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  清明节的由来英语作文 1

  Qingming Festival, also known as Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb-sweeping Day, is one of the 24 segments of the Chinese calendar. It normally falls on the 4th or 5th of April, between spring plowing and summer weeding, and is a time to pay respects to ones ancestors and to tidy their gravesite. On this day, whole families, young and old, go to the gravesite of deceased family members to burn incense and perform a ritual offering while clearing away plant overgrowth from the gravesite.

  Qingming Festival is when Chinese people visit the graves or burial grounds of their ancestors. Traditionally, people brought a whole rooster with them to the graves visited but the occasion has become less formal over time.

  The festival originated from Hanshi Day (寒食节, literally, Day with cold food only), a memorial day for Jie Zitui (介子推). Jie Zitui died in 636 BC in the Spring and Autumn Period.

  He was one of many followers of Duke Wen of Jin before he became a duke. Once, during Wens 19 years of exile, they had no food and Jie prepared some meat soup for Wen. Wen enjoyed it a lot and wondered where Jie had obtained the soup. It turned out Jie had cut a piece of meat from his own thigh to make the soup.

  Wen was so moved he promised to reward him one day. However, Jie was not the type of person who sought rewards. Instead, he just wanted to help Wen to return to Jin to become king. Once Wen became duke, Jie resigned and stayed away from him. Duke Wen rewarded the people who helped him in the decades, but for some reason he forgot to reward Jie, who by then had moved into the forest with his mother.

  Duke Wen went to the forest, but could not find Jie. Heeding suggestions from his officials, Duke Wen ordered men to set the forest on fire to force out Jie. However, Jie died in the fire. Feeling remorseful, Duke Wen ordered three days without fire to honour Jies memory. The county where Jie died is still called Jiexiu (介休, literally "the place Jie rests forever").



  这个节日起源于寒食节(寒食节, 字面意思是只有冷食的日子),一个纪念介子推的日子(介子推)。介子推死于公元前636年的春秋时期。



  文公去了森林,却找不到杰。文公听从大臣们的建议,命人放火烧林,把桀赶出去。然而,杰死于火灾。文公懊悔不已,下令三日不生火,以纪念桀。杰去世的那个县现在还叫介休(介休, 字面意思是“杰永远安息的地方”)。

  清明节的由来英语作文 2

  The tomb sweeping day is one of the traditional festivals in China. On April 5th, people start to visit their ancestors’ tombs. Generally speaking, people will bring the home-made food, some fake money and paper-made mansion to their ancestors. When they start to honour their ancestor, they will light up some candles and incense, put some flowers around the tombs. The most important thing is to put the home-made food in front of the tombs. The food, also known as sacrifices, is usually made up with a chicken, a fish and some pork. It’s a symbol of the offspring’s respect to the ancestors. People believe that the forbears will share the food with them. The children dedicate the food and money to their forbears in order to show their love and caring. The young offspring will go down on their knees and pray for their ancestors. They can say their wishes in front of the tombs and the ancestors will make their dreams come true.

  In some provinces of China, people use different activities to commemorate this day, for instance, spring-outing, swinging, tree planting and making special food. One special food is Ay Tsao rice balls. It looks like Tang-yuan, but its colour is green. Mix the ay tsao juice with the rice powder, then make it into small balls. The Ay Tsao rice ball is done. People believe that eating ay tsao rice balls can get rid of the bad luck and everything will go smoothly. Other activities such as spring outing, tree planting are the other ways to commemorate the forbears. For one thing, it is a sign that people should look into the future and embrace the hope; for another thing, we do hope our ancestor rest in peace.



  清明节的由来英语作文 3

  Do you know where Qingming Festival comes from? Chinas traditional Qingming Festival began around the Zhou Dynasty, has a history of more than two thousand years. Tomb-sweeping Day at the beginning of a very important solar term, Tomb-sweeping day arrives, the temperature rises, it is a good time for spring tillage, so there is "Tomb-sweeping Day before and after. Plant melons and beans. Afforestation, Mo Qingming "nongyan.

  And then. Since the Qingming Festival is close to the cold day, and the cold food is the day when the folk forbid fire to sweep the tombs, the cold food and the Qingming Festival gradually became one, and the cold food became another name for the Qingming Festival. It has also become a custom for Tomb-sweeping Day. Tomb-sweeping day does not move fireworks, only eat cold food.

  Another custom of Tomb-sweeping Day is to sweep the tombs. This year around the Qingming Festival, our school organized a spring outing, is to go to the monument of revolutionary heroes. We took the sun hat, holding the small white flowers, with great strength and strength to the monument to the revolutionary heroes, there, there are many tall stone tablets, stone tablets have a lot of martyrs names in the above, we bowed our heads, came to the Changqing tree in front of our small white flowers sent in the Changqing tree, silently looking at the small white flowers on the Changqing tree... Reluctant to part after leaving the monument of revolutionary heroes.

  This is our memorial to the deceased ancestors of the festival, but also our Chinese very traditional festival Qingming Festival!





  清明节的由来英语作文 4

  Qingming Festival is an important traditional Chinese folk festival, is an important "eight festivals" (Shangyuan, Qingming, the beginning of summer, the Dragon Boat Festival, the middle Yuan, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the winter solstice and New Years Eve). The Tomb-sweeping Day generally falls on April 5 in the Gregorian calendar, but its festival period is very long. There are two versions of it: ten days before, eight days after and ten days after.

  The origin of Tomb-sweeping Day, it is said that the ancient emperors and generals "tomb offering" ceremony, later the folk also followed, on this day to worship the ancestors and sweep the tombs, successive generations and become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation. Originally, the Cold Food Festival and Tomb-sweeping Day were two different festivals. In the Tang Dynasty, the day of worship and tomb sweeping was designated as the Cold Food Festival. The correct date of the Cold Food Festival is 105 days after the winter solstice, around the Qingming Festival, because the two days are close, so Qingming Festival and Cold food combined into one day.

