

时间:2024-07-16 18:35:08 英语作文 我要投稿




  活到老学到老英语作文 1

  On the way to Changzhou, the car drove into a winding and bumpy road. The hot sun shone into the car windows, and the passengers carefully held the handlebars, enduring the unpleasant bumps, and grumbled their dissatisfaction. I squinted my eyes and looked out the window. I saw a huge mountain towering high in the distance, looming in the morning mist, and I was bathed in the sun with emotion: This mountain is so far away from us! On the road, there was a lot of life, and the green forest in front of me was so luxuriant that even light could not penetrate. The three words "on the road" suddenly flashed across my mind, and I chased this arc, recalling...

  The final exam is coming in a few months! I was supposed to be in a state of orderly and intense review, but at this time, I was like an ant on a hot pot, rushing around in a hurry - on the one hand, I was pressured by the heavy work, and at the same time I was annoyed by my own review work. All day long worrying about the tasks that have not been crossed out on the paper, and the mood has become rare and irritable, it has become a volcano that is on the verge of triggering, waiting to vent at any time. Dad looked at me like this tea and didn’t want to eat. He was very anxious: “Ajing, you are dejected before the end comes? You are still on the way to victory!” I calm down, yes, it’s not too late. ,its not finished yet. Now everyone is working hard. Instead of being so anxious, it is better to be down-to-earth and work hard step by step! Because Im still on the road, how can I not try to reach my goal with a good attitude? I worked hard to overcome my anxiety, and instead focused on studying and solving problems, step by step, my confidence and strength increased. On the day of the final exam, my confidence and solid cultural knowledge gave me a victory!

  I got good grades, and I was relieved of the burden during the summer vacation, and I felt very relaxed, so naturally I was too good to say. The summer vacation began for a few days, and I was "guarding" in front of the computer all day long. I didnt want to leave for half a step. I "assiduously" study online games, and did not go to bed until late every day. Without the constraints of going to school, I often sleep until noon to get up... Excessive relaxation, indulging me, 10 days have passed since the summer vacation, and my homework has not changed a word! When my father learned of this, he was very angry and taught me: "Appropriate leisure is all right, but you cant let it go. You are still on the road, on the road of life, and the junior high school exam is not far away from you. If this continues, the next destination You will miss it if you stand!" I thought carefully, and I thought: It is true, just a small short-term goal is completed, but so proud and conceited, I never thought that how many goals in my future life will have to pass the previous sweat Accumulation can be achieved. I felt guilty for my pride, and started to correct my thinking and raised my pen.

  The scenery outside the window moved slowly. I squinted my eyes and smiled happily: "Im still on the road, Ive been on the road. I live and learn!"





  活到老学到老英语作文 2

  My grandpa is almost 70 this year. He is not tall and thin, and he is an authentic farmer. Grandpa said that he had only studied for a few days, and his literacy was not as good as half of mine, but his favorite thing to do when he was free was to read books and newspapers.

  Grandpa loves to read. But there were always some words that he didnt know, so he always came to my room with a book in his hand and asked me tirelessly. I took out a heavy dictionary and placed it in his hand. He frowned suspiciously, his embarrassment revealed. Oh! Grandpa is illiterate! So I picked up the dictionary and opened the first page, and started to explain in detail to Grandpa. I turned the page while citing examples, always looking at Grandpa worriedly, and he gave me a firm look, shining brightly. "Huh, whats this for?" He pointed a rough finger somewhere on the book. I answered him quietly with the patience I had never had before, as if the time with Grandpa at this moment was an extraordinarily leisure. A few days ago, a dictionary was turned rough by my grandfather, but my grandfather mastered the method of looking up the dictionary proficiently. Now he must bring his "magic weapon" with him when he reads and reads the newspaper, which truly realizes "barrier-free" reading.

  Grandpa loves to read books and newspapers, and he also loves to tell everyone what he has read. Every time someone comes to the house, or a few people at the door chat together, the most exciting thing to talk about is grandpa. The world is full of history and culture. It seems that you know everything, so amazing! Recently, my grandfather has become fascinated by a book "The Culture of Zhou Dynasty". Whenever he meets people, he will talk about how Zhou Gong, Zhou Taiwang, and Zhou Wuwang ruled the country and the world, our Qishan Zhou ritual culture, and so on. I admire Grandpa’s ease of learning. Oh Jin.

  I asked my grandfather several times: "Grandpa, you are so old, why do you still read so many books?" Grandpa smiled and said, "Boy, dont you know how old you are to learn?"

  Yes! Live and learn! An old man who is nearly seventy years old can work so hard. Those of us who are alive and concentrating on only reading, have any reason not to work hard?






  活到老学到老英语作文 3

  My grandmother has passed her sixtieth year this year. She has gray hair, but she is very fashionable and not only wears trendy clothes. She permed her short, popular curly hair, walking like a nest of birds on her head. When a pair of squinted eyes smiled, the thick eyelashes covered the entire eye. The figure who is neither fat nor thin is well maintained, and his face is ruddy, and he speaks fluent "Wuhan-style Mandarin" and always looks so vigorous.

  Grandma has gone through a lot of hardships since she was a child, which made her character become both strong and cheerful. Other people are very disappointed when they retired, but she seems to usher in the second spring of her life. After retiring, she applied non-stop in many majors in senior colleges, including photography, Chinese medicine, sewing... No matter whether it was windy, rainy or cold, she insisted not to miss every lesson, as if she never needed to recharge. battery.

