
My Favourite Writer英语作文

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My Favourite Writer英语作文(通用36篇)

  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是小编帮大家整理的My Favourite Writer英语作文,欢迎大家分享。

My Favourite Writer英语作文(通用36篇)

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 1

  Guo Jingming is a famous writer in China. I think all the students have known him. He is also my favourite writer. He was born in 1983. He has published many books, such as "Visionary"," The Summer Still Doesnt Come"…These books are very touching.


  I often cry and shed bitter tears while I am reading his books. I thought he was a pessimistic person but now I think he is sensational person. He doesnt want to grow up judged by this. I think he is pure and naive. Although he is a writer, he studies well.


  I admire him very much. His words are common, but they make people feel quite close to him. I hope he can write better articles and I want to be a writer like him when I grow up.


  My Favourite Writer英语作文 2

  Many years ago, I saw the movie Harry Potter, I am so impressed by the magical world. The main character Harry is such a tough boy, he overcomes all the difficulties. After seeing the movie, I start to read the books, it is much excellent than the movie, the writer J.K Rowling is such a great woman, she writes the amazing books. Now she is my favorite writer, it is not only her works impress me, but also her experience inspires me. Rowling begins her writing career at the very late age, she is poor before she gets famous, but she never gives up her writing when she was not in good situation. Finally, she becomes successful.


  My Favourite Writer英语作文 3

  Lu Xun is my favourite writer. He is one of the most famous writers in China. He wrote a lot of literary works.

  He was thin and not tall. He always wore a long old coat in that time. At first, he wanted to be a doctor and save people?s lives. So he learned medicine, but later he found the Chinese were in sensitive when they faced the oppression of their enemies. So he began to write articles to wake the people up.

  Lu Xun wrote some famous novels, he attacked the social mores in that time, and in his works, many persons were known very well, such as “Ah Q”“Kong Yi ji”.

  I like Lu Xun because I also want to be a great writer like him. I like reading and writing, and I often write some articles in my free time. Though I don?t have good literary talent or a large vocabulary, I spend lots of time reading and writing to improve my writing skills.

  Lu Xun is my hero, I will learn more from him. I believe I can be a great writer like him in the future.






  My Favourite Writer英语作文 4


  Xie Wanying, if you are not familiar with this name, you can forgive it, but it would be a pity if you dont even know Bing Xin!


  The first time I saw Bing Xins works was on Sunday, when my parents were not at home. I was reading a book "Bing Xin Poetry Volume" and was deeply moved by a sentence in "Stars": Grass! Be proud, generally only you decorate the world. I savored this sentence carefully. Dont know why. My heart suddenly relaxed and happy. Since then, I like Bing Xins poems more and more. Every time I meet his articles, I will keep them well. Whenever I appreciate its sincere feelings and kind and simple language, I have to feel my young heart as if it had infiltrated into his heart with the narrative and felt her indifferent and peaceful state of mind. His perception of life is so quiet and peaceful, so detached that my troubles will dissipate.


  This is my favorite writer-Bing Xin!

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 5


  One of my favorite excellent writers, she is Yang Hongying. She used to be a primary school teacher, vice chairman of Sichuan Writers Association and editor-in-chief of childrens books and newspapers.


  During the summer vacation, my mother bought me six books called Diary of a Laughing Cat, which originated from the new version of Naughty Ma Xiaotiao. In fact, in the fourth grade, I saw the book "Naughty Bag Ma Xiaotiao" in the bookstore. I couldnt wait to beg my mother to buy it, but at that time my mother didnt understand the contents of the book and thought it was a bad book! So I didnt buy it. Later, when my mother learned that it was Yang Hongyings work, she bought this book, Laughing Cat Diary, for me.


  In Diary of a Laughing Cat, I feel that the author can especially read childrens psychology, and she has put a lot of effort and sweat into each fairy tale. She can find the childrens inner feelings with her heart and become a treasure trove of our feelings, who will grow with us. Moved us; Encourage us; Bring us laughter---


  My favorite writer, Miss Yang Hongying, is that your works have inspired my interest in reading and writing, and reflected childrens feelings between your lines. You are our childrens favorite writer.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 6


  I like reading extracurricular books. Many books are my favorites. There are many writers I like, including Yang Hongying, Grandma Bing Xin and Uncle Cao Wenxuan ... But my favorite writer is Grandpa Ba Jin. Do you want to know why I like Grandpa Ba Jin so much? Then read my thoughts on Grandpa Ba Jins famous work Sunrise on the Sea!


  After reading the article Sunrise at Sea, I know that this article mainly talks about the beautiful scenes before sunrise, at sunrise and after sunrise. From this poetic article, I feel Grandpa Ba Jins love for nature. I think in this article, Grandpa Ba Jin can write the sun with great vigor and vitality, all because Grandpa Ba Jin loves nature, and only by observing things carefully can he write such a beautiful article, which is full of vitality. I think Grandpa Ba Jin must be a particularly wise man. Otherwise, how could Grandpa Ba Jin write such a beautiful article, describe it so carefully, and express it so realistically that readers are so surprised to read it?


