

时间:2024-01-31 15:45:09 禧雯 英语作文 我要投稿
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  暑假打工的英文作文 1


  Opening the window of memory, scenes of happy and interesting experiences spent during summer vacation emerge before our eyes.


  It was a Sunday, and my grandmother said that there were not enough staff at my aunts noodle shop. She asked me to help too, with a salary of 10 yuan per day. I wanted to have fun, so I agreed. We wake up at around 5 oclock in the morning and want to sprint to the noodle shop. As soon as we arrived at the noodle shop, we all started working. I was responsible for serving the bowl, so I picked up the bowl and walked towards the customer inside. The first bowl was successful, followed by the second, third, and fourth bowls. "Ah!" My hands were all hot and numb, "there are still a few bowls inside." Ah, and this is just adding fuel to the fire. Sigh, I spared no effort for that 10 yuan, so I continued to work. First, I served the dishes. After arriving at the hotel for more than an hour, the "edict" for washing dishes arrived. So I washed the dozen or so dishes again, but they were finally finished. But before I could catch my breath, the "imperial edict" had arrived again. The "emperor" was really generous to me, a loyal minister! I went to cut the scallions again, "Oh my," and I cut my hand, but fortunately it wasnt a big deal. Alas, the matter has finally been completed. What about the "Emperor" rewarding me with 0 million taels of gold! I never wasted a day doing it.


  Through this happy and hard day, I have learned a truth that only through hard work can I get what I deserve.

  暑假打工的英文作文 2


  When I heard this advertising slogan, I felt itchy and wanted to use the money I earned from my labor to buy a gift for my parents as a token of filial piety. My decision has been made, so I ambitiously went out to look for a job during the summer vacation. Just as I was feeling disheartened, my mothers idea made me feel like I had to make a living out of nowhere. Mom has opened a new fast food restaurant, and since there is only one in these streets and the prices are favorable, the business is particularly good. Seeing that the store was understaffed, my mother agreed to let me go and move the vegetables.


  The next day, I started working and walked back and forth in the hall wearing an apron. Not to mention how impressive it was, my aura returned to its original state. Seeing customers sitting in chairs waiting to be served, I was extremely nervous, but I comforted myself, "Its okay, just bring the food to the table and say take it slow. When I felt that the customers were quite satisfied with my service, my heart finally calmed down.". For the first time, the rest was much smoother. However, walking back and forth in the hall like this, at the end of the day, my feet were sore and I didnt even have the strength to go home.


  Although work is tiring, the determination made cannot be changed. I want to prove my abilities and let my parents and classmates know that I am not a delicate young lady, but a strong and capable little girl. I still have to keep going.

  暑假打工的英文作文 3


  One day during the summer vacation, I sat on the sofa watching TV with great interest. My dad called me over and said to me, "Nannan, Mom and Dad work hard all day long, and you only focus on spending money. Now that you have grown up, this situation needs to be changed - you help Mom with household chores at home, and we will see the quality of your work and time to give you pocket money." As the little emperor in my family, I can only beg for mercy.


  I was sweeping slowly with a broom, and my mother saw me with a nonchalant expression. She said earnestly, "You should work hard, put your heart into it, or else I wont give you pocket money." In order to complete the task as soon as possible and get my pocket money, I put in twelve spirits and worked hard.


  One minute, ten minutes, fifteen minutes, twenty minutes, twenty-five minutes... In an instant, this big house was cleaned clean and orderly by me alone, without any dust or stains. My mother saw it and praised me for my high quality and speed. Feeling happy, she gave me five yuan.


  I couldnt close my mouth because it was the first time I had my own hands to make money. "Working" has become my habit since then, and my parents have also cheered for my understanding. Whenever I see that small and insignificant five yuan, I always secretly tell myself: to love labor and save money. This sentence is my lifelong lesson, and everyone should remember it!

  暑假打工的英文作文 4


  During summer vacation, some students will travel with their loved ones to experience the beautiful scenery of nature; Some students will follow their parents back to their hometown to enjoy family affection; Some students may stay at home or in the library, enjoying the pure fragrance of knowledge nectar in a quiet environment... And this summer, I became the master of life completely.


  My family is from outside, and my parents sell snacks. They work tirelessly day and night, working very hard. So, during the summer vacation, I would work as a laborer at my parents stall and help with things that I could do. On the first day of summer vacation, before dawn, I rushed to the stall early to help. At this point, my parents had already set up a stall and there were many diners. They were very busy, so I quickly collected the dishes.


  When I first came to help, I didnt know when to collect the dishes. I only went to collect them when my parents called me. Now I am much more proficient. As long as there is an empty bowl, Ill go collect it quickly. During the busy break, I saw sweat flowing down my parents cheeks. Wet through my clothes, I unconsciously quickened my pace. I want to help alleviate their burden.


  Time passed in busyness, and it wasnt until the last meal was served to the guests that our whole family prepared to close the stall. I wiped the sweat off my face, straightened my sore waist, and casually looked up. The stars were already all over the sky


  This summer, I not only gained happiness through labor, but also experienced the joy of life, and tasted the ups and downs of lifes big classroom.

  暑假打工的英文作文 5


  Summer work, this job that sounds good is really that good. I have decided to give it a try myself and see if I can make money. Making money is second, first of all, it depends on whether I have the ability, and secondly, if I make it, it is also a recognition of my ability. Also, this is a valuable social practice. I will never have such an opportunity again in the future, and then I will officially start working.


  So I made up my mind and waited for the arrival of summer vacation. I really cant wait any longer, just waiting so hard, this day has finally arrived. I took to the streets in search of a place to work.


  The scorching summer sun is shining brightly, and it is precisely because of such an environment that I want to see if I can rely on my own hands and brain to maintain my survival in harsh environments. At the same time, I also want to experience social practice firsthand to further understand society, broaden my horizons, exercise my abilities, cultivate my resilience, and more importantly, test whether what I have learned can be applied by society, Can ones own abilities be recognized by society. I want to identify my shortcomings and gaps through social practice.


  At the beginning, I had high expectations for my handicrafts, but after multiple failed interviews, I summarized the reasons for my failure. There are mainly two aspects. On the one hand, I have high expectations but low skills, and my own quality has not reached a certain level. On the other hand, I have not given myself a good positioning and have not found my position accurately.

  暑假打工的英文作文 6


  My mother always says that I have been pampered and spoiled, always spending money recklessly, not knowing how hard it is to earn money. I am not at all convinced by my mothers nagging, isnt it just about making money? Who wouldnt? I must show it to my parents.


  Its finally summer vacation, and one of my dads good friends happened to come to our house to play. My sister and I volunteered to work at his car wash. Uncle Zhang readily agreed to our request to pay thirty yuan a day.