  Because my grandmother loved art since she was a child, she is obsessed with photography now. On a snowy day, the students of their photography class organized a trip to the plum garden to take pictures of plum blossoms, but the grandmother’s waist was injured when she was young when she was carrying water, and she couldn’t straighten up in the cold weather. Grandpa told grandma not to go, lest there be any danger, but grandma insisted on going. After my grandmother came back, she proudly showed me the plum blossoms she took. I looked at each one, wondering how the plum blossoms in the cold wind and snow can bloom so beautifully, as if I could smell the plum blossoms. I asked her curiously: Is it worth the snow to take pictures of these plum blossoms?

  Grandma said relaxedly: As long as you can take good photos and enjoy the beautiful scenery, it is worth going on any cold day.

  Grandma is like a plum blossom. Although the heavy snow of age makes grandmas body gradually aging, any difficulties will never stop grandmas desire for knowledge. I also want to live and learn like grandma.






  活到老学到老英语作文 4

  The crisp chirping of birds, the beautiful blooming of flowers, the fragrance of the earth, and the beautiful playing of musical instruments...all make me intoxicated.

  There is such a person, he is tall and thin, has a kind smile, and the years leave marks on his skin. He has a wise mind and a spirit that never ceases to absorb knowledge. He is my grandfather.

  I have known since I was a child that Grandpa is a veritable intellectual. He knows poultry and livestock very well. When my grandfather was young, he was the director of a large chicken farm in the field. Dont underestimate this job. It takes 21 days to just hatch a chick. Grandpa has to stay there day and night. When I was a child, I always thought that grandpa knew everything and had great magical powers, and he would surely make seventy-two changes. Of course it was Tong Yan Wuji. But it makes sense to think about it now. Grandpa was still in his spare time, learning woodworking and electronic maintenance.

  "Magic Cube" is what teenagers like to play. It is just a casual game, but it is indeed an object of research for Grandpa. He found the steps to solve the Rubiks Cube from the Internet, and copied them down one by one, and put each Rubiks cube together according to the steps, and now he can do it right without looking at it, and the speed is very fast.

  A few days ago, my grandpa was "fascinated" by the Internet again. Of course, this "mystery" is not the other mystery. From the aspect of grandpa going online, we can see that he is a very serious person. Recently, my grandfather started to play on the farm, and took good care of and worked hard. He listed the sowing time, harvest time, and weeding time of each crop in a table, and all actions were executed in accordance with the table. When I went to his house to play, he even called me to the computer and taught me the experience he summarized. This lecture lasted half an hour, which made me helpless.

  Grandpa is serious and meticulous. I really responded to the phrase "live to grow old and learn to grow old." Yes, it is this kind of spirit that intoxicates and admires me. Make me fall for it.







  活到老学到老英语作文 5


  Many things have happened around me, some have been forgotten, some have become indifferent, but there is one thing, it is like a shining pebble, no matter how time flies, it still shines brightly and remains in my memory forever.


  That day after school, the sun was shining brightly, burning the clouds around me red. I returned home and started doing my homework. Suddenly, I had an equation problem that I couldnt solve. I asked my dad, and he didnt know either. I was surprised and said to him, "You cant even solve fourth grade thinking problems? How did you study when you were a child?" My dad showed a look of shame.


  One day, by chance, I saw my dad enrolling in many extracurricular tutoring classes on his phone, all about mathematical equations. At first, I thought he was enrolling me, but I felt angry and resentful: I have already studied so many extracurricular classes, and he still enrolled me. Do you want me to become a bookworm? Later, I found out that these extracurricular classes were enrolled by my father for himself.


  From then on, my dad would study and do homework with me every day. Sometimes, he would even ask me for advice, but gradually, he stopped asking me for advice. I thought my dad was trying to deal with me! But when I found out that my dad had enrolled in other extracurricular classes, I learned that he was addicted to studying. Immediately, I felt a deep respect for him.


  Although it has been a long time, I still remember it vividly. This has always told me that I must study hard and never grow old.

  活到老学到老英语作文 6


  My grandfather has always taught me that people should keep learning, and they should never grow old until they learn. He is 80 years old and often reads books. When he encounters something he doesnt understand, he is not ashamed to ask.


  Its winter vacation and Ive set a schedule for myself:


  1. Complete at least two pages of Relaxing and Happy Winter Vacation every day;


  2. Read at least one extracurricular book every day;


  3. You must do 2 Olympiad math problems every day.


  At first, I could follow the schedule. But after a week, I relaxed. The temptation of computer games and interesting TV shows was just too great. That day, my cousins came to Kunshan as guests and saw them playing games. I couldnt control myself and felt very conflicted, as if two people were arguing. Lazy, I said, Its okay not to do homework for a day or two. Motivated, I said, You promised my grandfather to study hard and not break his promise. At this moment, my grandfather walked over and patted my head, saying, Jie Jie, have you finished your homework? I thought to myself, My grandfather is so old and still cares about my studies. I must not let him down.. So, I calmed down and focused on completing the days tasks before playing with my brothers.


  School is about to start, and my mom did some math problems for me. I found that I can now do some math problems that I didnt know how to do before. She praised me for my progress and hoped that I could consciously persist.


