

时间:2024-08-06 08:35:49 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  My classroom

  My classroom is very big, there are forty-eight students in it. However, there are forty-nine chairs,because one of them is for the teacher. Our English teacher is Miss Sun, she is a nice teacher, and I like her very much.

  In the classroom, there are two blackboards, one is in the front,and the other is at the back. There is a bookcase near the wall, there are a lot of interesting books in it. And there are many windows in my classroom, so my classroom is bright. There is a corridor beside my classroom, I often play games over there after class. What a wonderful classroom!




英语作文 篇2

  the ccp has been prone to laud itself as the champion of womens liberation. right from the start, however, the ccp-revolutionaries seemed to have had a dual, and even contradictory approach to questions where women were positioned in the revolutionary process, and this has influenced the way in which women were represented in propaganda posters. on the one hand, there was the demand from the party that women were to be shown in their entire liberated splendor, as conscious and active participants in the great enterprise of reconstructing (socialist) china. the liberation of the female half of the population had attracted a lot of support for the ccp. various policies the ccp had eperimented with had been codified into legislation after coming to power in 1949. but in the eyes of many women intellectuals at the time, even these measures were not radical enough.

  old-fashioned artistic ideas about the representation of women proved to be tenacious. by the early 20th century, a relatively well-established visual tradition had come into eistence that treated women as objects that could be consumed by the male gaze. numerous companies, both foreign and native, had settled in the treaty ports and the foreign settlements along the eastern seaboard. the advertising agencies the manufacturers brought with them promoted the use and appreciation of western art techniques in their advertisements. the advertising posters featured delectable young women, beautiful actresses and popular singers in colorful and tantalizing shanghai dresses (qi pao), endorsing various products, ranging from cigarettes and alcoholic beverages to fabrics and pesticides. the advertisments often were designed by chinese artists such as li mubai, jin meisheng and jin uechen, to cater to the specific chinese sense of aesthetics. most of them were calendars (yuefenpai) that were given away as free promotional gifts and hung up in homes and offices. this commercial printed matter became enormously popular, and its influence spread beyond advertising to other types of publications and design practice in general, where it became synonymous with modernity.even though these materials turned women into objects that served both commercial and titillating purposes, the genre as a whole nonetheless was seen by many as supportive of the demands for the emancipation of women. instead of treating females as non-entities as confucian orthodoy had prescribed, the posters not merely showed them, but presented them as gorgeously dressed, professional women that radiated an air of self-confidence. to many, these modeng [modern] girls were a reflection of womens search for a separate identity. the supporters of the calendar girls thus included many of the women who themselves were actively involved in the political struggle for womens liberation.

  with the founding of the prc, both the theory and practice of the chinese advertising industry had to change completely. the designers of the commercial calendars, well versed in design techniques and able to visualize a product in a commercially attractive way, were quickly co-opted and incorporated in the various government and army organizations devoted to the production of propaganda posters. but they and their works continued to be regarded with suspicion by the representatives of the new ruling elite. and even though the officials from the cultural bureaucracy that took over had to admit that these designers could make rather acceptable new new year pictures, at the same time they could not refrain from allegations that their works still were marred by numerous political shortcomings.while these cultural authorities insisted that they did nothing more than pass on the correct proletarian viewpoints of (female) representatives of the masses, they usually complained that the artists still lacked the proper ideological standpoint. they acknowleged that the designers dutifully attempted to follow the new rules and regulations pertaining to the arts by producing scenes set in industry or agriculture. in some cases, the artists were accused of tending to depict elegant modern city girls, with highly patterned blouses and scarves, pale skins and manicured hands, much in the vein of the starlets who had been shown endorsing soap or cigarettes.these times, however, called for the depiction of peasant or working women taking obvious pride in their work, but whose faces and hands had been marked by unrelenting sunshine and hard labor. in the views of the laboring masses that the art critics allegedly had consulted, such images lacked verisimilitude: nobody in the villages or factories looked like these women. moreover, no woman dressed in the latest fashions was able to take part in hard physical labor while still looking as spic and span as the poster models did.

  when looking at the practice of depicting women for propaganda purposes, it is safe to say that the pretty girl pictures continued to dominate the world of the propaganda poster, with the eception of the periods when high maoism was the norm. was this done in an attempt to make the latters message more palatable to the population? or was it simply because such representations could be read as a way of discounting women as revolutionary contenders, as epressions of the widely held belief that women were more interested in matters of clothing and physical appearance than men? whatever the reason, attractive female forms were used for political propaganda purposes in a manner very similar to commercial advertising, a practice that also has been noted by chinese writers.