  My sister and I started work on time at eight oclock. Before entering the office, I saw a small red car covered in dust and mud driving in. Wow, its too dirty! I couldnt help but mutter to myself: Where should I start? Can I handle it well? Will the car owner be satisfied? I was lost in thought when the boss walked over and patted my shoulder. He said to me, "Child, this car will be handed over to you and your sister. Work hard and make sure the customers are satisfied. I believe you can do it." Then, after explaining some precautions, he asked my sister and I to follow a big brother and master.


  My older brother handed me the high-pressure water gun and said, "Wet the car body and use the water gun to wash away most of the mud and dust." He took the water gun and prepared to go into action, pressing it hard. "Ah!" The water guns water flow was too strong, spraying on the car body and splashing back. In an instant, mud and water splashed all over my body, and my face must have been muddy. Sister smiled and bent over. Alas, the beginning of everything is difficult! Please bear it.


  Cars came one after another, and my older brother kept me spinning around. I didnt have time to rest or take a sip of water, wash and wash... My body was sticky, and I didnt know if it was water or sweat, nor did I know how many cars I washed this morning


  Its time to get off work, and the boss doesnt care about meals. My sister and I persevered back home. My parents looked at us with a smile on their faces and said, "How do you feel? Will it continue tomorrow?" My sister and I nodded weakly.

  暑假打工的英文作文 7


  This summer, I feel like Ive grown up and started my week of work at a specialty noodle restaurant. Its both exciting and novel, and I thought its just a job. Whats not easy - its just about washing vegetables and dishes. So I couldnt wait to discuss with the boss, "When can I start washing my first bowl?" "Dont worry, washing dishes is a tiring task and you wont be able to handle it, but dont try to show off, do you understand?" the boss said. "At one or two oclock this afternoon, you can wash your first bowl." "Good, good!" I am excited and looking forward to this moment.


  The long-awaited moment has arrived. I put on an apron, put on gloves, put on a very professional look, and started my journey. I see, so many! The bowls in the sink were piled up like mountains, which really surprised me. I bent down, picked up a cloth, squeezed some detergent on top, wiped it on the bowl, then turned on the faucet, cleaned it one by one, turned off the faucet after flushing, and so on. This way of washing is very slow. I havent washed halfway yet, and my back is sore. I took a break for a while. Looking at the bowl in this pool, I feel like the landlady and the boss are working very hard! There are only two people who burn, serve, and wash, yet they can still take care of everything in an orderly manner. I really admire them!


  Until Saturday, I finally completed my workweek.


  Washing dishes is really tiring. I underestimated it too much before. But in this job, I also gained a lot, which made me deeply understand: never underestimate a thing, only by experiencing it firsthand can I know the true meaning.


  I will never define anything similar again in the future!

  暑假打工的英文作文 8


  One morning during the summer vacation, my mother took me to work at her company. She said to me while driving, "Our companys production department has a very easy job that is very suitable for you to do, which is to label the packaging of products." I was both excited and looking forward to it. What kind of job would this be? Can I do what adults do well? Unconsciously, we arrived at our mothers company.


  My mother took me to the workshop on the second floor and met the uncles and aunts who were about to work together. Then, an older brother walked over and explained to me the content of the work: "Dont let any of these boxes have black spots or creases, they are all defective. You just need to put a label on the front of the boxes that pass the inspection. Do you understand?" I nodded repeatedly and thought to myself, "It sounds like this job is not difficult, take action immediately!"!


  I carefully checked the boxes one by one for any quality issues, placed the qualified boxes on the table, and placed the defective products in another large box. After completing the task, I began to stick stickers onto the genuine boxes with label paper. I firmly remember my elder brothers advice: the sticker should be stuck in the middle of the line, not slanted or stuck upside down. I meticulously followed the method he taught me, tirelessly sticking to it. In no time, the table was already filled with the fruits of my labor. I have a careful and serious work attitude, and I have also received great praise from that big brother. He smiled and said, "I have a lot of potential to be an inspector!"


  On the way home, I solemnly reported my summarized work methods and skills to my mother, and also received a ten yuan cash reward. Looking at the gains from labor, I happily exclaimed, "Todays hard work is not in vain!"

  暑假打工的英文作文 9


  With the progress of the times, a series of new things have emerged in my home during the summer vacation, in a more fashionable term, which is reform.


  One of the things I did was work at home. Because of this, I moved away from the iron trade of my clothes and food. Secondly, I was relieved of my monthly allowance, and thirdly, I broke my mothers iron rice bowl of solely taking care of household chores. Although I was working, I only did minor household chores. Just looking at it, I could do it. So without saying a word, I agreed to work.


  The next day, as a small worker, I started to get busy. I hesitated as I looked at the table full of rice bowls and dishes. Should I wash the dishes first or break them? Should we sweep the floor or clean the table first? I patted my forehead and looked at my mother, who was smiling but not smiling, as if asking for help. Her gaze seemed to be saying to me, "Arent you used to watching it every day?"? How come you still dont know? My mother walked beside me and gave me guidance.


  Under my mothers guidance, I first moved the dishes to the cabinet, wiped the table clean, and finally swept the floor, all of which were carried out in such a tense manner. As it was my first time, I forgot about one end and was very busy. After finally finishing the housework, I took a deep breath. Sigh: Im so exhausted. I really dont know how my mother works every day. It made me feel tired for the first time and earned me one yuan for the first time.


  I have been working for a month and earned 30 yuan. I also have pocket money next month. Moreover, through this period of exercise, my speed of doing household chores has also improved.


  Mom said, "What will we do in the future?"? I answered without hesitation: Of course, as for the salary... free service. I said brightly in the sunshine.


  Ha ha ha... Happy laughter came from the house.

  暑假打工的英文作文 10


  Summer vacation has passed day by day, with nothing to do every day. I saw something I really liked on Taobao, but my mom didnt buy it for me, so I had no choice but to work!


  I customized the price list according to the standards of my boss and mother, and then began my work journey. First item: Peel edamames. Hmph! Isnt it just peeling a broken edamame, its hard to knock me down? Impossible! So I brought the mung bean clip and tried to unscrew it, but what I didnt expect was that after putting in a lot of effort, I still couldnt peel off one, but my hand was already red. I had no choice but to seek help from my cousin beside me. "Sister, how do you peel the edamame?" "Peel the gap between the edamame clips with your fingernails." "Oh." I gave it a try, and sure enough! "! I succeeded!


  But just after solving this problem, a new one has arrived - the speed is too slow. Yes, I used to be the little princess at home and rarely did housework. Now that I suddenly need to do it, how can I do it quickly? When my mother wanted to cook this dish, I hadnt peeled it yet, so I had no choice but to seek help from my cousin once again. "Sister, could you please help me peel it together? Its too late!" "Uh..." My cousin hesitated for a while, but still agreed to me. After a few minutes, I finally dug up the first bucket of gold in my life -20 cents.