  Tomb-sweeping Day customs, pay attention to fire, tomb sweeping, as well as outing, swinging, Cuju, playing polo, ed willow.

  This is the origin and custom of Qingming Festival.





  清明节的由来英语作文 5

  Qingming Festival is one of our traditional festivals. Are you curious about Qingming Festival? You want to know where it came from? Why is it called Qingming Festival? Let me introduce you to you.

  Spring and Autumn. In order to escape persecution, childe Chonger of the Jin Dynasty left the king abroad. On the way, he found himself in an uninhabited place. He was tired and hungry, and had no physical strength. With the minister looking for a long time also can not find food, when we are anxious, with Jie Zitui quietly cut a piece of meat to Chonger made broth. After hearing this, Chong Er was very grateful. Later, Chong Er returned to China to be the king and rewarded those who had been exiled with him, but he forgot Jie Zitui. Later, he wanted to give Jie a reward, but Jie Zitui despised competing for rewards, so he packed his luggage and went to Mian Mountain with his mother to live in seclusion.

  Ashamed of himself, Duke Wen of Jin wanted to find Jie Zitui, but the mountain was huge. Where should he find it? Some people suggest using torches to force Muon push down the cotton mountain. Chonger agreed. As a result, the meson was still delayed. Chonger ordered someone to go up and see that Jie Zitui had died under the willow tree, carrying his old mother. Chonger was so remorseful that he wrote a letter in blood and hung it under a willow tree.

  Qingming Festival is a sad festival. Also known as the Cold Food Festival, Qingming Festival is a festival made by the Duke of Jin Wen Chonger to follow his minister Jie Zi push Pu mourning.





  清明节的由来英语作文 6

  Speaking of Qingming Festival, people with some historical knowledge will be associated with the historical figure of Jie Zitui. According to historical records, during the Spring and Autumn Period more than 2,000 years ago, the Prince Chonger of the State of Jin lived a hard life on the run. Jie Zitui, who followed him, was willing to cut a piece of meat from his own leg to satisfy his hunger. Later, Chong Er returned to the state of Jin and became the king (Lord Wen of Jin, one of the five rulers in the Spring and Autumn Period). He rewarded all his followers who had followed him in exile, but Jie Zitui refused to accept the award. He took his mother and lived in seclude in Mianshan, refusing to come out.

  Duke Wen of Jin had no choice but to set fire to the mountain. He thought that Jie Zitui, who was filial to his mother, would surely come out with her. Who knows the fire but the mother and son of Jie Zitui burned to death. In honor of Jie Zitui, Duke Wen of Jin ordered that no fires should be lit on this day every year, and every household could only eat cold and raw food. This is the origin of the Cold Food Festival.

  The Cold Food Festival falls on the day before Tomb-Sweeping Day. Ancient people often extended the activities of the Cold Food Festival to Tomb-sweeping Day. Over time, people would combine the cold food with Tomb-sweeping Day. Now, the Qingming Festival has replaced the Cold Food Festival, and the custom of worshiping Jie Zitui has become the custom of sweeping tombs during the Qingming Festival.




  清明节的由来英语作文 7

  Today is Qingming Festival. Qingming Festival is also one of the 24 solar terms in China. It is a traditional festival and the most important festival for sacrifice. It is a time for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping. Our Qingming Festival began about the Zhou Dynasty, has a history of more than two thousand five hundred years. Tomb-sweeping Day is a very important solar term at the beginning, Tomb-sweeping day, the temperature rises, it is a good time for spring planting, so there is "before and after Tomb-sweeping day, planting melons and beans" "afforestation, Mo Qingming" nongyan.

  Later, as the day of Qingming is close to the day of Cold food, which is the day when people forbid fire to sweep tombs, the two days gradually became one, and the cold food became not only another name for Qingming, but also a custom of the Qingming Festival. On Qingming Day, there is no fireworks and only cold food is eaten.

  The name also derives from the Qingming Festival, one of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar. The 105th day after the winter solstice is the Qingming Solar Term. The Qingming Festival has 15 days. As a solar term, Qingming comes after the Spring Equinox. Winter was now gone, spring was in full swing, the weather was clear, the fields were clear, and nature was full of vitality. "Qingming" is the most appropriate word to call this period.




  清明节的由来英语作文 8

  The traditional Tomb-sweeping Day in China began around the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 2,500 years. It was not as important as the previous days Cold Food Festival in ancient times, because the dates of Qingming Festival and Cold Food Festival were close to each other, and the folk gradually integrated the customs of the two. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties (581 to 907), the Qingming Festival and Cold Food Festival gradually merged into the same festival, and became the day of tomb sweeping and ancestor worship, which is todays Qingming Festival. Since then, Tomb-sweeping day outing has become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation.

  Tomb-sweeping Day, also known as the tomb Sweeping Festival, Ghost Festival, Ghost Festival, and July 15 Hungry Ghost Festival and the first day of October cold clothes Festival together called the three Ghost Festival, are related to the sacrifice of ghosts and gods.

  Tomb-sweeping Day, also known as Taqing Festival, according to the Gregorian calendar, it is between April 4 and 6 each year, it is the season of bright spring flowers and trees, it is also a good time for people to spring outing (ancient called Taqing), so the ancients have Qingming outing, and carry out a series of sports activities. Qingming Festival, also known as March Festival in ancient times, has a history of more than 2,500 years.

  Tomb-sweeping Day is one of the 24 solar terms around April 5 of the Gregorian calendar. Among the 24 solar terms, only Qingming and Winter Solstice are both solar terms and festivals. It means that it is time for nature to warm up, and things to start to recover, so that spring planting can be done. Ancient China divided Qingming into three Hou: a hou Tong Shi Hua; The voles of the second quarter were quail; Three rainbow beginning to see. It means that at this time of year, first the white flowers bloom, then the field-mice disappear and go back to their holes in the ground, and then the sky can see the rainbow after the rain.





