

时间:2024-07-11 12:31:10 英语作文 我要投稿





Dear Jenny,


  How are you getting along these days? I hope everything is all right.


  But I am upset these days because of my parents. I think they take care too much about me and too overvalue my grades.


  I have to tell them my every exam and my grades.


  If I do well, they are happy. If I don’t, they would be every sad and nervous, especially my mother.


  My mother even makes a detailed plan for my future.


  In her plan, I will go the best senior school of my city and then go to a top university of our country.


  She wants me to be a civil servant in the future, because this job is steady and well-paid.


  But I don’t like it; I want to be a journalist.


  I feel so upset about her plan.


  I told them my feelings before, but they never listened to me and said what they doing are good for me.


  What should I do?


  I think I need someone to talk to and look forward to your reply.


  Lovely yours,Juliet



Dear Mr. Brown,

  I have got back home this night, and now I would like to show my thanks for your help during my stay in America. I really had a happy learning life. Thanks again.

  I am sorry to say that I have left an English dictionary there, which means a lot to me. It is a priceless gift from my American teacher. It will be appreciated if you can find and send it to me. I guess it may be on the bookshelf in the room I stayed before. By the way, I will pay the postage fee.

Yours sincerely,



  January 26th, 20xx

  Hi! It’s Li Ming here again.

  Glad to learn you’re coming to Beijing in a couple of days. My family and I are looking forward to your visit and we are so glad you can stay with us while you are in Beijing. We have got everything ready for you so as to make you feel at home.

  On the day you arrive, my father and I will meet you at the airport and in the evening we will have a nice dinner party at home, I’m sure you will like all the delicious Chinese food.

  During the following days, I will show you around many places of interest in Beijing, including the Great Wall, which is regarded as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. We will spend some time touring around downtown Beijing, such as Wangfujing, Xidan and Qianmen, where you can do some shopping if you like. Of course, as it is the largest one in the world, Tian’ anmen Square is a scenic spot we can’t miss. Another exciting moment we will share is going to the 20xx New Year Concert given by China National Traditional Orchestra, which is held at famous Vienna Golden Hall, Austria during the Chinese Spring Festival every year.

  The spring festival, like the carnivals in western countries, is a special joyous/joyful occasion of celebration for Chinese as well as other many Asians. If you can stay in Beijing long enough, you will be able to share the pleasure of it with us.

  I believe we will have much fun together. WELL, SEE YA SON, BYR! Li Ming


  What is the difference between regular mails and e-mails?As we know, regular mails have been usded for thousands of years,it is very inconvenience,for it took a long time to receive. Besides, it costs you some money. While e-mails is very convenience, it take you only a few seconds to arrive the receiver and it is free to send .so more and more people use e-mails rather than regular mails.Some people think that it will be replace the regular mails.


  In my opinion, the email will be more and more popular in the future, but it can not replace the regular mails because it can not send everything though it is very convenience to send letters.But,except letters,we sometimes want to sent other thingsto our friends which e-mails is impossible to send.


  So we can draw an conclution that emails can not replace regular mails.People will use email to sent letter and use the regular to send other things.



Dear Sirs:

  Thank you for your letter of 20 January 20xx. We are disappointed to hear that our price for Flame cigarette lighters is too high for you to work on. You mention that Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 10% lower than that quoted by us.

  We accept what you say, but we are of the opinion that the quality of the other makes does not measure up to that of our products.Although we are keen to do business with you,we regret that we cannot accept your counter offer or even meet you half way.

  The best we can do is to reduce our previous quotation by 2%. We trust that this will meet with your approval.We look forward to hearing from you.

  Yours faithfully,

  Tony Smith Chief Seller.