  Although its only 20 cents, Im still very happy because its the result of my own hard work. In the following time, I have been working hard to make money. In this process, I encountered many difficulties, but I overcame them one by one. So far, I have earned over thirty yuan, and in a few days, I will get what I want. I suddenly realized that through working, I have grown a lot!

  暑假打工的英文作文 11


  Summer vacation has begun, and my mother said to me, "Give you a chance to work this summer. Can you help my mother wash dishes and pay you 2 yuan each time?" "Working," and I immediately became interested. You know, I am a small financial fanatic who is open-minded and has such a chance to make money. Of course, I will not miss it. I agreed without hesitation. On the second day of summer vacation, I officially started working.


  My first day on duty was training. After lunch, I put on rubber gloves, tied my bib, and prepared to learn how to wash dishes from my mother. Firstly, my mother put some water in the water tank and poured some detergent into it. Subsequently, she placed all the dishes in the sink and wiped off the oil stains one by one with a dishcloth. The clear water in the pool gradually turned milky white. After draining the dirty water from the sink, my mother rinsed off the remaining detergent on the bowl with clean water. Bowls have become shiny and new again. I demonstrated washing dishes, and my mother taught me the trick of washing chopsticks, which is to gather them together and rub them vigorously. I carefully washed the remaining dishes and chopsticks according to my mothers instructions. After two weeks of work, I was able to wash dishes as quickly as my mother.


  Finally, it was the day to pay the monthly salary. I happily received my salary and thought to myself: washing dishes not only helps my mother with household chores, but also earns money. Thats great. I also know that my mothers goal is to cultivate my diligent character. We post-00s children are usually spoiled and not very good at doing housework. Although washing dishes is a very simple task, through this summer job, I took the first step of helping my family with labor. I hope that next summer vacation, I can still help my mother work and do more complex household chores.

  暑假打工的英文作文 12


  During this summer vacation, I spent seven days experiencing being a counter attendant at a dry cleaning shop. This dry laundry is located near my home. I work at 9:00 in the morning, finish work at 5:00 in the afternoon, and have lunch at the restaurant.


  When a counter attendant at a dry cleaning shop receives a customer, they first settle the cost of the clothes they need to dry clean at the counter, and write down the content and code it on the list (in triplicate). After receiving the money, they give the other party a list. The other list is placed together with the dirty clothes and taken to the dry cleaning room. The third list is kept by themselves for easy verification; When this customer comes to pick up clothes, they need to look at the code on the list, and then look for clothes with this code in the room where clean clothes are stored. This job may seem simple, but in fact, its not: when calculating the cost of dry washing clothes, you cant be careless. If you make a mistake, you will have to compensate yourself. Also, when picking up clothes, you need to be extra careful not to drop other clothes to the ground, and you must not read the code wrong. When I was working, I once misread the code. Fortunately, the aunt who was picking up the clothes reminded me in a timely manner.


  This job has left a deep impression on me. I used to think that serving at a laundry counter was a very easy job, but through this practice, I learned that there are no easy professions in the world. Some professions rely on physical labor, while others require a lot of knowledge and mental labor. Whether its mental or physical labor, one must be serious and responsible in their work without any carelessness.


  A hard work, a harvest. The working experience during this summer not only allowed me to gain material things, but also many truths that can only be understood through my own personal experience. This is truly a fruitful summer!

  暑假打工的英文作文 13


  The long tutoring class wasted about half of my summer vacation time. In the remaining time, I raced against time to find what I thought was happiness in the game, but unfortunately I didnt find it. I said, "Lets go and work."


  A sentence from my friend woke me up. With a curious heart, I went to register with three friends, and as you can imagine, we were admitted. He asked us to come and distribute flyers the next day.


  The next day finally arrived, and our group of four set off in a sacred and solemn manner, arriving at the designated location. We boarded the car and arrived at the destination, where the task of distributing flyers began. We gathered our energy and were ready to go.


  Finally, we started going door-to-door. Looking around, there were quite a few dogs here, big, small, black, white, and diverse. Seeing this scene, we couldnt help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, but the flyers had to be distributed, so we had to grit our heads and push forward.


  In the blink of an eye, we arrived at a residential building and saw that the door was locked. We were about to leave when we heard strange noises like "hum". Looking back, we couldnt help but burst into laughter. Everyone had put their dogs in front of the door, guarding the house. But this household had put their pigs in front of the door, but why? In this way, laughter accompanied us forward. In the afternoon, we regrouped and continued forward. The muddy road after the rain was indeed difficult to walk on, and we could only jump forward, but we still couldnt avoid accidents. A friend fell down because his feet were too slippery, but he immediately stood up gracefully, only with a little more mud on his face. Seeing his embarrassed appearance, we couldnt help but burst into laughter.


  A long day has finally passed, and the sunset has dyed the sky red, stretching our figures for a long time. We take away the memories and happiness here, leaving only those flyers that symbolize happiness.

  暑假打工的英文作文 14


  During the summer vacation, the teacher asked us to hold a social practice activity to gather our own strength and seek gold from society. We were supposed to go out to work and earn more than 20 yuan.


  On July 11th, I started working at a store at home, helping my mother with her work. Every time a customer came, I would watch my mother patiently introduce products to them and ask for something to take. At first, I didnt know how to find things because there were so many things, and every time I found something, I would waste a long time, so I would ask my mother to help me find it.


  When there were no customers, my mother told me about the types of each product and where they were placed, and then it was much easier to find them. When there are many guests, it is easier to find several things at once because you know the approximate location. As we were about to eat at noon, my legs started to ache because I had been standing and pulling all morning. After a while of activity, it improved a lot.


  After lunch, it started in the afternoon. When customers came again, my mother asked them to talk to me alone, instead of asking my mother to help me. However, helping customers introduce me was not an easy task. Because you dont know the price, you need to remember the price first, and then how much money can be bought and how much money cannot be bought. When customers negotiate, you also need to learn how to say it.


  One day passed like this, my mother gave me 20 yuan, but I still havent been willing to spend that 20 yuan.


  Through this event. I understand now. My parents work hard, and its really inappropriate for me to spend money so recklessly on my own. Every penny is my parents hard-earned money. I am determined not to spend money recklessly in the future. I also need to help my parents with more things in my daily life.

  暑假打工的英文作文 15


  I went to a bakery to work this summer, why? Because I heard someone say on the bus that working in a bakery is fun and can earn money, so I wanted to work in a bakery. Unfortunately, due to my young age, I cannot receive a salary. Forget it, the key is to participate!


  Today is my first day working, and the boss is my aunts cousin. After arriving there, the boss said a lot of things to pay attention to, and I knew it all. It was really annoying.