  After reading it, do you know why I like Grandpa Ba Jin so much? If you dont know, then read more books written by Grandpa Ba Jin, and you will know what kind of person Grandpa Ba Jin is!

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 7


  When I was still in primary school, I went out with my father once and walked to a library and saw many books on the bookstall outside. Dad asked me to choose a favorite book, which seemed to be a kind of magic. I chose a diary of a laughing cat, and since then I have known Yang Hongying.


  She started as a primary school Chinese teacher and editor of Chengdu Publishing House, and later began to publish fairy tales. In 2000, she stopped the creation of fairy tales and began to record her daughters life scene when she bid farewell to her childhood and became a girl in the form of diary novels.


  I liked her laughing cat diary series very much in my childhood. Every character in her works is very vivid, and every time I read her books, I am deeply immersed in it and cant extricate myself. Every story becomes true, deeply loved by children and full of imagination. At first, I didnt know much about the author, but I just liked laughing cat diaries. Later, I learned that she is very famous in childrens literature, and laughing cat diaries have been translated into many languages.


  She was my favorite writer in my childhood.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 8


  I usually read some books when I have nothing to do. Among the authors of these books, one of my favorite authors is Anne Baby.


  Recently, I read Annie Babys new book again, only to find that she has changed her name now. The new name is Qingshan. Even if I changed my name, I like her very much. Her writing is very clean and clear, which makes people feel comfortable when reading it.


  I admire her very much, that is, as a celebrity, Annie Baby can skillfully protect her private life. Since I began to pay attention to her, it seems that I havent noticed any reports about her husband, nor have I seen where her children go to school or whether they are male or female. Besides, she never shows off her wealth in public social circles. On the contrary, she often writes in her diary that she often takes the bus.


  I think Annie Baby is really calm and powerful, and she is also a person with persistence and faith. I like her very much.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 9


  My favorite writer is Luo Guanzhong, whose classic Romance of the Three Kingdoms can still teach me something.


  As one of the Four Great Classical Novels in China, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms should be the most famous book in Four Great Classical Novels except the 86th edition of Journey to the West. After all, the original work of Journey to the West should be read by fewer people, and more is a TV series. In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the clearest thread is the story of Liu Guan and Zhang San brothers leading a group of people in Shu to start a business. Indeed, Liu Beis experience was also a legend of grassroots entrepreneurship during the Three Kingdoms period. A royal relative who was easily insulted as a "weaver" was finally crowned emperor, which was inspiring.


  In addition to the main line of the story, Luo Guanzhongs technique of portraying characters is also a must. Up to now, Zhuge Liang is the representative of wisdom when he mentions it, and Guan Yu is the embodiment of the word "righteousness". However, Cao Caos portrayal of masculinity makes Liu Bei seem a lot more just. These various and vivid characters images reflect Luo Guanzhongs brilliant techniques.


  Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a classic and worthy of its name.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 10


  When I was a child, my dad enrolled me in a cram school. On the first day I went, my dad came to pick me up after school, and my classmates all saw my dad. The next day, they all began to say that I was a little Lu Xun, so I got to know Lu Xun.


  When it comes to Lu Xun, Im sure everyone is familiar with his works, such as Flowers in the Morning, Weeds, The True Story of Ah Q, Scream and Hesitation. But what I like best and appreciate more is his "Have China People Lost Confidence?".


  This is the text of the third grade school. Before learning this, I always had a very negative attitude towards Mr. Lu Xun, because he wrote a lot of articles, and most of them we had to recite, and an article had a lot of words.


  After learning this text and listening to it carefully, I admire Mr. Lu Xun very much, because his argumentation ideas and methods are admirable.


  In this way, I also bought his famous work "Morning Flowers and Evening Picks", and I admire it after reading it, because Mr. Lu Xuns words give people an unspeakable beauty. It was Mr. Lu Xun who made me have a correct idea about learning again.


  I hope that in the future, I can read all the works of Mr. Lu Xun and let me understand him more than 100 million stories!

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 11


  I like many writers, such as Roman Roland, Ye Shengtao and Lu Xun, but my favorite writer is Yang Hongying, because his Laughing Cat Diary is the first book I read in primary school.


  She used to be a primary school teacher and vice chairman of Sichuan Writers Association. During the summer vacation, my mother bought me a diary of a smiling cat. In fact, in the fourth grade, I saw the book in a bookstore. I couldnt wait for my mother to help me buy it. But at that time, my mother didnt understand the contents of the book and said why she was reading these novels, so she didnt buy it. Later, I tried my best to explain and release it to Yang Hongying. Only in this way can we start with the first book "Diary of a Laughing Cat". I think the author can especially read childrens psychology and put a lot of effort and sweat into fairy tales. She can find the childrens inner feelings with her heart and become a treasure trove of our feelings, which will grow with us, move us, inspire us and bring us laughter. Almost all the jokes in my childhood came from her, my favorite writer-Yang Hongying.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 12


  After reading many books, I have seen many different lives. Their life experiences will be of great significance to us and can teach us a lot of truth. Therefore, an excellent writer and a book worth reading are very important.