  Through these weeks of self-study, I have come to understand that as long as I persist in my efforts, I am sure to reap many rewards.

  活到老学到老英语作文 7


  When I was young, there was a bookshelf in my mothers room, which contained her collection of books. When she had nothing to do, she would mechanically flip through it. For her, reading was a great pleasure; But I dont understand anymore - can reading be compared to watching TV? Isnt it boring?


  One morning, my mother was reading again, and I couldnt help it anymore. I walked up to her desk and asked her, "Whats the use of reading?" My mother replied with a smile, "Books are the ladder of human progress. They contain the lessons of predecessors. After reading, you wont make those mistakes again. Reading can broaden your horizons and wont be kept in the dark by those superstitious reasons. Reading can help you establish the correct values of life, so that you can learn from others." I asked again, "So why do you want to read, Mom? You are already an adult." After thinking for a long time, my mother said, "Although I am an adult now, There is no end to learning, so my mother still needs to continue learning and reading. Knowledge cannot be learned in its entirety, and we should continue to learn throughout our lives At that time, I was very young, so I couldnt understand. I just thought my mothers words were very profound and not easy to understand.


  Now, I have grown up and am a fourteen year old boy, almost graduating from elementary school. I also understand the purpose of reading, and I realize that a person must learn at all times and understand the importance of learning throughout their lives!

  活到老学到老英语作文 8


  Dont underestimate my grandfather. At the age of sixty, he still insists on learning English. He said that this is the only way to facilitate communication with foreigners. This is really never too old to learn!


  Grandpas studies really played a role.

  暑假期间,我有一点感冒,便跟爷爷去药店买感冒灵。一进门,我看到了一个外国人在中药柜台边跟老中医比划。爷爷眼睛不好,没看到,我说: “爷爷,你看那有个洋人,你去给老中医翻译一下,我英语没你好。”爷爷自信满满地走过去了。

  During the summer vacation, I had a slight cold, so I went to the pharmacy with my grandfather to buy cold medicine. As soon as I entered, I saw a foreigner gesturing with an old traditional Chinese medicine practitioner at the counter of the medicine cabinet. Grandpa has poor eyesight and couldnt see it. I said, Grandpa, look at that foreigner over there. Go translate for the old Chinese medicine doctor. My English is not as good as yours. Grandpa walked over confidently.

  我躲在柜台后面倾听他们之间的谈话,爷爷开始打招呼了,说:“Hi,I can help you!”我满心自豪,爷爷居然能说出如此流利的英语,我真是太开心了。只听到外国人滔滔不绝,我只听懂了一个单词,“three”?我的'天哪,爷爷竟然都能听懂,真是太让人惊讶了,外国人连说:“thank you!”爷爷满足了他的心愿。

  I hid behind the counter listening to their conversation, and my grandfather began to greet me, saying, "Hi, I can help you!" I was filled with pride, and I was so happy that my grandfather could speak such fluent English. I only heard foreigners talking incessantly, and I only understood one word, three? Oh my god, my grandfather can actually understand. Its really surprising. The foreigner even said, "Thank you!" My grandfather fulfilled his wish.


  You see, the famous Ba Jin is also "never too old to learn". In his later years, he still insists on reading and writing, and he never forgets to read.


  How can we achieve this? No matter what age you are, you must learn more, so that you can forever roam in the ocean of knowledge,


  When you get old, learning one more thing wont harm you, but it will help you. Lets also be people who are "never too old to learn".

  活到老学到老英语作文 9


  On our path of learning, there is no end. We must study seriously and not be confused. We must persist in our studies. I still have such an unforgettable learning experience!


  When I was 10 years old, my mother asked me to study Olympiad mathematics, and at that time, I was a bit unwilling. But after going there a few times, I found Olympiad math so interesting. I performed well and even had food to eat! After all, I still cant resist the temptation of snacks. In class, I am always the first to do it, and my accuracy is also very high, so the teacher always praises me: "Look at our Li Luran, how smart you are, you can learn from others!" The teacher loves me very much, of course, and is equally good to other students. Every time I hear the teachers praise, I am very proud, and sometimes I even laugh at those who cannot do it: "You are too stupid, you cant even do this, you are really four legged, simple minded!" After saying that, I "cut" at them and walked away without looking back. After returning home, I told my mother everything about my "situation" at the teachers house. My mother praised me for being smart, and I was very happy.


  Unconsciously, I have been studying Olympiad mathematics for two years. He is even more arrogant in class. Every time I come home, I show off my masterpiece to my mother. One day, my mother pulled me into the room and solemnly said to me, "Be humble as a person. In the country of learning, there is no end to learning. Dont think too great of yourself just because of a small achievement. You should learn until you are old


  After listening to my mothers words, I suddenly realized that learning a little more is harmless, so I want to "learn until the end of my life"!