  Then the boss let me into the bakery and washed a large basin and an egg mixer. After washing, the boss took a dough into the cake room and started rolling it out with a rolling pin. She rolled the dough forward nine times and then backward nine times, then rolled it into a big square and filled the plate. Then she started beating eggs, and she knocked the egg on the edge of the bowl, causing the egg whites to leak into the bowl. The yolk was still inside the eggshell, so amazing! Then she returned to the bakery, poured the egg yolk onto the dough she had just rolled out, and used a small brush to evenly brush the egg yolk onto the dough. Later, she took something like a face slimmer and poked a hole in the dough, like a biscuit. Guess what shes doing? Shes making meat floss bread. Skin!


  Later on, I started watching my colleagues make bread. After they finished making the dough, they put it into a machine called an advanced fermentation machine. Then well start taking a break. How boring!


  Im looking forward to eating! Im starving to death! I filled a large bowl of mixed soup pot and wolfed it down. After dinner, we took the bread out of the advanced fermentation machine and began decorating it. After decorating, we put the bread into the oven. Then I finished work.

  暑假打工的英文作文 16


  Another summer vacation has arrived. With my mothers consent and without affecting my studies, she asked me to work at my uncles restaurant for a day.


  At my uncles restaurant, my main task first is to fold dishes. Uncle first asked me if I could fold it, I wouldnt have done it before, But in order to protect my dignity, I casually said, "Isnt it just selling vegetables?"! A stack of small dishes! Uncle thought I really knew how to fold, so he took me to the kitchen and asked me to fold dishes with a few aunties.


  I first picked up a cabbage, cut off the roots with a small knife, then folded the leaves and stacked them. I thought it was folded very well, but upon seeing it: Ah! It varies in length and size. Looking at the aunties next to me, they not only fold the dishes quickly, but also in the same shape. The aunties saw that I was folding too slowly and that my folding method was not correct, so they carefully taught me. It turns out that I didnt fold it from the root, so the shapes of the folds are different.


  After folding the dishes, I felt a sore back and leg pain. But then my uncle asked me to go and serve the dishes for the guests. So I brought the dishes that the chef had already prepared to each guests table, and after each dish was brought to the guests table, I also said a sentence of "sir (or madam)" and savored it for a long time.


  At exactly 5 pm, I washed all the dishes with a few aunties before finishing work. My uncle also gave me 15 yuan as promised.


  Holding this 15 yuan in hand, it feels like it weighs a thousand pounds. My legs also seem to have been bitten and I cant walk. Thinking about how I used to spend money recklessly, and thinking about todays work, I deeply regret it.


  After this job, I understand that it is not easy for adults to earn money, and we must all understand thrift in the future.

  暑假打工的英文作文 17


  Summer vacation has arrived, and we must have many happy things, but the most unforgettable thing for me is working at my aunts house.


  Today, with clear skies, I rode my bike to my aunts shop. My aunt heard that I wanted to work here and happily said, "Okay! Then you can help me remember the dishes the customers need!" So, I happily accepted the job.


  After about an hour, a sister told me how to remember the dish name and what to say to the customers... I kept all these things in mind.


  Its finally time for me to work. I took the menu and walked up to a customer, saying, "Welcome, may I ask what you want?" The customer looked at the menu and said, "Ill have three fresh fried noodles, a glass of iced black tea, and one or two small steamed buns." "Oh! Okay, just a moment." Although I promised well, I dont know how to write "stir fried" for three fresh fried noodles or "steamed buns" for small steamed buns. So, I simply used pinyin instead.


  When the guests order was ready, I took it over and the guest looked at it angrily and said, "I wanted iced black tea, why did you give me milk tea? Also, I ordered one or two small steamed buns, why three or two small steamed buns?" How could this be? I looked at the menu I wrote and was dumbfounded: I carelessly wrote iced black tea as milk tea and one or two small steamed buns as three or two small steamed buns. So I quickly got everything right and gave it to the customer.


  Perhaps because my aunt happened to see this scene, she changed my job for me. I changed from memorizing dish names to reporting dish names: those who memorize dish names remember them well, and I will report them to the cook. Originally, my aunt knew that I was the soprano in our class.


  Finally, a happy summer vacation has passed, and my work experience has also passed. However, through this job, I have come to understand: dont be afraid of hardship or fatigue, and work more.

  暑假打工的英文作文 18


  Last summer vacation, when I was idle, I came up with an idea and went to my mothers place to say, "Mom, I want to work with you and experience the feeling of working firsthand, okay?"? Mom listened and said with interest, "Okay, you can work for me tomorrow.". I gave a mischievous smile again and said, "But it requires wages!"! Is that okay? Okay, no problem. Mom said.


  The next day, the sun was shining on my buttocks, but I was still sleeping soundly and had completely forgotten about working. At this moment, the boss pushed the door in and patted me, saying, "Working girl, get up quickly. Do you still want to pay?"? I was awakened by this shout, rolled down from the bed with a bone roll, and playfully saluted: Yes. Boss: Please mop the floor for me today!


  I was taken aback by this sentence: Ah, mop the floor! Its so big, I havent even touched a mop before! But the big talk has already been spoken, its just easy to listen to.


  I carried a bucket of water. This water is really heavy, it makes me gasp for breath. The boss, however, was gloating on the side.


  Pick up the water, Ill take a mop and soak it in the water, so Im in a hurry to pick it up. I didnt procrastinate twice, but I fell on all fours and my butt really hurt. The boss looks both angry and funny!


  I scratched the back of my head and muttered to myself, "Even mopping the floor is so difficult.". I blinked my eyes, theres a way! I tied two dry cloths to my feet, then poured some water on the floor and used my feet instead of a mop to rub against them. The boss shouted loudly, "Is there anyone who works like this?"? Do you still need any wages? I had to ask the boss to teach me. Under the guidance of my boss, I managed to barely complete the task of mopping the floor. At this point, my back was sore and I was sweating profusely.


  Working girl, for the sake of your hard work, I will give you one yuan of wages. I took the hard-earned 1 yuan and looked at it, thinking to myself: mopping the floor is so difficult, let alone other tasks! Making money is really not easy!


  I am very happy on this day because I have tasted the taste of working.

  暑假打工的英文作文 19


  Last summer vacation, I came to my parents store. My parents said to me, Xiaoxi, you are already 11 years old and you need to learn to do things gradually. How about we let you work in a restaurant, and the salary will be calculated based on the temporary assistance you have hired?


  I heard about the salary, so my heart was naturally filled with joy: the remote-controlled car I had been hoping for for a long time would definitely have a chance. So he readily agreed.


  The chefs father told me that serving dishes and meals to customers, tidying up the dishes, wiping the table and washing dishes, these are all tasks that a small worker should do.