  清明节的由来英语作文 9

  Qingming is one of the twenty-four solar terms in China. Because the 24 solar terms objectively reflect the four seasons of temperature, rainfall, phenology and other aspects of change, so the ancient working people use it to arrange agricultural activities, Chinese traditional Qingming Festival began about the Zhou Dynasty, has a history of more than 2,500 years. Tomb-sweeping Day is a very important solar term at the beginning, when Tomb-sweeping Day arrives, the temperature rises, it is a good time for spring ploughing and spring planting, so there is "before and after Tomb-sweeping Day, planting melons and beans". "Afforestation, Mo Qingming" nongyan. Qingming Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, is also the most important sacrifice festival, is the day of ancestor worship and tomb sweeping. Tomb sweeping commonly known as Shangfen, sacrificial dead a kind of activity.

  The Han and some minority ethnic groups mostly sweep tombs on Tomb-sweeping Day. According to the old custom, when the tomb, people to carry wine, fruit, paper money and other items to the cemetery, the food for sacrifice in front of the grave, and then the paper money incinerated, for the grave on the new soil, fold a few branches of fresh green branches ed in the grave, and then kowtow worship, finally eat wine and food home. Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu poem "Qingming Festival" : "Qingming Festival season rain, the road pedestrians want to break the soul. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy points to apricot flower village." Write the Tomb-sweeping day special atmosphere.

  Tomb-sweeping Day, also known as Taqing Festival, according to the Gregorian calendar, it is between April 4 and 6 each year, it is the spring bright vegetation green season, it is also people spring outing (ancient called outing) good time, so the ancients have Qingming outing, and carry out a series of sports activities customs.




  清明节的由来英语作文 10

  Tomb-sweeping Day is one of the traditional and important festivals in China. During this season, many people visit tombs and go out for an outing. I believe that many people do not understand the origin of Qingming Festival is what, the following to share with you the origin of Qingming Festival.

  Nineteen years later, Chong Er became the king, also known as Duke Wen of Jin in history. After the throne, Duke Wen rewarded those who had accompanied him in exile, but forgot Jie Zitui. Many people complained for Jie Zitui and advised him to ask for rewards, but Jie Zitui despised those who fought for rewards most. He packed up and went quietly to the Mian Mountain to live in seclusion.

  After hearing this, Wen Gong of Jin was ashamed and took someone to invite Jie Zitui personally. However, Jie Zitui had left home and gone to Mian Mountain. Mianshan mountain high road risk, thick trees, it is not easy to find two people, someone offered advice, from three sides of the fire Mianshan, forced out Muon push. Fire all over the Mian mountain, but did not see the figure of Jie Zitui, after the fire out, people found the old mother Jie Zitui has been sitting under an old willow tree died. Seeing this, Lord Wen of Jin wailed. When he was encoffined, he found a book in a hole in the tree. It read: "Cut your flesh and give you your heart. I hope the Lord will always be clear and bright."

  In order to commemorate Jie Zitui, Duke Wen of Jin ordered this day every year as Tomb-Sweeping Day. Fire was forbidden on this day, and every family could only eat cold and raw food. This is the origin of the Cold Food Festival, also known as the Tomb-sweeping Day.





  清明节的由来英语作文 11

  Friends, do you know the origin of Qingming? If you dont know, let me tell you about it.

  One day, when Chong Er was still the emperors son, he fled with Jie Zidi. Chong Er and Jie Zitui could not find food, and Chong Er almost starved to death. Jie Zitui cut off a piece of his own meat and gave it to Chong Er. Chong Er said, "In the future, if I become king, I will repay you!" Later, when Chong Er really became king, he wanted to give a reward to those who helped him. Someone reminded him: "You forgot to give Jie Zitui a reward." Chong Er hurriedly called someone to give Jie Zitui a gift. However, Jie Zitui refused. So Chonger decided to set fire to Muon push force out of the mountain, can fire for a long time Muon push still did not come out, Chonger hurriedly called someone to put out or out, to find their own. By the time Chonger found Jie Zitui, Jie Zitui was dead. In order to commemorate Jie Zitui, we put the day Jie Zitui died, April 4, called Qingming Festival. So, every April 5, we honor our ancestors.

  This year we also went to visit the grave. On the mountain, we saw many strange and beautiful flowers which we had never seen before. Oh, I forgot to say, we sweep the tomb is my grandmothers tomb, where my grandfather to burn paper money, such as paper money burned well, we will go to hang flowers, hang flowers we will finish the tomb.




  清明节的由来英语作文 12

  Tomb-sweeping Day, is the most grand festival of ancestor worship in the Chinese nation, which belongs to a cultural traditional festival of honoring ancestors, being prudent and carrying forward filial piety. Qingming Festival has a long history. It originated from the Spring Festival Festival and the Spring and Autumn Festival Festival in ancient times. Ancestor belief and sacrificial culture are important factors in the formation of Qingming Festival. Qingming contains both solar terms and festivals. It provides important conditions for the formation of Qingming custom in terms of time and meteorological phenology.

  The Qingming Solar term is one of the 24 specific seasons in the ancient Ganzhi calendar. It is a time when vitality is strong, but also a time when Yin qi declines. The Qingming Festival is a good time for outdoor outing (spring outing) and Qingming (tomb sacrifices). The temperature rises and everything is clean. Tomb-sweeping Day will be solar terms and folk customs into one, is the combination of the right time and place and people.

  The Qingming ritual and custom culture fully embodies the Chinese nations ancestors pursuit of the harmony of "heaven, earth and man" and the thought of conforming to the conditions of heaven and earth and following the laws of nature. Tomb-sweeping Day is not only a solemn day to sweep tombs and worship ancestors, but also a joyous festival for people to get close to nature, go for an outing and enjoy the fun of spring. After the historical development and evolution, Qingming Festival absorbs and integrates the customs of Cold Food Festival and Shangsi Festival, a variety of folk customs as a whole, with a very rich cultural connotation.




