
A Travel of volunter

时间:2024-06-05 18:00:01 英语作文 我要投稿
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A Travel of volunter

  There has a travel of volunter,which is very popular.Nowa days,the travel of volunter is a very popular way to help people in trouble.It is more and more popular in China.

  It depebds on teenager travels in the volunter club do some volunter things that can take the place of the fare of accomodation.It not only help teenagers grow up,but also can play in the space of time in place.

  The travel of volunter has many advamtages.It can save some money.Teenagers can learn more new knowledge and lear

  many different culture of different country.

  Besides,it also has some disadvantages,such as the place of livw is not better.The place is very strange for teenagers.And it is not safe for teenagers.

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