  On the first day of work. The scorching sun scorched the earth, and waves of heat surged in the air. The fan in the kitchen seemed to have little effect, while the flames on the stove made the air even hotter.


  I took out the customers meal and ran twice before delivering it. Dad handed me a tray, use this one, its faster! Originally, serving dishes also requires skill.


  As soon as there were many customers, I was dizzy and couldnt distinguish who ordered the food. Fortunately, my mother was there to watch over it, which allowed me to pass it smoothly. Perhaps delivering food is a life of confidence.


  While delivering food, I also have to wash dishes. A stack of high bowls and plates, lying quietly in the water, running with greasy water, these bowls, plates, chopsticks, etc. I have always felt that the tools used to serve rice look clean and tidy. Whats wrong with this greasy appearance? I cant bear to think too much. My hands and feet must be constantly washed and placed in a disinfection cabinet for disinfection.


  I keep repeating these actions: delivering food, collecting dishes, wiping the table, washing dishes, disinfecting.


  I finish work at 8 pm. My waist is sore and my back is painful, my hands and feet are stiff and difficult to move. As soon as you fall into bed, you are in a deep sleep. I finally tasted the taste of working: tired, and beautiful drowsiness.


  After a summer vacation like this, my parents did not break their promise and gave me 800 yuan in wages. I am proud to announce that I will cover this years material costs myself. I also bought my favorite remote-controlled car.


  I seem to still feel another taste of working: being able to satisfy oneself and feel proud to be self-sufficient.

  暑假打工的英文作文 20


  At the beginning of summer vacation, I rubbed my eyes and went to wash up. Suddenly, I found a note stuck on the door: applying for a job as a working girl. Washing dishes costs 3 yuan, sweeping the floor costs 2 yuan, mopping the floor costs 1 yuan, and wiping the table costs 1 yuan. Interested parties please go to Chens mothers place for an interview. After scanning the note, I became a second monk and lost my mind; What new design is Mom going to do? Anyway, I tore off the small note and went to Chens mothers interview. Through the interview, I successfully wore the honorary badge of "Holiday Working Girl".


  On the first day of work, I carefully brushed my bowl, fearing that it would break if it was naughty. According to the contract, breaking a bowl would result in a deduction of 2 yuan! The business of losing money is not cost-effective, I wont do it! I vigorously wiped the bowls with my hands, and in no time, each bowl was completely new! And I successfully received my salary and received praise from my mother.


  With my firsthand experience on the first day, I worked even harder! I saw me sweeping the floor with a broom in one hand, one after another. Unexpectedly, my mother noticed me and her face changed. She shouted loudly, "Laziness is a way to deduct your salary, it seems you really want to deduct it!" I was startled and immediately swung the broom hard, sweeping the floor "spotless.". My mother smiled with relief and gave me a big salary increase. I was extremely happy! Later, I rushed to clean the table, soaked the cloth and sprayed cleaning agent, and then hummed "Wash and Brush" to start working meticulously. With a gentle wipe, all the putty on the table was "eliminated". Its really amazing, and I got my own salary as I wished.


  Just as I was passionately working, all I heard was a loud "bang" and a plate "sacrificed heroically". Now I am very anxious: what should I do? I need to use my salary now! Unexpectedly, my mother smiled slightly and walked up to me, holding 5 yuan in her hand. She said, "Starry Moon, its okay. Because you have been working very seriously these days, being meticulous and not dragging your feet, I have decided to promote you to a" golden employee "!"! This is the salary you deserve! At the same time, putting 5 yuan into my hand, I took the salary and jumped happily.


  Through this "work action", I learned that money is not easy to come by.

  暑假打工的英文作文 21


  After playing wildly for a while during the summer vacation, I felt a bit idle, so at my mothers suggestion, I decided to follow her to start working during the summer vacation.


  That day, I woke up early, cleaned myself up, and happily followed my mother out. Along the way, I asked many questions about the work I was about to participate in, and unknowingly arrived at the kindergarten.


  When I arrived at the kindergarten, I found that the appearance of the kindergarten where my mother works looked like a castle. There were many rooms inside the castle. When I walked into the gate, the first thing that caught my eye was a very large egg twisting machine. Then, turning left was our classroom, which was very spacious. When the refreshing air conditioning blew on me, I started a day of work life. First, I filled the children with water and then moved all the tables down. At noon, I had to coax the children to sleep, At the end of work, I returned to the whole class with my desk. At first, my mother assigned me the task of managing and assisting the children in their daily lives. At first, I was very diligent and fully assisted in management. When I returned home, I was sweating profusely, but without any complaints. However, as time went on, I grew tired because everything I did every day was the same and without any novelty, doing the same thing. So my mother assigned me a task; Tell a story to the children every day. Ive made a mistake, I cant even tell a good story.


  I prepared for a long time when I went home, but the next day when I was talking, the children were all around me, too nervous and full of bumps. The children couldnt understand or speak well. When I got home, my mother criticized me and I wanted to give up. But my mother wanted me to persevere, so I wanted to overcome my nervousness. After training, I overcame my nervousness. The next day, when I was telling a story, I learned a lesson and calmed my heart. I was no longer nervous or feeling goosebumps. As the day passed, I continued to speak better and better. The children praised me for speaking clearly and fluently. A few days later, it would be weekends off, and my work record would also come to an end.


  In the future, I will definitely improve my storytelling skills and work more efficiently. Wishing me all the best.

  暑假打工的英文作文 22


  The restlessness and depression of summer have not yet subsided, and the cool wind has already risen. Unconsciously, the carnival summer vacation is coming to an end, and the cool autumn atmosphere quietly arrives. My vacation this year is different from before, and it has a unique flavor, which I also enjoy.


  After a brutal and inhumane final exam, my heart was filled with both anxiety and uncontrollable excitement - I was about to start my first very formal summer job in my life!


  Speaking of why I went to work during the summer vacation, its mainly because my mother didnt want me to be discouraged and stay at home during the summer vacation, so she found a good job for me a week before my exam to avoid not hiring people if I went late. Its really exhausting!


  In this small yet cozy restaurant, I began my summer work and life for over a month, leaving early and returning late every day, feeling exhausted. A month ago, I was collecting and packing tables on the outdoor platform, running between small square tables. Every day, my hands are either soaked in dishwashing detergent or 84 disinfectant, slowly going from the initial swelling and pain to becoming rough and growing calluses. Tired, my whole body is sore. In the second month, I entered the vegetable counter and was responsible for the stewing stall. My work was relatively easier, except for being a bit busy in the early stages and peak periods. But for me, the stew stall is really dangerous everywhere, with burns, scalds, scratches... Every day there are new wounds, as if someone is honing me.


