

时间:2022-10-10 10:25:46 英语作文 我要投稿


  We al It is reall a green Therefre, The trees turn green, and the flwers ce ut. On the plagrund, in the fields, n each side f the rad, the ung grass grws everwhere.


  Spring als arrives in ur schl. Ce and see, behind ur teaching building, there are se sall pear trees cvered with white flwers; n bth sides f it, there are se ther flwers siling at u, Se are ellw, se are red. In ur schl garden, re flwers are there. All inds f flwers f an clurs can be seen.

  L, there are se ites fling in the s. The spring wind is blwing. The sun is shining brightl. Se bs are plaing gaes in the sun, Listen, a grup f girls are singing &qut;Where’s spring?&qut; It sunds lie the singing f lar birds. All these ae e thin that spring is here, spring is there, and spring is ust in ur schl. Fhe bs and the girls are all lie flwers in spring.I lie spring!










