

时间:2024-07-27 16:23:45 英语作文 我要投稿





  Once prohibitive for most people, studying, working and living abroad has become more accessible in recent years. Critics, however, argue that given the associated challenges and risks, most people would be better off remaining in their homeland. Is this opinion justifiable?

  People in favour of the cross-border approach have two main reasons for this view. For students, the main attraction is access to better education, often entailing unique opportunities and favourable reception in the job market. Young adults, especially those that have never lived outside of their local community, tend to appreciate other cultures' mentalities and approaches to life, which can help enrich their own worldview and establish their own personal values.

  Other people, however, do not find the idea of moving to a foreign country appealing. For couples planning to start a family, financial stability and support network are often prioritized, so they would probably not choose to settle in a new country. Similarly, many older people have stayed in the same environment, with ready access to their family and everyday things like food and language and are therefore not the keenest to adapt to a brand-new lifestyle elsewhere.

  In my opinion, apart from the concerns about access to resources discussed above, the question also depends on people's personality and cultural norms of the host country. Extroverts who feel restricted in a conservative society may prefer a new environment where active networking is pervasive. On the other hand, the same expatriate experience might be difficult for introverts accustomed to a more private lifestyle.

  In general, it is difficult to argue that leaving one's home country is the best choice for everyone. Those thinking about adopting this major life change should, rather than following generic suggestions, base their decision on their own circumstances and preferences.


  These days I have beenleisure but bored after finishing the final exam. In fact, I really don’t likethe way I have lived in these days, because I feel like a foolish that can'tfind my values and have to be supported by others. That made me crazy.Therefore, I consider that people should find and achieve their values in lives,especially female. Obviously, work is an important way to achieve our values.However, why is work important in our life?

  期末考试过后的这几天我很闲但是也很无聊。事实上,我真的不喜欢这几天的这种生活方式,因为我感觉像个傻子一样找不到我的价值而要靠别人养活。这使我疯掉了。所以,我认为人应该找到并实现自己的生活价值,特别是女性。很明显,工作是 实现我们价值的重要方式。但是,为什么工作在我们的生活中如此重要呢?

  Firstly, work isthe only way for us to satisfy our basic needs. In order to get food, clothesand other living conditions to live happily, we have to work hard. In thisaspect, work is a natural responsibility for us, for our families. But usually,those who just consider work as a kind of responsibility regard work as a heavyburden in their life and they will feel really tired after a period of time,even some of which will choose to renounce the responsibility they have.Therefore, workmust have other positive meanings in deeper respect.


  In addition, I strongly feel inthese days that work is an important way to achieve ourselves. Just as Maslowsays that human has five needs: physiological needs, safety needs, love andbelonging, esteem, self-actualization and self-transcendence. In my opinion,work is relative to the higher hierarchy of needs. We always need to achieveour value and worth to gain esteem or recognition from others by some ways,especially by work. I think it is easyto appear in the younger those who have some mature thoughts, so that mostteenagers will try their best to get rid of their parents’ care to make a livingby themselves. In this aspect, working is not only a way to make a living, butalso a way for us to achieve ourselves. In other words, working can bring satisfactionto us in spiritual.


  In a word, work isimportant in our life. No matter what kind of occupation we pursue, we shouldtry our best. As an adult, without work, you would be bored, and even decadent.



  Recently there's been a wave of hunting for jobs on internet. Instead of looking for a job in a personnel market or in the ads of newspapers and magazines, a job hunter tends to look for a job on the Net. Because of its convenience and high success rate and more opportunities on the Internet, In fact, many people now resort to the way of hunting for jobs, less depending upon the traditional way.

  There are many advantages that people take the advantage of this modern scientific and technological product—Internet. In the first place, it's very convenient. A job seeker can look for a job without bothering to get recommendation form his friends, bosses, or wasting time at an employment exchange. In the second place, it's quite simple. A job hunter can get a job by simply clicking the ads online and sending one's resume through an E-mail. Lastly, it's fair, for everyone can utilize this modern means to win his or her opportunities, even if one fails to find a job.

  In a word ,I suppose, with the ever-increasing popularity of Internet, this new way of hunting for jobs will win favor among more and more job hunters in China.

  Write English cover letter, the most important thing is that you must be familiar with the cover letter and British or American ideas, don't write English will translate into English, can let a person feel your English is not authentic, how to lose competence. First is the right name, such as Dear Sir/Mdam can! Then you write, because foreigners is special attention to efficiency, such as I like to betweeen giving an applicant for as listed in the receiver posotion XX Dallas' s Tribune. After this is some material, of course, is all about, and asked for vocational education, age, and some important lessons learned, need to explain, education and can't explain the course, after all, different countries, different schools of different courses. Then, write some their extracurricular practice contents, of course, also want a relationship, and some of his harvest, and, in order to experience that you have more competitive than others. Finally, note must end is left contact, such as: I would like to come with an interview at your convenience. My telephone there is * * * * * * * I do look under an site. Below is my all amendments: 1 for reading my assistant ones can be cut 2 you have just listing of five, part of a cover letter is necessary, also have a lot of grammar compression error, the likelihood is the complex sentence with your English is not actually is not only reflected long sentences, words and literary is the indispensable part. 3 you have crossed between five and ideas is not very good, can you write down, and then in the consolidated similarities, conjunction, notice form, then will be able to read aloud fluently. 4 I ll Give me a wish you guys competency and display of trust me that 't you down to replace <, should say you are willing to attend an interview, said to be very honest. 5. Sincerely end with exten

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Is Good Appearance More Important than Capability? You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:


  There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. Nevertheless, different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This happens mainly for the reason that everyone has his own interest.