  活到老学到老英语作文 10


  In the morning, my mother went to the Open University to register. She is going to upgrade from a vocational college to a bachelors degree. I wanted to see how adults registered, so I followed along. We arrived at the school, where there are already many uncles and aunts waiting to register. Mom received an envelope from the registration office on the first floor, then went to the second floor to take photos, filled out the form, and went downstairs to review. I was busy for a while before it ended. At this time, more and more people came to register one after another. When we walked out of the school gate, an uncle seemed to mutter loudly to himself, "Its all because I didnt study hard before, but now Im going to be burdened


  I heard it very strange, so I asked my mother, "Why did that uncle say hes going to be burdened now?" My mother replied, "Do you think we adults have to work and study at the same time? That uncle may have had poor family conditions when he was a child, so he had to sign up for tutoring now; or maybe he didnt study hard when he was a child, so he has to start over from scratch now." "Then you already have a degree, why do you still have to sign up for tutoring?" I asked again. My mother replied, "People who dont study always feel like they know a lot; those who study feel like they have less knowledge the more they learn. Thats why my mother signed up to study again." After listening to my mothers words, I walked and thought, "There is an ancient saying that goes," Its never too late to learn. Just like Confucius, when he was already very famous, he still had to endure hardships and travel mountains and rivers to visit Laozi and seek his advice. And my grandfather, who is almost seventy years old, still reads and studies every day. In order to study better, I specially bought a computer and learned through the internet. He often tells me that he is afraid of not keeping up with the development of the times. It seems that if people dont want to fall behind, they have to keep learning.


  I think that as students, we should start studying hard and laying a foundation from now on, so that we can continue to make progress on a higher foundation in the future.

  活到老学到老英语作文 11


  With the rapid changes in our motherland, the new era is also changing. We need to pursue the dream of a new era. Today, I will let my grandmother experience the changed China: teaching her how to order takeout.


  Recently, my mother bought a smartphone for my grandmother. On a weekend day, in order to allow my grandmother to experience the advanced technology and convenience of today, I impulsively taught her how to order takeout on her phone. My grandmother frowned and said to me, This phone is good, but the problem is that I dont know how to use it! I volunteered to say to my grandmother, Grandma, dont worry, I will teach you step by step. After saying that, I picked up my phone and taught my grandmother how to operate it step by step. At first, Grandma was worried: "Im afraid Ill break my phone." "Grandma, it wont break." We found the ordering platform "Ele.me" in the device installation search bar, clicked "Get", and then "Install". A few seconds later, the "Ele.me" logo appeared on the phone interface. Then, I taught my grandmother how to register as a member by entering her phone number and password, and the membership was successfully registered. Then, I asked my grandmother to open the "Ele.me" platform herself, and in the "Food" section, many delicious foods appeared. Grandma took the phone and said happily, "Its amazing that this small box has such a function." Grandma and I ordered two Lamian Noodles and put them in the shopping cart. Grandma, how do you plan to pay? "" WeChat. "Then, Grandma lightly clicked and the order was successfully placed.


  Half an hour later, Lamian Noodles was finally delivered. I heard my grandmother happily say, "Society is progressing and technology is developing rapidly. We, the elderly, should also keep up with the pace of the times and learn until we are old


  Yes, our country has undergone earth shattering changes now. New technology meets our needs and provides convenience. Chinas science and technology will surely enter a broad Xintiandi!

  活到老学到老英语作文 12


  No matter who it is, they all grew up from a little baby who couldnt speak or walk through continuous learning. I am the same, never learning to eat, walk, talk, or dress alone when I can remember.


  When I first started elementary school, it was always my parents who picked me up and dropped me off. I started learning knowledge, and the more I learned, the more I felt like I had grown a lot. Later, my parents said that I had grown up and didnt want to send me to school every day anymore, so they asked me to learn how to ride a bike. At first, I studied for several days but still couldnt learn it. I kept throwing people and cars together. My parents say Im too stupid to learn this. I am not satisfied and practice alone while they are taking a nap. I dont know whats going on myself, but I can ride it all at once. Im excited and cheering, filled with the thrill of success. After my parents woke up and saw that I could ride a bike, they were also happy for me. Then I ride bikes with my friends to school and go home together every day.


  After a year, my friends showed off in front of me that they could also ride electric bikes. So I also started learning to ride electric bikes, but I didnt expect electric bikes to be so easy to learn. I learned it in a while.


  I have entered junior high school and continue to learn knowledge, suddenly gaining several subjects. One day after entering the second year of junior high school, my dad said to me, "If you dont want to go to junior high school, you cant stay at home for a whole day." I asked my dad why, and he said he wanted me to learn how to cook and become a chef. I said, "Thats okay, anyway, the food we make at home is not delicious. When I learn, Ill eat and drink well every day


  My dad also said to me, "When you grow up, you still have to learn how to drive." Then he asked my dad, "Do people have to go from elementary school to old age?" My dad replied, "Yes! Its not a coincidence to learn until youre old


  Although I dont know what to learn when Im old, I already know that being a good person requires continuous learning, lifelong learning. I learn what I should learn and what I want to learn, from elementary school to old age.

  活到老学到老英语作文 13


  My grandmother is already over sixty years old this year. Her hair is gray, but she is very fashionable, not only wearing trendy clothes. She had her trendy short curly hair permed and walked like she had a nest of birds nests on her head. When a pair of squinted eyes laugh, the thick eyelashes cover the entire eye. The figure of not being fat or thin is well maintained, with a rosy complexion and fluent "Wuhan style Mandarin", always looking so energetic.


  My grandmother has gone through many hardships since childhood, which has made her character both strong and cheerful. Other people feel disappointed when they retire, but she seems to have ushered in a second spring of life. After retirement, she tirelessly enrolled in many majors at the senior college, including photography, traditional Chinese medicine, sewing... No matter how windy, rainy or cold it is, she insists on not missing any class, as if she never needs a rechargeable battery.