  清明节的由来英语作文 13

  Tomb-sweeping Day falls on the Gregorian calendar from 04-06. The tomb-sweeping day is usually 10 days before to 10 days after the tomb-sweeping Day, and in some places it lasts as long as a month. Tomb-sweeping Day is one of the eight important festivals in China. As a festival, Qingming is different from the pure solar term. The solar term is the symbol of the change of phenology and the order of seasons, while the festival contains the connotation of spiritual belief and festival customs and etiquette. According to the research results of modern anthropology and archaeology, the two most primitive beliefs of human beings are the belief in heaven and earth and the belief in ancestors. Since ancient times, the traditional culture and customs of worshiping the gods have been passed down from generation to generation, and the custom of sweeping tombs during the Qingming Festival has become a fixed ritual theme.

  Although the custom of banning fire and cold food during the Qingming Festival was not integrated and popularized until the Song Dynasty, the custom of sweeping tombs and paying respects to ancestors on the Qingming Festival has long existed. In addition to spring outing and tomb sweeping, the custom of Tomb-sweeping Day has absorbed a series of custom sports activities such as swinging, Cuju, playing polo and ing willow in its historical development. Tomb-sweeping day the traditional festival custom of ancestor worship continues since ancient times, is to todays society, people around the tomb-sweeping Day still have the custom of tomb sweeping ancestor worship: uprooting weeds, put on offerings, incense in front of the tomb prayer, burning paper money and gold ingots, or simply offer a bunch of flowers, in order to express the memory of the ancestors. Qingming Festival embodies the national spirit, inherits the sacrificial culture of the Chinese civilization, and expresses peoples moral feelings of respecting their ancestors and following their aspirations.



  清明节的由来英语作文 14

  The traditional Tomb-sweeping Day of the Han Chinese began around the Zhou Dynasty, which has a history of more than 2,500 years. Influenced by Han culture, Chinas Manchu, Hezhen, Zhuang, Oroqen, Dong, Tujia, Miao, Yao, Li, Shui, Jing, Qiang and other 24 ethnic minorities, also have the custom of Qingming Festival. Tomb sweeping, ancestor worship, outing is the basic theme.

  Our country folk to keep for a long time the habit of clear outing. Qingming is usually around the third lunar month, which is the time of spring on the earth.

  After a long winter, people get out of their homes and go outdoors to explore the smell of spring -- or in the fields, or in the suburbs, these outings are called "outing." Spring outing, also called spring outing. In ancient times, it was called Tanchun, Hunchun, etc.

  Legend, in a long time ago there was Qingming outing this activity. According to the "old book of Tang" records: "Dali two February Renwu, lucky Kunming pool outing." Visible, spring outing custom has long been popular. Du Fu has "the river outing, looking back to see the flag" poem. In the Song Dynasty, the wind of spring outing prevailed. The genre painting Along the River at Qingming Festival by Song Dynasty painter Zhang Zeduan vividly depicts the bustling scene of Qingming Festival centered on the Bianhe River outside the capital Bianjing.

  Since spring comes at different times all over the country, the Spring Outing Festival comes first and then. The second day of the second lunar month is the Spring Outing Festival in Fujian and the third day of the third lunar month is the Spring Outing Festival in Shaanxi. Beijing, the northeast because of the spring is particularly late, to the fifth day of May began to spring outing. Since spring outing is a meaningful custom, it is passed down from generation to generation.






  清明节的由来英语作文 15

  "Tomb-sweeping Day rain, pedestrians on the road to the soul", Tomb-sweeping day is coming, the weather is gradually getting hot. What did everyone do before and after the Qingming Festival?

  Tomb-sweeping day, also known as Taqing Festival, is the 108th day after the winter solstice, so the Tomb-sweeping day is different every year. To say this Qingming Festival, there is a small story behind it.

  According to legend, during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.), the Prince Chonger of the Jin Dynasty was in exile to escape persecution. On his way, he could no longer stand up in a deserted place. Jie Zitui went to a quiet place, cut a piece of meat off his thigh, cooked a bowl of soup and offered it to Chong Er. Chong Er gradually recovered his spirit and found out that Jie Zitui had cut the meat off his leg, leaving tears in his eyes.

  Nineteen years later, Chong Er became the king. After he ascended the throne, he rewarded those who had accompanied him in exile, except for Jie Zitui. Many people complained for Jie Zitui and advised him to beg for a reward, but Jie Zitui did not agree and went to the Mian mountains.

  Heavy ear after hearing, very ashamed, take someone to ask Jie Zitui. But where can I find it? Then someone came up with a plan to burn Mianshan from Sanming and force Jie Zitui out. Fire all over the cotton Mountain, but did not see Jie Zitui, later found him under an old willow tree, he carried his old mother has died. The heavy ear sees the pain. When he was buried, he found a letter in blood in the hollow of the tree. It read: "Cut the flesh and serve the army with your heart. I hope the Lord will always be clear and bright." In order to commemorate Jie Zitui, Chong Er ordered the day as the Cold Food Festival.

  The next year, Chong Er led his ministers to climb the mountain to pay tribute, and found the old willow dead and resurrected, he gave the old willow as "Qingming Willow", and told the world that the day after the Cold Food Festival as Qingming Festival.

  Hearing this story, I wonder how you feel? I was very impressed. There is such a touching story behind the original Qingming Festival!

  Anyway, I have a grave to visit!









  清明节的由来英语作文 16

  Qingming Festival is an important traditional Chinese folk festival, is an important "eight festivals" (Shangyuan, Qingming, the beginning of summer, the Dragon Boat Festival, the middle Yuan, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the winter solstice and the New Years Eve). It is generally on April 5 in the Gregorian calendar, but its festival period is very long, there are two versions of ten days before, eight days after and ten days after, and these nearly twenty days are Tomb-sweeping Day. The origin of Tomb-sweeping Day, it is said that the ancient emperors and generals "tomb offering" ceremony, later the folk also followed, on this day to worship the ancestors and sweep the tombs, successive generations and become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation.