  Of course, during my time working in the store, its not just these negative things. Our store manager is a very shrewd and capable woman who often calls out to me when needed; There is a group of lovely and enthusiastic colleagues who come out to help me every time I need help; In the kitchen, I met a group of chefs. Although they often joke with each other, they are really nice people and the dishes they cook are also very delicious; Some guests and I have also become acquaintances.


  All kinds of dishes and guests seem to test their eyes every day. The monotonous trivialities, dull work, and unchanging toil may be the state of work in a few years, or perhaps it will also be the future life... However, there is harvest and growth!


  This summer, I have put in sweat, experienced life, gained joy, experienced sadness... Whether I am happy or not, this is my summer vacation; Whether I like it or not, these are all the lives I have experienced; Would you be willing or not, this is all the road I have walked

  暑假打工的英文作文 23


  During the summer vacation, I did something very meaningful - working.


  During the summer vacation, my sister and I finished our homework. When we were idle, my mother suggested that we go to work at my uncles place. My uncles family specializes in speaker processing. I heard that working makes money, and I was overjoyed. I thought working was not that difficult, so I readily agreed.


  But the fact is not as simple as I thought. On the first day of work, my uncle assigned us a task and asked my sister and I to take care of the transformer. When we looked at the transformer, it was oily and sticky, and we really didnt want to touch it. Although my sister was not willing to do it, she still accepted the task and worked hard. And I stood there feeling disgusted, and in the end, my uncle reassigned the task to me.


  This time, my uncle asked me to fix the speaker, so I started working. At the beginning, when I fixed the speaker with screws and nuts, because the screws and nuts were too small and couldnt fix its position, I decided to sit there and sulk. My older sister looked at me as if I was going to give up again, so she walked up to me and said, "You finally know that making money is not easy. You cant be picky when working, and you need to pay attention to methods when you work. You cant give up when you encounter any difficulties." Then, my sister taught me how to do it, saying that I am foolish and dont know how to use tools. I followed the method taught by my sister. First, I picked up the speaker and then fixed the two corners with screws, nuts, and tools. There are a total of four corners, but the two corners that need to be fixed need to form a diagonal line, otherwise they will loosen quickly. After a lot of effort, I finally made one. Looking at my first work, I feel very touched. Making money is really not easy! I really shouldnt spend money so recklessly on my own. Every penny is my parents hard-earned money, and I wont spend it recklessly in the future. I also need to help my parents with more things in my daily life.


  The summer work life of almost two months has come to an end. Although it is hard and tiring, it is a good test for me and an important lesson in my life!

  暑假打工的英文作文 24


  Last summer vacation, I worked as a laborer, helping my mother wash dishes without receiving any salary.


  One day during summer vacation, my mother cooked a table of vegetables at home. I saw my mother sweating profusely from exhaustion and said with heartache, "Mom, youre so tired. After dinner, Ill come wash the dishes. You can take a break!" My mother looked at me and smiled, saying, "Okay."


  After finishing lunch, I took the dishes and dishes to the kitchen sink and started washing them: I first rinsed them in water, then wiped them with a cleaning cloth to finish. At this moment, my mother walked over and said, "Son, its not right to wash oily dishes like this. You should wash them with warm water and try to use less dishwashing detergent, unless they are particularly greasy. You can use a small amount of dishwashing detergent. Besides, there are countless bacteria on this cloth. After washing the dishes, dont use it to dry them. Just put them in a drain basket and drain them." Then, my mother picked up a cloth, While washing, he said, "When washing dishes, use a cloth to wash inside and outside. After washing, rinse with clean water and put it in a drainage basket."


  In the evening, as soon as I finished my meal, I volunteered and said, "Ill wash the dishes this time." After that, I took the cleaned dishes to the sink and followed the method my mother taught me at noon step by step: I poured warm water into the basin, and then put the utensils in. Then I picked up an oil bowl, washed it inside and out with a cleaning cloth, and rinsed it with clean water. It was indeed much cleaner than noon. I used the same method to wash the remaining bowls, plates, and chopsticks, and then put them in a drainage basket. Finally, I wiped the sink clean with a cloth. Seeing this clean and tidy scene, I was extremely happy and quickly asked my mother to come and inspect my masterpiece. After reading it, my mother gave me a thumbs up and said, "Son, youre amazing!"


  A few days later, we went to my grandmothers house for dinner. After finishing my meal, I went to the sink to wash the dishes. When my grandmother saw it, she felt sorry and said, "Oh my, my grandson, why did you come to wash the dishes! Hurry up, let my grandmother wash them, and you go to the room to turn on the air conditioning." I quickly said, "Grandma, its okay, you go rest. I wash the dishes at home every day, so Ill do it this time!" Grandma heard this, Angry, I said, "What, you wash dishes every day? Why do your parents eat? Why are you bullying my grandson like this?" I quickly explained, "No, no, actually I have to wash the dishes myself. This is my first job during the summer vacation..." Grandma listened and finally calmed down.


  The summer vacation is coming to an end, and I have been doing a great job. I want to keep this job going and never get a pennys salary because its what I should do.

  暑假打工的英文作文 25


  In the blink of an eye, summer vacation passed. Recalling the bits and pieces of this summer vacation, I think the days of working were the most unforgettable for me.


  Although I am not yet 18 years old, my parents sent me to work at an ice cream shop in order for me to exercise. But I cant figure it out, why do my parents ask me to help someone elses shop when they open the door for business? But my mother told me that when I grow up, I will understand.


  So, I began my journey of working.


  On the first day when I first took office, I was clumsy and clumsy. When guests arrived, I didnt know how to greet them at all and spoke hesitantly. The boss asked me to practice in front of the mirror first. But although I practiced in the mirror, I was really able to greet the guests, but I was flustered and incoherent. It can be said that I failed, so my mood is also terrible.


  The next day, I came to work with confidence. This time, I remained calm and spoke fluently. However, I am still unfamiliar with those products. So, I have written down every product and clearly marked the prices, so that it wont be too chaotic, but this is not a solution, so I have made a rough idea of their appearance. I dont know much about the price, so I will gradually remember it. And I also record the situation of the goods in my notebook, so that I can know when to purchase and when not to. So on this day, I gained a lot.


  Time flies so fast, its time to receive your salary (a large box of ice cream). In the evening, I ate the fruits of my labor and felt sweet in my heart. My mood was like "taking it to the next level"!


  This is my summer "work" record!

  暑假打工的英文作文 26


  During the summer vacation at home, I wanted to eat popsicles every day, but I didnt have any money, so I had to ask my mother for money. My mother said reluctantly, "Its not easy to earn money now, and you have your own hands. You can go and earn money by yourself." I said, "What can I do to earn money?" My mother also said, "Why dont I use the handicrafts in the factory for you?" I happily agreed.