英语作文 篇3

  Last Saturday, I and my classmates went to the park near the school. Can you guess what we do? Not for entertainment, can only be taken in a volunteer work.

  At nine o'clock we arrived at the park. The class is divided into 3 groups. I am in the third group.

  Each group has different tasks. The first group planted trees and flowers watering. The second group was told to pick up the rubbish left by tourists and clean up all the benches. The team is killing all my equipment at the children's playground. We all work hard.

  We finish the work by noon. We all feel a little tired, but we are all happy because we have done something good.

英语作文 篇4

  poverty is a two-edged sword, for it is believed that poverty may bring misery to one’s life and become a stumbling stone to your life. without money, you couldn’t buy your favorite things, visit places of interest, and develop your own business. and what’s more, poverty may lead to misdemeanor, and even death. seeking survival is an instinct of human beings. if you are in acute hunger, you can’t help getting an idea to steal and rob. then maybe you ’ll put it to action. so very often, poverty turns out to be one of the roots of crime. but, if you see the right way, poverty is a “treasure-house”.

  at the beginning, a feeling of relief can be discovered in this “treasure-house”. if borne with poverty, you can be free from the complicated worry about the wholesome mixture of food and drink today; about the eye-catching match of clothes and shoes tomorrow; and about the expensive maintenance of the car this week. at knowing yourself at last genuinely down and out, a feeling of relief will be the first wealth you discover in the “treasure-house”.

  furthermore, success will be achieved in the “treasure-house”. poverty will compel you to think of ideas to achieve wealth and success.

  the nba superstar allen iverson, once a child of a poor family, suffered a lot from poverty. with great effort, he succeeded finally. he becomes one of the best players of nba. undoubtedly poverty has become a motivation of his accomplishment.

  besides, poverty is the touchstone of friendship. as a proverb says, “poverty shows us who our friends are and who are our enemies.” on the one hand, those who choose to give you a hand when you are in trouble are true friends; those who choose to leave you alone when you are hard up are actually not. on the other hand, if the great gap between the poor and the rich can be bridged, people can own genuine friends as such.

  that’s complete happiness in one’s life.

  the poverty might bring you to the dark side of the life: lowness in social situation, misery in life, and unhappiness. however, what you should focus on is the bright side of poverty. and obviously, the virtues of poverty outweigh its vices. the poverty will be a “treasure-house”, where you can find a feeling of relief, success and real friendship.

英语作文 篇5

  ··········· The Danger of Fake Commodities

  ·· Today, fake commodities are quite common. In order to get high profits, some factories and companies produce fake commodities. Another cause of this phenomenon is that laws are not strict enough. Fake commodities can bring about great loss to both state and private property. A case in point is that if a consumer buys some fake medicine he will inevitably suffer much pain. The fake medicine may even cost his life. So every one of us has the duty to fight against fake commodities for our society and for ourselves.

  · 伪劣产品的危害

  · 今天,伪劣产品非常普遍,The Danger of Fake Commodities(伪劣产品的危害),The Danger of Fake Commodities(伪劣产品的.危害)。为了获得更高的利润,一些工厂和公司生产伪劣产品。造成这种现象的另一个原因是法律不够严厉。伪劣产品给国家和个人带来财产损失。有一种事实是假如一个消费者买了一些伪劣药品,他将必然要受到伤害,伪劣药品甚至会夺去他的生命。因此,为了我们的社会,也为了我们自己,我们每个人都有责任与伪劣产品作斗争。

英语作文 篇6

  With the remarkable improvement of people’s living standard, people tend to buy more goods. As a result, a plenty of plastic bags are threw around and caused white pollution. Not only does it do harm to the environment, but also give people the impression that the city is dirty. As we all known, plastic bags are non-biodegradable material and it will stay in the soil for a long time. What’s worse, the poison released from the plastic bags is harmful.







英语作文:My Doll英语作文02-24