  Qingming Festival originated in the Shang Dynasty. It is one of the traditional festivals of the Han nationality and one of the 24 solar terms in China. It is around April 5 in the solar calendar every year. After the Tomb-sweeping Day, the rain increases and the earth presents the image of spring and Jingming. All things in this season "breathe the new", no matter the vegetation in nature, or the human body co-existing with nature, all change the dirty winter at this time, welcome the breath of spring, and realize the transformation from Yin to Yang.

  Tomb-sweeping Day, also known as Taqing Festival, according to the Gregorian calendar, it is between April 4 and 6 each year, it is the season of bright spring flowers and trees, it is also a good time for people to spring outing (ancient called Taqing), so the ancients have Qingming outing, and carry out a series of sports activities. In ancient times, there was another saying, "March Festival".

  Tomb sweeping is popular on Tomb-sweeping Day. In fact, tomb sweeping is the content of the Cold Food Festival on the day before Tomb-sweeping Day. According to legend, cold food began when Duke Wen of Jin mourned Jie Zitui. Tang Xuanzong Kaiyuan twenty years imperial edict world, "cold food on the tomb". Because of the connection between cold food and Tomb-sweeping Day, it was gradually passed on as Tomb-sweeping day. During the Qingming Period, tomb sweeping was more popular. In ancient times, children often flew kites to sweep tombs. Some kites are equipped with bamboo flutes, which can make a sound when blown by the wind, just like the sound of the zheng. It is said that the name of the kite comes from this way.





  清明节的由来英语作文 17

  During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily and pedestrians on the road feel like losing their souls. As we all know, April 5th is the Qingming Festival, which can be a holiday. However, after so many Qingming festivals, do you know its origin? I dont know Its okay, Ill tell you today.

  Over two thousand years ago, during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, there was an internal turmoil in the state of Jin, and as a result, the young prince of Jin, Chonger, wandered outside. On the way to exile, Chonger and his group got lost in a big mountain. Chonger didnt eat for days and nights, and was so hungry that he felt dizzy and weak all over. The minister who followed, Jie Zitui, secretly cut off a piece of meat from his leg and cooked meat soup for Chonger to eat. Chonger took the soup and wolfed it down, quickly asking him where it came from. Jie Zitui told him about it, and Chonger was moved to tears. He wanted to repay him in the future, but Jie Zitui didnt ask for anything in return and earnestly told him to manage the country well.

  After nineteen years of exile, Chonger finally returned to the state of Jin and became Duke Wen of Jin. He remembered the benefits of Jie Zitui and wanted to appoint him as a high-ranking official. Therefore, he sent people several times to invite Jie Zitui, but they were all rejected one by one. He personally came to invite Jie Zitui, but he had already hidden away from his mother in the mountains. Chonger listened to the ideas of the ministers and set fire to the mountain, setting fire on three sides and leaving one side for Jie Zitui to come out. However, the fire burned for three days and three nights, and he did not come out. As a result, it was discovered that Jie Zitui and his mother were sitting under a charred old willow tree, already dead. Next to them was a blood letter from Jie Zitui, which read: "Cutting the flesh to serve you with all your heart, I hope the lord will always be clear and bright..." After reading the blood letter, Duke Wen of Jin ordered that this day be designated as Cold Food Festival. Every year on this day, it is forbidden to start a fire and cook, and only cold food can be prepared in advance. Afterwards, Duke Wen of Jin designated the day after the Cold Food Festival as Qingming Festival.

  How is it going? Do you have a better understanding of Qingming Festival?





  清明节的由来英语作文 18

  The Qingming Festival was originally a very important solar term. As the temperature rose during the Qingming Festival, it was a great time for spring plowing and planting. Therefore, there is a saying that goes, "Before and after the Qingming Festival, plant melons and beans." Planting trees and afforestation is better than the Qingming agricultural proverb. Later, due to the close proximity of Qingming and Cold Food, which is a day when people prohibit fire and tomb sweeping. Gradually, Cold Food and Qingming became one, and Cold Food became both a nickname for Qingming and a custom during the Qingming Festival. On Qingming Day, no fireworks were used, only cold food was eaten.

  The origin of Qingming Festival is said to have originated from the ancient ritual of "tomb worship" by emperors and prime ministers. Later, people also followed suit and worshipped ancestors and swept tombs on this day, which has been a fixed custom of the Chinese nation throughout history. The name "Qingming Festival" also comes from the Qingming Festival in the 24 solar terms of the Chinese lunar calendar. The 105th day after the winter solstice is the Qingming Festival. The Qingming solar term has a total of 15 days.

  As a solar term, Qingming falls after the spring equinox. At this time, winter has passed, spring is full of vitality, the weather is clear, the four fields are clear, and nature shows vitality everywhere. The term "Qingming" is the most appropriate term to refer to this period.




  清明节的由来英语作文 19

  Qingming Festival is an important traditional folk festival in China, which is one of the eight important festivals (Shangyuan, Qingming, Lixia, Dragon Boat Festival, Zhongyuan, Mid Autumn Festival, Winter Solstice, and New Years Eve). It is usually on the fifth day of the fourth lunar month, but its festival period is very long. There are two versions: ten days before and eight days after, and ten days before and ten days after. These nearly twenty days belong to the Qingming Festival. The origin of Qingming Festival is said to have originated from the ancient ritual of "tomb worship" by emperors and prime ministers. Later, people also followed suit and worshipped ancestors and swept tombs on this day, which has been a fixed custom of the Chinese nation throughout history.

  Qingming Festival originated from the Shang Dynasty and is one of the traditional festivals of the Han ethnic group in China. It is one of the 24 solar terms in China and is celebrated around the 5th day of the fourth lunar month each year. After the Qingming Festival, there is an increase in rainfall, and the earth presents a picture of spring and scenery. At this time, all things in nature, whether it is the vegetation or the human body coexisting with nature, are "spitting out the old and embracing the new". They all replace the impurities of winter and welcome the breath of spring, achieving a transformation from yin to yang.

