
面对改变 Facing changes

时间:2024-06-27 12:35:30 英语作文 我要投稿
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面对改变 Facing changes

  As is known tous, we live in an ever-changing world. It’s pretty difficult to imagine whatthe world would be when human beings facing no change.


  There’s no doubt that there are good changesand bad changes. On the one hand, we feel relieved when the changes are good tous. On the other hand, we often complain everything when facing bad changes.Shakespeare once said “To be, or not to be: that is the question.” Similarly, Iwant to point out “to change or not to change: that is not a question!” Afterfinishing reading the book “Who Moved My Cheese”, I am deeply aware of thesignificance of changing. While the story is simple, its symbolic implicationsturn out to be exceedingly profound and thought-provoking.


  First andforemost, the author tried to tell us that we'll find out new cheese if we movetowards a new direction. Furthermore, the quick you let go of old “cheese”, thesooner you find new “cheese”. I firmly believe that we should be ready tochange at any times and we should take notice of the small changes happeningaround us. For instance, Apple Inc. is an enviable company. When Steve Jobsobserved the small changes in the mobile market, he gave the old ideas andwelcomed the new positive changes, thus he succeeded.


  From my point of view, we should do our bestto find the changes around us. In a word, to change or not to change is not aquestion. What we need to do is just making our minds to challenge ourselves,finding the changes and to change them in a positive way. Only in this way canwe succeed!


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