  其中邮件主题应体现邮件主旨,要引人注目、意思明确,最好为名词或动名词短语;称呼礼貌得体,符合商务英语写作习惯,如不知对方姓名只知头衔,可用 Dear+Title作为称呼,如只知对方姓名不知性别,可用Dear+全名,如邮件为一封通函,则用DearAll作为邮件称呼;正文应结构清楚,便于阅读,如正文内容较长,可使用小标题、小段落,或利用星号、下划线及段落间空行等方式使邮件眉目清楚、一目了然。


  1、亲切自然:可以用We 就不要用You


  把每次e-mail往来当成是跟对方进行了一次交谈,只不过交谈的界面是e-mail。用我/我们做主词,这样才能让email读起来热情、友善,像朋友交谈那样简单自然,亲切又人性化。 官样e-mail:Your mail has been received.

  亲切e-mail:I have received your mail.

  官样e-mail:Your complaint is being looked into.

  亲切e-mail:We are looking into your complaint.

  2、一针见血:可以清楚 就不要模糊





  清楚字:by March 15



  冗长句:The paper jam had the effect of a destructive force on the copy machine. 精简句:The paper jam destroyed the copy machine.

  冗长句:We have enclosed a brochure which shows further details of manufacture. 精简句:The enclosed brochure shows further manufacture details.



  迂回句:We look forward to a bright and glorious future of cooperation.

  朴实句:We hope to have the opportunity to work with you in the future.

  迂回句:The choice of exogenous variables in relation to multi-collinearity is contingent upon the derivations of certain multiple correlation coefficients.

  朴实句:Supply determines demand.

  5、有技巧的`表达:永远让人觉得you're helpful


  拙劣说法:Obviously, if you’d read your policy carefully, you’d be able to answer these questions yourself.

  漂亮说法:I'm glad to clear up these questions for you.

  拙劣说法:In order to complete the claim you made, simply..

  漂亮说法:To complete your transaction,..


  许很多人没有意识到,e-mail的标题是很重要的一部分,邮件给对方的第一印象就是透过标题来完成。如果标题没有内容,看起来像群组垃圾邮件,命运就是直接进入垃圾桶。 不专业标题:How are you?

  专业标题:Introduction: Our Product Offerings for Bright Ideas Imports

  不专业标题:Can we work together?

  专业标题:Proposal: Bright Ideas Imports—ABC's Partnership Opportunity


  Dear Haiqing,I am very sorry to learn that you are unhappy now. But I don‘ t think you should be unhappy.

  I know that your iamily is not rich. So your parents can‘ t afford to buy you something of famous brands, which makes you unhappy. But they have sent you to school so that you can receive good education and have abreght future. This is not easy for your parents. So you should think about your parents. Don‘t ask for something that is out of your parents‘ reach. Don‘ t be vain-glorious.

  I also thind you should put your heart into study. Read more books and then you can get a lotreading. Without the famous brand competition you will become happy.

  I hope I can help you out of unhappiness. Wish you happy.

  Yours,Huang Ping


  "here comes uncles letter!" i shouted happily. but this letter was different from those he sent to me before. it was an email! my uncle went to the united states long ago. but he cared about my study and life very much. so he wrote me often. but it would take a long time for his letter to arrive.

  several years later, my family set up a telephone set, it became easier for us to communicate, but we cost more money by calling each other. now we both had a computer and could get on the intemet. then we could talk to each other any time we wanted to, and it wouldnt cost much.the world is changing, and it is changing better and better.


  Electronic mail,or e-mail for short,is an entirely new way of communication by means of computers.Being fast,inexpensive,highly efficient and convenient,e-mail is so popular in developed countries that it is difficult to imagine modern life without it.

  Nowadays, millions of computers all over the world have been connected to form a global network called internet.You can send or receive by e-mail a variety of information and documents such as letters,papers, video and audio files to anyone in over 170 countries in a short time.moreover,language harriers are not a problem, because internet software is capable of translating your mail into whatever language you want. you can also store,,edit,compile and search your e-maih most importantly,e-mail helps us overcome space and time limitations in communication.

  With the rapidly growing popularity of computers and the fast expansion of the information highway,wider and wider applications of internet e-mail will be developed and e-mail will soon become an indispensable means of communication.