  Qingming Festival, also known as Qingqing Festival, falls between April 4th and 6th each year according to the solar calendar. It is the season when the spring scenery is bright and the plants are turning green, and it is also a good time for people to go on spring outings (ancient times called Qingqing). Therefore, ancient people had the custom of Qingming outings and a series of sports activities. In ancient times, there was also a saying that was "March Festival"

  Tomb sweeping is popular during the Qingming Festival. In fact, tomb sweeping is a part of the Cold Food Festival on the day before the Qingming Festival. According to legend, Cold Food originated from the mourning of Duke Wen of Jin for Jie Zitui. In the 20th year of the Kaiyuan reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, he ordered the world to "go to the grave with cold food". Due to the connection between cold food and Qingming, it gradually became known as Qingming Tomb Sweeping. During the Qingming period, tomb sweeping became more prevalent. In ancient times, when sweeping graves, children often had to fly kites. Some kites are equipped with bamboo flutes, which can make a sound when blown by the wind, just like the sound of a kite. It is said that the name of a kite comes from this.





  清明节的由来英语作文 20

  What is the origin of Qingming Festival? I went to ask my mother with doubts. Mom said, "Go find the answer yourself! Come on, Mom believes you can do it." I opened my computer and started looking for the answer. Found it! So

  According to legend, during the Spring and Autumn period, Prince Chonger of Jin fled abroad to escape persecution. On the way to exile, in a desolate place, tired and hungry, unable to stand up anymore. After searching for a while, Sui Chen couldnt find anything to eat. Just as everyone was extremely anxious, Sui Chen Jiezi pushed him to a secluded place and cut a piece of meat from his thigh. He cooked a bowl of meat soup for the young master to drink. Chonger gradually regained his energy. When Chonger found out that the meat was cut off by Jiezi pushing his leg, he was moved to tears.

  Nineteen years later, Chonger became the ruler, also known as Duke Wen of Jin in history. After ascending the throne, Duke Wen highly rewarded the meritorious officials who had accompanied him in exile, but he forgot about Jie Zitui. Many people criticize Jie Zitui and urge him to face the emperor and seek rewards, but Jie Zitui despises those who strive for merit and rewards the most. He packed up and quietly went to Mianshan with his old mother to live in seclusion.

  After hearing about it, Duke Wen of Jin felt ashamed and personally took someone to invite Jie Zitui. However, Jie Zitui had already left home for Mianshan. The mountains of Mianshan are steep and treacherous, with dense trees. Its not easy to find two people. Someone suggested setting fire to Mianshan from three sides, forcing Jie Zitui out. The fire burned through the mountains, but there was no sign of Jie Zitui. After the fire extinguished, people realized that Jie Zitui, who was carrying his old mother, had died sitting under an old willow tree. Duke Wen of Jin wept upon seeing the situation. During the funeral, a piece of clothing was discovered from a tree hole, which read: "Cutting the flesh to serve you with all your heart, I hope the lord will always be clear and bright." In memory of Jie Zitui, Duke Wen of Jin ordered this day to be designated as the Cold Food Festival.

  In the second year, Duke Wen of Jin led his courtiers to climb a mountain to offer sacrifices and found that the old willow tree had died and been resurrected. He bestowed upon the old willow tree the name "Qingming Willow" and instructed the world to designate the day after the Cold Food Festival as Qingming Festival.

  After reading about the origin, did your heart, like me, be moved by the spirit of Jie Zitui sacrificing himself to save the country? Are you as determined as I am to be someone like Jie Zitui? Lets be honest people from now on!







  清明节的由来英语作文 21

  Qingming Festival is an important traditional folk festival in China, which is one of the eight important festivals (Shangyuan, Qingming, Lixia, Dragon Boat Festival, Zhongyuan, Mid Autumn Festival, Winter Solstice, and New Years Eve). The Qingming Festival is generally celebrated on the fifth day of the fourth lunar month, but its duration is very long. There are two versions of the festival: ten days before and eight days after, and ten days before and ten days after. These nearly twenty days belong to the Qingming Festival.

  The origin of Qingming Festival is said to have originated from the ancient ritual of "tomb worship" by emperors and prime ministers. Later, people also followed suit and worshipped ancestors and swept tombs on this day, which has been a fixed custom of the Chinese nation throughout history. Originally, Cold Food Festival and Qingming Festival were two different festivals. In the Tang Dynasty, the day of worshipping and sweeping graves was designated as Cold Food Festival. The correct day for the Cold Food Festival is 105 days after the winter solstice, around the time of Qingming. As the two days are similar, Qingming and Cold Food are merged into one day.

  The customs of Qingming Festival emphasize the prohibition of fire, tomb sweeping, as well as hiking, swinging on swings, cuju, playing polo, and ing willows

  This is the origin and customs of Qingming Festival.





  清明节的由来英语作文 22

  There are many traditional festivals in China, such as the Spring Festival, the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, etc.

  The Qingming Festival is related to the Five Heavenly Kings of Spring and Autumn, Duke Wen of Jin. The earlobe of Chonger is large, the ribs are connected together, and there are two eyes in one eye. The internal turmoil in the state of Jin led to the escape of Prince Yiwu and Chonger. Gongzi Yiwu killed the Crown Prince and proclaimed himself Duke Hui of Jin, which made him even more disrespectful. Chonger had no choice but to take Hu Yan, Hu Mao, Jie Zitui, and others to flee to the state of Qi. Along the way, Gongzi Chonger fell ill and was on the brink of death due to eating wild grass for days. However, there was no doctor in the wild mountains and ridges? In order to protect his own lord, Jie Zitui cut off a piece of thigh meat from his body and made a fire to make soup. He gave the meat soup to Chonger and he recovered from his illness.