  One of my favorite writers is Lu Yao, a writer in northern Shaanxi who won the Mao Dun Literature Prize and died of illness at the age of 42. I first came into contact with his Ordinary World, which was introduced to me by my mother. She had read this book before and liked it very much. I thought, the classic books of my mothers time must be worth reading. With curiosity, I entered the world of this book. At first, I was attracted by its wonderful plot and found it very interesting. Later, I was deeply moved by the authors writing style. The loess plateau in northern Shaanxi written by him is full of simple atmosphere, and the characters portrayed are also very prominent and interesting. The whole book shows the difficult road taken by ordinary people in the historical process of the great era. From this book, it can be seen that Lu Yaos writing style is excellent.


  Finally, share a sentence, "In fact, everyones life is a world, and even the most ordinary person has to fight for the world in which he lives."

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 13


  To say that the men in my life are fathers, grandfathers and brothers ... But what I want to say today is not them, but a writer-Lu Yao. He is a person who really made me love reading. It was my Chinese teacher who introduced us to "meet". He is a native of northern Shaanxi, and it is for this reason that he wrote a well-known long book.


  Ordinary World is his masterpiece, and I didnt understand three points until I read it carefully for the second time. In his works, the world is ordinary, and those faces are ordinary, but not mediocre. We are all human beings, ordinary and extraordinary. He loves life and the land, and his words wont be covered by gorgeous words, but they have captured my heart. In his words, I read out the realism that is not very beautiful, and read out the passionate romanticism. Some people use their brains when writing, but they are not only brains but also tempted. Because of him, when I am bored, I always want to pick up the book at hand and read it. Once I read it, it is difficult to stop, unless there are other things I have to do. I am like a car that breaks down and cant stop.


  Sincere feelings are what fascinates me most.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 14


  My favorite writers are Shen Shixi and Shen Shixi, whose real name is Shen Yiming. Born in Shanghai Pavilion in October 1952, my ancestral home is Cixi, Zhejiang, and I am a contemporary animal novel writer in China. He is currently a member of the Childrens Literature Committee of the Chinese Writers Association and a director of the Shanghai Writers Association.


  I have read most of Shen Shixis animal novels, and there are many touching stories about people and animals, such as Babysitter Python, The Seven Hounds, The Queen of the Wolf Country, The Dream of the Wolf King, The Sheep Feeding on the Wolfs Milk and so on.


  Among these many stories, I like "Police Dog Lala" best. The protagonists of "Police Dog Lala" are Lala and her master Da Man. The content is a touching story about Lala and her master Da Man who have won many outstanding achievements in various cases. The book tells the story of an excellent police dog-it is spiritual, affectionate and loyal to its duties. In order to help the Monkey King establish his prestige, he endured humiliation and was willing to be bullied and bitten by the Monkey King. It is very touching to be injured in many cases during the story in order to help the owner win glory.


  My favorite writer is Shen Shixi, whose books are very spiritual.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 15


  If you ask me now who is your favorite author, to be honest, I dont know myself. Maybe I havent read many books, and there are few books that can make me fall in love at first sight.


  I can only say that at present, my favorite author should be Mr. Cao Yu. I heard about Mr. Cao Yu by accident in a chat with my aunt.


  I like the book Thunderstorm written by him very much. He is called "Shakespeare of China", the most accomplished playwright in the history of modern drama in China, and he is also one of the pioneers of the New Culture Movement.


  In fact, I read this book twice. I only read a little for the first time, but I didnt read it. Later, when I was packing things, I accidentally saw this book. When I looked back, I was addicted to its world, and I was eager to know the next story.


  If there is an opportunity, I want to see the drama performance of Thunderstorm, and after reading the script, I will really experience the decadent feudal ideas and that lifeless era.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 16


  I havent read many books, but I still have some understanding. And my favorite writer is a god-like man.


  Isaac asimov, a science fiction writer, is one of the representative figures in the golden age of American science fiction. Among his works, three series, namely Base Series, Galactic Empire Trilogy and Robot Series, are known as "science fiction bibles". His "Three Laws of Robotics" is called "the cornerstone of modern robotics".


  The series of novels of "Base" have great influence in the world. It is impossible to write such a book in the 1950s, not to mention the fact that the book integrates history, philosophy, social science and natural science, and the time span is very large. But he did it, and inspired people to think about the real world and imagine the future world.


  Asimov was very smart since he was a child. When he was young, he participated in the IQ test many times. The IQ of ordinary people is generally 80, and his score is always around 160, which belongs to the category of "extremely gifted". Its hard to imagine how great it was to be unable to trap his thoughts at that time.