  As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher chiefly for three reasons. First of all, I want to teach because I like the pace of the academic calendar. Two long vacations offer an opportunity for reflection, research and writing. Secondly, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, and to stimulate myself and my students. Moreover, I have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, I want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will find myself growing and changing with them.

  But teaching is no easy job at all. Therefore, I must study hard to acquire more knowledge. And, at the same time, I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an architect of man’s soul.


  Grads need to take important factors into account when looking for a job. One of these factors is the location of their future employers.

  大学生在毕业找工作时,往往需要考虑诸多重要因素,其中之一便是工作地点。 Li Chenxi, 22, a senior student from the School of English and International Studies at Beijing Foreign Studies University, lives near Beijing West Railway Station and hopes to find a job nearby. Anything within a one hour commute is fine. The adjacent China Central Television would be ideal.


  “I’ll definitely live at home. Why should I rent a room?” she said. “My parents told me that I could pay them 1,000 yuan to stay, but if I live outside the cost would be much higher - perhaps twice or even three times as much. ”


  There’s a growing trend of recent graduates choosing jobs close to their homes, especially among those in first-tier cities. It’s regarded as a way for them to avoid the rapidly rising living and transportation costs, and to enjoy a bit more stability and convenience in life.越来越多的应届毕业生选择在家附近找工作,尤其在一线城市中。他们认为这种方式可以免除不断飙升的生活与交通成本,也让人可以更多地去享受一份安稳便捷的生活。

  According to Shao Haisheng, HR director at Ctrip, an online travel service company, many post-90s job applicants are very vocal about their location preferences. They never fail to mention that they wish to work at a branch near their home.


  “That’s good because it means young people know their needs and are

  quite articulate about that,” she said. “It’s reasonable as long as they don’t see it as the main or only criteria in finding a job and are flexible.”


  But for those graduates from small and medium-sized cities, living at home is more about finding a job in their hometown. Xu Li, 24, a law major at China Youth University for Political Sciences, from Golmud, Qinghai province, is thinking along these lines. “I want to become a civil servant in Qinghai province, working either at the municipal government or the local people’s procuratorate,” she said.


  “Although it will be challenging to pass the exams, I’ll be happy to live close to my parents and be able to visit them frequently.”

  “虽然公务员考试很有挑战性,但能陪在父母身边,经常去看看他们,我就很开心了。” But Wang Yanqun, 24, an accounting major at Dongbei University of Finance and

  Economics, changed her mind about working close to home when she faced a future of limited possibilities.


  The recent graduate found a position at Guizhou Linquan Aerospace Motor Corporation in her hometown. “But I’ve decided not to restrict myself to this location and I will make an effort to look for jobs in big cities,” she said.


  “The employment outlook isn’t good, so graduates should cast their net wide,” said Yu Chengjie, a student instructor from the School of English and International Studies at Beijing Foreign Studies University. “They should emphasize more important aspects, such as personal interest or potential for growth when looking for a job.”



  Although people work to earn money, money is not the main reason people stay in their jobs. They also work because they enjoy working, they receive job satisfaction, and they like the sense of accomplishment.

  Most people work for work’s sake. They enjoy going to an office, or store, or school each day. They like to interact with other people. They like to help people solve problems, learn something, or get a product. People like to help other people.

  A lot of people keep the same job because the job gives them a lot of satisfaction. They genuinely enjoy what they do. This is true for most teachers. A teacher’s pay is not very great, but the job satisfaction can be very high. Helping someone learn is one of the greatest things anyone can do.

  People enjoy their work because they like the sense of accomplishment. They like to know what they finished a project. People, who work in factories, take pride in the car they produce or the television they assemble. When they see a car on the street, they can feel a sense of accomplishment. They helped make that car.

  Money is nice, but it is not the only reason people get up and go to work each day. I believe that people work because they enjoy the act of working; they find their work personally rewarding; and they like the feeling of a job well done.


  More Chances Should Be Offered to Women to Do Some High-level Jobs

  Nowadays, with the rapid development of our society and economy, there have emerged many working opportunities. But there exists a problem that high-level jobs are mostly occupied by men even though some women are also competent. That disagrees with the equality of men and women.

  When we talk about this phenomenon, first we must admit that there exist some differences between men and women. Then we should know that neither side could be regarded better or worse. For example, if you say men are often cairn and objective, but don't you see some men are more careless than women? Besides, if you think women are always hesitant and sensitive, then what would you say when they behave thoughtfully in work? Therefore there are not absolute advantages for men when considering their gender.

  In another way, if you're a leader, what will be your criteria of selecting a candidate? Would you rather choose a guy just for he is a male and ignore another more competent lady? So whether or not a person has the ability for the job should be the first thing to consider.