  Because my grandmother has loved art since childhood, she is now very obsessed with photography. On a snowy day, the students of their photography class organized a trip to the plum orchard to take pictures of plum blossoms. However, my grandmothers waist was injured when she was a child carrying water, and she couldnt straighten up in cold weather. Grandpa asked grandma not to go to avoid danger, but grandma insisted on going. After my grandmother came back, she proudly showed me the plum blossoms she had photographed. I looked at them one by one and was amazed that the plum blossoms in the cold wind and snow could bloom so brightly. I seemed to smell the fragrance of plum blossoms. I curiously asked her: Is it worth risking so much snow to capture these plum blossoms?


  Grandma said easily: As long as you can take good photos and enjoy the beautiful scenery, its worth going on any cold day.


  My grandmother is like a plum blossom. Although the heavy snow of age has made my grandmothers body gradually aging, any difficulties can never stop her desire to learn. I also want to be like my grandmother, never too old to learn.

  活到老学到老英语作文 14


  The crisp chirping of birds, the beautiful blooming of flowers, the faint fragrance of soil, and the wonderful playing of musical instruments all intoxicate me.


  There is a person who is tall and thin, with a kind smile, and time has left marks on his skin. He possesses a wise mind and a spirit of never stopping to absorb knowledge. He is my grandfather.


  I have known since childhood that my grandfather is a true intellectual. He knows a lot about poultry and livestock. When my grandfather was young, he was the manager of a large chicken farm in another city. Dont underestimate this job. It takes 21 days to hatch just one chick, and Grandpa is always there day and night. When I was a child, I always thought that my grandfather knew everything, had great intelligence, and would definitely undergo seventy-two transformations, but of course, he spoke without restraint. But now thinking about it makes sense. Grandpa learned carpentry, electronic maintenance, and other skills in his spare time.


  Rubiks Cube "is a popular game among teenagers, just a casual game, but for grandpa, it is indeed a research object. He found the steps to solve the Rubiks Cube online and copied them down step by step. He then completed each Rubiks Cube according to the steps, and now he can solve it directly without looking at it, which is very fast.


  A few days ago, my grandfather became addicted to the internet again. Of course, this fan is not that fan. From my grandfathers internet usage, it can be seen that he is a very serious person. Recently, my grandfather started playing on the farm and took good care of it, cultivating it diligently. He compiled a table of the sowing time, harvesting time, weeding and pest control time for each crop, and executed all actions according to the table. When I went to his house to play, he called me to the computer and taught me his summarized experience. The lecture lasted for half an hour, and I felt helpless listening.


  Grandpa is diligent in his work and meticulous in his thinking. I really live up to the saying Its never too late to learn. Thats right, its this spirit that makes me intoxicated and admired. Make me fall in love with it.

  活到老学到老英语作文 15


  We all have people around us who are worthy of our admiration, and the person I admire the most is my grandfather. He always has an indomitable spirit.


  With peoples lives getting better and cars becoming more and more popular, when my grandfather saw that many adults around him had cars, he often said to my parents, "You adults can all drive. Im so old, I dont know how to drive yet, I should learn how to drive!" Our psychology was a bit uneasy because my grandfather was already 62 years old and his hands and feet were not as agile as young people. We advised him not to learn anymore, but he always said, "Its never too late to learn. People are never too old to learn and improve. We all thought it made sense and didnt want to dampen his passion and confidence, so we agreed.


  My grandfathers memory is not very good, so he takes a small notebook to learn how to drive every day, jotting down everything he has learned. If he forgets, he takes it out to take a look. Every time he comes back from learning to drive, he tries to recite his daily study notes to us, while speaking and gesturing with his hands. Other people can learn driving projects in about 20 days, but it took my grandfather a whole 2 months to learn. He always carefully flips through that small notebook before learning the next part, saying that he must memorize the key points completely and thoroughly, so as to be familiar with them in his heart.


  Hard work pays off. Grandpa finally passed his drivers license exam. Im so proud of him! He carefully drove the car to the door, then slowly practiced driving back and forth, feeling that he had practiced enough. He then practiced driving on the secluded road in the village until we gave him a good review before daring to hit the road.


  Its never too late to learn is a phrase my grandfather often says. He has a persistent spirit that I truly admire.


  I will keep in mind the saying never learn until old age and the spirit of my grandfathers perseverance and never give up. I will always encourage myself and motivate myself to make continuous progress on the road of learning.

  活到老学到老英语作文 16


  My grandfather is almost seventy years old this year. He is not tall, thin, and a true farmer. Grandpa said he only went to school for a few days and doesnt know more than half of my handwriting, but when he has free time, his favorite thing to do is read books and newspapers.


  Grandpa loves reading. But there are always some words he doesnt recognize, so he always comes to my room with a book and tirelessly asks me. I then take out a heavy dictionary and put it in his hand, and he frowns in confusion, showing an awkward expression. oh Grandpa is illiterate! So I picked up the dictionary and turned to the first page, starting to give my grandfather a detailed explanation. As I flipped through the pages and gave examples, I looked at my grandfather with concern. He then gave me a firm look, sparkling with light. Hey, whats this place for? "His rough fingers pointed at a certain spot on the book. I answered him quietly with unprecedented patience, as if the time spent with my grandfather at this moment was particularly leisurely. In a few days, a dictionary was crudely translated by my grandfather, but he mastered the method of looking it up proficiently. Now when he reads books and newspapers, he must first bring his "magic weapon", truly achieving "barrier free" reading.