  If there is an opportunity, you must read his book.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 17


  I like the writer Aunt Yang Hongying best. Her books make me read with relish. She has written many works, such as Ma Xiaotiao the Naughty Boy series, Diary of a Girl, Diary of a Boy, Diary of a Laughing Cat and so on.


  I like naughty Ma Xiaotiao best. There is a very interesting sentence at the back of every book: Follow Ma Xiaotiao, and you will laugh even if you dont jump! This sentence made my strong curiosity keep saying: look at it! Check it out! When I opened the book, I fell into the water like a sponge. I absorbed it greedily and read it selflessly: I first went to the scene of running for super mayor to cheer for Ma Xiaotiao with Linguo Xia, and then I went to visit my playful dad when he was criticized by Teacher Qin, and then I went to take part in the hiking with Ma Xiaotiao and tasted the potato salad made by Zhenzi Du ... A funny article made me laugh!


  I also like the gentle baby mother in the naughty Ma Xiaotiao series, the perfect Linguo Xia, the kind Ran Dongyang in the Diary of a Girl, and the beautiful teacher Luo. Wu Mian, who is strong and humorous, and Jing Doudou, who is funny in Diary of a Boy; And the funny cat in Diary of a Laughing Cat … These characters left a deep impression on me, just like my good friends in my life!


  I cant get tired of reading the books written by Aunt Yang Hongying, because she has a pair of eyes that can see through childlike innocence and an old childlike innocence. I expect Aunt Yang Hongying to write more works that we love, and I look forward to it warmly ...

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 18


  I remember that the first book that improved my composition for the first time was Jia Jias Passing Through Your World. I remember a movie with the same name. The name of the movie was originally the beginning of a story, and I would go to see it when I was sad. I dont know why, but there are always some places that can impress me with the efforts of Yao Ji and the deep affection of Mao Shiba. At that time, I liked Zhang Jiajias articles, his feelings from a slight detail, his sincerity and everything.


  He has been suffering from heart disease, so after mercy was published in 2014, he didnt publish a new book named "Theres a canteen by the cloud" until 2018, and it wasnt until 2019 that a revised version of Passing by was published. His words have been silently supporting me, giving me the motivation to move forward and letting me understand most of the meaning of life. When people live in the world, there must always be one or two people who cant have regrets.


  Passing through your world and There is a canteen by the cloud are both my favorite books. I hope to have someone like you, such as the refreshing wind in the mountains, the warm sunshine in the ancient city, from morning to night, from Shan Ye to the study, as long as it is you in the end.


  Zhang Jiajia reveals unpretentious affection and love between the lines. Can always make you smile and shed the most sincere tears.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 19


  Many people like Jin Bos Secret of Treasure Gourd. I like Vernes Mysterious Island. I also like Cao Wenxuans osmanthus rain ... but I like O. Henrys short stories.


  O Henry is the king of the three major novels in the world, together with Chekhov of Russia and Mo Bosang of France, and is called "the father of the three major short stories in the world." O Henrys main representative works include The Gift of the Maggie, The Last Ivy Leaf, Cabbage and the Emperor, etc. I like O Henrys The Gift of the Maggie best. Before Christmas, Della sold her hair and bought a gold chain for her husband. The story of her husband selling his gold watch and buying a comb.


  O Henrys characters are lifelike, and he shows the deep love between husband and wife with a very simple thing. I think Maggie cut off her hair for her husband, and the earphone mother sold her most precious gold watch and bought a comb for her wife. In modern times, which couple give up their favorite things for each other? The two souls originally living in poverty have brought enough optimism and strength to readers, and let them know which is more important in real life, love or money. If I were compared with O Henry, I would be ashamed. O Henry is warm and generous and very modest. Look at me again. Im stingy and narrow-minded. Im really ashamed to get angry for some small things.


  O Henrys works are short, powerful and exquisite, and he is worthy of being "the king of the three major short stories in the world". I must learn from O Henry and be a modest, enthusiastic and talented person.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 20


  One thing, the emergence of electronic products such as mobile phones and computers is really unfriendly to people who are not self-disciplined like me. Since I became fascinated with games, I have read less and less.


  But when I got to school and started living in accommodation, without a mobile phone and computer, books became the most precious thing to pass the time. My favorite writer is Cao Wenxuan.


  Cao Wenxuan graduated from Peking University and is now the vice chairman of the Beijing Writers Association. Although according to his age, Lao Cao is already a grandfather. But the novels he wrote really made me feel like a teenager. The sentimental characteristics of youth are vividly displayed in his works.


  Straw House is one of his representative works, and it is also a novel I like very much. The story of the article is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, and everyone has his own story, and these stories are all strung together in a line, and this line has the figure of the protagonist Sang Sang. Writing, in particular, feels like it was written by a teenager, but the sophisticated means of using words and sentences are beyond the reach of young people.


