

时间:2024-08-12 10:18:33 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  As is shown in the picture(graphcartoon able),it goes without saying that the drawing aims at revealing a common problem(in China):______.Its status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its profound influence on individuals, collective and even the whole world. Each of us should attach high emphasis on solving it.

  As a matter of fact, the symbolic meaning the picture conveys is deep and profound. Naturally and necessarily, there are two major ways coping with this problem. The first way to tackle it is to appeal to authorities to take measures. Once achieving the success of solving the problem, the whole society also thrives/makes progress. Solving the problem can accelerate better individuals’development. The other way that is worth adopting is to work out new laws. Where there are better laws, there are more hopes, vitality and development. These advisable laws eventually brings economic prosperity and social harmony. Finally, I can safely come to the conclusion that it is high time we enhanced the awareness of people that is every vital to us. Only by these means can we succeed in solving the problem in the near future.(1 Therefore, measures should be taken to terminate the ridiculous affair. First and foremost, governments should establish some regulations to prohibit enterprises and people from making such misdeeds. What’s more, people should get ready to pass criticism upon such misdeeds anytime and anywhere. After all, it is necessary to develop our society by performing hard work instead of talking nonsense.

  In my opinion, it is imperative that we should take some drastic actions. On the one hand, we should appeal to our authorities to enact concrete laws to control commercial fishing. On the other hand, we should enhance people's awareness that ocean resources are vital to us and the ecological balance will be guaranteed with the strategy of sustainable development. Only by doing so can we effectively protect our natural resources. Also I am convinced that we humans can overcome this difficulty and we will have a bright future.)

  To conclude, we should not yield to mediocrity regardless of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. So the prospect we are looking forward to will be bright and encouraging.

英语作文 篇2

  A week ago, my best friend gave me a lovely cat. I love it very much. It is special. Its fur is black not yellow. So I call it little black. It has the same taste with me. We all like eating fish. So, after it comes to my home, nearly every meal will appear fish. I like playing with it. It always makes me laugh. Every morning, it will wake me up. It brings much happiness for me.


英语作文 篇3

  Sunday,May 1st I got to school very early.Our class took a special bus to Cuihua Mountain at 8:30.We got off the bus.

  Our classmates were very excited. The mountain is so beautiful .We can se e flowers and grass here and there.The air was so fresh ,the birds wer e singing happily.

  The mountain is cover ed with trees and is very steep in front o f us.We seldom see such a beautiful pict ure.

  We could't wait to take many photos .Then we started to climb the mountain up the steep path.We climbed and climb ed.

  We were all tired and reached the to p of rhe mountain.We were thirsty and hungry.It was the best way to sit down and had a good rest .

  Everyone took out of deliciou s food and drinks to share .This was a good chance to relax.We danced and sang for a long time,certainly we also took many pictures together.

  We all enjoyed the nature and had a good time on that day!

英语作文 篇4

  It was New Year's day when my aunt married, let my mother to accompany her to go to the wedding. I let my mother take me, very hard!

  Wedding dress store, I can't wait to try the mini wedding dress (is in the flower children's clothes, according to the kind of doing well in marriage gauze), I put on a small mini wedding dress. Mother and aunt is beautiful! Then, miss my aunt let sales also gets a like I this small wedding dress style.

  Because my aunt is a mushroom head, wear the dress is not very good. Aunt tried a lot of kinds, all don't think for myself, my mother sad to stick a headache.

  Under the condition of being forced to helpless, for aunt I went to a wedding dress, there is no dress in drag, short skirt. Aunt said: "happy, thank you very much, this I like!" I'm shy of say: "well, hee hee.

  Actually, the little things in life is related to their dreams, as long as you diligently, will find their real advantages, will find themselves really want to do.

英语作文 篇5

  The importance of self-confidence

  Currently, self-confidence has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than self-confidence. It is clear that . If you , as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you . Failure will be following with you。It turns out that all your plan falls through. No one can deny another fact that .You dont have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know . It will exert a profound influence upon . With reference to my standpoint, I think .

英语作文 篇6

  The bustle of the hospital was a welcome distraction as I opened my new patient's chart and headed for her room. My son, Eric, had just brought home a disappointing report card, and my daughter, Shannon, and I had argued again about her getting a driver's license. For the next eight hours I wanted to throw myself into helping people who I knew had much more to worry about than I did.

  Rebekah was only 32, admitted for chemotherapy(化学疗法) after breast-cancer surgery, When I entered her room it took me a moment to spot her amid the bouncing forms of three giggling little girls.

  I told Rebekah I would be her nurse and she introduced her husband, Warren; six-year-old Ruthie; four-year-old Hannah; and two-year-old Molly. Warren coaxed the girls away from their mother with a promise of ice cream and assured Rebekah they would return the next day.

  As I rubbed(擦) alcohol on her arm to prepare it for the intravenous line, Rebekah laughed nervously. "I have to tell you I'm terrified of needles." "It'll be over before you know it," I said. "I'll give you a count of three."

  Rebekah shut her eyes tightly and murmured a prayer until it was over. Then she smiled and squeezed my hand. "Before you go, could you get my Bible from the table?" I handed her the worn book. "Do you have a favorite Bible verse?" she asked. "Jesus wept. John 11: 35." "Such a sad one," she said. "Why?"

  "It makes me feel closer to Jesus, knowing he also experienced human sorrow."

  Rebekah nodded thoughtfully and started flipping through her Bible as I shut the door quietly behind me.