  He arrived in the state of Qin and, with the help of Duke Mu of Qin, returned to the state of Jin to become Duke Wen of Jin. After the establishment of the country, Duke Wen of Jin conferred official titles on all the meritorious officials under his command. Someone told him that the meat soup was Jie Zituis meat, saying that Chonger had forgotten to confer official titles on Jie Zitui. So he regretted forgetting to appoint Jie Zitui as an official, but now that all six Shangshu had been appointed, he went to invite Jie Zitui to become an official. Unexpectedly, Jie Zitui lived in seclusion in Mianshan, and Duke Wen did not forget his roots, so he personally went to Mianshan to invite him, but he could not be found.

  Someone came up with a bad idea: he must come out when burning mountains. But Jie Zitui and his mother didnt come out, and later they burned two old willows to death. Upon seeing his regret, Duke Wen ordered the whole country to mourn Jie Zitui, rename Mianshan as Jieshan, and prohibit the use of fire and the planting of willows on this day every year. He also named April 5th Qingming, also known as the Cold Food Festival.

  For two thousand years, we Chinese people have attached great importance to this festival. On Qingming Festival, every family does not engage in fire and only eats some vegetables or green dough the next day. Recently, our country has designated it as a statutory holiday again. Give people time to worship their ancestors, sweep tombs, and go hiking.

  Qingming Festival marks a tradition that has existed in China for thousands of years, indicating that Chinese people value loyalty and emotions. Chinese people never forget their kindness, which is why I love Qingming Festival.







  清明节的由来英语作文 23

  Do you know how Qingming Festival comes? Haha! I dont know, let me tell you! The traditional Qingming Festival in China dates back to the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of over two thousand years. The beginning of Qingming Festival is a very important solar term. With the arrival of Qingming Festival, the temperature rises and it is the perfect time for spring plowing and planting. Therefore, there is a saying that goes, "Before and after Qingming Festival, planting melons and beans, planting trees and afforestation, never surpass Qingming". Later on. Due to the close proximity of Qingming Festival to cold days, and the fact that Cold Food is a folk day that prohibits fire and tomb sweeping, it gradually merged with Qingming Festival, and Cold Food became another name for Qingming Festival. It has also become a custom of Qingming Festival. On Qingming Festival, there are no fireworks and only cold food is eaten.

  Another custom during the Qingming Festival is to sweep graves. Before and after this years Qingming Festival, our school organized a spring outing to visit the Revolutionary Heroes Memorial. We brought our sun hats and small white flowers to the Revolutionary Heroes Monument, where there were many tall and large stone tablets with the names of martyrs on them. We lowered our heads and came to the Changqing tree, placing our small white flowers on it, silently watching the small white flowers on the tree... We reluctantly left the Revolutionary Heroes Monument

  This is our festival to commemorate our deceased ancestors, and it is also a very traditional Chinese festival - Qingming Festival!




  清明节的由来英语作文 24

  Qingming Festival is an important traditional folk festival in China, consisting of eight important festivals: Shangyuan, Qingming, Lixia, Dragon Boat Festival, Zhongyuan, Mid Autumn Festival, Winter Solstice, and New Years Eve. It is usually on the fifth day of the fourth lunar month, but its festival period is very long. There are two versions: ten days before and eight days after, and ten days before and ten days after. These nearly twenty days belong to the Qingming Festival.

  The origin of Qingming Festival is said to have originated from the ancient ritual of "tomb worship" by emperors and prime ministers. Later, people also followed suit and worshipped ancestors and swept tombs on this day, which has been a fixed custom of the Chinese nation throughout history. Originally, the Cold Food Festival and Qingming Festival were two different festivals. In the Tang Dynasty, the day of worship and tomb sweeping was designated as the Cold Food Festival. One hundred and five days after the winter solstice are called cold food. In the past, fire and cold food were prohibited on this day, so it is also known as the "Cold Festival" or "No Smoking Festival". According to folk legend, cold food is to commemorate the burning of Jie Zitui in Mianshan during the Spring and Autumn period, and Duke Wen of Jin ordered a ban on fire. Jie Zitui was from Shanxi, so the custom of cold food was first popular in Shanxi. In the old days, cold food cut off the fire, and the next day there was a ceremony in the palace to drill wood for new fire. People also often begged each other for new fire with willow sticks.

  Fifteen days after the spring equinox are Qingming Festival, which is a good day for outings. Qingming is also a day for sweeping graves and worshipping ancestors. It is also known as the "Ghost Festival" or "Ming Festival" in folk customs, and together with the 15th day of the seventh month and the 1st day of the tenth month, it is collectively known as the "Three Ming Festival". There is a city gods procession ceremony.




  清明节的由来英语作文 25

  Around April 5th every year, it is the traditional Chinese festival Qingming Festival. There is a touching legend about the origin of this festival.

  More than two thousand years ago, there was an internal conflict in the state of Jin, and the prince of Jin, Chonger, went into exile abroad.

  During their exile, Chonger and his group got lost in a large mountain. Chonger didnt eat for days and nights, feeling dizzy and weak from hunger. Accompanying the minister Jie Zitui, he secretly took a piece of meat from his leg and cooked a bowl of meat soup to give to Chonger. Chonger wolfed it down and asked, "Where is this meat from?" Jie Zitui told him the truth. Chong Er was moved to tears and said, "How can I repay you for treating me like this in the future? Jie Zitui told Zhong Zhongchang that I do not seek repayment. I hope the Lord will not forget the pain of cutting my flesh, think of more ways to govern the country and be a wise ruler."

  After nineteen years of exile, Chonger finally returned to the state of Jin and became the ruler. He was Duke Wen of Jin. He recited the benefits of Jie Zitui and wanted to appoint him as a high-ranking official. So he sent people several times to invite Jie Zitui. Jie Zitui refused to become an official one by one. Duke Wen of Jin personally went to invite him, but when he arrived at Jie Zituis house, he saw that the door was tightly locked. Originally, Jie Zitui didnt want to see him and hid in the mountains with his old mother behind his back.