  Root Bird, on the other hand, is a little sad. The protagonist has a bad life and lives in poverty, but because of an inexplicable letter, he tried his best to find the Grand Canyon. It was as difficult as learning Buddhist scriptures from the West all the way, and the process was described in great detail. Although he finally reached the dream place, the ending was still unsatisfactory and memorable.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 21


  Talking about this topic, I have to say that there are two writers, one is the pen name Jiangnan and the other is victor hugo.


  Jiangnan is what I admired in primary school and junior high school. I remember that when I first came into contact with his book Dragon, I felt very youthful and passionate. Then I had time to read his other books, such as Shanghai Fortress and Kyushu Dimly Recorded. Although these books have been adapted and made into movies or TV series, I still think the original works are good-looking.


  Victor Hugo, I heard about it in junior high school, but I didnt start reading his book until senior high school. That book Les Miserables was the beginning for me to get to know him better. After I spent nearly a month reading Les Miserables, I went to Notre Dame de Paris again. After I finished reading it, a feeling of "classics are classics" came to me. He was different from other modern writers in his writing style.


  How can I put it? These two authors, one beautifies the sunny side of society, the other exposes the dark side of society, the other teaches me to see the beauty of the future, and the other reminds me not to forget the pain of the past.


  In a word, they all have their own unique writing techniques, but their techniques are constantly affecting me, that is, under their influence, they have created an me.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 22


  "The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu." The temperament of a person who has read a lot of poetry books is also different. My favorite writer is Mr. Ji Xianlin. He is a genius who writes life with a pen, and he is the grandfather who laughs like a child even though he is full of white hair.


  I first read his article when I was in primary school. At that time, there was an article in the Chinese book called "My own flowers are for others to see", which reflected the realm of "everyone for me and I for everyone". At that time, I remembered this name. Later, when I was in the sixth grade, I learned his "Missing Mother". "I have two mothers in my life: one is the mother who gave birth to me and the other is my motherland. I have the same high respect and sincere love for these two mothers. "I always like this sentence. This deepened my admiration for Mr. Ji Xianlin.


  In this holiday, I read a book by Mr. Ji Xianlin, "Where Every Heart Goes, Where Every Foot Goes", which fascinated me even more. He didnt use too many skills in writing, but just wrote his true nature. The book "Where every heart goes, where every shoe goes" is what Mr. Ji Xianlin wants to tell every fellow traveler who is full of enthusiasm for life. Wherever he wants to go, he should try his best to go in sandals.


  Mr. Ji Xianlins transparency and optimism about life is worth learning all my life. This is what I like as a writer.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 23


  I like Lu Xun very much because his works are good, the materials are unique and full of his own unique opinions. Mr. Lu Xuns novels are vivid and literary, which is the direct reason why I like Lu Xun.


  I remember that Lu Xuns first work I read was the short story "Hometown". After reading it, the numb Xianglinsao and the negative middle-aged leap soil were simply lingering and indelible in my mind. That is, from that time on, I began to like Lu Xuns novels, essays and essays.


  Later, I checked his information and realized that he was the greatest writer in the history of China literature. He used a pen instead of a sword to call on the people to fight bravely, and he used articles to make people realize.


  His poetry is not bad either. Guo Moruo said: "Mr. Lu Xun has no intention of being a poet, but he does it occasionally and sings every time." From these few poems, it is not difficult to see how admired Lu Xuns poems are. Lets take a look at what Lu Xun said in "Self-mockery": "Look at a thousand fingers and bow your head as a willing ox." Listen, this tone is so refreshing, so heroic and so ambitious.


  Mr. Lu Xun is the greatest writer in the history of human literature. He is my favorite writer. Lets all pass on Lu Xuns writing style and spirit.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 24


  My favorite writer is J.K. Rowling. She has long blond hair, big sapphire eyes and shallow dimples. When she smiles, her neat white teeth will be revealed. Luo Lin was born on July 31, 1965, which is 49 years old.


  Her most famous work is Harry Potter. This series of novels has been translated into 67 languages and distributed 400 million copies around the world, which shows her position in the hearts of children all over the world. Harry Potter tells the story that Harry defeated Voldemort through his own efforts and the help of his friends. This book is a magic novel, but it seems to be really enchanted, with a strong sense of picture. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the wonderful Quidditch Ball Competition, and the magical magic sticks can all come to my mind vividly, and even the characters inside can clearly think of their appearance. Not only that, it can also make peoples mood fall with the plot. Every time I read about Harrys scar, I feel nervous. I feel uneasy when I think of Voldemorts pale and horrible face ...


  Rowlings Harry Potter has brought me a lot of enlightenment, which makes me understand that we should not only be curious, but also be brave in exploring, and we will get different results after exploring.


  This is one of my favorite writers-J.K. Rowling, a beautiful and imaginative talented woman.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 25


  From ancient times to the present, many outstanding talents have emerged, including many writers from absolute beauty, but my favorite writer is Sima Qian.


