
My Teacher

时间:2024-06-13 07:53:12 英语作文 我要投稿

(精华)My Teacher

  Growing up, we will meet a lot of teachers in our life, these teachers have their own characteristics, some gentle, some serious, somehumorous...

  My favorite teacher is our Chinese teacher xu, from the beginning of the fifth grade primary school to now, the teacher has accompanied us, the teacher is very handsome, medium height, thin figure, black beautiful longhair, curved eyebrows embedded with a kind and bright eyes.

  The teacher is a gentle and careful person, to us as to their ownchildren, let us feel very kind. The teacher speaks very vividly and eloquently. All the students like his class. The teacher is meticulous and responsible for our study. Every time the homework will correct check, foundthe question carefully explained, the classmates all respect her.

  In the study if we do not behave well, the teacher will occasionally get angry, a few days ago when we in a text, there is a student who did not listen carefully to the teacher saw, furious harshly criticized him, because rarely see the old teachers and students so big gas, at that time we were shocked. After that, the teacher continued the class, and the students'excellent answers made the teacher feel very satisfied.

  Miss Xu, our Chinese teacher, I will never forget you.

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