

时间:2024-06-23 17:23:38 英语作文 我要投稿
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  One day, I wanted to ask a question to my teacher in the first class after class. But I didn't dare to ask. So I didn't ask it all the time. But when I left school, I walked and said to my father at the same time. But my father said, "you have to be brave to say so that you can perform well!"

  The next day, I asked the teacher a question. The teacher said, "you have to be brave to say, You can do well. "I suddenly understood that it's good to ask questions. I'm not afraid to ask questions in the future



  I'm Jenny. I'm11.I like fishing.I go fishing once a week.I brush my teeth twice a day.




  There are some pandas in the zoo. They look like a bear, but they are not a bear. They live in China. They have a small tail and fat body.

  They are black and white. They’re very clumsy, but they can climb trees. They like to eat bamboo very much. Look! The baby panda is under the mother panda, they are sleeping.

  They look very lovely. Pandas are my favourite animals.


  My mother’s name is Chen Fanghong. She is a pretty woman. She has long hair, two big eyes and a small mouth. My mother likes sports and eating. Her favourite sports are tennis and badminton. And her favourite food is ice cream. She also likes dogs and horses.

  My mother is a computer engineer, she works very hard and does very well in the company.

  My mother also concerns my study. She always helps me study and play the piano. She is very glad when I make progress.

  My mother loves me very much. And I love my mother too!


Dear Ben,

  How is everything? I am going to travel to England with my parents after finishing the final exam. We’d like to be away for about ten days. But I don’t know about England. I hope you can provide me with some information about the customs of England. I would like to travel to exciting places in England. Please introduce some interesting places to me.


  Li Hua


  If our bodies are not strong, our spirit to do things will certainly be quite dull. And at the same time, we are lack of energy to study. Diseases will only attack the weak, but not the strong.

  Why are our bodies not strong? Because we do not pay attention to exercise. For this reason, we students must often take different kinds of exercise in the gym.

  Exercise helps us strengthen our bodies and avoid disease. It also teaches us cooperation, for most exercise is played by team.













Dear my English teacher,

  I'm writing to thank you for all your help with my study. With your help, my English is improving in many ways. You are so patient and easy-going that I don't feel imbarassed when i ask you silly questions.



  Summer night, the sky of stars flash, like the eyes of children. Beautiful fireflies are dancing in the flowers. Grandpa, grandma and Dingding are in their yard. Grandpa points to the Big Dipper star and tells Ding the story of "cattle L á n ɡ and Weaver Girl". You see, how serious Ding Ding listens! Seeing xiaodingding listening to the story, grandma smiled happily.


  I, a dp of water fm the sky, when I fell fm the sky and lled into the arms of the ver, I met fends fm all over the world, such as sewers, pipes, factoes, and other places. We finally formed a vast sea. We basically use pe water to drain water.

  We can wash clothes and water plants. In industal pduction, if we don't use it pperly, pblems will ase It will be seous than the water in the industal area. If it flows into the far, these factors and toxic substances will pollute the far.

  Therefore, when the water gathers in some areas, such as blocked ponds or cs, plants or cps will be damaged, and there will be odor. Many bactea will appear near the blocked ponds and cs, especially for vulnerable children. If people do not chesh water resoces, there will always be One day, water will be used up.

  We must ptect o limited water resoces. How to ma water resoces pperly is also the first thing we should do as a member of the earth. We must realize that water resoces are not endless.

  For those polluted ponds, cs, n vers and oceans, we must invest money to pufy them. When it gets better, we must The st way to ptect it fm pollution may be to take prntive meases. We can plant trees near the forest, or we can use all trees to stop the water fm polluting to some extent.

  More importantly, when we don't use it, we'd better make se the tap is off.



  标签: 新学期



  We don't care how many tribulations there are in life, because we are born to experience, otherwise, there will be no wonderful life. Perhaps life is depressed, you can find a time to indulge, which is not impossible. When we feel sad for the suffering of life, there is also a bright side waiting for us to enjoy.


  People always have to grow up. When a person grows up from a child to an adult, he will always see a lot of aging and growth. Of course, he is also experiencing these. When you feel deeply, you have grown up, indicating that you have enough ability to bear the pressure and pleasure of life. Of course, these may be created by yourself or something you don't want to take on. Now that life has been given, we must be fully prepared.


  I think I have always been a very optimistic person in your eyes. In fact, I also have a pessimistic time, and I also have a hard time. I think at that time, many of you didn't see it. When you can't choose the way of life, try to adapt. I think you are very good there, very busy and full. In fact, I envy you very much. When I am alone in the room, I often think about what I should do, but I always can't think of it. I try to make myself less bored under this premise, and even walking along the river is a good feeling for me.


  Garden, you said you are old, in fact, I didn't feel it, you are still like that, in kindergarten is very simple, can be very happy, unlike me, there is always pressure. You know what? I seldom sleep well at night. I always have dreams. I have a lot of pressure. I think you are happy compared with me. We went to the park to climb the rope that time. You can go to play when you rest, climb all the ropes inside, and then go back to take a hot bath and have a good sleep. I think I'll wake up in a good mood. Unfortunately, the exploration area here is full of grass.


  I just received your letter ten minutes ago, and I'll give you back. I hope you'll be in a good mood in time. We are still young, we should all be happy, we still have a very good future, I believe, how much more you? Right! I love our life, I think you should also build up confidence! Otherwise, half of my confidence? But I'm still full!


  Today I'm very happy,after I have breakfast,I go to park.

  It's a sunny day ,the bird is singing,I'm singing too.When I get to park,I see some girls are playing games ,so I join them.We play very happy.

  Then I have lunch with my friends.We both have a good time.what's a happy day!


  The Non-Smoking Act comes into effect on January 1st, 20xx, and covers everywhere in the country. It targets all indoor public places, and signs prohitbiting smoking will be put up. This act is out of the concern for public health. Statistics show that the smoking population is about 300 million, but the population affected by second-hand smoking is 540 million75 percent of the smokers are male, and the people who die of second-hand smoking exceeds 100 thousand people.








  “哈哈,英语班课上完了,终于可以睡觉啦!”我“仰天长嚎”好高兴啊,可是还没完呐。我正在做我的美梦,“快起来背单词,就算英语班的任务完了,我这儿还没完呐,起来!”妈妈好像一个高音喇叭,我算是睡不成觉了,嗨,一看表,凌晨五点三十,天啊,神啊,救救我吧…。。 ……



  “发试卷喽,发试卷喽!”我大喊着。以前的69,“翻了个跟头”成了96,而这不是别的科目,是英语,怎么样,我考得不错吧,全班第一, 。我把成绩拿给妈妈看,妈妈再也不骂我了,眼睛眯成一条缝,我的心里像灌了蜜一样甜,哈哈,看来功夫不负有心人,我这只麻雀也“飞上枝头变凤凰”啦”!



国庆英语作文 6句话10-05