  Sima Qian, born in Xiayang, a historian and essayist in the Western Han Dynasty, has the reputation of "Shi Sheng of a Thousand Years". He was imprisoned for defending the defeat and surrender of Li Ling, but he never gave in to his fate and was burdened with the ideal that his father had never fulfilled in his life. He faced the capital punishment without fear. In perseverance and humiliation, he spent his whole life writing Historical Records, which was praised by Mr. Lu Xun. He is my idol.


  Imagine him sitting at the edge of the case, writing that masterpiece, and people will only admire him and admire him for forgetting the pain and shame of castration. Writing about other peoples world with a belief that "when studying the nature and man, we can learn from the changes of ancient and modern times and become a family statement", but we forget our own glory. However, his deeds go down in history, and his name has been circulated for thousands of years. We have always remembered him, just as he said, "People are inherently mortal, or heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather."


  It is common for celebrities to write great works from ancient times to the present, but it is great to be able to think about making contributions to future generations without considering the return. And this is the value of Sima Qian.


  Sima Qian, you have always been remembered by us.

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 26


  The super idols in the hearts of students are all singing and dancing, but I am different. My idol is in the field of culture and art, and he is the great writer in the minds of famous children-Yang Hongying.


  He has read many collections of novels, such as: Diary of a Girl, Diary of a Boy, Bad Boys of Class 5.3, Beautiful Teachers and Bad Boys, Ma Xiaotiao the Naughty Boy, and Fairy Tales of Yang Hongying.


  The novel he wrote is very beautiful. The writing is humorous and interesting. According to the happy life of a group of naughty and disobedient children and their funny stories with their parents, teachers and classmates, the children have a healthy, harmonious and extreme childhood.


  I like reading his books very much. Every time I read one of his books, I will put it in my small bookshelf for storage.


  This is a super idol in my heart, isnt it?

  My Favourite Writer英语作文 27


  I love reading. I love reading fairy tales full of humor, novels full of fantasy, popular science books full of knowledge, but I prefer to read Yang Hongyings works full of childlike interest.


  Yang Hongying is the most popular childrens book writer in contemporary China. He has published childrens literature since he was 19 years old, and he is a standard old urchin.


  I like Yang Hongyings works because she has a childlike innocence, and the works written are full of childlike innocence. If you dont know, you cant see that they were written by an adult.


  From Diary of a Girl to Diary of a Boy, from Naughty Ma Xiaotiao Series to Diary of a Laughing Cat Series, from Honey Riding a Wheelbox to Mysterious Female Teacher, every book is so deeply rooted in peoples hearts and so close to life. She is the first writer I came into contact with on campus literature. From her works, I can see that all campus life is so happy and full of vigor.


  Take "Naughty Bag Ma Xiaotiao Series" as an example, Ma Xiaotiao is actually a very ordinary little boy in real life, and this book is about many very ordinary interesting things that happened to him. We have all experienced these things, and in her pen, ordinary things are vividly portrayed and vividly portrayed, as if the protagonist is himself, living in our class, giving people an immersive feeling.


  Not to mention "Diary of a Boy/Girl", although it is a story written in the sixth grade, it still makes us see our own shadow and makes people fondle it.


  Yang Hongyings fairy tales are unforgettable. Her beautiful and concise language makes people feel like they are in the middle of words. The pictures she describes are so vivid that without illustrations, interesting pictures will appear before your eyes.


  I love Yang Hongying, and I love her works more ...

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  A year ago, I finished reading the book Little Witch Xiaoyu Lan written by Wu Meizhen. At that time, if I hadnt seen the photo of Wu Meizhen, I wouldnt believe it was written by a female writer who was approaching middle age anyway. Why? Because she is just like a child in the book. Her writing style is simple and beautiful, which shows that this is her childhood. The book she wrote is not sad, only the sentence that can make people laugh and make people feel very happy. This made me deeply like this writer.


  Later, I learned that her little readers all called her "Meimei Sister". You must think: its strange to call her "sister" when she is almost middle-aged! Wrong! Age does not represent her psychology. Childlike in heart, the works she wrote are also childlike. There is nothing in her works that we cant understand, because the life of the protagonist in the article looks like our present life, which is very close to us. More importantly, there is pure friendship in it, which makes us memorable.


  Wu Meizhen is also a persevering writer. Her new books are constantly being published, one after another, and never stop. Perhaps, writing is essential in her life. Within a year, she won a series of books, such as Little Witch Xiaoyu Lan and My deskmate. Among them, I like the book "My deskmates enemies in our class" and the article "Lucky Blue Ribbon" written by her, which is very attractive and makes me want to read it again.


  This is one of my favorite writers-Wu Meizhen.

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  There are millions of outstanding writers in the world, and my favorite is Sanmao, a writer from China.