  The next day in class, my mother did indeed do some handicraft work. There are two types of work: the first is to stick the logo on a transparent plastic bag, as long as it is stuck in the center position without being reversed, you can get 1.5 points. The second method is to put two hang tags together and tie a knot. The requirement is that the hang tags must be back-to-back and can earn 2.5 points. These tasks are easy for me as even a little furry guy can do them.


  I quickly brought a stool, opened the plastic bags, and found that there were exactly 100 of them. I tore off a label and put it on. "Its really easy!" I shouted, "I put one label on a piece of paper." My mother said again, "A stick of ice has five corners, and I need to put 35 of them on it!" I accelerated my speed, and each plastic bag was flipped over with the label. One minute five, one minute five, 10 minutes have passed, and I think 100 are almost finished. Looking at the thin stack of plastic bags, my mother said there is still half that has not been labeled! How come theres so much left? Theres still a lot of plastic bags left to be pasted, and earning a penny or five is so slow. Its really hard to make this money. Maybe it would be easier to wear hang tags, so I switched to wearing hang tags. At first, I had a very difficult time dressing up. I had to thread two hang tags together and tie a knot. But tying a knot is not an easy task. Use your thumb and index finger to pinch the thread through the coil, and finally tie a small knot (that is, the knot is completed). Slowly, the knot becomes very smooth. An hour passed in the blink of an eye, and I wore over 200 and earned over 5 yuan.


  Labor is the most glorious, and the labor made with ones own diligent hands is the most perfect and glorious labor. Labor is the most honorable. Through labor, I have learned the hard work of earning money, which is hard won. In the future, I will cherish and not waste any money.

  英文作文 1

  Spring is a season for revival. Every spring the wild goose will fly back to the south from the north, the grass grow new seedlings, peach and cherry trees grow the bud, opening with pink flowers.


  Abask sunlight in the face of the earth, make people intoxicated. The sun like a warm spring furnaces, as on the green earth, the golden light. The white clouds in the spring is exceptionally beautiful, like a pentium pony, like the rolling waves, and as the voice of white face. The spring wind like a kindly mother, Buddha with you on the cheek, make you feel fortable carefree and happy.


  Spring breeze blowing through the earth, the earth turn green; The spring breeze blowing trees, leaves gently shake, the wind as if to tell jokes, tree smile curved waist; The window clapped ring, like in the happy clap your hands; Look, leaves brush to fly, the wind is the eldest brother with wire rope skipping had more time!


  The campus is rich and colorful of spring. Beautiful winter jasmine is wele us! Boulevard, tree-lined, paths on both sides of flowers numerous and leafy.


  Cherry blossom everywhere in the campus, far see like to spread a thick layer of white snow, campus nearly look let a person feel the sky is beautiful snowflakes fluttering. Money chrysanthemum inlaid around the lawn, dotting the green lawn is particularly bright beautiful; Grass green, central a few bunch of beautiful flowers to decorate his lawn more charming, more beautiful. New shoots grow from peach, peach blossom in bud. Willow pond light fo the embankment, the sun sparkling on the river in between. The willows reflected in the water, like a beautiful landscape painting.


  I looked at the beauty of spring, can not help hearts vibrated: our country is like spring, everywhere is full of vigor and vitality, as full.


  英文作文 2

  "Protect the environment, everyone duty", when it comes to protecting the environment, I think of a thing.


  Its a sunny afternoon, my mother and I happily went downstairs for a walk, inadvertently, I found on the green lawn with an old, dirty battery. Battery is harmful to our environment a major killer! A grain of small button battery can be 600 cubic meters of water pollution, the equivalent of a mans lifes water consumption; Section 1 battery rot in the field, can lose one square metre of land utilization value, and cause permanent public nuisance.


  Think about this, I ran to my mother had said it again, I say again: "mom, I want to throw waste batteries into the dustbin." Mother think I speak very reasonable, I happily run to waste batteries, thought: I really do a meaningful thing! I gently picked up the waste batteries, threw it into the dustbin.


  "Not to small and not for good, it is a sin to." As a primary school student, we should start from me, start from small things, start from the side, start from now, pick up every piece of paper on the ground, take good care of trees and flowers, love small animals. Lets go and look for the green world, to make our world a better place!


  英文作文 3

  The genial spring breeze is very comfortable on the face. In the bright spring days, the school held a sports meeting open up a fresh outlook. Unlike in the past, the athletes were the teachers of the school.


  The name of the game is very interesting. Its called "helping each other."". "Boat" is actually two pieces of wood, each board has five fixed sets, when the game, five players put their feet into the fixed sleeve, the first team came to the end, is the champion.


  In the third class, the loud voice of headmaster Li came from the radio. "Please ask the group leader and the players to concentrate immediately on the playground."......" Suddenly, the whole campus was boiling up. Both sides of the runway were crowded with spectators: cheerleaders, teachers, classmates, and curious parents.


  The game began, and the season teacher and her players came in, they set the posture, the back of the people holding the front of the waist, one by one eager. Just listen to the referee gave the order, they shouted: "one or two, one or two......" While with vigorous strides forward to walk, at the beginning, I am happy to their way ahead, jumping and screaming.


  But good times dont last long teacher suddenly fell, single, which you can go, you rush. I am anxious, anxious to help them to run in the past. Finally, they regroup and start again, but soon to end point of time, do not know what the teacher, a nervous, they fell, had a long time to climb up. It seems the first prize is gone, can only take a "wrestling Award"!


  In fact, it is not important to be a champion. It is important for you to participate.


  英文作文 4

  Maybe some people, they will not like the teacher as we travel the knowledge of the ocean, nor like parents tell me the true meaning of the world. Theyll tell you short stories, and theyll teach you playful, healthy games. They are my good friends and good classmates.


  I want to thank my friend. In class, we had a heated discussion; after class, we played and played happily together. They brought me smiles and happiness.


  We have good things to play together. We are together in a quiet corner listening to the music box music; always help doll hair and clothing design in the home who played awfully. We roll on the grass, climb up trees, pick berries, and on the night of the full moon, we tell thrilling ghost stories on the roof and so on. Thank my friend for giving me these stories that are worth collecting and recalling.


  Good friends are not only happy, happy, but also share the pain. On one occasion, I was surprisingly poor, much less than the bottom of the class. The next class is physical education, and I stay alone in the classroom. Glistening tears fell across my cheek. My friend came back, she took out a towel, gently wipe the tears on my cheeks, she said: "do not cry, the exam is just a test, do not look too heavy, I think, is also important for your success and failure, failure belongs to the past, victory is the future." When I heard this, I raised my head and went to the playground with her.


  They feel like a fresh breeze, brushed my sadness of trouble; they are like a shining emerald, shining in my childhood on the road: they are like a beautiful fantasy, to my hearts cleaning. Thank you, my classmate five years of friends, you brought me not only fun games, good music, but also that memorable, unforgettable memories of my life!