  During the following months I watched Rebekah struggle with the ravages of chemotherapy. Her hospital stays became frequent and she worried about her children. Meanwhile I continued to contend with raising my own kids. They always seemed either out or holed up in their rooms. I missed the days when they were as attached to me as Rebekah's little girls were to her.

  One day when I entered her room, I found her talking into a tape recorder. She picked up a yellow legal pad and held it out to me. "I'm making a tape for my daughters, " she said.

  I read the list on her pad: starting school, confirmation, turning 16, first date, graduation. While I worried how to help her deal with death, she was planning for her children's future.

  I often wondered what I would say in her place. My kids joked that I was like an FBI agent, with my constant questions about where they'd been and who they'd been with. Where, I thought, are my words of encouragement and love?

  For a time it had seemed Rebekah's chemotherapy was working. Then doctors discovered anothermalignant(恶性的) lump. Two months later, a chest X-ray revealed the cancer had spread to her lungs. It was terminal. Help me to help her through this, I prayed.

  She usually waited until the early hours of the morning to record the tapes so she could be free from interruptions. She filled them with family stories and advice,trying to cram a lifetime of love into a few precious hours. Finally, every item in her notes had been checked off and she entrusted the tapes to her husband.

  It was three o'clock one afternoon when I got an urgent call from the hospital. Rebekah wanted me to come immediately with a blank tape. What topic has she forgotten? I wondered.

  She was flushed and breathing hard when I entered her room. I slipped the tape into the recorder and held the microphone to her lips. "Ruthie, Hannah, Molly?this is the most important tape." She held my hand and closed her eyes. "Someday your daddy will bring home a new mommy. Please make her feel special. Show her how to take care of you. Ruthie, honey, help her get your Brownie uniform ready each Tuesday. Hannah, tell her you don't want meat sauce on yourspaghetti(意大利式细面条). She won't know you like it separate. Molly, don't get mad if there's no apple juice. Drink something else. It's okay to be sad, sweeties. Jesus cried too. He knows about sadness and will help you to be happy again. Remember, I'll always love you.

  I shut off the recorder and Rebekah sighed deeply. "Thank you, Nan," she said with a weak smile. "You'll give this one to them, won't you?" she murmured as she slid into sleep.

  A time would come when the tape would be played for Rebekah's children, but right then, after I smoothed Rebekah's blanket, I got in my car and hurried home. I thought of how my Shannon also liked her sauce on the side and suddenly that quirk, which had annoyed me so many times, seemed to make her so much more precious. That night the kids didn't go out; they sat with me long after the spaghetti sauce had dried onto the dishes. And we talked, without interrogations(审问), without complaints, late into the night.

英语作文 篇7


  假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club)将举办国际中学摄影展.请给你的`英国朋友Peter写封信.请他提供作品.信的内容包括:







  (3)提示:国际中学摄影展:an International High School Students Photography Show.





  这是一篇提纲类作文,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club)将举办国际中学摄影展.请给你的英国朋友Peter写封信.本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,注意要适当拓展,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次.特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化.

  高分句型一)Any students who is interested in are welcome to participate.


  (高分句型二)I remember you showed me some photos on that theme the last time you visited our school.

  该句the last time相当于一个连词短语,连接两个并列句;


  Dear Peter,

  Our school photography club is going to hold an International High School students Photography Show.The theme of the show is environmental protection.(介绍主题)It will start from June15th and last three weeks.(高分句型一)Any students who is interested in are welcome to participate.I know you take good pictures and you've always wanted to do something for environmental protection.(高分句型二)I remember you showed me some photos on that theme the last time you visited our school.This is surely a good chance for more people to see them.If you want to join,you can send your photos to intlphotoshow@gm.school.com.

  Hope to hear from you soon.



英语作文 篇8

  In some counties, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good ideaSupport your opinion by using specific reasons and details. Is it advisable for a teenage student to have part-time job The debate about whether it is advisable for a teenage student to have a part-time job has been ignited. Considering that negative effects will be incurred, it is believed that owning a part-time job is not supported. However, flaws of participating a part-time job pale to insignificance when compared with merits.

  Admittedly, a part-time job, which requires the teenager to engage in job different from one’s major, does not make sense in terms of the improvement of self-ability in future career. For an architecture student, it pales to waste his talents and free time if he is arranged to serve as a waiter in the restaurant. Although some flaws exist, part-time job will benefit teenagers a lot.

  Part-time job can help teenagers eich their resume, build important contacts with companies and familiarize them with the contemporary state of their respective fields. For instance, in last summer holiday, Li lei, an architecture student in Xi’an jiaotong university, served as an interior designer in Hongmayi company, a well-known decorative company in China. He said that he harvested a lot about drawing skills from predecessors. Furthermore, up-dated information in the field of decoration could be achieved by him. Nowadays, he still kept a connection with employers. After he graduate from college, he might return to his part-time company to look for a full-time position, or approach other employers with good references and experience.

  The sense of achievement that comes from part-time job can build students’ confidence. The success they have achieved can remind themselves that their value in society. Since they aware that significant role they play, efforts in studying must be doubled so that they will perform better both in school and home. Better performance will lead to full confidence, which is a virtuous cycle.

  To sum up, part-time job is advisable for teenagers to participant. Not only can it help young children to build bridge with companies, but also can it increase children’s confidence.

英语作文 篇9

  March 12 is our Tree Planting Day.

  We have decided to go and plant trees that day.All the students in our school are supposed (required)to take part in the activity.Each class must take five or six basins to water the young trees.Others are to take spades to dig holes.

  We are going to gather on the school playground at seven on the morning of March 12.And then,we will take our school bus to the West Hill.Please don't be late or absent.Thank you.









英语作文:My Doll英语作文02-24

