

时间:2024-08-06 17:00:52 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文300字 篇1


  Look at this picture.The picture shows that...From this picture, we can see...As is shown in the picture...As is seen in the picture...


  As we all know, ...As is known to all,...It is well known that...In my opinion,...As far as I am concerned,...This sight reminds me of something in my daily life.


  In conclusion...In brief...On the whole...In short...In a word...Generally speaking...As has been stated...

英语作文300字 篇2

  1、A lot of people insist that........


  2、Face...... We should adopt a series of effective local methods....... On the one hand...... On the other hand......


  3、Recently the ...has been brought into focus by public


  4、With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that...


  5、A lot of people seem to think that.....


英语作文300字 篇3

  When I was about to go to middle school, my parents moved to another city because of the work. I had to leave my friends, though I was very unhappy, I did not have the choice. I felt so lonely, I knew no one. The first day I went to school, I felt scared, because all the students stared at me. When I sat down, my deskmate smiled at me, she introduced herself and then talked about many things about the class. I started to feel ease. Since then, with the help of my deskmate, I became active and made many friends. I am not alone anymore. I live the happy life.

英语作文300字 篇4

  "叮铃铃",下课铃声响了,“轰”的一声,同学们一下子全拥到教室外面。听见夏吴彤说:“今天上午英语考试。”我说:“不可能,你是骗我们的。”“你们不相信?”夏吴彤说。我们异口同声地说:“恩!”夏吴彤理直气壮地说:“你们真的不相信?老师正在办公室里数试卷呢!”潘文萱听得半信半疑,就问:“昨天不是才考过英语吗?今天怎么又要考英语呢?你是不是听错了?把语文听成英语了?”  潘文萱的话音刚落,“叮叮当当”,上课铃声响了,同学们“唰-唰”一下子坐到坐位上,坐的笔直的,女的亭亭玉立,男的正襟危坐,。“澄澄澄”从远处传来了脚步声,我的妈呀,可能是老师,我的心“砰-砰-砰”的跳着,好紧张。老师一进教师我一看老师手里没有拿试卷,那悬着的心像石头一样落了下来。潘文萱就站起来问:"羊老师,今天怎么不考试呀?"羊老师说:"谁说今天考试的."我们的目光"刷"的'都聚在了夏吴彤脸上,夏吴彤"腾"的一下脸红了,就站起来说:"今天是四月一号,祝大家愚人节快乐!"  我们一起发出了"咯咯咯"的笑声,随着羊老师"啪啪"地击掌声,同学们才停止"唧唧喳喳"地议论声.课堂上只剩下老师粉笔亲吻黑板的"吱吱"声!

英语作文300字 篇5

  March 5th is my birthday. It's also a special day to memorize a great person -- Lei Feng. This year I celebrated my birthday in a different way. In the morning, I got up early and cooked breakfast for my parents. At school, I helped my desk-mates to repair their broken chairs. After school, I took my birthday cake to the home for the aged. The old men were so happy to see me. All of them hoped that I would be back again.

  What a joyful birthday it was!

英语作文300字 篇6








英语作文300字 篇7

  On Thursday, I got up early and finished my meal. It suddenly occurred to me that the teacher said on Wednesday that the final exam results should be announced at the school break-up ceremony. I'm worried. I wonder if I can make a mistake. I'll look it up in the dictionary. It turns out that the word is right. I'm relieved. After a rest, I went to the ceremony.

  After the teacher announced the exam results, I got double points. When the teacher finished the homework, I left school. At the school gate, I saw my father come back from a business trip to pick me up. I'm very happy.

英语作文300字 篇8

  As the water frothed, And the sun did go, The dark brought forth a tear, I sat up high, Upon my rock, No one would see me here.

  When all is lost, I stare alas, And listen to the oceans prayer, You must listen close, Her words are soft, Yet, they are always there.

  She knows how you pain, When the light is gone, And the dark tells you lies, She says to you, That no matter what, The sun will always rise.

  And when it comes, It pierces the horizon, Showing the dark no fear, For the light comes every day, Each morning, To dry up that fallen tear.

英语作文300字 篇9

  Our new English teacher, Mrss chang, is about twenty-two years old. She is easygong, and treats us as her friends. She helps the boys and girls read and write, we all like her. She is busy with her work all the day, because she loves teaching children. Both in and after class she is very kind to us.She often tells us how to study well.She often to urge student,good!very good!

  Do like Miss chang? Oh, you like!

英语作文300字 篇10

  With the improvement of people’s material conditions, people have higher demands for living quality. People wish to be in good health and to have good living habits. How shall we do?

  First, keep going to bed and getting up early every clay. Then do some exercises in the open air to breathe the fresh air in the morning, so we will have a pleasant mood in a day.

  Then have balanced food to ensure our health. Eat more vegetables.

  Being calm and good-natured is most important for our health. Hope you will be happy forever.







英语作文:My Doll英语作文02-24