  Grandpa loves reading books and newspapers, and also likes to share what he reads with everyone. Every time someone comes to the house or a few people chat together at the doorstep, the most exciting one is Grandpa. He talks endlessly about history and culture, as if he knows everything. Its amazing! Recently, my grandfather has become obsessed with another book called Classics on Zhou Culture. He talks to everyone about how Zhou Gong, Zhou Taiwang, Zhou Wuwang governed the country and ruled the world, as well as the Zhou ritual culture in Qishan. I really admire my grandfathers eagerness to learn.


  Several times I asked my grandfather, "Grandpa, youre so old, why are you still reading so many books?" My grandfather smiled and said, "Hey kid, dont you know youre never too old to learn


  Yeah! Its never too late to learn. A nearly seventy year old person can work so hard. As lively and dedicated children who only focus on reading, what reason do we have not to work hard?

  活到老学到老英语作文 17


  There is a saying in ancient times that goes, Learning is never too old. As the name suggests, even if you are old, you can continue to learn. Learning has no age limit! Everyone understands this truth, but the people who actually do it are probably very few!


  However, I saw another example online today. This is an elderly lady over seventy years old, with wrinkles all over her face, prominent cheekbones, and a bony appearance. The most prominent feature is her silver hair, which shines brightly in the sunlight! Her back is a bit hunched. From her appearance, it can be seen that she is definitely an elderly person who has gone through many vicissitudes. If I were so old, I wouldnt be working hard for a living anymore! Look! She was shouting again, Come and buy water!... This old lady sells water in a scenic area in Yangshuo County, Guangxi. And it is this elderly woman in her flower armor, who has not even graduated from third grade of elementary school and is almost illiterate, who can actually communicate with foreigners in simple English. The old ladys magical spoken language, combined with her rich body movements, made the foreigner laugh and praise her with a thumbs up.

  那么,这个只读了一丁点书的,年过七旬的老太怎么会说英语的呢?其实,这位老太为了维持生计,每天都会到这个景区门口卖水或者是其他食物给那些游客,而来这里旅游的老外也是络绎不绝。这位老太为了能兜住老外的生意,为了能多赚一点钱。于是,她每天就和来这里旅游的老外学个一两句英语。久而久之,这位老太也学会了一些简单的英语,比如“not beautiful,cold water……”,为了更加生动形象一点,为了能让老外更加明了,她还增加了一些肢体动作,那些老外们经常被老太逗得哈哈大笑。每次到这里来旅游,都会在老太那里买一些东西。对于老太来说,增加了一份收入,而对于老外来说,则是一份乐趣,岂不是双赢呀!

  So, how can this seventy something old lady who has only read a little book speak English? In fact, this old lady comes to the entrance of this scenic area every day to sell water or other food to tourists in order to make a living, and foreigners who come here for tourism are also constantly coming. This old lady wants to stay in the business of foreigners and earn more money. So, she learns one or two English sentences with the foreigners who come here for tourism every day. Over time, this old lady also learned some simple English, such as "not beautiful, cold water……”, In order to be more vivid and make foreigners more aware, she also added some body movements, and those foreigners were often amused by the old lady and burst into laughter. Every time I come here for tourism, I buy some things from the old lady. For the elderly, it adds an income, while for foreigners, its a pleasure, isnt it a win-win situation!


  You see, even an old lady over seventy still needs to learn English! Although her English is not very standard, it is already very good. She is truly an old learner, never too old! We should also learn from the old ladys spirit of endless learning.

  活到老学到老英语作文 18


  My mother has been nagging me in my ear with the phrase Learn until youre old.


  Whenever I play hard, my mother appears in front of me and says, You must learn until you are old. You must go home to study.


  It was because I didnt listen to my mother that I suffered a big loss.


  Once, while I was playing in class, a classmate suddenly asked me a question. I stopped to solve the question. After reading through the entire question, I said, "This question will definitely not be tested in the exam, its very difficult. Besides, there are too many math questions. Look at other questions." The classmate said, "Okay! Ill go ask someone else. Goodbye!" I said, "Hey! Why take one question so seriously


  I looked at the background of his departure, and he went to ask the good students in our class. Since then, I have ignored this question.


  When it was time for the exam and the test paper was sent, I looked at all the types of questions and found that the last question was the one asked by the student. I was stunned at the time and looked at the score for this question. Oh my god! Surprisingly, its a 12 point question with such a high score.


  When the test paper was distributed, that classmate was originally more than ten points lower than me. Through his efforts and on the basis of this question, they were even with me. In the end, I didnt pass him. Because he scored twenty points more than me.


  After I went back and explained the cause of the incident to my mother, she only replied a few words to me: "People should learn throughout their lives. The world of knowledge is endless. How can learning be careless

  活到老学到老英语作文 19


  There is no end to learning, and the sea of learning is endless. We must learn every day we live. Even if you have graduated from university, the knowledge you understand is only a drop in the sea of learning. So, we need to study every day, study hard, and study seriously! My grandfather is such a person who is "never too old to learn". His calligraphy is well-known far and wide in our community. It all started when I was in second grade


  In my second grade year, school was on summer vacation, and I ignored my grandmothers call and ran home happily so that my grandfather could take me out to play. As soon as I entered the house, I saw Wai Gongzheng sitting in the study, wearing presbyopia eyes, struggling to read a thick novel. He was softly reciting the book with a serious expression. I was afraid of disturbing my grandfather, so I walked into the house and gently put down my backpack, but still made a little noise. It was then that my grandfather noticed me. Grandpa smiled and said, Spring, come over and see how to pronounce these words. I walked over and saw that Grandpa had memorized many words on a piece of paper that he probably couldnt read. I told Grandpa one by one, and he listened very attentively.