  The works she wrote are her personal experiences around the world, with real and colorful contents. Everything in the book can make people feel as if they were there. In a word, she can write dead things alive, bring people into her own world and see everything in the world with her.


  Sanmao likes the scenery, especially the scenery under the sunset frame. She said that this is the most enjoyable time of the day, without a hundred days of tension and loneliness at night. There is only a gentle atmosphere and picturesque scenery in front of her. Her description is meticulous and lively, which always brings me into it. A beautiful scene, I sat with her, talking about everything and talking about life.


  Sanmao is best at portraying characters. From her description, I can accurately realize that vivid characters are showing real events in front of my eyes. Her own characters are different, sometimes good and sometimes bad, and her attitude towards people and things is ever-changing, but it is precisely because of her quaint personality and bold and straightforward manner that she has won the care of her husband Jose and the care and love of relatives and friends. She is not so much living smartly as living according to her heart. She knows what she wants and will strive for it.


  But there is no real "darling" in the world. When the beloved Jose died unexpectedly, she had never experienced a big storm, and her spirit once collapsed. But who was she? Sanmao, a woman who never gives up, stood up strongly, grasped the fate by the throat, and re-started writing with her later time. The style of writing in the follow-up works changed from the previous liveliness and jumping. Its about sadness and pain. But it attracts me more, striding towards you. The deeper I read, the more I realize your inner pain and struggle. I can understand that you left the world without saying goodbye. In this world of mortals, you have no home without Jose. Even if you struggle hard, it will be nothing in the end. But the emotional explosion you left in my heart will push me forward.


  I hope that in the future, I can follow your footsteps and look for your residual figure everywhere. I also hope that you can "start" the next beautiful meeting with Jose in the underground.

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  Everyone has his own preferences, and his favorite authors are different, so I like Yang Hongying.


  I like reading the book "Naughty Ma Xiaotiao" written by Yang Hongying very much, because this book makes a little boy around us very real and vividly reflects the naughty and lovely image of the little boy Ma Xiaotiao. But I prefer Yang Hongying. I saw a young reader ask Yang Hongying in a naughty boy Ma Xiaotiao: "Why did you write about a little boy? Is he the person in your life? " Yang Hongying replied, "He is not a character in my life. My child is a girl, but I always fantasize about a boy, so I wrote him down. He is the master of my book-Ma Xiaotiao. I like him very much. Every time I see his ugly but cute face, I want to laugh. " After reading this passage by Yang Hongying, I feel that to write a good article, we should draw materials from reality and add some fantasies.


  In this book, I saw another side of Yang Hongying. The photo in the book shows Yang Hongying playing with children. She is not as reserved as an adult at all, but like a child smile happily, she gets angry whenever she wants. However, she told a young reader that she would never get angry with her children.


  She is my favorite author-Yang Hongying.

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  Recently, I am fascinated by Keigo Higashinos novels. Every time I finish reading one of his works, it will bring me great shock.


  The plot of Keigo Higashinos mystery novels can be described as "weird". He can draw a very reasonable explanation step by step from a seemingly completely unreasonable plot, and the depth of his skill astonishes the world. Different from adventures of sherlock holmes, Keigo Higashinos novels mostly focus on the description of the murderers actions in the process of committing crimes, which makes people feel that he is not a detective, but more like a skilled criminal.


  The cases in Mr. Dongyes novels often make people feel strange and unable to start. The stone god in "The Dedication of Suspect X" has set a very complicated and bizarre trap to hide the fact that the mother and daughter of Shizuko Huagang killed her ex-husband, so that the police will never be able to solve the case. When physicist Yukawa finally solved the mystery, everyone couldnt believe their eyes. Stone God actually killed another person, disguised this person as Jing Zis ex-husband in a clever way, and specially designed a shaky and unbreakable alibi for Jing Zis mother and daughter, which made the police always insist on investigating Jing Zis mother and daughters alibi, so they all made a mistake about the identity of the deceased ... Such a clever trick, even if Holmes himself was present, even it would be difficult to see through.


  The bizarre plot is just one aspect, and Mr. Dongyes novels also reveal the good and evil of human nature. Snow Ear and Ryoji in White Night Walk are the best examples. In the process of growing up, they witnessed almost all the ugliest and evil things in the world, making them helpless. Liangsi killed his own father to protect Xuesui, and the two buried the truth of the murder case for 19 years …


  In addition, from some small details in various works, we can see that Mr. Dongye has a wide range of knowledge. He is proficient in chemistry, medicine, physics, electricity and other knowledge, and applies it to the creation of his works. Not only that, Mr. Dongyes writing level is also very high, and his novels are beautifully written, which often makes me deeply involved.


  Keigo Higashino is such a decathlon mystery writer. I admire him very much and hope to read more of his works.

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  My favorite writer is the French novelist Mo Bosang. He, Chekhov and O Henry are also called "the king of short stories in the world".