  Dear Sir,

  I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone—S250 I bought on 20th Apr。20xx at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P。R。 China。 Ten days after that, it didn’t ring and send short messages。 Then I took it to the seller, but was told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait at least three months for a new one。 I had no choice but to go to the repairman。 To my disappointment ,he said since it was a new model in China, it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts。 I was so desperate on hearing that for I can not wait that long。 Therefore, I have to require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month。

  Thank you for your consideration。

  Sincerely yours,

  Bu Manyi


  What is the difference between regular mails and e-mails?As we know, regular mails have been usded for thousands of years,it is very inconvenience,for it took a long time to receive. Besides, it costs you some money. While e-mails is very convenience, it take you only a few seconds to arrive the receiver and it is free to send .so more and more use e-mails rather than regular mails.Some people think that it will be replace the regular mails.

  In my opinion, the email will be more and more popular in the future, but it can not replace the regular mails because it can not send everything though it is very convenience to send letters.But,except letters,we sometimes want to sent other somes to our friends which e-mails is impossible to send.

  So we can draw an conclution that emails can not replace regular mails.People will use email to sent letter and use the regular to send other things.



  "Here comes uncles letter!" I shouted happily. But this letter was different from those he sent to me before. It was an email! My uncle went to the United States long ago. But he cared about my study and life very much. So he wrote me often. But it would take a long time for his letter to arrive. Several years later, my family set up a telephone set, It became easier for us to communicate, but we cost more money by calling each other. Now we both had a computer and could get on the Intemet. Then we could talk to each other any time we wanted to, and it wouldn't cost much.The world is changing, and it is changing better and better.


  An E-mail

  Dear Jenny,

  How are you getting along these days? I hope everything is all right. But I am upset these days because of my parents. I think they take care too much about me and too overvalue my grades. I have to tell them my every exam and my grades. If I do well, they are happy. If I don’t, they would be every sad and nervous, especially my mother. My mother even makes a detailed plan for my future. In her plan, I will go the best senior school of my city and then go to a top university of our country. She wants me to be a civil servant in the future, because this job is steady and well-paid. But I don’t like it; I want to be a journalist. I feel so upset about her plan. I told them my feelings before, but they never listened to me and said what they doing are good for me. What should I do?

  I think I need someone to talk to and look forward to your reply.

  Lovely yours,







  directions: you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic sending an e-mail. you must base your composition on the following picture. describe the picture briefly, and then discuss about the way of communicating with each other on email. your con, position should be at least 150 words.

  sending an e-mail

  with the development of science and technology, more and more people are communicating with each other by e-mails, look at the above picture. a boy is on one side of the computer line, typing and smiling, and a girl is on the other side, typing and smiling, too. they are "talking" through computers. no matter how far away they are from each other, they can always communicate with each other readily. sending emails has become an important way of communicating between people.

  no doubt, email has a great deal of advantages. the most important one is that sending emails is so fast that we needn't wait for a long time to get the message we want. we can exchange our feelings and ideas easily. furthermore, we can get a great amount of written information in no time. and compared with talking on the phone, sending emails can be much more economical, especially than making long-distance phone calls. of course, convenience is also a merit. it's too troublesome to go to the post office to send a letter. as long as you have an email box and a computer, you can send an email anytime.

  nowadays, when more and more people have a computer and know how to send and receive emails through computers, communication emails is very fashionable. i am sure it will become the most popular way for people to keep in touch with each other in the near future.


  What is the difference between regular mails and e-mails?As we know, regular mails have been usded for thousands of years,it is very inconvenience,for it took a long time to receive. Besides, it costs you some money. While e-mails is very convenience, it take you only a few seconds to arrive the receiver and it is free to send .so more and more use e-mails rather than regular mails.Some people think that it will be replace the regular mails. In my opinion, the email will be more and more popular in the future, but it can not replace the regular mails because it can not send everything though it is very convenience to send letters.But,except letters,we sometimes want to sent other somes to our friends which e-mails is impossible to send. So we can draw an conclution that emails can not replace regular mails.People will use email to sent letter and use the regular to send other things.