  One day, when I returned home from school, I saw my grandfather writing calligraphy in the study. I leaned over to take a look, and the words were not very well written, but my grandfather was very serious. He held a brush in his hand and wrote each stroke heavily on the rice paper. Perhaps he had made up his mind to write well. My grandfather would sometimes furrow his brow, and sometimes ponder over the problem. After a while, Grandpa had already written several sheets of paper and sat down to take a sip of water. I asked my grandfather, "Youre already old and still studying. Whats the point of this?" He smiled and said, "The sea of learning is endless, and we have to work hard to build a boat. Learning is endless. When I was young, my family was poor and couldnt afford to go to school. I only learned junior high school culture. Now, I have to learn every day I live. Although the sea of learning has no borders, the more I learn, the better. Spring Festival, you also need to remember this truth: its never too late to learn!" I nodded and deeply imprinted my grandfathers words in my heart.


  Now, my grandfathers calligraphy is very good. I know that it is the spirit of "learning until old age" that gives him the motivation to learn. I also want to learn from my grandfathers spirit of striving for progress.

  活到老学到老英语作文 20


  On the way to Changzhou, the car drove into a winding and bumpy narrow path. The scorching sunlight poured into the car window, and passengers carefully supported the handlebars, enduring the unpleasant jolts while muttering their dissatisfaction. I squinted my eyes and looked out the window. I saw a towering mountain in the distance, faintly visible in the morning mist. Bathed in the sunshine, I sighed: This mountain is really far away from us! On the road, it was full of vitality, and the green forest in front of me was so lush that even the light couldnt penetrate. The three words on the road suddenly flashed through my mind, and I followed this arc, recalling


  The final exams are only a few months away! I, who should have been in a state of orderly and intense review, was now like an ant on a hot pot, anxious and spinning around - one side was overwhelmed by heavy homework, while the other was troubled by independent review work. Worried all day long about tasks that havent been crossed out on paper, my mood has become unusually irritable, almost like a volcano on the brink of erupting, waiting to vent at any time. Dad looked at me so anxious that I didnt want to drink or eat, and said anxiously, Ah Jing, are you feeling down before the finish line arrives? Youre still on the road to victory! I calmed down, yes, its not too late, its not over yet. Now everyone is working hard. Instead of being so anxious, its better to be down-to-earth and strive step by step to move forward! Because I am still on the road, how can I not try to reach my goal with a good posture? I worked hard to overcome my anxiety and instead focused on studying and solving problems step by step, which doubled my confidence and strength. On the day of the final exam, my confidence and solid cultural knowledge allowed me to win a battle!


  As someone who achieved good grades, I shed the heavy burden during the summer vacation and felt particularly relaxed, which naturally made me indescribable. The summer vacation started for several days in a row, and I spent the whole day "guarding" in front of the computer, not wanting to leave for a step. I "worked hard" to study online games and stayed up very late every day. Without the constraints of going to school, I often sleep until noon before getting up... The excessive relaxation has indulged me. It has been 10 days since the summer vacation, and my homework is still untouched! My dad was very angry when he learned about this and taught me a lesson: Its okay to have some leisure, but we cant let it go like this. Youre still on the road of life, and the entrance exam for junior high school is not far away from you. If you keep going like this, youll miss the next destination! I thought carefully and thought to myself: Indeed, its true. Its just a small short-term goal that has been achieved, yet Im so proud and arrogant. I never expected that many goals in my future life would have to be achieved through the accumulation of sweat before. I felt guilty for my pride and began to correct my thoughts, picking up my pen.


  The scenery outside the window slowly moved, and I squinted my eyes and smiled happily, "Im still on the road, always on the road. Im never too old to learn

  活到老学到老英语作文 21


  People say that its never too late to learn, and I definitely agree with this. How simple it is to explain the importance of learning. But how should we learn? Especially for younger generations like me who have not yet entered society and have ample time, this issue is particularly prominent.


  For learning, from learning to speak with parents as a child, to humbly seeking advice from teachers later on, learning may ultimately be entirely up to you. And now I am still in the stage of studying with teachers in school. Due to my limited level, I naturally cannot discuss the gains and losses of teacher education, only my own experiences and insights.


  As a teacher, it is important to impart knowledge and clarify doubts. Good teachers, in my opinion, can be said to be their second parents. When you leave home, parents, and feel helpless, they lend a helping hand, teach you knowledge, and some even teach you how to be a good person. The latter is what I admire the most. Of course, the master leads you in, and the practice depends on the individual. In my school, most teachers leave after class. If you dont actively seek them out, they may not know you for a semester. When it comes to finding a teacher, everyone has their own opinions, and only a few people ask the teacher in the end. The things learned are also different and vary from person to person. If you dont have good methods or great enlightenment, following the teacher and learning from the master may not be a bad idea, but how many good teachers you can meet in life depends on your fate. Moreover, what the teacher teaches is always limited, limited to the teacher themselves and the technology at that time. Of course, at the stage I am in, having teachers is generally sufficient.