  Duke Wen of Jin sent people to search for it. But its not so easy to find someone in the wilderness! A minister suggested setting fire to the mountains, setting fire on three sides, leaving one side, and Jie Zitui would definitely come out. Duke Wen of Jin agreed. The fire burned for three days and three nights, and no mesons were pushed out. After the fire went out, people went into the mountain to search and found Jie Zitui and his mother sitting under a charred old willow tree, already dead. Duke Wen of Jin burst into tears upon seeing the situation. When he sent someone to bury Jie Zitui, he found a letter in the hole of the old willow tree, which read: "Cut the flesh and offer you all your heart. I hope the Lord will always be clear and bright."“

  Duke Wen of Jin will hide it in his sleeve, bury Jie Zitui and his mother under the burnt old willow tree, and order that this day be designated as Cold Food Festival. On this day every year, it is forbidden to start a fire and cook, and only cold food prepared the day before can be eaten.

  In the second year, Duke Wen of Jin led his ministers to pay tribute to Jie Zitui. They walked to the grave and saw the old willow tree dead and resurrected, with a thousand green branches dancing in the wind. Duke Wen of Jin looked at the resurrected old willow tree as if he had seen Jie Zitui. After the sacrifice, Duke Wen of Jin named this old willow tree "Qingming Willow" and designated the day after the Cold Food Festival as Qingming Festival.

  Duke Wen of Jin has always kept him by his side as a motto to inspire himself. He is diligent and clear minded in governing the country in an orderly manner. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and they miss Jie Zitui very much for not taking credit or seeking wealth and prosperity. Every Qingming Festival, everyone holds various activities to commemorate him. Slowly, Qingming Festival became a traditional festival of the Chinese nation.

  On Qingming Festival, people have to offer sacrifices and sweep graves.










  清明节的由来英语作文 26

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily, and pedestrians on the road feel like losing their souls. By the way, where is the tavern? The shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village from afar." This is a poem written by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu about the Qingming Festival. Qingming Festival is one of the twenty-four solar terms and a traditional folk festival. Whenever its Qingming Festival, people will go to sweep graves, go hiking, plant trees, and so on. When it comes to Qingming Festival, we have to start with the story of Jie Zitui.

  According to legend, during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, Chonger wandered outside for 19 years. Jiezi Tui followed him and made great achievements. Chonger returned to China and became a monarch, becoming one of the famous Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn period, Duke Wen of Jin. Duke Wen of Jin wanted to appoint Jie Zitui as an official, but Jie Zitui was unwilling to do so. He had already carried his mother behind his back and hid in Mianshan. Duke Wen of Jin asked his imperial guards to search up the Mianshan Mountains, but they couldnt find it. So, someone came up with an idea that it would be better to set fire to the mountain, set fire on three sides, and leave one side. When the fire started, Jie Zitui would come out on his own. Duke Wen of Jin ordered a fire to be set on the mountain. Unexpectedly, the great fire lasted for three days and three nights. After the fire was extinguished, Jie Zi was not pushed out. Upon ascending the mountain, Jie Zitui and his mother and son hugged a charred willow tree and were already dead. Duke Wen of Jin wept and worshipped Jie Zituis body for a while, and then buried the body. In memory of Jie Zitui, Duke Wen of Jin ordered the renaming of Mianshan to "Jie Mountain", the establishment of ancestral halls on the mountain, and designated the day of setting fire to the mountain as the Cold Food Festival. He instructed the whole country to prohibit fireworks and only eat cold food on this day every year.

  From then on, the people of Jin were able to live and work in peace, and they greatly missed Jie Zitui, who had made contributions but did not seek wealth and prosperity. On the day of his death, everyone prohibits fireworks to commemorate him. He also used flour and jujube paste to knead it into the shape of a swallow, strung it together with willow strips, ed them on the door, and summoned his soul. This thing is called "Zhi Tui Yan". Afterwards, Cold Food and Qingming became grand festivals for the people of the whole country. During cold food, people do not start a fire to cook and only eat cold food. In the north, the common people only eat pre made cold foods such as jujube cakes, wheat cakes, etc; In the south, it is mostly made of green dough and glutinous rice and sugar lotus roots. During each Qingming Festival, people weave willow branches into circles and wear them on their heads, and them into the front and back of the house to show their nostalgia.




  清明节的由来英语作文 27

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily and pedestrians on the road feel like losing their souls." The annual Qingming Festival has arrived, and my parents took me to sweep Atais grave. We will uproot the weeds around the cemetery, sweep away all the fallen leaves, and offer fresh flowers and food to express our remembrance.

  My mother told me that the origin of Qingming Festival is related to the historical figure Jie Zitui. More than two thousand years ago in the Spring and Autumn period, the Prince of Jin, Chonger, was in exile and lived a difficult life. He followed his son Jie Zitui and cut a piece of meat from his leg to satisfy his hunger. Later, Chonger became the ruler of the country and became the Duke of Jin, rewarding all his followers. Only Jie Zitui refused the reward and lived in seclusion with his mother in Mianshan, refusing to come out. Duke Wen of Jin forced it out of Shaoshan to prevent fire, but unexpectedly burned his mother and son to death. In commemoration of Jie Zitui, Duke Wen of Jin ordered a ban on lighting fires on this day every year, and every household could only eat raw and cold food, which is the source of the Cold Food Festival. The ancients often continued the activities of the Cold Food Festival until the Qingming Festival. Over time, people combined Cold Food with the Qingming Festival, and the Qingming Festival became a Qingming tomb sweeping festival to commemorate ancestors.

  “清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”一年一度的清明节来到了, 爸爸妈妈带我给阿太扫墓。我们将墓地周围的杂草拔净,落叶扫尽,供上鲜花食品,表达追念之情。