  I started reading Mo Bosangs book because I had a copy of boule de suif at home. After reading boule de suif, I read his other short stories. His novels always describe some locked things in life, which reflects a social phenomenon. His novels focus on describing people and events, and there are fewer sentences to discuss. How to treat his novels depends on individuals. When reading his novels, I need to understand slowly. When reading his novels, I will bring myself into the event. This process is very interesting. Obviously, it is a small matter, but I can realize the truth.


  Reading Mo Bosangs novels is like tasting a pot of hot tea. Only by tasting it slowly can we taste its charm.

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  I have read many books, among which Daniil in Action is my favorite. Because the author of this book is the most famous contemporary childrens literature writer in German, Christina Neslinger of Austria. In 1984, she won the International Andersen Prize, the highest prize in childrens literature in the world, known as the "Little Nobel Prize for Literature". She created more than 100 excellent works for children, and children and big friends all over the world were fascinated by her stories.


  Neslingers works are often lively and easy to read, vivid and full of interest, and their elegant humor is secreted to readers, and their strong drama interest firmly attracts readers hearts.


  The reason why Daniil in Action is not a low-grade work with the readability of solving juvenile crimes as its low-level pursuit is that it not only writes a group of children and adults in a fascinating story of solving crimes, but also closes the work with suspense in the end. At the end of the novel, the pen changes, which raises such a puzzling question: an unlovable child is easily destroyed by loneliness due to various defects. This loneliness can only be dissolved by the kindness and warmth of his peers, but can children like the people they hate?


  Christina Neslinger is definitely one of the most famous childrens literature writers in German in the contemporary world, and her works are almost a brand-name product for children. However, the spiritual core wrapped by female writers in the depth of their works is often serious and thought-provoking, and always embodies the keen and responsible thinking of female writers on life, society, times and history.


  Can human reason turn people from disgust to love? Where should I find the key to open the rusty lock? In this way, Neslingers works ask questions to teachers, parents and children, causing social discussion and thoughtful interest.

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  Reading a good book is like talking to a noble person. Therefore, I like reading, and I prefer reading Liu Cixins works.


  Liu Cixin, bachelor degree, senior engineer, science fiction writer, member of China Popular Science Writers Association, vice chairman of Shanxi Writers Association, vice chairman of Yangquan Writers Association, and one of the representative writers of science fiction in China. In his works, he went against the current, carried forward rationalism and humanistic spirit, and injected holistic thinking and transcendental vision into China literature.


  Liu Cixins works are magnificent and imaginative, which not only pay attention to the combination of extreme ethereal and heavy reality, but also emphasize the scientific connotation and humanistic aesthetic feeling. With strong China characteristics and distinctive personal style, it has established a new height for Chinas science fiction. "From a powerful writer like Liu Cixin, I deeply feel the vitality of China science fiction in the new era. Future-oriented China needs truly imaginative science fiction such as the three-body series. " This is commented by the famous science fiction writer Ye Yonglie. Because the author has a vigorous imagination, but he can combine the reality well and bring forward the power for our national science.


  After reading his book, I realized that I cant read empty books, but I should feel the scientific charm expressed by the author well. It is worth my profound study to learn the unique logic and writing techniques of books.

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  I am a very childlike person, because, when I was a child, I liked reading books written by Aunt Yang Hongying: Laughing Cat Diary series, Naughty Ma Xiaotiao series, Diary for Girls, Diary for Boys ...


  Aunt Yang Hongyings lively and relaxed language features can bring us closer together. While reading Diary of a Laughing Cat, I was fascinated by all kinds of adventures of a laughing cat, imagining that if one day I became a cat, a smiling cat, there would be many animal friends and human friends ...


  Ma Xiaotiao the Naughty Boy Ma Xiaotiao always makes me laugh. At the same time, I envy their familys open-minded but correct atmosphere ...


  Aunt Yang Hongying can write such an article that is deeply rooted in peoples hearts because she has a pair of bright and discerning eyes and an unfailing childlike innocence.


  I hope I can always be childlike, and I hope we can always be childlike.

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  Books are the most important thing for me. I think people cant write good compositions if they dont read more books. If you dont read more books, you wont have a clever mind. My parents will let me read more books every day. Each of these books we read will have an author. Among the many authors, which one do you like best?


  My favorite writer is Yang Hongying, and some of my close friends like Yang Hongying very much. We all admire Yang Hongying very much! People in our class asked me, "Why do you like her so much?" I said, "When you read Yang Hongyings book, its like enjoying a beautiful tune. After reading a page, you still want to read it again, and you cant stop."


  I like "Diary of a Laughing Cat" written by Yang Hongying best. It tells a book similar to that written by Ma Xiaotiao. It tells what happened after the laughing cat ran away from Zhenzi Dus house. The laughing cats imagination is very rich and the story is very interesting. I like this book very much. I havent read many books by Yang Hongying, so my ideal is to read all the books in Yang Hongying. In a word, my favorite writer is Yang Hongying. Students, do you like Yang Hongying as much as I do?

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