  For me, it is also my own reflection that traditional teaching and learning may no longer keep up with the current era. Nowadays, society is an era of informatization, where knowledge is exploding exponentially and updating rapidly. Relying solely on teachers education is clearly insufficient to fill the widening gap. If the teacher gave you a key that opened the door to the ocean of knowledge, then the spacious road ahead will depend on your own hard work and determination.


  So the question is, what should you do now, as you have become accustomed to passively imparting knowledge from elementary school to high school, university, and even beyond? In my opinion, effort is one aspect, but there must also be methods. If it were me, I would read as much as possible. Books are the ladder of human progress, as Gorky said. In fact, at the beginning, I didnt pay much attention to this, but recently, I have truly realized the role of books.

  实体书有几十页到几百页的,电子书有几百k到几m的`,全都是实实在在的学问。有被认作经典的书,也有最新出版的图书;有这个专业的书,也有那个专业的书等等,当我们自己耐心阅读时,是自己主动去索取,带着自身的动力去学,总是比灌输要有效率。为什么要读书,也是因为自己无法去体验那么多的生活、经历,只能通过大量的阅读,去填充自己的短板,扩展自己的视野。 若是认识到这两点,在施以不断的努力,坚持下去,自然会有很大的收获。不过学海无涯,做到这些也只是冰山一角,还有其他许多东西值得你去学,去探索。人活着,不说你要为社会实现多大价值,只是实现自身素质、知识的最大提升,做一个永不停止学习的人,就足够值得骄傲了。

  Physical books have tens to hundreds of pages, while e-books have hundreds to thousands of pages, all of which are tangible knowledge. There are books recognized as classics, as well as the latest published books; There are books in this field, as well as books in that field, and so on. When we patiently read them ourselves, we take the initiative to ask for them and learn with our own motivation, which is always more efficient than imparting knowledge. Why do we need to read? Its also because we cant experience so much life and experience ourselves. We can only fill our gaps and expand our horizons through extensive reading. If we recognize these two points and make continuous efforts to persist, we will naturally reap great rewards. However, the sea of learning knows no bounds, and achieving these goals is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many other things worth learning and exploring. Living is not about achieving great value for society, but about maximizing ones own qualities and knowledge. Being someone who never stops learning is enough to be proud.

  活到老学到老英语作文 22


  Grandpa is in his early sixties this year, neither tall nor short, with a chubby and simple rural elderly appearance. My grandfather never went to school. When he was young, he joined the army and learned two or three words at a military university. Nowadays, I also love to read the Bible and dictionary with joy and contentment. My ancestors in the family believed in Christianity, and it was no exception when it was passed down to my grandfather. At first, my grandfather couldnt lift his spirits at all about such things. Now that he has studied the Bible, he talks to his brothers and sisters in the church for a long time.


  My grandfather loves reading, but he always has some difficulty recognizing words. He always comes to my room with his book and tirelessly asks me questions. So I took out a heavy dictionary from the drawer and put it in his hand. His puzzled and embarrassed expression was revealed with a frown. oh Grandpa is illiterate! Thinking about picking up the dictionary again and flipping to the first page, I began to give my grandfather a detailed explanation. As I flipped through the pages and gave examples, I looked at my grandfather with a worried expression. He then gave me a firm look, sparkling with light. Hey, whats this place for? "His rough fingers pointed at a certain spot on the book. I answered him quietly with unprecedented patience, as if the time spent with my grandfather at this moment was particularly leisurely. After Grandpa learned it, it was not easy to see him proudly playing with his dictionary at home every day!


  Once upon a time, I whispered to my grandfather, "Grandpa, youre so old, do you still need to learn?" He remained silent, just smiling, with a hint of kindness in the folds of his eyes. Then he spoke earnestly, "Grandpa, you didnt have to study since childhood. You only learned some trivial things when you entered the military. Now that the culture is not deep, you can only have knowledge through learning!" His calloused hands gently rubbed my head, causing a few strands of obedient hair to become disheveled, just like my current mood. "Grandpa, when do you want to learn?" "Learning! Its a lifelong thing!" He helped me stand on his nose. The reading glasses on the beam, sighing and speaking.


  Oh! Learning is a lifelong pursuit! Im thinking. Perhaps, the biggest regret of my grandfathers life is that he never received an education before! Yeah! Learning is like a journey, you never know when or where you started. Perhaps at the beginning, you may have already passed middle age, but this journey is really special. Once you embark on it, it is a lifelong journey. Along the way, even a small scenery can make people stop and feel deeply moved, and harvest a lot. But travel is never smooth sailing, and there are always obstacles along the way. But dont be afraid, one day with your efforts, stumbling blocks will become your stepping stones, taking you to enjoy the mysterious scenery of unknown heights.


  Grandfather has been on this journey, he has also been disappointed and lost. There have been too many unknown setbacks in his life, and he has never given up. The fact proves that his persistence is correct, he has overcome the hardships of the journey, and he is already enjoying the pleasure of the journey comfortably.


  I am also on this journey, although it is difficult and bumpy, I firmly believe that I can overcome them, just like my grandfather did. I will never forget what my grandfather said, Learning is a lifelong thing, and that learning is never too late that belongs to my grandfather.