  However, this kind of prejudice has been existing for a long time. No matter men or women have been affected more or less, this idea has even made some women lose confidence in themselves. Therefore our whole society and especially our government should take efficient measure to encourage acertain percentage of jobs especially high level jobs to be reserved for women.

  Through this way, we would hopefully see that more and more outstanding women can be working in their favourite jobs and can get their desirable position. And just by that our working field can be called a kind of equality of men and women.







  My first job was at a cramming school. It was three years ago when I just graduated from junior high school and finished the entrance examination. since I had nothing to do that summer, I decided to find a job, tasting the joy of independence.

  I was responsible for answering the telephone and taking the message. I worked eight hours a day, six days a week. The work was not difficult nor heavy to me and I guess I did well. The most delighted thing was perhaps that I could spend the money I earned all by myself.




  Currently,the frequent job-hopping of graduates has aroused wide concern among the public. Does anyone hold the same attitude toward this phenomenon? Definitely not. As to this issue, opinions vary from person to person.

  Those who hold the opinion that job-hopping is beneficial to graduates claim that by doing so, the youngsters are more likely to have a better knowledge of other fields and then to expand their horizons. Moreover,changing jobs frequently offers workers a chance to move up to a better position However, others take a totally different view that job-hopping is detrimental to ones career development. For one thing, as the common saying goes,a rolling stone gathers no moss. The more frequent you change your job, the less likely you are to be an expert in a particular area.

  Secondly, this behavior will leave on the employers an impression of instability and immaturity. It is no wonder that ,when interviewing a candidate, a employer will raise a question likeyouve changed jobs quite frequently. How do we know youll stay if we hire you?


  Working is important. We work to support our family and to promote ourselves. Therefore in order to prove his ability, someone work with all his might. But the result might be that he probably lost many precious things,such as health and his family.

  So working is not everything of one's life. Besides working, we should enjoy life more and pay attention to our health.


  Work means a lot to me. I think work is funny. I guess everyone has thought about that work is hard and boring, but I don’t think so. Everything includes fun if you put your heart into it and enjoy the process. In work, there must be something that makes you laugh, such as your partner does something funny out of your expectation.

  In my opinion, as long as I am still alive, work can perfect my shortages. Through working, I will encounter with many different problems which force me to solve them .Just in this process, I overcome the difficulties and broaden my horizon. And the next time, I won’t be nervous when facing the same problem and maybe I will face all problems composedly.

  Work is also one thing that makes my life meaningful. As we all know, our life time is not so much, so we must make full use of it. How can we make it??meaningful?but not?boring? Many friends have told me that they were bored and?didn't?know what to do. I always tell them that do something you want as your life time is so short. Maybe we all should ask ourselves that why not use our limited time to spread our brilliant life.

  In a word, work is vital in my life.


  It's a problem for our graduates to start work immediately or continue to study postgraduate. After graduation, they feel confused at the crossroads of life. In fact, most students will face a dilemma when they graduate from university.

  This is a challenge: different people, I think, may have different ideas in the process of graduate study Almost every aspect can not find a job, four years of college life is just to lay a solid foundation, and the development of experience is not in place, the best way is to strike while the iron is hot. In order to help make greater progress, anyone who wants to excel in his field must be an expert who needs very complex knowledge.




  Dear Sir or Madam, I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position. My name is Li Min. I am twenty-three years old. I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with computer operation and officesoftwares, which can help me do the office work very well. And I have learned English for ten years.In the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades come out top in my department. What's more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the job.If I could have the opportunity to get the job I will be quite appreciative. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully Li Min.



  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to find a job somewhere and the other to start a business of your own. You are to make a decision. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your decision. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


  For undergraduates college students, deciding what to do upon graduation can be a tough decision to say the least. From my point of view, I prefer to launch a business. My choice can be attributed to the following two driving forces.

  For one thing, I want to start my own business because I love do what I love. In my own business, I will be more than passionate to plan, organize and execute my favorite project.For another thing, running my own business, I can accumulate rich experience, which is not only valuable to problem-solving but also critical to career development. While the risk of failing is real, what is important part is the lesson learned.

  Actually, when in comes time for university graduates to decide their next step in life, there is no on right or wrong choice for everyone. Rather, each students must reach his or her own conclusion.






  Career or Family: which is more important?

  When asked about their opinion of career and family, people always respond differently. Some people deem it more important to pursue their career, while there are always other people who argue that family should be the number one in one’s life.

  It goes without any question that career plays a key role in our life. In the very first place, career can give us an aim to live on. Without career, much of our living time will be certainly wasted. What’s more, career can provide us with a means to live on. Most of the people earn their income from a job. On the other hand, family is also an indispensable part of life, as many people will admit. Family is always regarded as a place where we can escape from troubles in life. In addition, we can obtain a sense of belonging to from family. Without it, anyone will feel lonely and desperate.

  In my opinion, career and family are not in opposition to each other. Rather, they can enhance each other so that one’s life can become better and better. Therefore, it’s not a choice between right and wrong, but one between ideal and practical.