  英文作文 5

  Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival, legend in the miluo river, a patriotic poet qu yuans body, the people in honor of he threw zongzi in miluo river, shrimp and the harm to the body of qu yuan. Then gradually evolved into todays Dragon Boat Festival.


  Also not only the Dragon Boat Festival to eat dumplings, dragon boat racing, this project is to use the power of the dragon king, dont let the bold fish and shrimp eat to qu yuans dumplings.


  Stand in leading the people in charge of big drum, in the person responsible for boating, delimit the fastest that a fleet, can get the first name and prizes, back to shore, and sat in a chair, eating of waxy waxy, sweet sweet, sweet dumplings, watching the scenery, breathing the fresh air, dont mention how comfortable.


  In the evening, and with a background that infinite good sunset, men, women and children dressed in costumes, singing and dancing joyfully. Is a "sunset infinite good, just near evening". In a short time, it is dark. People sat together, singing, said amicably, eat his food, feeling really great! Time slipped, can you side, not to leave, had to silent night not black, wanjiadenghuo reflected into the day.


  英文作文 6

  The new year is a traditional program in the Spring Festival, and my family is no exception. The first day of the year of the tiger, I got up early, put on new clothes up, with mom and dad to pay New Years call aunt Lee home.


  When the car was at the door of Aunt Lis house, I saw a red red spring couplet on her broad gate, brand new and new. On both sides of the door is still hanging high big red lanterns. Before I entered the house, I felt the strong festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival. Mother knew I was a "not sweet" child. Before knocking on the door, I made a special urge to tell me, "baby, you have to take the initiative to see my uncle and aunt!" "Good!" I readily agreed. As my mother pressed the bell, I was secretly prepared for new years new years blessings.


  I didnt think that when Aunt Li opened the door, my heart was like a cat scratched. It shrinks back to the mouth. When it comes to the mouth, it is scared away. At this time, her mother anxious to touch my hand, as if to remind me to say: "hurry up, hurry up!" The more anxious my mother was, the more I could not speak, the worst thing was that I was so nervous that I forgot the ready blessings. Whats good to say? I am as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and this should let my mother be disappointed. Suddenly a word in my mind blurted out, "congratulations on a fortune, a red bag!" The adult present was first Leng, and then laughed. In the wrong way, I sly looked at my mother and found her face red. Aunt Lee looked at busy smiled and said "it is really lovely children, Xiao zheng!"


  Think of it, my heart will have a sense of shame, will think what time you can be generous. It will be an unforgettable star in my growing up.



  My hometown is the place where there is Heng Mountain, where the scenery is picturesque. Four seasons have their respective beauty. That place is called Hunan.


  Everything recovers in spring. The grass reveals its green head, opens its eyes and watches the world carefully. In the garden, a riot of colours, willow dancing, the lovely green hair, the wind piaowu. Colorful flowers waved to us as if to say with a smile, "welcome to our home."." The different levels of green and colorful embellishment make the earth full of vitality. A vibrant landscape appeared before us.


  In the summer, cicadas sang songs with their unique voices. The burning fire of the sun baked the earth. The trees shook their heads listlessly, as if complaining about the heat of the sun. The dog lying in the shade of the tongue, and stood for a moment in the sun, like roast meat, smoking. This is the hot summer.


  In autumn, the fruity smell makes my mouth water. It is a season of abundant harvest. The farmers uncle smiled like a flower. In the fields there are golden wheat, red faced sorghum, and fruit shining on the trees like the sun. This is the farmer uncle hard-earned harvest. A sheet of fallen leaves flew gently down. This is a golden painting.


  Winter snow, a plum only thriving, the snow covered flowers make me feel plum firm and inflexible spirit. You see, every little red face is full of snow and ice. Small children dont know to make a snowman, snowball fights in the snow. They all narrowed their eyes with laughter. This is a picture of ink and wash.


  This is the four seasons of my hometown, there are colorful spring, there are hot summer, a harvest of autumn, there are cold winter. I love my hometown.


  英文作文 8

  The winter came, the temperature of the day, a day than a cold day. Six or seven oclock in the morning, we lived in the West under the overpass, there are morning people, was very lively, but now few people shadow, sparse leaves, come to the floor, a bleak picture. Every morning when I go to school and wait for the bus, it is the most uncomfortable time. The wind like a knife and hit me in the face, nose, frozen I shivered, forehead blowing like needle like pain and ice, gloves, scarf, jacket, is my daily necessary equipment. Every day my toes get numb with cold.


  A few days ago, the lowest temperature is zero 3 to 4 degrees, which has two days to reach 4 degrees below zero, the day before yesterday afternoon, the sky also Piaoqi the snow flakes fly, we next have Xiliu Lake a layer of ice. Sometimes walking feeling at the foot of the land is frozen stiff, give people the feeling mood is very dark, very lonely. But to the school and class, our mood will immediately become very happy, because everyone was dressed like a puppy bear like heavy. When I go to my seat, I feel very crowded and narrow at one time. Especially a few small pier “ ”, squeeze squeeze into the seat. We see each of the students entered the classroom, face look red, like rouged, very good-looking.


  There are several male students, love to play in the snow, although the snow fell on the hands are turned into the water, but they also play with relish, and play for a long time snow hand to touch the students face, students will be “ sou ” breath, really cool! And everybody laughing and ran out open your mouth and then the sky snow began to taste the natural ice porridge delicious ” &rdquo. Winter, although the feeling of cold pressing, but it will bring us a lot of endless joy!


  英文作文 9

  The quality of human life has been improving, and science and technology are becoming more and more advanced. What would life be like in the 25th century?


  In the 25th century, every family has at least one computer. Because computers are a necessary tool for every family. There were many computer functions, and they were all three-dimensional, so long as they were touched in the air, the page would show up and be very convenient. There may be more than a hundred computer functions now, but there are hundreds of computers in the future, and as long as you write down the features you want to use, the page will jump out and let you use it. You can play more games on the computer; Do more work; Find more information...


  Future is not just because of the computer, there is no school, school lesson is rich in the future: when you are in the class discipline, the teacher will take you together, go to the outdoor experience to experience the beauty of nature; When you are in math class, the teacher will put aside the rigid textbooks and take you to the classroom to learn the wonders of mathematics. When you are in Chinese class, the teacher will not be lecturing all the time, but sometimes there will be some interesting little games, let you learn in the game...


  The future of housework will not be done by humans. Just tell the robot at home and it will automatically do it for you. But it is not lazy sitting on the sofa waiting for somebody else to serve, in the future is made up of the gym, in the gym have special robots will teach you to make every action correctly, let you do exercise correctly.


  In the future, everything is beautiful and everyone is civilized. In the future, there are many things waiting for us to discover. Are you ready?










