelope.Because red is a color with joyful.Lucky money means the old generation‘s love to the young and hope them can have a good luck in this new year.This is the lucky money which lots of the young want.老一代人会把压岁钱用红纸或者红包包起来给年轻的`一代人。因为红色是开心的象征。压岁钱意味着老一代对年轻一代的爱,而且希望他们能在新的一年里拥有好的运气。这就是大多数年轻人都想要的压岁钱。


  Every year,when the new year is coming,I will be very happy,because I can receive lucky money from my relatives,so that I can have a lot of money and buy the things I want.

  My mother always saves part of my lucky money,she promises to return it back to me when I grow up. Thus,with the rest of the money,I will buy some books I like,such as the novel books.

  These books bring me a bigger world. I can explore the world and gain a lot of knowledge. Sometimes I will use these money to buy a lot of delicious food with my friends. We feel so happy to taste it.


  In ancient times, people invented a kind of thing money. People used money to measure the value of various things. It can be said that money is a kind of measurement tool of transaction. People change things by goods and money. Money is the standard in people‘s mind for a long time.

  Money can be said to be an essential thing, but it is also an external thing. It can be said that life does not bring death, but money is also the source of all evils in the world. More money can make a poet rich, and less money can make him relatively poor. Money can make people lazy and greedy. Even some people commit crimes for money. Many crimes happen because they don’t have money, ranging from petty theft to killing and robbing banks.

  What is money in the world?

  In fact, there is nothing wrong with the saying that “money is a living thing”. Even if you earn more money, it will become useless with people‘s death. Leaving these money to their children will only make them lazy, but the money will be spent eventually. When they have no money, they will commit crimes and want to get it without any work.

  Money is a mirror, which can reflect the ugliest side of human nature. Some people sell their brothers for money, some people kill their friends for money, and some people kill their relatives for money.

  What is money, but people become so crazy, dehumanizing. In fact, to put it bluntly, money is a kind of metal He Jin. It mainly depends on your attitude towards it!


  In a big city, we can always saw some beggars on the said of a busy street. Most of them are disabled. People who are compassionate will stop and give them some money, while some people just walk through. Those people who didn’t give beggar money doesn’t mean they are a cold blood man, because they know there beggars are organized, help them will encourages crime. As far as I’m concerned, I think we shouldn’t give beggar money, I have several reasons to support my opinion.


  First, almost all of the disabled beggars are organized; some bad people use them to make money. Those beggars were a normal people before the bad people cut off their arms or legs and keep them in captivity for years. They are more preferring little kids, because they can make the way they want, and they won’t call the police, armless, legless, and no eyeless. Many people are utter sympathy for those disable kids, those kids will make them a big fortune. If we give money to them, more innocent people will be bad guy’s target, they will kidnap more kids, cripple them, and make them a read resource of money.


  Second, even though the bagger will be violently doze if they don’t beg enough money a day, there is nothing we can do, but let the government to deal with it. The government should made a policy against this professional beggar market, sanctions against the bad guys. Help those poor beggars out of the living hell. Passenger’s power is minimal; to the contrary, this will have reverse effects. There is no doubt that disabled beggars are miserable, but we should help them in the right way.


  To sum up, we shouldn’t give money to beggars, give money could be a harmful to them, and make more innocent people become a potential beggar; just let the government and hospice do the job what should they do.



  If I had enough money to purchase either a house or a business, I would choose a business. A house is attractive to me, for it may bring me shelter and comforts. However, I like a business better, because a business offers me much more.

  A business is a challenge for me. I like to embrace new challenges which, I believe, are good opportunities to develop and exhibit my abilities. I admire Bill Gates, not only for his talent, but also for his courage. I am confident of my capability; still, I need real opportunity to test it. No matter if it is success or failure that I will have to face, it is a new experience for me. After all, real satisfaction is in the traveling, not arriving. I have learned a lot from books, but I dont have enough experience. Therefore, learning by doing is my ideal,and running a business can help me fulfill it. I can hone my abilities during this process, and become more and more mature at the same time.

  A house may satisfy my immediate needs, while a business may bring me long-term satisfaction. If I have a house, I will have a place to live, feeling warm and sheltered. There is almost no further benefits. Bya contrast, a business has more potential for losses or gains. If I am really as capable as I have expected, it will probably be gains. Even the potential itself is exciting enough for me. According to Maslows needs hierarchy, housing is a basic need, while running a business of my own and for myself, belongs to the needs of self-actualization, the highest one. Many people can satisfy their basic needs, but only a small number can reach the highest level.

  If I have to choose between either a house or a business, I will choose the latter, because if I succeed in running it, I will be able to buy a house as well as many other things. However, if I choose a house, I will own only a house, nothing more.









关于钱的英语作文 4篇10-08
